Sun God Marvel

Chapter 390


For this proposal, Zhou Yi just grinned.

“I don’t think this is a good idea. I know more about Loki than you guys. Your plan is too limited for him. If If you don’t want to be led by his nose, then it’s best not to mention any plan!”

“You seem to know him well?” When asked this, Captain finally remembered to ask Zhou Yi’s Identity. “I haven’t consulted yet, may I ask you?”

“I am Zhou Yi!” Shrugged bladder, Zhou Yi replied like this. “But people who know my other identity like to call me, Dawn Knight!”

“I knew it!” With a mumbled voice, Captain shook Zhou Yi’s hand firmly. “Although you were a little late, I am still very happy to see you at this time. I am Steve, Steve Rogers!”

“I know, Captain America, you were still It’s famous, I mean on the comics!” Shaking hands with Captain, Zhou Yi did not show any excitement at seeing the comic characters. “Although I prefer comic characters like Superman and Batman!”

“I can see it!” After a greeting, Captain immediately asked what oneself cares more about. “You said you know something about Loki, then do you know how to find someone from him?”

“Loki?” Said the name in a strange tone, Zhou Yi smiled. “Trust me, it will hide deeper than a mouse! Moreover, compared to you, he is even more reluctant to let me find his trace, and then settle the problem between us!”

“This It’s just a bastard, he’d better pray not to fall into my hands!” Tony was still aggrieved, but the sound of the police siren that was approaching his ears was enough to make him feel his own feelings. “But to be honest, we are leaving now. I don’t think our stay here will help find Loki, and I am not interested in staying in a German prison for a while!”

” We should go, but what about Hulk? Where did he and Jennifer go?” Captain asked, and listening to his question, Tony couldn’t help curl one’s lip. Being beaten by these two siblings so fat, it is impossible to say that you have no temper.

But he himself knows very well that oneself is totally not qualified to play any temper on this issue. He was the one who provoked the incident, although he had an own reason. But there is no doubt that he is at a loss on this issue.

“We are here!” With a loud noise, the silhouettes of Jennifer and Hulk jumped onto the floor where they were Captain. They heard Captain’s call, so they came in time. However, like Tony, Hulk obviously does not at all calm and treat Tony’s ability.

He was still grinning, and his eyes looked at Tony with unconcealed anger. But maybe because of Jennifer’s prevention, he not at all rushed to give him a fat beating, but muttered dissatisfiedly.

“The nasty iron man shit!”

“Hey, I can’t take it as if I didn’t hear it!” Tony, who has a character that is easy to be teased, can’t take such remarks It was in one ear and out the other, so he immediately replied. “You Big Fatty painted with green paint!”

The strong man never bothered to scold like a shrew, so what Hulk did was like a prehistoric giant beast, using the most Original’s violent roar to express own opinion.

He opened his mouth wide and let out an absolutely terrifying roar, and the violent air flow even spewed out like a compressed cannonball. And Tony, who was regarded as a target, immediately felt what a cruel tone was.

His hair and his clothes all turned into a banner under the strong wind in an instant, almost parallel to the ground at a level of ninety degrees. And his face was like a trembling flag, shaking wildly in Hulk’s big tone.

In terms of volume and boldness, Tony is obviously not Hulk’s opponent. And he also recognized this very cleverly. So obediently and honestly gave up the plan to continue arguing with this big guy.

Seeing his confession, Hulk’s face showed a smile full of triumph and sarcasm, which was quite magical.

This kind of smile makes people angry at first glance, and even somehow thinks of something bad. Tony was about to have an attack, but Captain immediately stopped these two troublesome guys.

“Enough, you two. Don’t you think it’s not big enough? Let’s get out of here, right now!”

In the face of Captain’s sudden anger, Tony curl one’s lip, Then obediently and honestly swallowed everything oneself had to say. Captain is kind to him anyway, so he doesn’t have the confidence to fight him.

And Hulk grinned, gradually shrinking his own size in silence. This means that he has begun to restrain his anger, and without the burning anger, he will soon become that gentle Court Academecian.

