Sun God Marvel

Chapter 349

“I should know, I should know. You will not look at me from beginning to end, even after I have done so much. Heimdall is right. , I am indeed a fool. I have hope for something that shouldn’t be hopeful.”

“Loki, my child…” Odin looked at the emotionally broken adopted son. , A sad expression appeared on his face. He reached out to Loki, trying to calm him down and calm him down. But Loki didn’t accept his affection.

“Don’t call me that!”

He shouted and slapped Odin’s hand, and at the same time, with a complex and savage expression, he retreated behind him. At this moment, he is completely disappointed with the role of father. If he can, he really hopes that there is no such father.

“Your child only has Thor and they do not have me. I know my identity very well, from the very beginning I should not regard oneself as a member of your family.”

“Loki, do you know what you are talking about?” Hearing Loki actually say something like this, Thor immediately pressed his shoulder and shouted at him.

But Loki immediately broke free of his big hand and said in a hysterical tone.

“Of course I know what I’m talking about. I’m debunking a lie that I don’t know how many years. Thor, you can see clearly. See who I am? Am I your brother? !”

As he said, he has revealed his true identity. A Frost Giant with deep blue skin and dark red eyes, if not too short, he is almost exactly the same as the Frost Giant that was destroyed by his own hands.

This kind of change was something Thor had never expected, and he couldn’t accept it. He always thought that Loki was just talking about jealousy, but he never thought that he was really not his own brother. So in an instant, he became desperate.

“Enough, Loki. You have to stay awake for a while and think about what mistakes you made!”

Loki’s words and deeds have exceeded Odin’s Acceptable limit. He didn’t want to let this child mess around anymore, so he immediately stopped him out loud. What he didn’t expect was that Loki retorted him in public.

“I didn’t make any mistakes, and you don’t have any right to order me. I won’t accept your orders again, never…”

“Loki, don’t do this. Listen to me, don’t do it!”

After all, he grew up with Loki. When Thor heard what Loki said, he immediately guessed him What do you want. But he was obviously a step slower, because Loki was already smiling strangely at this time and jumped directly from Bifrost.

Beneath Bifrost is an endless current flowing into the sky, which directly merges into the Jinlunga gap. Once in, it is almost impossible to come back. At the very least, in Loki’s power, it looks like this.

So he did it just like looking for death.

Such a move immediately made Thor and Odin turn pale with fright.

Thor is completely ignorant of other things at this time, so he rushes towards Loki. In order to catch this so-called younger brother, he even ignored his own life.

But Odin couldn’t let him do this. Thor is his future successor. In any case, he can’t make any mistakes.

So he immediately threw Gungnir in oneself’s hand, making it a stream of light and blast out.

Gangnir’s changing streamer turned in the air and immediately shot at Thor in midair. The spear tip, which no stronghold one cannot overcome, pierced the gap behind Thor’s neck as finely as an embroidery needle this time, and took him directly to Bifrost’s bridge deck.

Of course, the end of this is that Thor can only watch Loki, being swallowed by the turbulent water, and then taken directly by the waterfall into the hidden void of endless void.

This kind of experience that can only watch the tragedy happen but can do nothing, makes Thor wailing if he is injured beast-like. He twisted his body vigorously, hitting the hard crystal bridge with the back of his head and arms continuously, while shouting at his father.

“Father, let me go, let me go. Let me save Loki, let me save him!”

“Quiet me, quiet down. Thor, you Too reckless. If it weren’t for your impulse, I could have saved your younger brother. Now you shut my mouth, do you hear me!”

Drive the eight-legged pegasus and take Thor from the bridge When he mentioned it, Odin immediately threw him to the ground, ruthlessly reprimanding him. Had it not been Thor’s impulse, he could have rescued Loki in the same way. But when both of his children jumped off Bifrost, he could only save one person. He can only choose Thor.

This is for the continuation of Asgard, he has no other choice. But for this choice, Thor completely couldn’t agree with it.

He would rather die oneself than Loki.

At this moment, he saw Zhou Yi watching a good show. So he quickly got up, rushed in front of Zhou Yi, and said to him.

“Help me, help me. Save my younger brother, please, save my younger brother!”

Faced with such a begging Thor, Zhou Yi just closed his eyes and shook the head coldly.

“Sorry, I can’t do it. It is better not to save such a person! I advise you, give up!”

“Why? Why can’t you save him, you just Give him a chance.”

