Sun God Marvel

Chapter 365

“I really want to greet your mother, you filthy scumbag!”

Faced with this tempting bewilderment, and Thoroughly evasive. Louise, who is straightforward by nature, directly expressed oneself’s answer in the most straightforward language.

“What the hell is that you fucking bastards do you think I don’t know? You have done so much to me, don’t you just want me to transfer all the hatred to Dawn Knight Body. Then accept your terms and become your mouthpiece. Then turn to him.”

“I tell you, you fucking is a daydream! My old lady is just picking up trash. , Living a life of vagrant, and you won’t get along with you bastards, so let’s die of this heart!”

Being repeatedly and repeatedly abused in such bad language , The person on the other side of the phone was already angry. But he endured it, and persuaded with patience.

“Ms. Barbara, don’t be too arrogant. It won’t be a good thing to be right with us. And you should also know that in this normal society, the energy of a Superhero and ours The strength is not comparable at all, his failure is doomed, why should you rely on this doomed sinking ship and refuse to get down?”

However, Barbara, who is as fierce as a fire, is not at all Know what it means to yield.

“Intimidation, profit and temptation, this is all you can do. What do you bastards know, what do you think I have been supporting Dawn Knight for? That is your dirty work, shameless What a bastard can never understand.”

“Everything I do is not only for him, a Superhero. It is for justice and axioms. This is what is worth everything. Do you understand? ?”

Loise’s righteous words are full of piercing power. But someone who has already abandoned something is impossible to understand everything she says.

“Justice? Axiom? Are you cracking a joke with me, Ms. Barbara. You say that what you do is just and uphold axioms. Who can prove it? You are just a joke The stubborn rotten wood that blocks the trend of the times is just that. The so-called justice and axioms are on our side. We let mankind have the freedom to own and control the destiny of oneself. We will also give them protection, from humanity own protection. Not the hell Superhero! You tell me justice and justice? We are justice! We are justice!”

“You are nothing, you are just a group with a shining mask It’s just a clown standing on the stage and show off one’s military strength. One day, your true colors will be revealed to the public, and then trampled into mud and destroyed into slag.”

Between the two The rivalry ended with Louise’s disdainful evaluation. After she said this, the two sides did not intend to continue the dispute. Because at this level, they can already clearly realize how unshakable their mutual beliefs are. That is something that can hardly be distorted by words.

Unless another method is used. Only with this method can this opponent be completely conquered.

lightly sighed, the man behind the call stretched out his own tone.

“It’s a shame, Ms. Barbara. I don’t think we need to go on anymore.”

“Why, you can’t help but pick up your tail and run back Your mother is crying and crying to tell you mother, are you scared and crying by your old lady?”

“no no no, of course not. How is this possible!” gritted his teeth, the man’s voice It became stiff and broken, but it quickly became fluid again. “I just don’t think it is necessary, because Ms. Barbara, you have no chance to see this day.”

“What?” Suddenly hearing this, Louise felt a sudden Kind of something wrong. She raised her head subconsciously, and the corner of her eye immediately noticed a little reflection from oneself’s apartment. Then almost without any hesitation, she was driven by oneself sixth sense and fell to the ground.

And such a move saved her life without accident. Because the moment she fell down, a crisp sound came from the window of her house. Then the coffee table next to her immediately punched a big hole in the middle.

It can be imagined, if she was still standing stupidly like just now. Now the big hole in the body is not the coffee table, but she herself.

This kind of cognition makes Louise feel completely inconceivable. If she doesn’t agree, she will kill her. Is such a guy really qualified to talk about justice and axioms? At the same time, a feeling of chills all over my body also came to my heart. This kind of wanton murder only used by terrorist organizations made her realize once again what kind of guy oneself provoked.

Regret is not enough, but regret is certain. At this time, Louise’s mood was extremely complicated. She wanted to complain or curse something, but reason made her make the most correct choice. At this time, no matter what you do, it is not important to escape.

Let go of all oneself’s distracting thoughts, hold own breath, and concentrate all oneself’s attention. Louise cat crawled over from the back of the sofa, facing the door.

But as soon as she showed her head, the slight and fragile sound rang again and continued.

