Zhou Yi, already wearing Dawn II armor, followed Nyssa Damaskinos and boarded a helicopter under the name of the ruling party of Vampire.

The plane took off from Long Island and flew directly in the direction of Brooklyn. Nyssa maintained a cold and silent attitude along the way. He neither spoke nor made any sound, but stared at the face behind Zhou Yi’s visor with sharp eyes.

This extremely embarrassing atmosphere is completely the result of Zhou Yi having only oneself to blame. He can not believe in his heart that a woman will keep any promises, but it does not mean that he can directly show his own This view. Once this view is discovered, it is enough to turn a woman’s face.

It doesn’t matter whether this woman keeps her promise or not, it’s the same.

In this case, even Zhou Yi’s cheeky skin is a bit unacceptable, so he had to use his fingers to scratch his face through the visor, while deliberately looking for the topic to start a conversation stand up. “Miss Damaskinos, don’t you know how old you are this year?”

A topic that a female creature always cares about makes Nyssa more silent and her eyes sharper.

“Well, I know that inquiring about the age of a lady is not something a gentleman should do.” Zhou Yi shrugged, looking helplessly, as for his expression, who can see .

“I just want to find a topic to talk about, maybe we are the Number One Persons of our respective races!”

“You think too much , Our communication with humans has been maintained from before the Middle Ages to the present. The situation you mentioned is basically impossible to happen.” Nyssa said indifferently, holding his chest. As a messenger, she is certainly impossible to treat guests in silence, but with her personality, she will naturally not face each other, so she simply uses this routine attitude to deal with it.

Holding your chest means resisting and not accepting. This is Nyssa’s attitude. But for Zhou Yi, this action is useless except to highlight the beauty of the chest shape. A person who can become a playboy will never be turned away by a small action.

“Vampire’s historical customs, I am very interested in this. Miss Damaskinos, take the liberty to ask, do you have any ethnic differences in Vampire?” Changed to a slightly more academic topic, Zhou Yi Continue to harass the own target with words.

For this question, Nyssa was stunned obviously. For Vampire, the ethnic issue does not seem to exist. But there are other division modes. After thinking for a while, she replied after weaving the words in her mind.

“We Vampire have a few special exceptions, which are basically derived from the same ancestor. We don’t have any nationality, because we are not an uncontrolled expansion of human beings. We only have differences in clan, not The race is different.”|

Seeing Zhou Yi acting like a listener at the right time, Nyssa is naturally willing to use this textbook-like commentary to get rid of those boring chats.

“There is only one ancestor that Vampire believes in, the Queen of the Red Sea, Lilith. It is not Cain who betrayed God arranged by those who believe in the Lord. Lilith is the queen of the Red Sea, night Goddess, the oldest Demoness. The Red Sea is not the current Red Sea, but represents the sea of ​​life filled with blood. Lilith once wandered the world and left her descendants. This descendant is the ancestor of Vampire.”

“The descendants left behind by Queen Lilith wandered the world for a long time, and finally came together. The ancestors gathered into ethnic groups and formed the earliest clans.”

” The early clans avoided the world in the wilderness and high mountains, which is not known to many humans. But as time goes by, because of the special ability and undying body possessed by our clansman, plus our own struggle with other alien species The fluctuations caused, our existence was discovered by humans, and it also caused human panic (this was the case in the wars of 1484 and 1710).”

“At that time, it happened to be the crazy expansion of Tianbishop. At that time, they put a piece of fabricated history on our heads without our consent, and then hunted us as heretics like werewolves and Witch.”

“The court at that time The power of the Inquisition and very people, the oldest Vampire Hunter also came from this. Although our ancestors were very powerful, they could not resist the cooperative attack of hundreds of hunters at the same time. The oldest ancestors were killed or Falling into a deep sleep, the survival of the entire Vampire clan has fallen into an unprecedented crisis. In order to ensure the survival of the group, the remnants of Ancient Clan have split, and a new clan representing two concepts and ideas was born.”

” The Mi Party clan and the Mo Party clan. The Mi Party believes that we should maintain the ancient dogma, exist among human beings as human beings, and obtain what we need from humanity instead of unscrupulously plundering. Only the execution of the precepts guarantees that our privacy is not Knowing to mankind can guarantee the stability and continuation of the clan for a long time.”

“The magic party clan believes that we should use physics and blood to conquer mankind, and use immortality to seduce the unsteady rulers among mankind. Spread blood and descendants through them, expand oneself, let the ethnic group live forever.”

