Sun God Marvel

Chapter 353

SHIELD’s top commander and the Security Council reached a special consensus, and a secret plan was opened. This is a plan that has been shelved for a long time, or a plan that has been secretly maintained for a long time. But now, this plan will become their main investment goal in the future.

The threat from the unknown world made the Security Council and SHIELD agree that they need a weapon. A weapon comparable to Asgard’s Bifrost. And this kind of weapon, seriously speaking, is difficult to achieve with the level of technology they currently possess.

Mankind has been probing space problems for so many years, and what until now is only some theoretical results. In essence, to achieve the level of constructing void weapons like Asgard is obviously a long way to go.

Fortunately, the development of this weapon does not need to start from scratch, because someone has developed something similar a long time ago. And now they have the basis of this research in their hands. With a little breakthrough research, they can develop something that is sufficient to deal with all the problems.

As for where the so-called breakthrough nature of research is, they need to look for it themselves.

There are many researchers in this area of ​​SHIELD, but they are really limited. This is the same as the countries on the other side of Earth. Expert always hides secretly among the people. But in terms of candidates, Director Fury already has an own idea.

He already has a certain plan, so he doesn’t seem so anxious. So now, he is more concerned about other issues. For example, their recent discovery in Antarctica.

After thinking and thinking, Nick Fury still called Coulson, who was about to take a break from get off work, and called him to the owner.

“What’s the matter, Chief? What’s the problem?”

“Are you tired, Coulson. Do you need a vacation and so on?”

Director Fury seems very caring at this time, not at all as unscrupulous as he usually behaves.

“On vacation, if I can, do I mind it, but the Secretary. Can I really take a break at this time?”

Coulson’s sudden change in Director Fury is also I am not used to it, but if I can really have a vacation, it would be great. You must know that he has been a bit too busy lately, and his being so busy has almost reached his limit.

“Of course, vacations and so on are just trivial matters. In addition to the current situation, even if you are temporarily absent, there will be no major problems.”

Turn over oneself only In some eyes, Fury still answered abnormally.

“Then it’s settled. A one-week vacation should be enough.”

“Of course, although it is a bit strange. Thank you, sir. . Speaking of it, this seems to be my first vacation in the past two years?”

“You like it!” Pulling the corner of his own mouth, Director Fury put his hand on his back and strode from Coulson walked away. “By the way, also leave one thing to you. Find someone for me. Recently, a group of Antarctic expeditioners discovered something strange. I need some people to check it.”

“No problem , What kind of manpower do you need. Also, what kind of things need us to check?”

This kind of problem is just a routine matter, not surprising. Out of professional habits, Coulson subconsciously asked one more question.

“There is nothing at worst. But it seems to have discovered some things related to us left over from World War II. You know, at the end of the war, our last opponent was completely in Antarctica. The ground was defeated.”


Hearing this, Coulson immediately sensed that something was wrong. He uttered an inexplicable tone, and it was a moment later. With the back of Director Fury opened the mouth and said.

“Sir, what do you mean?”

Directing Coulson from his back, Director Fury waved loosely.

“en! I mean that the guy who became Legendary seems likely to be coming back. Thanks to Super Soldier Serum, he has a great chance of surviving. This is really a piece of cake. It’s something to be happy about, isn’t it?”

Captain America, only this person can be called a Legendary in the history of SHIELD. For Captain America, Coulson has quite different emotions. Director Fury knows this very well. So everything is as he expected.

“Sir, I think I am in a good state and I don’t need to take any vacation. For Antarctic matters, if there is no one, I can lead the team!”

“Yes Is it?” Upon hearing this, Director Fury stopped, turned his head and looked towards Coulson. “This is your first vacation in two years, and it depends on the current situation. If you miss this time, I’m afraid you want to take another vacation in the last two years, basically it is impossible.”

“Hasn’t it been in the last two years?” Hearing this, Coulson’s face became quite ugly in an instant, it was hard to see that it was almost raining. However, he gritted his teeth and said for the object of his admiration. “I see, sir. Please leave it to me, this kind of thing can only be more reassuring if I intervene!”

