Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2265

The patrolman hummed a small song and planned to get off work, so he stopped by to receive the reward this time. But he had just turned a corner, a big hand had already strangled his neck abruptly, and at the same time, accompanied by a bad smell, his mouth was also blocked.

“What the hell?” He hasn’t come back to his senses in his mind yet, a hard thing is already on his back. And with a person whispering in his ear, he finally figured out the current situation.

“Honestly, otherwise, I don’t mind stuffing your head in your **!”

Although I am very surprised how the opponent penetrated into the periphery, it is extremely tight Defensive. But now that this is something he needs to care about. All he had to pay attention to now was his own safety, so he immediately nodded his head desperately.

This means cooperation, and it is also aware of his cooperation. The person behind also slowly let go of the palm that controlled his mouth.

The strong smell finally moved away, which made the patrolman retched immediately. He deliberately called for help at this moment, but after another thought, he forcibly suppressed the idea again.

It is still unknown whether the own call for help will be answered. But what is certain is that as long as oneself is born, even if the other party does not screw off the own head at the next moment, the result may not be much better.

Obviously, the desire and cherishment of oneself life can surpass many other things. So, he just took a violent breath and suddenly lowered his own voice.

“Who are you? What do you want to do? I warn you, this is not a place where you can be foolish. If you are more acquainted, let me go obediently and honestly. I can do anything. It never happened. Ok?”

“Shut up, idiot. Do you think we are here to rob? Have you ever seen anyone who robs can rob a place where this kind of bird does not shit? We are here to rescue Human, where is Ultron? Say!”

The other party made it clear that the carriage came for Ultron, which was not unexpected to the patrolman. He just sighed, why is it the turn of the owner for this kind of bad luck? At the same time, he is also in a dilemma. Is it to be frank and lenient? Or stick to your duties?

In the end, the government, which was in arrears of wages and always acted unpopularly, was defeated in his heart.

For this choice, he has various reasons, and even said that he has detailed the various ills of the government over the years. Of course, this can’t change the nature of his greed of life and fear of death. It just means that he needs a reason to make his own greed of life and fear of death appear more justified that’s all.

This is human nature, it just means that it seems a little special to appear in people like them. But there is also the old saying that people don’t die for themselves. When people start to find reasons for oneself, it is not surprising what kind of choices they make.

Some people will blame these on external factors. If you are unkind to me, don’t blame me for being unrighteous to you. Little do they know that some people will still choose to do their duties even if they are severely condemned, hungry and cold. Some people, even if they are rich in clothes and food, and flattering, will eventually come to a defiance at a critical time.

This has nothing to do with the outside world. It is actually a question that only asks oneself. It is a pity that, as a Frenchman, his self-question is consistent with many of his ancestors.

This will make people laugh. But it was in line with the wishes of the Coulson group. They also not at all mocked this person. But when his expression was a little hesitant, he already said soothingly to him.

“Our goal is only one Ultron, if it is not necessary, we do not want to cause unnecessary casualties. Of course, all this depends on how you choose? You know, your choice What can be included is not only your own safety, but also many of your colleagues. Sometimes you don’t think about oneself, you also know what to decide, don’t you?”

This was indeed a sufficient reason for the patrolman, and he immediately seemed to have found a step, nodded said.

“Okay, let me tell you where Ultron is? As long as you promise not to hurt me and my companions, I am willing to show you the way.”

“Not just the location of Ultron .Also your patrol route, and the location of the guards. I don’t think you want to see unnecessary conflicts due to accidents, causing some people to get injured or die in it.”

Since the opponent’s line of defense has been pried, Coulson will naturally want to go further. This is a pressing psychological step by step, and this happens to be just above the patrolman’s bottom line. He didn’t think much, and nodded.

“Okay, I can help you…”

The next thing is logical. Under the shadow of Tyrone’s special ability, they only need to walk a few steps in the place called the shadow world, and they can easily cross over the entire facility, which can be described as not one drop of water can leak out, and then the guards Before being aware of it, the staff will subdue and control them.

Although not all guards are as greedy and fearful of death as the patrolmen at first, in the face of the power of the superpower users under Coulson, and they already have a prerequisite to lead the way, they His struggle and resistance did not play any substantial role.

It’s completely like entering a man’s land, Coulson has already come to Ultron. It was just facing Ultron, who simply didn’t react to his arrival outside a pair of wandering things, but he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

This is just a rescue of believe oneself infallible. He simply didn’t communicate with Ultron in advance. And under the premise that the current meeting was so abrupt, he was even more confident in persuading Ultron to convince him that oneself was here to rescue him.

