Sun God Marvel

Chapter 329

All things begin with a dream and end with a dream. Laufey used the strength of Heaven on Destroyer to turn everything that happened to his people into a false dream.

The so-called dreamland, everything that happens naturally is unreal. No matter what happens, it is something that can be completely thrown away after waking up. So no matter how serious the injury is, it is not important, even Death can be reversed. Even the slow flow of Zhou Yi’s time will be completely disintegrated and eliminated by the strength of Heaven.

Relying on Destroyer’s power, Laufey reversed all the blows and slump suffered by his giant army in an instant, leaving him completely invincible.

As long as the strength of Heaven is present, no matter how much Zhou Yi does, it is useless. Because whatever he did will be turned into a dream and eliminated. Reality and illusion, this most incomprehensible thing, has already been manipulated by Laufey, who controls Destroyer.

Zhou Yi watched that Strength of Time was eliminated from the giants. He was seriously injured and dying. Even the giants who were already dead and unable to die suddenly became lively dragon and animated tiger. This is obviously the most incredible thing, but it is happening so naturally now.

Naturally, all the giants don’t have the slightest feeling. They were in a trance, as if they simply didn’t know what happened to oneself. It seems that all this is really just a dream.

Of course, is it a dream? Everyone is very clear. It became clear that all the giants were cheering for the great power of King Owner, but Zhou Yi, as the enemy, had deep fear in his heart.

Destroyer is so powerful, so powerful that Laufey’s self-confidence is already overwhelming. Because of the increase in self-confidence, his power has become stronger and stronger, and his use of Destroyer has also become greater.

Storm, lightning, the power of the beasts, more divine force was buffed on his own fist, which made his attack more and more violent, and also made Zhou Yi feel more and more Great pressure.

To the point where he had to get serious.

The power of power surged over him, acting on him in another way. This allowed his strength to grow exponentially.

One thousand tons, two thousand tons, four thousand tons, every attack, his power doubles in a blowout, and this is more than that, every attack is equivalent to his attack power Gravity was also cast on the target he attacked.

This is the same as replacing the hammer with a larger hammer for every attack, and at the same time turning the last hammer into a baggage and throwing it on the opponent.

Make oneself stronger while making own opponent weaker, until he is completely defeated by heavier and heavier pressure and stronger attacks.

Of course, no matter how powerful Zhou Yi is, it is impossible to increase this power Infinity systematically. But in the same way, even with the Destroyer Combat Armor in Laufey, it is impossible to withstand such increasingly powerful attacks and heavier pressure.

The first punch, he also face doesn’t change. With the second punch, his face was already surprised. By the third punch, his face was only heavy and serious. Such a burst of power has exceeded his imagination, and even said that it has overwhelmed the power he is using now.

When he reached the back, his face became more and more ugly. Because Zhou Yi’s strength has completely surpassed him. He has become the passive party.

Even though his chill is still desperately stalemate with Zhou Yi’s divine fire under various divine force buffs, he even slightly gained the upper hand. But he himself was completely overwhelmed by the terrifying power carried on Zhou Yi’s fist.

Laufey’s bones all over his body were shaken in pain, and the muscles sent him painful **. This is still under the protection of Destroyer Combat Armor. Without this layer of protection, Laufey is not even sure whether oneself can still stand in this place intact.

The decline has begun to spread, not just physically. It is the whole situation. Although Zhou Yi’s sacred fire did not prevail, his fist took the sacred fire and directly tore all enemies apart.

The cold air that gathered the God’s Force was completely crushed, disintegrated, and eliminated under such power. Can no longer wreak havoc. And the fire surging, under such circumstances, entangled in Zhou Yi’s infinite pair of fists. Fiercely hit the fist that Laufey was struggling to support.

This is the ninth punch, and its power has reached an incredible level, 250,000 6,000 tons.

And this fist directly defeated Laufey’s last persistence and defense, causing him to fall completely.

He has turned into light, turned into a meteor. With hundreds of thousands of tons of gravity, it shot deep into the depths of the earth.

Suddenly, the vast desert shook. Countless yellow sand swept across the sky like migratory locusts, but this was not the effect of a storm. This effect comes from the depths of the earth.

