Sun God Marvel

Chapter 309

For people like Jane Foster, although work research is very important, it is still a lot worse than own life safety. Women are generally not as crazy as men in this respect. For them, there are still many things that can replace the status of research. Therefore, men who stand in the peak of scientific research are generally men.

Jane has no ambitions and wants to prove that women can also go to the scientific peak. She feels that life is very good, not enough to put everything on scientific research. So, in the end she chose to listen to Selvig.

“Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you.” To Thor who has been waiting, she can only answer like this, and Thor is clearly nodded.

He knows that it is very unrealistic to let a few ordinary mortals help him fight the army, so he behaves very freely and freely for Jane’s rejection.

“Then say goodbye here.” He said, holding Jane’s hand, and doing a somewhat ancient kiss. Then, while reciting their names one by one, he bowed his head in respect. “Jane Foster, Daisy Louise, also Erik Selvig, thank you for your help. Goodbye!”

For Thor’s different way of saying goodbye, the three people reacted somewhat differently. Like Jane, she just laughed a little not knowing what to do. Then Thor asked with a smile on his face.

“Oh. So, should I say thank you?”

And Selvig and Daisy learned to be oneself Thor and responded with the same etiquette. They don’t know where this kind of etiquette is customary, but it is a very important thing to return the courtesy.

Looking at their somewhat awkward way of returning courtesy, Thor laughed, turning his head and leaving. And watching him leave, Selvig patted Jane’s shoulder, comforted.

“Okay, let’s go back to work, too.”

He left first, and Daisy followed him. And Jane looked at Thor’s back and walked back in the direction where oneself came. She wanted to explore his secrets, but she didn’t have the courage to do so. So she could only watch Thor disappear from her eyes like this.

Will there be another day when we meet again? A little question was placed in my heart. Make her feel lost.

And with this feeling. She caught up with Selvig and them, and walked towards the factory rented by oneself.

As soon as I returned to the workplace, I saw what happened there. Jane was totally lost in everything. She rushed to the edge of a vehicle full of equipment and faced the driver yelled inside.

“Hey, that’s my thing. What are you going to do?”

The driver ignored her and drove away. Jane, who had an ominous premonition of the masterpiece, immediately ran into the own studio. As soon as she entered, she saw a group of people in black suits unloading all her work equipment and materials as if carrying out a large-scale sweep.

This is her painstaking effort over the past few years. How could it be possible for them to be so unscrupulous and take it away like a robber. So she rushed to stop them and asked loudly.

“Who are you and what is going on. Where do you want to go with my things?”

Most black clothed persons ignore her, Only one person stood up. Answering her question.

“I’m Agent Coulson of SHIELD, I need to requisition your equipment!”

“What? You can’t do this, you haven’t asked for my opinion! So, you are so It’s illegal to do it. Give me back my things.” Jane didn’t have any good expressions on Coulson who just responded to her. Even if you want to come, no matter who is taken away like this, will not have a good face.

She also wants to fight for reasons. But before she could say anything. Selvig grabbed her and murmured to her.

“Jane, don’t do this, things are more serious than you think. Let go.”

“Let go? This is my life.” Jane said this time But I didn’t listen to Selvig obediently and honestly. For her, letting go is really unacceptable. So she broke free of Selvig and walked directly to Coulson. Yelled at him. “Did you hear what I said, return my things!”

“Sorry, ma’am!” Coulson shook the head decisively. “We are investigating a security threat. You are the only recorder of celestial data around here, so we must misappropriate your records and information.”

“Misappropriation? You are robbery. Don’t you pay attention to the law at all?” Jane said, and rushed to a car that was loading, trying to save his own things. But he was immediately pushed back by the ruthless agents.

I saw Jane’s expression which was really unacceptable to reality. Coulson smiled and took a check from his own pocket.

“This is for you. This should compensate you for your loss.”

After taking the check, Jane took a look. It’s not a small number, but also not small distance to the point where oneself obediently and honestly forget everything. So she is still entangled, hoping to save something.

