Sun God Marvel

Chapter 324

Asgard’s Bifrost started to operate, and the colorful light beams connecting to heaven penetrating the earth instantly pierced the endless void and penetrated the frozen giant kingdom, above Yodonheim .

This is the first time Bifrost has opened so much power since the last battle between Asgard and Jotunheim. And this time, it did not send the fighters of Asgard to the battlefield, but brought the giants of Jotunheim to Asgard.

I have to say that this is a very ironic thing. At the very least, for Odin and Odin’s father, it is definitely an absurd joke.

But Loki doesn’t care about this, for the own plan. He did so without the slightest hesitation. In this way, Laufey and his fighters were brought to Asgard, the land of their enemies.

As soon as he entered Asgard, Laufey couldn’t help but take a deep breath. Unlike the icy air in Jotunheim, Asgard always feels a little uncomfortable with the warm air flow like Xia Zhiye in Northern Europe. After taking this breath, his face became subtle.

“It’s incredible whether people living in such a warm place can become a strong fighter. Maybe I think Asgard is too strong!”

“He will always be stronger than you think, Laufey!” Loki’s voice sounded from his ears, and when he turned his head, he naturally saw Loki covered in armor, holding Gungnir, and being frozen by ice. Above the Hongqiao, Heimdall is like ice sculpture.

Look at Loki, who is only oneself knee-high, and the ice sculpture made by the prestigious Divine Sea Mdal, who was once led by countless Frost Giants. Laufey put away the sarcasm from the corner of his mouth. Turned to sigh.

“Loki, although your physique does not look like a Frost Giant at all. But your talent makes me amazed. Almost no giant can control the strength of Cold Ice to your level, even with his hands I hold the Ancient Winter Treasure Box in it!”

“I invite you to come, not to let you taste my strength of Cold Ice. You have more important things to do here.”

“I know, I know. Also our plan is to do. So, what do you prepare for me?”

Loki gave Gungnir a meal. Suddenly, a huge steel body walked step by step to the Hongqiao Bridge in the sound of hong long long footsteps. It stands in front of Loki, facing Laufey, the king of Frost Giant.

Look at this huge and hideous Destroyer, who is full of cold steel. The Frost King couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“In order to fight against those cosmic giants that are almost invincible. Odin used all the skilled craftsmen to build it, and Gods all over the world have blessed it. His figure is so huge, It is said that it is also to make it match those guys who let them taste the taste of failure.”

“And now, Odin’s idea is really a terrible note. He would never think of this ultimate His weapon would fall into the hands of his enemies. This is a mockery!”

“He hasn’t fallen into your hands yet, don’t forget. I just lent him to you temporarily , His ownership is still in my hands.”

Loki emphasized dissatisfiedly that he couldn’t get past Laufey’s attitude that already regarded Destroyer as one’s own bag.

“You are right, but this is all for our plan, isn’t it? Okay, I’m ready. What are you waiting for, Loki!”

Although Laufey’s tone makes Loki very uncomfortable, it is for planning. He still ordered the Destroyer step by step to walk towards Laufey.

Destroyer’s huge body automatically Disassembled when it approached Laufey. The armor blessed by the gods was constructed piece by piece on Laufey’s body, and Destroyer was completely covered on him almost instantly.

The majestic power was fed back from Destroyer’s armor almost immediately, which made Laufey immediately sigh as if it were **.

“What a powerful force. With such power, the entire world can be controlled by me. Odin Sora has such a powerful weapon, but he keeps it in the treasure house. Stupid. He can have today, it is completely predictable.”

Hearing this, Loki shook Gungnir’s hand and suddenly increased his strength. Of course, Odin was unfair to him, he was too partial to Thor. So much so that he even ignored his other sons. However, compared with Laufey, the father who abandoned oneself at his birth. Odin is a qualified father anyway. Loki has never recognized only the father Odin. For Laufey, he will never recognize his identity.

So, when Laufey said that about Odin. His heart was already angry. But he suppressed this emotion well. In his eyes, Frost Giant is nothing but withered bones in the mound, and the temporary tolerance is to make their death more miserable.

So he forced a few smiles and said to Laufey.

“Destroyer has been handed over to you. I wonder if you should fulfill our plan.”

