Sun God Marvel

Chapter 326

“Zhou Yi! Frost Giant has invaded, and they have rushed towards the town. Whatever your plans, let the residents of the town leave first!”

After receiving this call from Coulson, Zhou Yi looked up. Sure enough, I saw a group of agents in black suits and uniforms, in the name of the government, forcibly asking the residents of this small town to evacuate to a safe place.

Obviously, SHIELD has determined that the accident has become serious to a certain extent. They are not sure that they can guarantee the safety of all civilians. From the point that Coulson asked Zhou Yi for help, it can explain many problems.

Zhou Yi glanced at all around, and soon he found the Frost Giants Coulson said. Hundreds of tall humanoid monsters roared and ran, their footsteps made the earth tremble, and their roars broke with clouds.

Just a glance, Zhou Yi has a feeling of entering the legendary war in the mythical epic. Of course, with his current strength, although these Frost Giants are just clay chickens and pottery dogs, they can be defeated in a battle. But this does not mean that all giants are like this.

There is an exception, and it is a very special exception. It was a Frost Giant covered in steel armor. Although he only glanced at him from a distance, Zhou Yi already felt the heavy pressure on him.

That feeling is definitely stronger and more threatening than when facing the Lord. This feeling immediately made him realize that oneself had a strong enough rival.

With such enemies, Zhou Yi is really not sure that he can annihilate these giants before they reach the town. He even said that once he fought fiercely with such an enemy, he wasn’t even sure that the town could keep its integrity.

So after hesitating, he decided to follow Coulson’s words and evacuate the residents.

This work was supposed to be done by SHIELD agents, but I have to say that their work is really not going well.

In the absence of a little evidence, all residents were asked to evacuate from the owner’s home, leaving behind all the property of oneself. No matter how you look at it, it is an unlikely thing. Even in the name of the government.

The residents and agents are all deadlocked there. Even the residents of the small town who had been persuaded in the first place have changed their own stance under the tugging and questioning of those diehards.

This is the root of humanity’s inferiority. When oneself becomes a minority, most people often choose to change oneself’s original position in order to make oneself appear less special and stupid. Go to the more side.

However, the number of people does not necessarily mean that it will be right, like now. The residents of these small towns would never have imagined what would happen to them if oneself stays in such a stalemate.

Frost Giant is not a person who is Taoist. Can be judged by Coulson as an invasion, no matter how you look at it, it is for the purpose of war and conquest. As for the guy with this purpose, there is no such thing as an innocent person in his eyes.

So, Zhou Yi had to stand up for the safety of the guys who were still scrupulous about this and that. As Dawn Knight.

The residents of the town are still arguing with SHIELD agents, they question their purpose, their actions, and also their identities. In short, they have the same meaning, that is, they don’t want to escape from this small town that has been inhabited for half their lives.

At this time, a sharp-eyed inhabitant of a small town noticed the abnormality above. He pointed to the sky, mixed with excitement and fear, and yelled.

“Look, it’s Dawn Knight!”

This name is now almost unknown to everyone in the world, known to everyone. So when he heard such a shout, almost everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky. And at this look, they saw the silhouette of the familiar dark armor.

As soon as I saw this silhouette, a hundred different expressions appeared in the crowd. The young people’s faces showed almost fanatical worship, while the eyes of some middle-age persons showed doubt and fear. At the same time, many people also showed deep vigilance and scrutiny for this powerful and scary existence.

Over time, the craze for Superhero has gradually subsided. Humans began to look at the so-called Superhero in a more rational way. And looking at it this way, many people have a completely different psychology for these existences that are different from them.

They look forward to this kind of existence, but they are also afraid of this kind of existence. The contradiction is obvious in the human species.

The guys like Tony and Parker who are more close to the people, who don’t seem so outrageous, may be better. But Superhero, such as Zhou Yi and Hulk, who can cause great damage with every move, has become a feared existence in many people’s hearts.

Today is different. There are not many people who can stand up and firmly claim that oneself likes Dawn Knight. Especially after he rioted in court and confronted the laws of this country in front of countless people.

