Zhou Yi’s silence not at all interrupted Professor Charles’s conversation with Yaxing, but he wittily shifted the topic to the direction of interest on both sides.

“Your ability is very strong, are you interested in doing a system test with us.”

“Test, what do you mean? And professor, please forgive me to speak bluntly, I am afraid that my ability is not from X-Gene as you think.” Zhou Yi is not used to the passion of Professor Charles. He is well aware of his own body, and all his superpower is probably inseparable from the previous life.

“Whether it is Mutant or not is not important at this time. The important thing is that you are a superpower user. In the eyes of human beings, you are no longer their kind, but we are in the same camp.” Professor Charles laughed, stretched out the take action and pointed at Zhou Yi’s chest, and then pointed at oneself. “You, me, all people with unordinary ability in this world belong to this camp.”

As for this, Zhou Yi couldn’t refute it. He thought about it and asked: “That test is What do you mean?”

“At this point, I think Jean will have more say.” Professor Charles smiled kindly, and let himself go, giving the owner a chance to show off his talents.

At this time, Zhou Yi began to look closely at Jean Grey, the red-haired beauty.

This is a beauty who looks quite intellectual. The facial features are exquisite and charming. The bright red short shoulder-length hair not only highlights her independent and capable temperament, but also sets off the white skin of her swan-like neck. Under a white lab coat is an extremely fitted lady’s suit, which highlights her proud figure vividly and thoroughly, and also gives an inexplicable feeling of sex. In short, this is an amazing beauty.

Jean Grey ignored Zhou Yi and looked at her. For her, Zhou Yi, who is six or seven years younger than her, is nothing more than a hairless brat. Facing Zhou Yi’s gaze, she said expressionless as if facing a big carrot.

“as everyone knows, the purpose of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters is to help Mutant, and Mutant’s situation is very special. Even professors with formidable strength can only sense the world with the help of machines For those Mutants who have awakened X-Gene, for those who are not yet awakened. Even the professors can’t do anything. If you can’t detect the awakened, you can’t prevent it. It’s possible that when we find them, it has become impossible. The tragedy of redemption. So over the years, we have been committed to the research of X-Gene, hoping to find the law of its awakening. And in this process of finding the law, we have also developed a corresponding test of the ability Method.”

“What does that have to do with me? I said, I am not Mutant.” Zhou Yi emphasized. Regarding Jean Grey’s statement, Zhou Yi didn’t care. How powerful Charles’ power might be to deceive others, but he could not deceive him as a transmigrator. The most powerful mind manipulator in history is not cracking a joke.

“X-Gene is too singular for us and lacks a reference material. Henry and I think that if there are different ability user genes as reference materials, it will be helpful to our research progress. No matter what. Are you Mutant? For us, as long as you are willing to take the test, it is helpful.”

“We will not force you to do anything, everything is out of your will.” Jean Grey summed it up like this.

For this suggestion, Zhou Yi thought about it. He himself doesn’t fully understand what his abilities are. Although I have been studying own superpower since my awakening, I can now understand it clearly and use it skillfully. There are only force field and telekinesis, also super physique that has been continuously strengthened after awakening. As for the others, I can only get a vague overview, not at all to get more information. So, for the test of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, to be honest, he is still looking forward to it.

However, Zhou Yi is still very repulsive about being a guinea pig. He doesn’t want to be like a superpower user of bad luck, and become a guinea pig, and he will suddenly add tens of thousands of younger sisters. A Clarice is enough for him.

But after thinking about it for a while, Zhou Yi felt that oneself still needs to take a risk, after all, Clarice joined Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. If his memory is correct, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters has a lot of opponents, whether it is the X organization of the military or Brotherhood of Mutants, they have a lot of feasts with Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Although Clarice’s abilities are not yet known, as a big brother, there is absolutely no need for his younger sister to take personal risks. All he has to do is to use his own power to protect his family. This point has not changed.

With Zhou Yi’s consent, Professor Charles seemed very happy. For him, this is an extremely beneficial thing for Mutant, and for Zhou Yi, this is also a possibility. The way to get the oneself power method is mutually beneficial for both parties.

Professor Charles smiled and patted his own wheelchair, said.

“Dear Mr. Zhou, I am very happy that you have made a choice that is correct for both of us. Although I would like to accompany you to see your abilities, I am sorry This thing under me is not very convenient. However, I think it’s always more enjoyable to be accompanied by Jean than with my old fogey. Of course, you don’t have to worry about the safety of Ms. Zhou at all. I think we have enough Time wait till you get back.”

Jean Grey stepped forward at this time, and said to Zhou Yi with a cold face: “Mr. Zhou Yi, please go with me.”

