Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2320

Like a huge pale phantom, projected in the fiery high temperature light. Although Hulk’s body instantly became like a sieve that had been punctured, it was penetrated by countless particles. But his body, a rough outline, has always remained there. Moreover, this outline is constantly being enriched by new high-energy particles generated by particle collisions.

The high-energy particles with greater power make his body brighter and bigger. And just after the torrent of hot sun ceased, he was already an impatient and tempted oneself with a new body.

At this time, it is meaningless for Haojiao to use a magnetic field to control his original half of his body. After the other party has shown that oneself can use microscopic particles to enrich the characteristics of oneself’s body, the magnetic field can only serve as a short-term controlling effect.

Whether this effect can have an effect on Hulk at this moment is still a matter of two things. So it is natural that the catastrophe is impossible to spend energy here.

He let go of oneself’s control over Hulk’s remnant. And in the immediately he let go, the remnant body seemed to be in contact with the Hulk who had grown up at the moment, and began to absorb the high-energy particles from the body like a whale absorbing water.

This weakened the body to some extent, but it also strengthened the remnant body to another extent. For them, the good news is that the main threat of Hulk is the visible drop of naked eye. But the bad news is that Hulk’s Avatar has become a new threat.

They don’t think that the growth of this remnant is only used as a decoration. It is almost certain that this thing will be like External Body Incarnation, and it will pose a threat to them.

Difficult, very difficult. Haojia and Zhou Yi glanced at each other, they were already a little uncontrollable and wanted to take out their own trump card. But what really surprised them was that this remnant body had just grown in strength, and it had already roared at its main body immediately.


It means that others do not understand, but Hulk as the main body can understand it. And Hulk, who was also planning to test oneself’s new power on them, immediately turned around, facing the remnant body behind Oneself as an angry roar.


Although the meaning is unknown, the tit-for-tat attitude is already extremely obvious. And simply didn’t give Haojia and Zhou Yi any chance to get in the way, these two Hulks had already turned into torrents of rays, fiercely collided together.

This triggered another particle explosion, and its huge destructive power was even greater than the time when Zhou Yi Ether positive particles hit him. If the previous time, it just made the air hot and the radiance dazzling. So now, the destruction caused by the internal conflict of Hulk Oneself has caused the entire Colosseum to roar slightly.

This is an incredible thing. Because even if Hulk stood on the ground of this arena to carry the black hole, it didn’t make this arena tremble even at all. It seems to be given a special meaning by the court of life, not only indestructible in a certain sense, Eternity is the same. It is not something ordinary people can do to break this conceptual quality.

At least catastrophe can’t be done, and Zhou Yi can’t. Perhaps in terms of strength, they might not be inferior to the Hulk who took out the trump card, but in terms of nature, they really couldn’t achieve the level of Hulk without this characteristic.

It’s the probability that goes beyond the limit. Zhou Yi and Haojia are already aware of this. Associating with all the operability in it, they immediately looked at each other, and they already had a tacit understanding in their hearts.

So silently, the two are already divided among the two Hulks who are fighting.

At this time, the two Hulk disputes have already entered a fever pitch. Under the battle of the quantum state, despite the fact that their battle is very stale and fierce, especially because of the tenacious fighting will of both sides, the so-called result is simply impossible before one party is completely eliminated. However, this does not mean that such a battle will become protracted.

Because the time in the micro world does not apply to the macro world at all. Even if they fought for ten thousand years in quantum form, perhaps it was just an insignificant moment in the macro world.

Zhou Yi They know this, so they dare not take it lightly for a moment. Time was slowed down to the greatest extent under their will, almost every second was divided into tens of millions of pieces by them, and then flashed in front of them frame by frame.

This is to seize that opportunity. And this opportunity soon appeared in front of them.

When the two Hulks finally vie for victory and draw the end in the most extreme way, that is, the winner swallows the loser completely. They immediately took action in both directions, and began to strengthen their control over the two Hulks who had gradually fuse together in their own way.

Magnetic field, gravity, radiation, layer by layer, one after another, are all to reduce the strength of Hulk’s counterattack at this moment. And the real key is space.

Under the circumstance of doing their best, almost all the space of the arena near Infinity has been completely united by the two of them using their own means. Used in the space where they are now under the confinement.

It’s like folding and splicing a carton in half to form a narrower box. Perhaps in terms of quality and nature, it is not at all a major change, but in terms of space, it is obviously a lot to be compressed.

Depressed. Definitely. From almost boundless to being compressed to the size of a football field. Such an environment will inevitably limit their actions in Havoc, making them a little unable to perform when fighting.

However, such restrictions are not only for Havoc, but also for Hulk. And said that the restrictions on him may be even greater.

His growing body is not suitable for display in such a small environment. Although he is quantized, he has the ability to ignore the limitations of time and space. However, such an ability depends on what it is used for.

If it comes from the spatial limitation of the catastrophe or Zhou Yi, he can certainly penetrate at will by virtue of the quantization characteristics. But the current limitation does not come from them, but from the life court, from the arena itself he created.

Unless he has the ability to break the limits of the life court, he can only continue the subsequent battle like Zhou Yi and others in this cramped space.

Will he choose to adapt to such an environment, or choose to break such restrictions? Whether it is Zhou Yi or Catastrophe, there is some wait and see.