Zhou Yi, who is in charge of a super enterprise, is very clear about the shift in human mentality. He can figure out many things by simply doing a large-scale survey. So of course he also knows what oneself means to these ordinary persons. After hitting that, he began to consciously reduce the appearance of own and dilute the influence of oneself in the world.

This move was at least effective, but now it can’t go on. In any case, now is the time when he is most needed.

So, even though the eyes of him in the crowd are different. But Zhou Yi still did what a Superhero should do, speaking loudly to the people below.

“Listen, a group of dangerous monsters are coming in this direction. I can stop some of them, but impossible can stop all. If you want to keep your own life safe, you can run away. !”


The crowd immediately exploded. Many people have become lose one’s head out of fear. Someone rushed to the owner’s house, trying to pack up valuables. Someone immediately found the agents they had just returned to disdain as beneath contempt. Coax and pester hoped that they would take oneself to escape here as soon as possible.

And some other people asked Zhou Yi in the sky.

“Dawn Knight, can’t you protect us?”

“I will try my best, but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to protect against the attacks of those monsters Your safety. Therefore, refuge is your best choice.”

When he heard him say this, people became more and more anxious. Even the terrifyingly powerful Dawn Knight is not sure that they can guarantee their safety, so who also this ability?

Subconsciously, their actions became faster. At the same time, many people began to pray in their hearts and lips. But the God they prayed for was no longer a God, but a tangible guy named Ming Wang.

Listening as if praying in the ear. Zhou Yi, who had become Dawn Knight, smiled bitterly. King Ming doesn’t care about the life and death of you mortals. It is me who really wants to protect you!

In his wry smile, Ming Wang’s ridicule also sounded in his heart. As a protector, Dawn Knight can only pick up his mood. Rushed outside.

As he said, he is going to stop these giants. Procrastinate their footsteps. Before the real battle spreads here, he must let the residents of this small town escape safely. This is what he can do now.

Dawn Knight disappeared before his eyes, and the residents of the town fled everywhere as if they had lost their backbone. They wanted to evacuate from this dangerous place. But where and how to withdraw. Everyone has different opinions.

Most people choose to be with SHIELD agents, but also some people are reluctant to follow them. When they think about it, such a conspicuous target is too easy to attract attention. Finally, also a few people chose to stay and hide in the own room.

Not everyone can give up everything. Some people would rather die than give up their own family. Even at such times, they will not change this mind.

The scattered crowd naturally attracted the attention of a group of Asgardians and Jane who were still discussing Thor’s current body and Loki’s conspiracy.

Selvig, who obviously felt something was wrong, walked out, grabbed a guy who was escaping and asked.

“What’s going on, what’s going on. Why are you all escaping?”

“Evacuate, we are going to evacuate. A dangerous accident is about to happen here!”

Selvig’s thoughtless answer obviously made Selvig even more confused. He grabbed the guy who had been trying to break free and asked.

“What is the accident, you can tell me a little bit more clearly.”

“Damn, how did I know. The government people say, there are a group of huge human-looking people The monster is rushing towards this small town, he wants us to take refuge!”

“The government, won’t it be a lie to you!” When it comes to the government, there is no good opinion and simply inserted in, saying了own meaning. But the residents of this small town refuted it unambiguously.

“Even Dawn Knight is here, how could this be a lie to us. I advise you to run away too, Dawn Knight can’t guarantee our safety. Maybe accidentally, we’re going to die here. Now.”

Selvig was taken aback, the resident broke free from his hand and ran away hurriedly. But he still has some conscience, and he didn’t forget the previous sentence.

When he heard what he said, a group of Asgardians were also a little confused.

“Who is Dawn Knight? Your fighter here?”

“Hey, he is our protector! The most powerful Superhero in this world!” The first refute This sentence is Daisy, as the youngster. She is also a fan of Dawn Knight.

In contrast, Jane is more sensible.

“Dawn Knight is the Superhero of our world. A man with extraordinary powers. If you want to say it, it should be just like you. Oh my god, we have to leave here too. It will definitely not be safe. “

Thinking of Dawn Knight’s appearance, Jane’s heart is also in a mess. She didn’t want to become a bad luck egg affected by man-made disasters.

However, several Asgardians obviously have different ideas.

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