“My father is a member of the secret party that appeared later. In Romania, because of the proliferation and endlessness of bishop During the battle, he led our race to emigrate to the Americas. And established a new clan here.”

To be honest, when listening to these things, apart from mentioning the night’s Demoness, Zhou Yi can still mention something. In addition to spirit, other times basically The left ear is listening to the right ear. He is not very interested in the history of Vampire, he just wants to chat with the beauty of Vampire in front of him to deepen the relationship. Rather than delving into the blood and tears of the Vampire Community seriously. Seeing that the beauty of Vampire in front of her was going from a history of ethnic blood and tears to the history of entrepreneurship of her own father, Zhou Yi, who was really not interested in listening anymore, immediately changed the subject.

“I remember that you mentioned the heresy mentioned by Tian Bishop. The story between you and the werewolf has always been a perpetual theme in the film and television works. Why are the werewolves and you become mortal enemies? It’s really curious. According to your history, the werewolf should have a similar story!”

“Werewolf?” Nyssa wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows. When she thought about it, her eyes would always be blank. , People always think that she is a bit cute in a daze at this time.

“I remember when I was very young, father once told me about this. I remember it was like this. Werewolves did not exist a long time ago, at least in the early days of the ancient clan. Until there was a Heavenly The Wolf appeared suddenly and became a disaster in a very short time. At that time, we were not at all and were in contact with the werewolves, because although the werewolves would attack all creatures, they were not a big threat to us.”

“Until one day, a group of alternatives visited us. They are also blood-sucking, afraid of sunlight and silver, and have the same habits as us, but they are not the descendants of Queen Lilith. They persuaded us to join them. The reason for destroying the werewolves is that if the werewolves are allowed to develop unscrupulously, we will also lose the space to survive. We feed on blood, and once the creatures are killed by the crazy spread of werewolves, we will also die in the **.”

“The clan at the time accepted this group of aliens and also recognized them as members of Vampire. At the same time, they mobilized the power of the group to jointly destroy Vampire. The animal power of the werewolves could not resist the powerful Vampire warriors, and their spread momentum They were quickly controlled, but we didn’t seem to be able to completely eliminate them. They learned to hide like us, and as humans became Ruler, our race became a deadly enemy in your sense because of blood feuds.”

“Wow!” Zhou Yi expressed his surprise with an admiration, and said quite sincerely. “It seems that Miss Damaskinos is still very sophisticated about the history of your ethnic group, so can I ask questions about customs?”

Transfer again on topics that oneself is not interested in, Zhou Yi I have used it countless times and don’t mind using it again.

“Of course you can, just ask if you want to ask. I will answer if I can answer.” Nyssa seems to have found a sense of being a good teacher. It would be a refreshing feeling to be a natural enemy as a Teacher so little for advice.

“Many novels or biographical records have said that you have the habit of sleeping in coffins. Really or not?” This topic is already close to gossip, but sometimes gossip can draw closer between men and women. The distance between. Nyssa turned over the silver and retorted rather disdainfully.

“Except for those who are full of religious superstitions, who would go to sleep in the coffin? We are Vampire, not the coffin demon. Could it be said that werewolves really choose bones in front of living people and bones? Anyway? I don’t believe it.”

“Then have you ever thought about studying your problems from a medical point of view, such as treating your habits as symptoms and making you more like them through treatment Human.” This is the deepest question Zhou Yi has ever thought about. The reason for mentioning this question is because he has also done similar checks on oneself. But he didn’t want to become an ordinary person, but wanted to see how to make oneself more like an ordinary person.

Nyssa stared at Zhou Yi for a while, and after confirming that he didn’t seem to be at all, she turned her head around and looked at the bright light outside the window, faintly said: “I naturally thought about this problem. But my father didn’t allow me to do this. He told me that this is the root of Vampire, and offenses are not allowed.”

Well, the competition between Old Antique and New Generation is really everywhere. Zhou Yi secretly said in the heart tsukkomi. on the surface is still gentle.

“Maybe your father has his considerations, so I will change the topic?”

“Is there really a Vampire Dracula?”

“Dracula is the most powerful Vampire, and it is also the mortal enemy of all Vampire. All the survivors in the first generation of Queen Lilith were killed by him and drank blood. It has all the power of the ancestors of Vampire and is the king of Vampire. , And the most evil Vampire.”

“Remember, don’t just talk about him in front of other Vampires. He is a taboo in Vampire.” At this point, Nyssa closed his eyes, obviously no longer The desire to continue talking.

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