Looking at these, Captain finally suppressed his own anger, he said.

“The failure of this mission was my cause. I did not know enough about the enemy to act blindly without thinking. I will explain this to Nick Fury, and I will bear all the consequences. . And now what you have to do is to obey the orders obediently and honestly! We must leave here now, at least to ensure that the things in our hands are not obtained by Loki!”

“Now you are the Boss , What you said counts!”

No one will oppose Captain at this time, not just because of his identity. More because of his actions. A leader who can take on mistakes is obviously an indispensable role in their team. Everyone agrees with this.

Take a look at this unpretentious city destroyed by them again, and the Avengers left this place that made them equated with defeat. Every one of them silently made a determination at this time, that is, must make Loki pay the price.

Good news is never as fast as bad news. The Avengers have not yet returned, and Nick Fury, who is far beyond a thousand li, already knows what they have committed.

So when the failed Avengers got off the plane, he was already standing on the deck, waiting for their return.

This cold-faced and cold-eyed guy has never been able to give people so much pressure like today. For many of the Avengers, they really have no face to face Nick Fury.

People have spent countless efforts and placed great hopes, but you gave him that kind of thing in return. I believe that as long as a person who is also shameless will feel ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Just when these people didn’t know how to tell Nick Fury about it. The director of the cold noodles has already taken the lead.

“I already know about Germany, and I will explain it to the German authorities. The mistake at this time is not yours. And we don’t have the time to study who made the mistake.”


Although he said so, he gave Tony a fiercely one-eyed look. Obviously, he still had a big opinion about Tony’s behavior.

In the face of Director Fury’s one-eyed glaring, Tony, who knew he was wrong, had to default obediently and honestly. And seeing his deflated appearance, Director Fury didn’t have any more interest in pestering him. He walked straight past the avengers and came to Zhou Yi.

“It’s nice to see you here, Dawn Knight. This is our first meeting! Seriously, you can be here but it helped us a lot?”


“Really?” Looking at Director Fury’s extended hand, Zhou Yi held him meaningfully and said. “I thought you wouldn’t want me to appear in this place?”

“Please forgive me to speak bluntly, although I don’t like your existence as a powerful person who escapes the limitations of this World . But from the beginning to the end, I have never done anything against you. Including the previous disturbances in public opinion this time. We not at all play any disgraceful role in it.”

” Hope so!” Zhou Yi no longer wants to continue on this topic. This kind of fundamentally impossible thing to find the answer is not to let Nick Fury say what he wants. He said no, then just treat it as not. Anyway, this kind of thing is no longer important to Zhou Yi.

Nick.Fury, who is good at observing words, can easily see Zhou Yi’s carelessness. So he changed his own tone in a good manner and talked about what is more important to them now.

“Loki’s things are not without any benefits, at least we now know what kind of ability he has. And now we must have other things to be nervous. There is a big problem, we need It’s up to you to decide. Especially you, Dawn Knight. I hope to hear your opinion!”

“Big question, what is the big question?”

Almost everyone is thinking What can make Nick Fury give up the huge losses that can cause international disputes and ignore it, and instead focus on this so-called issue.

“When you were making trouble in Germany, we received a strange set of messages. At first we thought it was a prank. But after repeated confirmation from Manhattan, we found that this was not What a prank. It’s a real message, a message from outside the universe!”

“A group of guys claiming to be Guardians of the Galaxy and Rising Star Revenge Legion told us that they hope to have something with us. Communication. On the issue of our upcoming alien attack!”

“Guardians of the Galaxy? Nova Revenge Legion? It sounds strange, how do they want to talk?”

As a person designated by Fury to hear opinions, Zhou Yi asked.

“They want to send some people to us to communicate with us face to face. To be honest, we at first hesitate because we don’t know how to face these visitors from the universe. We don’t know them. What kind of intentions do you have? If they are not good, can we deal with them. But now, if you are there, I think we can try to contact them!”

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