Sun God Marvel

Chapter 384

The speed of Mark 4th generation has almost reached the limit of ordinary conditions, and the silhouette of Iron Man instantly became a dazzling flame. He straightly caught up with Captain in the falling state, and was about to intercept his falling trajectory.

But Captain violently adjusted the own posture at this time, and plunged into the nearby building with a shield in front, flying diagonally.

This is definitely a death-death behavior for ordinary people, but for Captain who possesses the magic weapon of Vibranium shield, it is the most suitable escape method.

Vibranium’s ability to absorb all shocks allows him to fall from high altitude at this speed without any harm. As he got into the building, he immediately moved quickly, and disappeared into piles of debris in a blink of an eye.

As soon as his front foot disappeared, Tony followed him in the mansion. Taking a glance at the floor where the Captain silhouette is completely invisible, Tony yelled.

“Come out, Captain. You are impossible to escape from my hands. I don’t want to hurt you, so you better don’t make it difficult for me!”

Captain this At that time, he simply ignored him, and even at this time he turned off the own communication device to prevent Tony from being tracked back to the own position.

But he obviously underestimated Tony’s technological level. Called own artificial intelligence Jarvis, directly connected to all the monitoring facilities of the building, Tony quickly constructed a three-dimensional image of the building in his own visor, and in this image, Captain had nowhere to hide.

Ignoring the so-called vandalism problem, Tony directly broke through the floor and walls between the floors and chased Captain at a straight line.

His speed is very fast, but the movement caused is not small. Upon hearing this voice, Captain knew that he had definitely found the position of own. So he directly gave up the idea of ​​hiding, and instead launched a charge towards the position of his own teammates.

And his teammates, at this time also rushed to his position to respond. They said to Tony as they prepared to meet Captain.

“Tony, stop. You can’t do this. If you continue, don’t blame us for attacking you!”

“Sorry, everyone. I have nothing to do. The choice, if you can understand how I feel now.”

Tony replied, but the action didn’t mean to stop at all. And according to his way of walking in a straight line, it won’t take long before he will catch up with Captain.

Captain’s command ability is good, and the tactics have been tested. But in terms of combat effectiveness, he is really not Tony’s opponent.

As soon as Captain was about to fall into Tony’s palm, Natasha, who was already on the way, immediately screamed.


“Understood!” Jennifer in a special uniform replied, and then stepped forward suddenly, his body swelled frantically. Almost in the blink of an eye, she went from a petite woman to a tall, fit and strong giantess.

And then, she bounced on the spot, and the whole person bounced in the direction of Captain like a cannonball out of the chamber. The distance of several hundred meters was almost instantaneous to her, and Tony, who had just chased Captain out of the building, was rushed into the air without any preparation.

The power of the female Hulk is beyond human imagination. Even Tony, whose whole body is protected by Nanominium, feels an incredible impact in an instant.

Although Nanominium has the function of reducing its own impact with ultra-high frequency vibration, the magnitude of this sudden burst of formidable strength is too limited.

In other words, for Tony’s physical body and mortal flesh, even if one percent of the power passes through the defense of Nanominium, it is a choking problem.

Under a loud noise, Tony’s body was fiercely embedded into the surface like a meteor. Layers of fine cracks were broken on the solid surface like crispy biscuits.

And Tony’s body was firmly stepped on by Jennifer, and it was a problem to move it.

“Stop me, you little iron-skinned thing.”

I used own power to restrain Tony under his feet, and Jennifer threatened Tony with a loud voice. To be honest, Loki’s methods have disgusted her. As for Tony who made such a thing for the woman she loved, she didn’t know how to treat him.

As a woman, she does not dislike men who make such choices for women. But as a teammate, she had to be hostile to him in a big position. She must stop him. In this case, at best, she can only guarantee that oneself will not be dead.

Tony’s whole mind was confused by such a violent muscular girl so suddenly. On the one hand, the huge force hurt his body, and the strong shock made him feel dizzy instinctively in his biological functions. On the other hand, it is a broken worldview.

until now He thinks that oneself is pretty good. Even if it is incomparable to that unusual or even unique and unmatched friend, there will be one of the very best in Superhero this World.