“No matter how much opportunity is given to him, it is impossible to change the past created by him. You should know that everything can be changed, only the past cannot.”

After expressing the meaning of own indifferently, Zhou Yi directly ended the exchange between them. On Loki’s issue, he has compromised once, and will never compromise a second time.

This attitude made Thor immediately angry, and he subconsciously wanted to rush to grab Zhou Yi. But before he could act, Odin had hit his leg with a stick, causing him to kneel directly.

“Enough, Thor. You have done a little too much.”

He said, his face also showed an expression of sorrow and sorrow.

“Loki is gone, it’s not your fault. If you insist, it’s all destiny. Look at the opening point, child!”

Odin’s words It was like filling the last pinch of soil in a tomb, thoroughly draining all of Thor’s strength.

He knelt there like a walking corpse, without any other strength except breathing.

Odin can understand his pain, and he is the same from his heart. But he couldn’t be as obvious as Thor. As a king, he must maintain the prestige of a king, so he can only suppress the feelings in his heart and instructed Heimdall beside him.

“Take Thor to rest, he needs to be quiet now.”

After ordering this, he said apologetically to Zhou Yi.

“Sorry, let you as a guest see such a scene. Please come with me, I will arrange you and those guests to rest. Hope this will not affect us Friendship.”

“Of course, please be sorry, Mr. Odin!”

Slightly saluted the first jaw, Zhou Yi expressed his own comfort. Although he would love to see Loki die like this, he still needs to behave on the surface.

With a sigh, Odin lowered his head slightly, as a courtesy. He knew very well that people like Zhou Yi would not be moved by Loki’s death, and he knew how many people would applaud Loki’s death.

What Loki did is inexcusable to many people. So what their attitude would be after hearing Loki’s death, Odin didn’t even bother to guess.

Sorrow, sorrow, all kinds of feelings make this adoptive father’s heart mixed. But the burden of emotion cannot bend his spine. He is the Divine King of Asgard, and he also bears heavier responsibilities. So he must pick up his mood and do what oneself should do.

Then, Asgard’s day passed. No one mentioned Loki’s existence again, and no one knew whether he was alive or dead. The people of Asgard are unwilling to mention this rebellious existence. And Frost Giant is not qualified to mention this existence, they have been totally destroyed, and even Laufey has been seriously injured and killed. No one knows about Loki anymore, maybe soon, they will forget even the owner’s past.

As for humans, they don’t know this person at all. All they knew was that a strange disaster had come, and then oneself experienced a very strange magical adventure. This journey is thrilling, but the end of the journey is a magical world like Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings. A world in myth.

Many people have forgotten the thrills before and reveled in this magical world instead. Some of them even want to stay in this World and never go back.

Of course, this is an impossible thing. Whether it is Coulson or Odin, will not allow this to happen. So early in the morning, after Bifrost was repaired, the Asgard guards covered in armor were already called escorts, and they were actually escorts to send these Midgard guests back to their world.

Some people are naturally unwilling, but at this time personal will really does not have much effect. No matter who it is, it is no exception.

Odin’s order, Zhou Yi’s request, no one here has the ability to resist. So at this time, Thor, who had already cleaned up his oneself mood, could only come to say goodbye to Jane and some of his human friends.

“Sorry, Jane. My hometown needs me. I may not be with you for a while!”

“It’s okay, I can wait for you!” With the silence on Thor’s face, Jane quickly took his hand. “Remember what I said, I will wait till you get back. If you don’t show up in front of me, I will wait forever. This agreement will always be valid.”

Jane’s The comfort gave Thor a touch of comfort. He reached out and stroked Jane’s face, a rare smile on his face. On the other side, his two human friends took the opportunity to do different things.

Daisy was desperately taking pictures with her own cellphone, and the magnificent landscape of Asgard made her linger. These are all the capital to show off on her Facebook. Of course, these are only part of her capital.

Before this, the catastrophe of heaven falls and earth rends, the horrific sight of world annihilation, the spectacle of the soaring Golden Crow and the magic of the magnificent sun running in the dark in the sky were all recorded by her. She has only one idea now, and that is to go back to Earth. Become the new Facebook celebrity.

As for Selvig, at this time, he was trying his best to communicate with Heimdall. This guy’s research was sickened, so that he strongly requested to stay in this World and do some scientific research. Of course, whether this request will be passed is a question that does not need to be considered.

Humanity is okay, at least it looks like this.

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