Sun God Marvel

Chapter 305

“Sir, I have arrived!” Looking down at the bustling pit like a bazaar. Coulson frowned and contacted his boss.

“You yourself take care of it, Coulson. I have to deal with Stark now.”

Without much communication, Nick Fury unilaterally hung up the phone . They are very busy now, so they don’t have time to pay attention to the little things in Mexico.

For SHIELD, Mexico is indeed a trivial matter. But no way, Coulson’s current situation can only kill time by dealing with these little things.

Sighed for oneself’s current situation, Coulson began to call oneself’s men who can now direct. Ready to start own work. What they have to do at 1st Step is to get rid of the civilians who use this place as a bazaar, except for making trouble.

SHIELD is busy expelling civilians, and some people are also busy with others.

Jane Foster. A little beauty of Jewish descent. He is also an astrophysicist.

Like most scientists, she is also working hard for her own scientific research project. Here in Mexico, she has been busy neglect sleep and forget about food for several years. And, finally got some results. But just when the results were about to be made, she had an accident. In other words, she thought oneself had an accident.

In a car accident that she felt was done by oneself, she found the man named Thor. And, she was the one who sent him to the hospital. If Thor knew about it, he might have thought of strangling her to death, but thankfully, he didn’t know about it yet.

Jane Foster thought that oneself sent Thor to the hospital, and by the way, it was everything is fine to put on medical expenses. But what she didn’t expect was that this was just the beginning.

As mentioned earlier, she is an astrophysicist. The project she is busy researching recently is closely related to an abnormal auroral movement. She believes that it is a natural phenomenon produced by the movement of abnormal celestial bodies. As long as the cause of this aurora can be decoded in reverse, the extraterrestrial life that humans are exploring until now can be found.

But when her assistant Daisy Louise discovered a very special place in their photos. They discovered that there seemed to be a figure in the aurora, and followed the aurora to land on Earth. Judging from the situation at the time, there was only one person who met the identity of the guy who had landed.

That is Thor who was sent to the hospital by them. This discovery made them turn pale with fright. In the spirit of own discovering that they must not be discovered by others before they are public, they immediately returned to the hospital. Want to find Thor who has been tied up like a madman.

However, when they rushed to the hospital, they only saw black restraint bands. The guy it was tied to was gone.

Even though the three of them tried everything they could to find this guy named Thor. But they are not professional searchers after all, let alone hunting dogs. So naturally, they got nothing but returned to their own car obediently and honestly.

As soon as I got in the car and closed the own door, Jane Foster said to the other two people, full of self-deprecating.

“I have lost the most important evidence, every time. This is what I am, bad luck?”

Now we What should I do?”

As her assistant and friend, also the only graduate student who applied for her course for credits. Daisy asked. The two of them are grasshoppers tied to the same line. If Jane’s project cannot be completed, then her credits are probably lost. This is definitely not good news for Daisy, who is about to be swept out by a few minutes.

sighed, as if made up. Jane said to them.

“We must find him!”

“Find him? I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Erik. Selvig, who has been with them, expressed oneself’s disapproval . He is much older than Jane and the others, so he is naturally more conservative and sensible. He is persuaded. “You should have seen what he did in the hospital? Singlehanded wounded more than a dozen guards. I don’t think this is the level that a normal person can do. He is dangerous, Jane! We are not suitable to have anything with him. Contact!”

Selvig has his considerations, but Jane also has own ideas. As scientists, they all have a paranoid side. So on this issue, Jane doesn’t give up.

“From the data in our hands, we can’t see the internal situation of the abnormal phenomenon. But if he really came out from there, then he can tell us the situation inside the phenomenon. What is it. So, we must find him.”

“Find him? How to find, do we look for the whole Mexico?” Selvig is still working on frigid irony and scorching satire. It was Daisy, on this matter, she was on Jane’s side.

“Okay, no problem. When the time comes, leave it to me to subdue him.”

As she said so, she took it out of oneself’s personal bag Shot a stun gun. By the way, the last time she brought Thor down by this thing.

“I hope you won’t use this thing.” Looking at Daisy who was eager to have a try, Selvig said with a headache. He felt that letting an impulsive woman hold this weapon was no less threatening than a strong mad man.