“I can’t buy new ones at the electrical appliance store. These things are made by myself. These are not available.”

“Then you can definitely make new ones Come out.”

“Then I must go somewhere to sue you.”

Faced with Jane’s threat, Coulson showed regret.

“Sorry, Foster Young Lady. We are a special department. You can’t find a place to sue us. But we are good people!”

“So are we!” Jane can only make the last effort. “I am about to get my answer. My efforts over the past few years are almost yielding results. I put all the information on this phenomenon in my equipment and on my laptop. Without them, I will have to pay more attention to everything. Come, do you understand?”

“Yes.” Coulson gestured with his eyes when he heard this. Immediately an agent came over and Guangming took her notebook from Jane’s hand. This irritated her completely.

Ignoring the physical advantage of the tall and strong agent, she rushed forward to grab her own notebook. But it didn’t work, the agent pushed her back easily. And when she wanted to go up again, Selvig stopped her.

“Calm down, calm down. Jane!” He stopped the impulsive Jane, and at the same time watched the SHIELD agents alertly.

Under their sight, everything was loaded into the car. And Coulson just said, thank you for your cooperation. He led the team and disappeared from their eyes.

There is no place to talk about this kind of behavior. Jane was completely stunned. She stared blankly at the own thing so far away from oneself, after a long time came back to his senses. And as soon as she came back to his senses, she threw the fire on Selvig’s body.

“Erik, why are you stopping me. You can’t just watch them and just pull my effort away.”

Selvig understands how Jane feels now, But he did this for his own reasons. So he explained.

“Jane, this matter is too complicated. They are SHIELD, and the things they participate in are not something we can solve.”

“SHIELD, what about SHIELD No. Even if they are some special organization, they can’t do this. Isn’t there any law in this World?”

Jane is still complaining, venting his inner feelings. And Selvig waited until her mood subsided. Then he continued.

“Remember the scientist I told you about? He is a top expert in the study of gamma rays. Something happened to him in the middle, and the connection between us is a bit intermittent. And Once SHIELD found me and learned of his existence from me. I have no news of him anymore. Not only me, but he is no longer in the entire circle. Do you understand what I mean?”

After calming down, Jane felt afraid. But she was still a little unwilling.

“Then watch them take everything from me like this. Seeing that my efforts over the past few years have been completely wasted?”

Selvig thought for a moment and said.

“Let’s see if I can contact some friends, if possible. When they run out of these instruments, maybe we can get them back. I’ll email him later!”


“Your laptop was also taken by them. Also on my tablet, I just played thirty songs.” Daisy, who had just checked everything, told him a tragic news in frustration. Hearing this news, Selvig was also dumbfounded.

That notebook contains the papers he wrote these days, if there is no notebook. Those papers and so on will say goodbye to him thoroughly.

“Let’s go now and send an email to the town!” Apart from anything else, Selvig ran directly to their car. And Jane and Daisy looked at each other and walked up.

This is their last chance. If they can, they really don’t want to do it all over again.

At this time, in the car. Coulson has already started flipping through Jane’s information. It was something he tore off Jane’s bulletin board, and it was something he thought was very important.

Although the image data is a bit blurry due to the equipment, Coulson can still distinguish the contents clearly. If he saw it well, it was a figure. And who will come out of the aurora? He thought for a while, and then he had an uneasy guess.

After thinking for a long time, he worked out the cellphone. Sent a text message to someone.

“Buddy, I need your help. I have a little trouble here, if possible. Come to this place, I know you are coming soon. So, give me a reply before you come! “

He attached the address at the end of the message. And soon, his text message was answered.

“Phil, are you in trouble for me to help? A big trouble or a little trouble?”

“A little trouble, it is definitely not a problem for you.”

“Come on, you have never been too small for looking for me. Forget it, wait for me, I will be there in an hour.”

After receiving this news, Coulson finally let go . In any case, safety is guaranteed. So the rest, we can only see how the situation develops. Looking at the photo in his hand, he felt expectant again.

Who would you be?

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