This is a problem that Nick Fury left him. When Nick Fury played the game himself, after setting up such a cage for Ultron. His character with the label Nick. Fury is really hard to trust him. Who can guarantee that this is not a bureau, but simply transfers him from the control of the European government to the hands of the United States Government? No one can guarantee that his identity is an incomprehensible evidence. That is to say, no one is fanning the flames at this time, otherwise he is afraid that a big hat will be buckled on the spot, and he will not be able to defend oneself with all his words.

How to open this mouth, Coulson is still a little dilemma. Compared with his troubles, Wade, who just wants to complete the mission as soon as possible, go home and hug his wife, is much easier.

“Buddy, don’t sit here in a daze. Someone paid a lot of money to save you. You can get out of jail now!”

It’s not rough, Wade is so Said that it also solved Coulson’s urgent need. However, in the face of his words, although Ultron said something, he just raised his head and then shook slightly.

“Sorry, Mr. Wilson. I’m going to be right here, not going anywhere!”

“What the hell? You are squatting in a jail here, your brains are so funny, Or is there any special service that I don’t know about here that can make you linger so that you don’t even want to go out? Is it a prison training? Or SM?”

Wade stared wide-eyed, looking around. It is totally unclear whether he is cracking a joke or really thinking like this. Of course, judging from his habitual cramping and showy thinking, I am afraid that the latter will be the latter.

Ultron also knows how much Wade knows, so he doesn’t plan to care about this mental illness at all. And even after receiving the baton handed over by Wade, Coulson spoke sincerely after a little idea.

“Mr. Ultron, I am here to rescue you this time because there are very important things that need your help. The matter is important, and countless lives are involved. So in any case, please do not refuse Us!”

“I’m here, I don’t want to go anywhere!”

Ultron, who doesn’t know the changes in the outside world, can hardly see him from the expression of Coulson, an old fox What is said true or false. It’s not the first time that he has been fooled by these old fox, so he simply turned it away. Blunt shows that oneself is unwilling to cooperate.

This made Coulson feel a little flustered. According to what he knows about Ultron, the script shouldn’t be so developed. Didn’t Ultron always value human beings as a bottom line, as long as it involves innocence, he will take it seriously?

But I didn’t want to know who used this as a guise and put him into today’s dilemma. There is a way to gain wisdom, Ultron is not a brainless, of course it will not repeat the same mistakes.

Coulson hasn’t thought of this level for the time being. He just thinks things are unexpected. It was also completely subconsciously, so he shouted.


Why? Anyone who asks this question may feel strange. Could it be that I was deceived by you once, and should I be deceived a second time? But Ultron is different from an ordinary person, and his reason for rejecting Kelsen is not simply out of guard and hate.

He is sitting here and needs to understand a question. And if he doesn’t understand this problem, he feels that oneself is of no avail no matter where it is.

“This is a very suitable place for thinking, Mr. Coulson. I can exclude all external factors here and try my best to think about a difficult problem that has troubled me for a long time. This problem is very difficult for me. It’s important, so I’m not going to leave until I think about it.”

“Thinking? It’s really a brilliant answer. Is it Goldbach’s conjecture, or is it the question of the century. I heard Someone offered a reward of 1,000,000 for this question. If you come up with it, remember to send me an answer and I can help you claim this reward!”

The most sensitive issue is, of course, it also has to do with money. But still the same, Ultron and ignore this kind of mental illness that is lacking in her mind, she just nodded slightly, and then refocused her eyes on the book in oneself’s hand.

It seems that this is not a prison, but just like a Zen room for him to participate in Zen. It really made Coulson feel anxious. Some things are hard for him to say clearly. After all, this is under the supervision of Europeans. Some things cannot be said to fall into the eyes of other people, and these people will bring disaster to the United States if they are not sure. .

But now, he can’t think about it so much. After all, Ultron’s cooperation is the most important thing, so it is also to invite this great god, he directly exposed the family property.

“Frank killed Alexia. She planted a terrifying virus on Frank before the provisional. This virus has now spread to the outside world because of Frank. Maria also has a lot of Innocent people are killed because of this. We have no means to stop it. It is killing more people every minute and every second. Someone told me that only you can find a way to deal with it, and this is me Come to find your reason. Ultron, I really have no other way. Only you can help us, please, for Tony’s sake, save this country again.”

“Alexia, Maria, Frank… Is this the nature of human beings, do they have to hate each other to this point before they are willing to give up?”

Ultron said with emotion The confusing words, and then slowly stood up with his hands on the ground. He has seen through a lot of human nature, so there is no need to explain, he has already followed Coulson’s words and asked.

“Frank…It shouldn’t be better than his current situation. Humans are always habitually angering and blaming him, and the current government of United States regards him as The nails are common. They will inevitably take advantage of the topic, and the result should be that they hate more.”

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