Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2294

The grumpy catastrophe simply doesn’t want Smith Zhou to escape from under his own eyelids, so he has no fear at all. He is already incarnate into an extremely large black hole. One’s own gravity began to make waves in this new universe.

This kind of hugeness is not just a simple description, but incomparable in the true sense.

Take UY Scuti, the largest star ever observed by humans as an example. Its diameter is 1,780 times that of the sun. Its size can almost hold 1.8 billion of our sun or 234 trillion of our Earth.

In the solar system, just the surface of the star, it can touch the orbit of Jupiter. According to the light and heat it releases, there will be anything else in the entire solar system, and everything can only be reduced to ashes.

This is the biggest sun. And if human beings or any other creatures in the universe imagine such a hugeness with their own body senses, they might not be able to do it. But now, the black hole incarnation of the catastrophe at this moment is far larger than this sun, so that the size of UY Scutum is not worth mentioning before him.

Black holes are far more terrifying than stars. Like the largest known black hole, its mass is equivalent to 1,600, nine, 1 billion times that of the sun, which is almost equivalent to a small galaxy.

The reason why mass rather than volume is used as the standard is because the black hole’s characteristic that light cannot escape from it makes it impossible to measure specifically. Its standard is only quality, and the so-called hugeness is often judged only by the huge gravity field that prevents light from escaping, and the material area around it.

Calculated from this point, the largest known black hole is no less inferior than UY Scutum, and can only be above it. At this moment, the black hole evolved from the catastrophe far surpassed this known reality.

The majestic gravitational force is almost the power to dim the millions of stars in this newborn universe, and then it is clearly visible. The radiance that is constantly flooding and opening up this universe begins to continuously, Converging as a torrent, it rushed toward this black hole.

This confluence of radiance makes it nearly incomparable shining, and even with the endless brilliance of stars, it looks bleak before this billowing torrent. It’s like the sand deposited on the bottom of a shining river. And that is, under such unremarkable conditions, some stars begin to be absorbed by the black hole, and thus go to death.

As if the burning flames were blown away by the gust of wind, the heat and radiance emitted by these stars were almost instantly absorbed by the black hole. There was only a cold and lifeless core, and even this core was disintegrated under the power of the black hole, turned into photon-like dust, gathered in the billowing torrent, and then completely disappeared.

This is just the beginning. And such a start cannot offset the endless power of the black hole, but will make it stronger.

The brilliant radiance almost quickly swept the largest piece of Star Domain in the universe. The huge golden vortex was incarnate as the end of countless stars, and at the same time became the best symbol of the terrifying appetite of the black hole.

To be honest, this situation is beyond Smith Zhou’s imagination. He also saw the nature of catastrophe for the first time, what a terrible thing it was.

It can be said that the whole new universe is coming to an end because of the existence of catastrophe. The existence of a black hole almost completely drains the energy of those stars, and for this newborn universe, these are also newborn stars, which are precisely the key to his life growth and growth.

Only the star continues to grow, using its light and heat to continuously provide the possibility for the entire newborn universe. Only then will the universe continue to expand and grow. Without these, the universe lacks the energy necessary for growth. It is almost equivalent to stepping over to the maximum value of entropy, that is, all effective energy has been transformed into heat energy, and nothing can move anymore, and any life can exist in a state of heat death. Death and termination are almost completely predictable.

This is simply a nightmare. Even a person like Smith Zhou couldn’t even imagine what kind of power could make a universe fall into the end like this. The name of catastrophe is not just in name only, but also in reality. He is sounded like a horn for the end of all things, making Smith Zhou Nei’s heart shudder instinctively.

At this time, no matter what kind of special relationship the Catastrophe has with him, it is difficult for him to treat him as a son of oneself bloodline. Because compared with Zhou Yi, who is also his son, Haojia is simply a monster in his eyes.

This is not some prejudice caused by fear, nor is it that he has no so-called tolerance. The reason why there is such a view is entirely because he seems to have foreseen what the catastrophe exists for.

Complete death and destruction, the end and end of all things. His existence seems to herald such an ending, heralding that the universe is going from an orderly operation to a disorderly extinction.

Although it may seem a little ironic in his capacity, even he cannot accept such an ending.

What he did may not be accepted by the world, but from his perspective, he is still in an orderly position. All of that is to eliminate the disorderly existence, in order to construct a larger order. In essence, they are all for the great continuation of human existence, not for destruction.

At this point, the catastrophe is definitely on the opposite side of him. Because of his existence, mankind and even the universe are doomed to perish. And this is precisely an ending that Smith Zhou could not accept. What made him most unacceptable was that he had foreseen all this but seemed unable to prevent it from happening at all.

The power displayed by the catastrophe has exceeded the scope that he can prevent. He does not think that oneself has a way to resist the coming of this catastrophic power. Because from the perspective of the basic order of the universe, this seems to be simply an inevitable law for the development of a material world. It is like a hypothetical conjecture based on models proposed in physics. Although its existence is desperate, it is totally incapable of denying and questioning.

Smith Zhou, who has been reincarnating in the world and has never stopped learning, is very aware of the heat death hypothesis in physics. Although this hypothesis has envisaged the state in which the universe will fall into extinction, it is after countless years after all. At the same time, it is also a phenomenon, a more macroscopic and even more unintuitive. Cognitive situation.

There is a fundamental difference between that and the present, because the end will not be like the present, expressed in a concrete existence, an individual dominated by oneself emotion.

This is what really makes him feel fear and horror. He couldn’t imagine how long this world he knew could exist with the character of Havoc, which is easily dominated by emotions. And as long as he thought that all of this was likely to vanish under his anger, an uncontrollable sense of urgency suddenly arose in his heart.