If she did not follow the guidance of oneself, she immediately withdrew her hand. Now she is definitely missing a key component. But this kind of accidental luck didn’t play any role. The killer who sniped her was very professional, and his professionalism was not to the extent that an ordinary woman like her who had taken two days of self-defense and self-protection classes could handle it.

Although Louise saved oneself’s two lives with her own sixth sense, it does not mean that she can always be so lucky. The cat has only nine lives, even more how is her.

One after another sniper step by step compressed her living space. Although she had shrunk to the back of the bunker very cleverly, and shrank as much as possible to reduce the area where oneself might be hit. But this does not make her really safe.

No matter how expensive the sofa is in front of the sniper rifle, it will not last long. It was almost shot by hole, and the size of the sofa was shrinking at a speed visible to naked eye. And she couldn’t do anything. Louise, who couldn’t even escape, could only curl up tightly behind the remaining sofa, waiting for Death to ring her final death knell.

peng~ peng~ peng~, the shooting brought up flying catkins and countless broken sawdust. Looking at all this, Louise’s spirit was also on the verge of collapse. Death is getting closer and closer, she can almost feel its aura. But she could only close her eyes and scream to vent all oneself’s fears.

She has nowhere to hide, no way to run. Waiting for Death seems to have become her only destiny.

Looking at only a small block, you can even see the remains of the sofa with the contour of Louise. The killer who had been doing sniper work showed a relaxed smile.

Although the luck of the target is a little beyond his imagination, the luck has obviously come to an end. At this time, he didn’t believe that the target also could survive his gun. Unless there is a miracle, but this thing is not a miracle if it can happen casually.

Position, pull the trigger, and feel the reaction force of the bullet. The smile on the killer’s face reached its extreme. He is already thinking about what will happen after the work is over, as long as he sees the final death of the target, take another photo. Even his work today is completely over. And the rest is his rest time.

Whether it is going to a concert or playing a game, it will be a good pastime. The killer who has no bad habits thinks unexpectedly at this time, but the reality tells him that you think too early.

I don’t know when, a black figure appeared in front of the sofa where the target was. The figure made a rather strange movement.

One of his hands stretched forward, his index finger and thumb made a squeeze movement, which looked a bit silly, but in the eyes of the killer, he felt shuddering.

Because he can see clearly through the scope on the sniper rifle. This vague guy who can barely see his appearance is pinching the bullet he just fired.

As a killer, he can tell which type of gun a bullet was fired from at a glance. And without a doubt, he immediately determined that oneself’s carefully selected bullets had become an ornament at the fingertips of others. And being able to achieve this level is simply not something he can handle with a small assassin.

Apart from anything else, even the love guns on the ground can’t be taken care of. The killer got up, turned and ran.

But it was too late, because something was flying back at a speed far faster than the sound, and it penetrated his chest without feeling anything.

The bullet that whirled through his body almost opened a big hole in his chest that could fit into his head. In this case, the assassin didn’t even make a sound, so he knelt on the ground softly. There was no more sound.

The sniper game is over, Zhou Yi tilted his head and patted the sofa behind him.

“It’s safe, you can come out.”

His movements made Louise tremble like a frightened quail, and after hearing what he said. She opened her eyes trembling with fear and secretly looked behind oneself.

At this glance, she saw a familiar character. The whole body was bruised, some broken Combat Armor, and ragged cloak full of holes. also a bleak helmet that almost didn’t shine. All this made her very impressed.

Because this is the final appearance of Dawn Knight after fighting the two giants. And it was this look that made her completely captured by him.

So without any hesitation, she rushed forward. He hugged Dawn Knight and yelled excitedly.

“Oh my god, it’s very good. You came to save me. Thank God, no matter which one! I know you will never abandon us.”

Her words made Zhou Yi both gratified and regretful. He patted the shoulder of the woman who had escaped from death to calm her emotions. Then I talked about it.

“Okay, Louise. It’s alright, if you continue like this, my wife will probably turn my face with me!”

“Are you married?” Louise Si was surprised, and then quickly explained. “I mean you are actually married and you have a family. Oh my God, this is another big news. Just like you insist on guarding us!”

“No, Louise. There are some things Not what you think!”

shook the head, Zhou Yi interrupted her excitement. Then she said something that made her stunned for an instant.

“I really want to leave!”

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