Gravity, magnetic field, these things cannot limit Hulk for too long. After completely swallowing the own Avatar and returning to the most complete state again, Hulk’s most intuitive feeling is that kind of spatial suppression and restraint on him.

He doesn’t have any rational thinking ability. If it has, it won’t conflict with the own Avatar.

For an already quantized life form, Avatar should be a routine operation. As long as the intellect can clearly judge who is the ontology and who is the Avatar. Then the appearance of this Avatar will only be his help.

And like Hulk, Avatar and the body are working together, this is a rare situation after all. In the final analysis, his rational thinking is too weak.

Neither the Avatar nor the body, he could not get around that I am me, he is his bend. He can’t understand rationally, the truth that Avatar is part of own. And this also means that Avatar and Ontology can only fight for who is the real Hulk.

This is a kind of stupid thinking, only knowing that recklessness has become a weakness in his almost invincible posture.

Also, taking advantage of such a weakness, Haojia and Zhou Yi joined forces to make such a trap.

Hulk, who doesn’t know how to adapt, can of course not stand such a tight environment. Even if his quantized body can be zoomed in and out at will, it is not a problem even if it is reduced to the size of an atom. But he did not at all choose to do that, but like a lion who was just locked in a cage, he struggling to attack this cage.

The buzzing sound that can almost only be detected by special perception, that is the sound of the entire arena space trembling.

This voice is what Zhou Yi and Haojiao want to hear most, but it is also a situation that the life court least wants to see.

He did not expect that Zhou Yi and Haojiao, the two guys who had just been at his mercy in his arena just now, gave him such a set in a blink of an eye. And just when he was ready to stop them and let go of the space restrictions in this arena again. Hulk, this quantized existence has already crossed the dimension of time, and has propped up the entire space before he acted.

The solidity of this space is what he has tried. But no matter how solid the space is, it is impossible to completely restrain him.

It’s different. In the past, the life court wanted to restrict him, and it could be restricted by the vastness of space. After all, his body was only that big in the past, even if he had the power to surpass everything, but in a space that did not delimit the boundary, it would be difficult for him to show his fists.

But things are different now. The current situation is that his body has been quantized, and this means that he can rely on his own will to enlarge his body to any degree he wants. He can compare planets, stars, galaxies and even the universe.

And this also means that when he supports the boundary of this space, no matter how the Life Tribunal lifts the restrictions and enlarges the scale of this space, it can no longer stop him from Test to the limit of this space.

Now that he has touched the limit, it is natural that he will surpass this limit. What this showed was that the earth roared, the city wall collapsed, and the entire Colosseum collapsed little by little under his unmatched power, until it turned into ruins.

The life court resented slap the table and stand up, but it was useless. He could only watch everything that oneself had shaped, the rules that could not be destroyed at all were completely destroyed at this moment, watching the dark space rift appearing in front of Hulk and Havoc like a door. .

And it’s like no prisoner who has had enough of life in prison doesn’t want to escape. When such an opportunity was placed in front of them, even Hulk, who had the worst brain, immediately stretched out his hand, opened up the gap in space, and pushed oneself’s huge body into it.

The action of the court of life to close the prison door has no meaning anymore. He could only watch the door of own’s cell being squeezed and blown by Hulk, and watched this huge monster standing in front of own like a mountain with no apex at all.

And behind him are Haojiao and Zhou Yi. Their mocking expressions were like sharp blades, scratching his Supreme face.

The so-called majesty of the court of life in the Infinity universe almost disappeared at this moment. He doesn’t know how many qualified people in the universe of Infinity are watching every move here. But what he knew was that when these people broke the trial court he set up in this way and reappears in such a grandiose way in front of oneself, the ownership status of these people has already undergone a fundamental change.

He couldn’t tolerate this kind of humiliation, and he had to get back the face that oneself had lost. Therefore, he simply ignored the threat that these three could pose to oneself, he was already shouted loudly immediately.

“Go back to me, the majesty of the court cannot be offended by you. You must be Penalty!”

At this moment, the intangible and intangible destiny is like an already woven fabric being disassembled into the original silk thread. Whether it is time, space, or an established reality, it begins to follow the inherent texture and route to the original Go back in time.

Nothing is heard, everything started to surging, as if to put their three people back in a cage. But it is a pity that despite having such a mighty power to manipulate fate, what he has to face is a monster that can surpass everything.

It’s the same feeling as Havoc faced him before. The Life Court was also forced to feel the terrifying power of the four-handed Hulk that transcended everything.

The rewinding of time and space, the distortion of reality, and the oppression of fate are all tricks that are impossible to withstand a single blow before him.

He only needs to wave his fist and make oneself’s quantized arm soar as the light in the universe, and he can use oneself’s no stronghold one cannot overcome fist to give everything Shattered. And he did so.

In front of the court of life, in front of countless universe Ruler peeping. He smashed everything to pieces.

The dignity of the court of life was completely trampled under his feet, and he was just like a Demon King-like in heaven, roaring at the warped face of revenge in the court of life.


He has not forgotten the hatred of countless years of imprisonment. And now that the chance of revenge finally came before his eyes, he naturally wouldn’t be polite.

The situation has reversed, and there is nothing more like this.

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