This monster cannot continue to exist. He thought so, and then immediately opened a new door and returned to his universe again.

The Havoc follow closely from behind. As a black hole with a large mass Infinity and a large space-time curvature. He can completely distort time to the point where it is the shortest, allowing Smith Zhou to take advantage of time from him. At the same time, the door could not stop him from coming. In the face of the terrifying gravity of the black hole, this kind of door will only be penetrated instantly. If the order between the two universes is not incompatible, then perhaps the two universes have already collided and merged at this moment.

Dangerous and dangerous, it also strengthened Smith Zhou’s judgment on him. He didn’t quite understand why such a monster exists in this universe. But he knew that oneself could no longer let his existence be.

Heaven and Earth Reversal, Good Offices, Five Elements Rotation, Infinity Gem… The first and only one time, Smith Zhou began to do his best to display oneself and everything he could use Spells, and such squeezing comes from the power of foreign objects. He even regrets a bit now, and shouldn’t abandon Mind Stone like a shoe. Because if Mind Stone is still in his hands at the moment, then maybe he still has more opportunities to deal with this terrifying monster.

However, he made a wrong choice. Even if it is to reverse time and master the power of black holes, catastrophes that can also have a huge impact on time will not be allowed.

It can only do this, and it is difficult to have a sufficient effect on the catastrophe in the end.

Infinity’s spells, reversed reality, distorted time, collapsed space, and all material, abstract things seem to be squeezed together, turned into bizarre and motley, and cannot be The mass of cognition and judgment is like a string that spans dimensions, a flat fly swatter that can shoot the entire material universe, sweeping in the direction of catastrophe.

The method of dealing with catastrophes has always been rough. Contend against everything with huge gravitational mass. All the forces that can’t defeat him will only be defeated by him, and then become part of his Infinity expansion.

This is the most typical feature of black holes. It’s just that in him, in front of this kind of almost incredible huge black hole, this kind of property is manifested more vividly and thoroughly that’s all.

Invincible power has crushed everything in the end. All the changes are varied, and the Shenao secret technique has finally turned into a bubble of nothingness and has become the nourishment for the growth of the black hole.

In this respect, the deep space of the real universe will not be much different from another universe. The silent and empty Death deep space is enough to prove all this.

To do everything possible, there can only be such a result, which shocked Smith Zhou, but it was not entirely beyond his expectations. Because he is very aware of the terrifying of black holes, and also the weakness of oneself to this kind of celestial body close to Eternity.

Even if he is powerful, even a celestial body like a white dwarf can become a magic weapon. But for black holes, especially such a powerful black hole, he is always powerless.

It seems that the eyes are closed for death. But Smith Zhou hadn’t planned to give up his efforts so easily. He also has a way, and a way that is not. Although he didn’t like this almost uncontrollable approach, he didn’t seem to have any better options for the moment.

Soul Stone started Blink’s dazzling radiance. Infinity Gem is almost the only force that can persist near the black hole’s force field. With the power of Soul Stone, Smith Zhou transmitted the own soul to all angles of the universe, inside the Void in every dimension.

The soul can transcend time to some extent. At the moment, he used this special rule to appear in front of many existences, either ancient or unspeakable, almost incarnate in person. And also relying on his still powerful, the power of the Peak of the universe, he couldn’t help but pull these existences one after another into the battlefield between him and the catastrophe.

Ancient Heavenly God group, Demon God of all dimensions. Those Gods born under the background of different planet and same sect teachings, those demons in hell, and those huge beings that have traveled in the universe since ancient times.

I said before that Smith Zhou is not the kind of idiot who views the sky from the bottom of a well, but only knows that he is a frog in a small corner of land in Earth. In the past thousands of years, he has traveled far enough, not only from the East to the West, even the overwhelming majority corner of the universe, he has been involved.

This let him know a lot of secrets, but also let him know a lot of powerful enough existence. The universe is not deep and unmeasurable to him. It is precisely because of this that he chose to pull in old friends and old rivals from these formerly at this time.

The existence of catastrophe is a problem that the entire universe must face. In this regard, he does not think that this kind of trouble should be dealt with by oneself alone. Those acquaintances in the past, the guys who directly or indirectly contributed to oneself becoming what it is today, they should contribute. Whether they want it or not, this is a problem they need to face together.

Obviously, no one wants to face this difficult problem. So that when the three-in-one dimension god named Wei Shandi saw this huge black hole with oneself consciousness in front of him, he couldn’t help but screamed directly.

“Chi Songzi, you lunatic! What kind of monster have you provoked!”

“Doomsday, catastrophe! No matter what it is, he has stood in front of you. Emperor Weishan, now you need to put aside our past festivals. If you don’t want to watch oneself and all the destruction that oneself is familiar with, then do everything you can to use all your abilities to stop him!”

Smith Zhou is not only answering the old friend of Emperor Wei Shandi, but also speaking to everyone who was forcibly pulled by him. He doesn’t care what kind of background these people have or how omnipotent in the own world. In short, under the premise that they rely on this universe, they must and can only use their ability to face the powerful enemy of catastrophe together.

This is a concerted effort, whether they like it or not. Because since they have been forcibly pulled in here, neither Smith Zhou nor Catastrophe will allow them to get away so easily.

Especially catastrophe. He was accustomed to sweeping all resistance with invincible power and turning everything into nothingness under the mighty power of his own. He faced Smith. Zhou’s last struggle only showed a grinning smile.

“Is this your final ability? In that case, let me see. See how long you can stay under my hands!”

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