Zhou Yi nodded, stood up and said to Professor Charles: “I hope you are worthy of my trust, Professor!” After speaking, he followed Jean Grey and walked out.

Professor Charles looked at him with a smile, his eyes as deep as the quiet lake, as always.

As Jean Grey walked on the trails in the campus, Zhou Yi looked at the surrounding environment curiously. The Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters by Professor Charles is an advanced building based on Xavier Manor. In terms of teaching ability alone, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters does not lose to those universities with strong teachers. In terms of scientific research, with the support of many high IQ Mutants, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters can be described as deeply hidden. At the very least, it shows no worse than some universities that are famous for scientific research.

In terms of living environment, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters not only has the elegance of those ancient manors, but also has various advanced equipment full of cutting-edge technology. In short, it is very satisfying. Especially for Zhou Yi, who has half of his parents’ attributes.

As a guide, Jean Grey is extremely satisfied with Zhou Yi’s expression at this time. For a Mutant, especially the second Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters member taught by Professor Charles, she is very The feelings of school are no different from those of the owner.

Zhou Yi’s admiring eyes naturally made her proud. So she put aside at first’s grudge against Zhou Yi, and no longer put on a cold face, she started to speak to him actively.

“Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters does not have a long history, but I believe it is not worse than any school, is it?”

“Of course, the school is great, and the Teacher is also very good Great!” Zhou Yi chuckled, jokingly said to Jean Grey. “I don’t know if I’m honored to invite this wonderful female teacher to dinner?”

Jean Grey expression turned cold, staring at Zhou Yi, using a height a few centimeters higher than him now After occupying an absolute advantage, he said condescendingly to him: “I’m sorry, I don’t have any interest. Especially for those men whose body and mind are not yet healthy.”

“Okay ! Young Lady.” Zhou Yi raised his hand and said. “I admit that I may not be able to meet your requirements now, but I think based on my current age and development status, I should reach your level soon.”

“Yi Zhou, I am now I really want to try it with a gamma knife. How thick is your face!” Jean Grey gnashing teeth looked at Zhou Yi, and the agitation of Telekinesis made the stones on the trail float.

“Seriously, after trying it, can we go out to have a meal together to watch a movie and so on?” Zhou Yi took two quick steps without caring, almost sticking to Jean Grey’s body , And the agitated psychic forcefield around Jean Grey is suppressed by Zhou Yi’s stronger telekinesis, and there is almost no room for resistance.

Jean Grey, who found that oneself was completely unable to deal with Zhou Yi’s rogue behavior, could only sullen his face and speed up his steps towards the laboratory.

When Zhou Yi saw this, she shrugged wittily and followed along silently. It’s basically enough to make a joke here, and I’m afraid that Jean Grey will really turn her face after the molesting continues.

Although I don’t know where oneself is wrong, Zhou Yi also knows very well in his heart. If I want to have a meeting with the Mutant beauty in front of me, I am afraid that it is really useless to develop. Regarding this, Zhou Yi can only sigh, seeing so many mature Onee-san in this world, the difficulty of the strategy is indeed much higher than that of a simple student girl. Obviously this move was unsuccessful when I was in school.

Thinking about returning, and leaving, the two soon came to the research room of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

Jean Grey consciously avoided a lot of people, and took Zhou Yi straight to a laboratory that seemed to have a fairly high level of confidentiality. She first tested the own iris, and then opened it. On one side of the keyboard lock, I quickly entered the password with Telekinesis, and finally opened a communication device, and said to it.

“Ororo, it’s me. The professor asked me to bring someone over to do some research.”

As soon as Jean Grey finished speaking, the steel gate erected in front of the two of them went along. Split with an X trajectory. Exposed the deep tunnel inside.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi said involuntarily: “I can only say that your security measures here are probably more complicated than those of the president.”

“in this world, There are a lot of people targeting us Mutant!” Jean Grey frowned slightly, opened the mouth and said. “Not just the human government, but also some extreme Mutants, so out of the protection of school secrets, we must do this.”

Heard here, Zhou Yi nodded, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters Not only the Super Ability Users of Professor Charles, but also many Low Ability Users and novices like Clarice who even control will not. In order to protect these people, if there are no secret means and security measures, I am afraid that wait a moment, he will take Clarice Take it back.

The two passed through the tunnel. The rays from all around made Zhou Yi obviously feel the detection of a lot of instruments. In order to show that own is harmless, he released the own Telekinesis defense and let these rays touch oneself body. Obviously, he felt oneself as if he had eaten something. The activity level of abilities in the body has obviously risen a little bit.

Well, I found the problem before starting the test, and I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. Zhou Yi silently sighed in his heart and followed Jean Grey to the laboratory.

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