“Very well!” Turning around, Director Fury happily Patted Coulson’s shoulder, said. “Coulson, since you asked so, then leave this to you. You are right, besides you, I really don’t worry about other people intervening in this matter!”

“That’s what I said, sir!” With a dry smile, Coulson could only watch Nick Fury slowly disappear from the little by little in front of his own eyes.

And just at this time, a team of agents came over. They looked at Coulson who was standing there blankly, and immediately felt something strange.

“Sir, what happened?”

Someone asked curiously. Coulson is quietly replied.

“I’m just mourning what I have lost. Also, you guys, get ready. Go to Antarctica with me?”

“..” Silent silence After a while, Coulson got a resentful answer. “Yes, sir!”

It may be a way to relieve oneself’s pain by passing the pain of own to others, and finding someone to share it with. Just like now, Coulson needs someone to share it.

On the other side, Zhou Yi finally returned to the rhythm of his own life, but found that it is very difficult to get a moment of peace. I haven’t been able to stay at home obediently and honestly for two days and live an ordinary person life. He was completely broken by an unexpected news that oneself wanted tranquility.

This news was sent by the master own mother, and the expression was very simple. It was extremely dissatisfied with Zhou Yi for forgetting her instructions, and warned him not to make the same mistake again. Especially at this opportunity now.

Susan has followed this London to New York flight to return to New York, and Zhou Lan has obviously said to her that all the pick-up and drop-off work will be handled by Zhou Yi. She meant clearly that Zhou Yi should seize the opportunity to go further.

This kind of special assignment mission in the past would be a kind of enjoyment, but now it can only become a big trouble, a real big trouble.

Zhou Yi can’t imagine what it would be like if Susan and Ada met together. Fire star hit Earth, it was the ice age. These are all things Zhou Yi never wants to see.

And the most fatal thing is that he has to go.

Not only because of Zhou Lan’s order, but more importantly, Susan might really believe what Zhou Lan said, waiting for Zhou Yi to pick her up. If he didn’t go, then it would be too hurtful.

No average friend can do that. Even more how Zhou Yi is not just an ordinary friend to Susan.

After thinking and thinking, Zhou Yi decided to leave, and just now.

Just in time for something in the company, Ida is not there. And at this time, Selana also went to pick up the children after school. It’s not so easy if they don’t leave when they are alone, and want to leave when they come back.

Thinking clearly, Zhou Yi put on the own jacket and left the owner’s house in the car. He rushed towards the airport, although it was also a while before Susan’s plane arrived. But he didn’t mind waiting for a while.

Sitting in the coffee shop in the airport, I drank four or five cups of coffee. Zhou Yi finally waited for Susan’s flight. As soon as Susan walked out, Zhou Yi saw her and greeted her directly.

“I’m so sorry, my mother just notified me of your coming back today. Otherwise I should be able to prepare more!”

Successfully took over Susan’s The suitcase, Zhou Yi said to her apologetically.

And Susan just shook the head with a smile and said playfully.

“no no no, I am already very happy that you can come. Seriously, I thought you would let me dove again!”

“Wow! “When he heard this, Zhou Yi laughed awkwardly. “It’s really sorry, you know. I have a very good relationship with Tony, so he was sued in court for such an important matter. It is a bit unreasonable for me not to cheer him up.”

” Well, for the sake of you and your friends being such big names, forget it.” Stroking oneself’s golden sand-like hair, Susan smiled brightly. “But I think it’s better not to have such a thing next time. You know what, I have been preparing for a long time. But I heard such news, seriously. I was almost mad.”

“It’s really a bad thing to make you angry, although I like the way you are angry. But I promise. There won’t be another time.”

” This is what you said. Don’t forget it.”

“My memory has always been very good, so don’t worry.”

Two people talking and laughing. Leaving the airport side by side, they looked like a pair of lovers. But looking at the two men so well-matched, the person hiding in the dark quietly clenched his fists.

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