“I agree with this too!” Jane was on Selvig’s side this time. As she spoke, she started the own jeep. Pour to the back, and this one. Immediately, a man’s groaning sound came from behind the car. Based on the feedback from the car, Jane knew that oneself had hit someone again.

“What the hell?” There was a cry of unknown meaning. Jane ran off the car immediately.

“I’m really sorry, I swear I didn’t mean it.” While she said this, she looked towards the guy she hit. At this look, she found out. The person she knocked down was the Thor she had been looking for.

“Aha, Jane. You guys are really fate, so you can hit him, and it’s the second time.”

For this situation, I am most happy Nothing is better than Daisy. Because she can finally prove one thing. That is, oneself is definitely not the most dangerous existence among their three people. The real danger is Jane Foster sitting in the driving position. Obviously, he is one of the road killers codenamed Female Driver.

“Stop talking about nonsense, get him in the car for me as soon as possible.” Jane complained and opened the door. As the only male among the three, Selvig could only help her put the heavy blond man in the trunk. After doing all this, the three of them are like robbers who have done a big deal. Busy away from the dust.

Thor has arrived, and the next step is to see if they can get the secret they want from Thor.

Night fell, and Tony, who had been busy all day with oneself father, went out to breathe, and bought a pizza by the way. But when he came back, he found that there was an unexpected guest in the owner’s family.

“I’m pretty sure this is my home, also. Don’t think that you are the director of the National Land Strategy Bureau and you can trespass everywhere. According to the laws of the United States, I can come to you at any time One shot. I don’t believe it anymore, you also have the ability to block one of my beam cannons.”

Seeing the true identity of this uninvited guest, Tony curl one’s lip. Own’s usual moldy skills gave him a heavy blow.

But Nick Fury, who can know two generations of Stark, is still resistant to this Stark family tradition.

“Please, can you stop mentioning that old stalker. We have changed our name, and we have changed it for a long time. Now we are called SHIELD, and all influential figures all over the world know this problem. Can’t you? Keep up with the pace of the times?”

When it comes to lip service, Nick Fury is not much worse than Tony.

If it’s normal, Tony would definitely be willing to fight him for a while, but at this time, he really doesn’t have this skill. So he said directly.

“Sorry, Mr. Chief. I don’t have time or the mood to chat with you now. Next time, next time I’ll make an appointment with you and find a place with beautiful girls. Let’s have a good chat. Chat. But I am sure, not now.”

“Are you sure?” Nick Fury laughed. “I know what you are up to lately, Tony. You are looking for your father’s past. Did you find that his identity has too many mysteries that you can’t solve. Did you find out that you are a little bit? Don’t know your father?”

Tony knew that there must be something hidden in it. He knew that Nick Fury would not aimlessly. So he asked immediately.

“Did you know something, tell me.”

“What do you want to know about him and Anton Vanke. Or is it something else? “

Nick .Fury Old God answered on the ground. In this world, it is estimated that only he is the most qualified person to tell Tony about his father’s story.

“I want to know everything, everything about him, things I don’t know.”

Tony’s face was solemn, and he sat opposite Nick Fury.

“Okay!” Putting his own Erlang’s legs away, Nick Fury also sat upright and began to explain his father’s story to him.

“Where do we start? Let’s start with the story of him and Anton Vanke.”

“As you can see, he and Anton developed together The Ark Reactor, and the core technical concept of this device was indeed proposed by Anton. But at the time your father didn’t think that this technology was perfect and without blemish. He thought it was just a springboard to a greater technological leap. He envisioned a greater energy technology. A technology that allows you to develop the Arc Reactor now as ordinary as a lithium battery.”

“But he thinks this technology is still flawed . And the defects of this technology cannot be repaired at that time. So he advocated freezing this technology, handing it over to the future, and then letting others solve it.”

“But Anton disagreed. He and The Soviets got in touch and wanted to use this technology in exchange for a brighter future. This was discovered by Howard. He used the energy in his hand to send him back before Anton could obtain the core element supply technology in his hand. The Soviet Union. And this also led to the fact that Anton was judged by the Soviet government as useless waste and threw him to Siberia to dig potatoes.”

“This is the story of your Stark and Vanke families. Strictly speaking, the Ark reactor technology belongs to you two. The difference is that Vanke is the owner of the miniaturized energy extraction technology. Your father is the owner of the core energy development technology.”

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