Even the earth could not withstand such a heavy blow, at the moment Laufey was penetrated into the earth. Take him as the center, within a huge range. All the land began a process of tumbling, agitation and even overturning.

Its impact is so large that the hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand carried on the land can no longer lie there safely, and can only be sprayed into the land as the land overturns and rolls. sky, Heaven and Earth dance.

As a result, the entire sky became a faint yellow. And all the giants looked at the tiny silhouette of in midair, with undisguised hatred and fear in their eyes.

They feared him because of his power, but also hated him because of his identity.

If they had some sane lives, maybe these Frost Giants would just keep silent and continue to look at him with such eyes. However, Frost Giants are never a rational race. Millions and millions of years have been living and drinking blood, and they are destined to be more beastly original creatures.

So for them, the expression of hatred is definitely not silence, but battle.

Looking at the silhouette standing in the air, the giants roared deafeningly. Then he jumped up and rushed towards Zhou Yi who was in midair.

The tall body and strong muscles make them see the height of this trifling several dozen meters like nothing. The imposing manner that every giant rushed over was unusually violent, just like a Demon that killed people.

But for Zhou Yi who is in midair, they are actually no different from ants.

Without even moving, a ring of fire shot out from around his body. The golden fire swept all the giants who had jumped in midair, causing them to rush over completely, but they could only turn into ashes and fly back.

Death has always been such a simple thing, especially for those who have power. Even if Laufey just freed these guys from a catastrophe. But in an instant, destruction fell on them again.

And this time, the destruction was more thorough than the last time. Last time, for some reason, there was a whole corpse, but what was left this time was the ashes that were swayed all over the sky, mixed with countless sand and dust.

All this scared Frost Giant’s courage and completely lost their courage to go up and die. At the same time, angry roar came from the depths of the earth, it was an angry roar from the king of giants.

Suddenly, a scene like a volcanic eruption appeared in this vast desert.

Taking Laufey as the origin just after being shot into the center of the earth, the entire desert underneath was like a million tons of explosives buried in a loud bang, and the entire explosion turned over.

Countless earth-rock mudslides are splashing around like bullets, and cracks are spreading under the surface like Poison Dragon. The earth is already turbulent, as long as the guys standing on the earth can feel how manic and angry the earth is at this moment.

His mania and anger originate from the existence below the surface, a guy who is overthrowing the earth. Under the suppression of Zhou Yi’s power, Laufey finally couldn’t help but burst out oneself’s most powerful strength.

A huge arm covered with metal armor stretched out from under the ground. The hideous part of the hand armor covered with sharp hooks was as high as dozens of stories, not to mention the body that was still buried under the earth.

As this arm was tearing the ground from below the surface, a larger body slowly crawled out of the endless rocky mud under the yellow sand. The square-shaped mirror helmet, the shiny and hideous metal armor, also the terrifying roar. All means that this is the deity of Frost Giant Laufey.

Compared with what he was just now, he is now a hundred times bigger. It is so big that it is not inferior to any building constructed by human beings. And just this form is what he really looked like.

As the king of Frost Giant, Laufey’s bloodline is directly inherited from Ymir, the ancestor of the ancient Frost Giant. It was the first giant in Norse mythology and the most terrifying original creation. His body is said to be able to support both heaven and earth, and it is larger than any other huge creatures.

In ancient times, the gods who were born later killed him, and used his body to lay out the sky and earth of Asgard. It is precisely because of such actions that Asgard and Jotunheim have such unending fate.

As a descendant of Ymir, Laufey inherited the power of his ancestors, and this power is reflected in his terrifying giant body. Not the Little Giant that is four five meters high, but a huge giant that can really cut off the river, destroy the hills, and make the earth tremble.

This is his ultimate strength, and it is also the trump card that he keeps to fight Odin. He didn’t want to expose this trump card easily, but Zhou Yi’s power was completely beyond his expectation.

Just like what he said to Loki, this is a powerful God who can match the father of the gods, and even said that Zhou Yi is far stronger than the father of the gods in his sense.

Without Destroyer, he has no ability to fight him at all. And even with Destroyer, he must take out all the trump cards.

Anyway, he must be above this world at this time. Kill Zhou Yi, the guy Loki has repeatedly reminded him that he must get rid of.

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