But now the crazy alarm from the ear tells him that all this is just his lonely fantasy. The machine will not deceive, so the 4th generation of Mark’s alarm is equivalent to telling him perfectly clear that he is scornful and weak.

His technology is too fragile in front of those extremely powerful opponents, almost to the point of being impossible to withstand a single blow. Whether it’s for countless enemies like Loki that can Avatar, or for monsters like Jennifer whose power is close to the limit.

The frustration of this failure made him feel frustrated. Originally, the decision he made now made him feel uncomfortable enough, coupled with this feeling of failure, immediately made him have an urge to give up completely.

Whether it is Iron Man’s identity, his pride, his life, and his most beloved Pepper. At this moment he had the idea of ​​abandoning them.

But when the appearance of Pepper drifted through his brain, the turbulent emotions like the sea immediately dissipated everything.

Tony has always been a person who lacks emotion. His parents left so early that he cared more and more about the people around oneself. Sometimes, he cares even more than oneself. Among them, Pepper is definitely the most special one, for her. He can do anything, even betrayal, even death.

Once a person gets out of the horns, he is very likely to do extremely terrifying things, such as Tony now.

At this moment, he completely ignored the alarm sound that came with Mark 4th generation, and instead shouted at own intelligent assistant Jarvis.

“Jarvis, how is the condition of the power furnace?”

“Sir, the power furnace is in good condition. But the damage of Mark 4th generation has exceeded 50%, I suggest You immediately stop resisting and surrender to your teammates. Judging from the current situation, they shouldn’t hurt you.”

Although Jarvis is just an intelligent system, he is highly personified. This also meant that he saw very clearly, and the situation in front of him was quite unfavorable for Tony. Surrender is his best choice, as long as he is willing to give up, in fact, many things still have opportunities.

But the last thing Tony can do now is to give up.

“Needless to say, Jarvis. Switch to special mode, the power of the furnace is fully turned on, and the program is woken up! This time will make me go crazy. Also, everyone, if you don’t want an accident, It’s better to stay away from me.”

Speaking of words that no one can understand, Tony issued this warning to his former teammates.

Such warning made his former teammates confused, because no matter how you look at Tony, there is not much probability of a turnaround. Although he just said something that sounds very difficult to deal with, more people just laughed at this thing.

The only exception is the little spider.

When he heard Tony say this, the spider’s induction immediately rang like a drum in his brain. This is an unprecedented perception of danger, even surpassing the thrilling experience of being chased by Hulk. So he immediately yelled to his own teammates.

“Be careful, he is dangerous now.”

The little spider reacted quickly, but it was too late. When Jarvis enforced Tony’s orders, everything was irreversible.

Nanominium, when it was first developed by Zhou Yi’s men, was just a controllable metal module that can be input into simple programs. It appears in huge modularity and is used. Except for some simple applications, there are not many functions that can truly reflect its nano-level advantages.

On the one hand, it is because of the amount of calculation. Nano-scale micro-metals want to be fully utilized, which is still a bit too difficult for the current human technology computer. Even maintaining the active nano-computing of Tony’s armor requires the full strength of a large base computer. In terms of pay and return, this is not worthwhile.

The supply of energy is also not cost-effective. It’s just the size of an armor, but hundreds of millions of Nanominiums require astronomical amounts of energy to operate fully functionally. Even if SHIELD’s space carrier opens all its energy supply, it may not be able to sustain its consumption.

So, for today’s human beings, nanotechnology has actually reached bottleneck. Wanting to get a breakthrough again is almost impossible at the current human level. But Tony is the biggest exception. Because he is the only person who can solve these two problems.

In other words, what he has on hand can solve these two problems.

Jarvis, as Tony’s self-developed artificial intelligence, has the computing capacity of the entire Stark Industries supercomputer support. Nanominium’s activity control is not a problem for it. On the other hand, the Ark power furnace, which has been developed and perfected by the two generations of Stark father and son, has almost Infinity energy.

Nanotechnology has almost no obstacles in Stark’s hands. And this directly led Tony to witness the true nature of nanotechnology.

It will be the existence that changes the world, and it will also be the most terrifying weapon. And now, this weapon will appear on this World in the most special way.

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