“Plan, what plan?” Like a mirror Laufey’s playful laugh came from behind her faceplate. “We have all come to Asgard, do we need any other plans?”

“There is only one plan, and that is to destroy this place. Use blood to wash away our Frost Giant’s shame over the years. This I also want to thank you, Loki. You sent me a weapon like Destroyer to father, so that I can bring the heaviest blow to Asgard. I really want to see when the gods of the Golden Palace see Destroyer appear What would it look like on Frost Giant.”

“Do you want to break your oath?” Loki stared at Laufey who had already put on the Destroyer, and asked with unpredictable eyes. “Do you want to capture the Golden Palace like this?”

“Why not? At this time, can also people in the Golden Palace stop me?” Laufey raised his hands and said loudly. “Loki, my son. acknowledge allegiance I, return to Jotunheim, your tomorrow will be brighter than yours now. I have seen your potential, you are not an outcast. You will be Jotunheim The only Prince, the future king of the two worlds!”

“Ha, what do you think I would say? Okay, no problem?” Loki was not interested in Laufey’s declaration at all. Facing the terrifying Destroyer, he just said surly. “Asgard will only be mine. I won’t hand it over to anyone else.”

“Do you think it’s up to you to choose?” Laufey put down his own arm and followed Follow his movements. The Frost Giants behind him burst into wild laughter, as well as various wild, beastly roars.

When they set foot on Asgard, these giants had already developed unimaginable desire for destruction and crazy animalism in their hearts. If it hadn’t been for Laufey to tell them, I’m afraid they have already started attacking the golden palace of Asgard.

Now, Laufey has let go of the restrictions on them. Instead of suppressing the own Frost Giants, they immediately condense their own ice weapons, ready to launch a real attack on Asgard.

How could Loki allow them to do this? If they did this kind of thing, then if nothing else, his dream of becoming a king would inevitably be shattered. So he immediately lifted Gungnir up high and shouted at Laufey.

“Stop it for me!”

“Loki, you are too naive. At this time, we are impossible to stop.” Laufey harboring malicious intentions said with a smile , He just wanted to take a step forward, but found that oneself could not take this step.

In other words, Destroyer prevented him from doing this. At this time now, it is not he controlling Destroyer, but Destroyer controlling him. Apparently, Destroyer heard Loki’s orders.

“This is my plan, I don’t allow any changes. Do you understand?”

Loki, who held Gungnir high, waved it hard and Destroyer turned it around immediately After the body, the mirror-like visor immediately blasted a violent and blazing light beam. The beam converged on a Frost Giant’s body, burning him into a pile of indistinguishable ashes in an instant.

These Frost Giants at the moment, each one is a brave fighter from Jotunheim, and each one is an elite of the elite. Therefore, every time Laufey is sacrificed, Laufey feels a cut-throat heartache. He was furious and roared loudly.

“Loki, what the hell did you do. Stop, stop quickly. Have you heard that!”

“Shut up, you are not my who. Since you Such a decision has already been made. It is necessary to pay the price for this decision!”

Loki, who is not a believer, responded, but followed his words. Destroyer once again ejected oneself devastating radiance. Immediately, another Frost Giant was completely annihilated and disappeared under its power.

This makes Laufey no longer able to accept such a loss. If all the elites of his staff are dead, then his reign can be declared over.

So he can only bow his head and admit defeat!

“Loki, Loki! I was wrong, I will fulfill the agreement. Stop it! I will do as we planned.”

“Very good!” I saw the so-called The king of Frost Giant surrendered in front of oneself, Loki’s face was full of evil smiles. He glanced at the Frost Giants with expressions full of fear, and then put his gaze on Laufey again.

“This is the last chance, do you understand? If you are playing any tricks, I don’t mind sending you back to Jotunheim. I really want to know when the Frost Giants see own How would they feel when the king slaughtered them wantonly.”

I just mocked Loki’s innocence with similar words, but in a blink of an eye the form reversed to this look. . Laufey’s heart was filled with all kinds of emotions in an instant. He wants to let own anger dominate oneself, but reason has always gained the upper hand.

He can’t do this!

Because his intrigue with Loki is over, and the winner is Loki.

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