Sun God Marvel

Chapter 396

At the speed of Zhou Yi, the Kun-style fighter is really not much faster than the crawling turtle. So just for a moment, he blocked in front of Button.

“Agent Patton, although I don’t know why you chose to defect. But you can’t run away, hand over your things and go back with me. Maybe you will have a decent end!”

Agent Patton did not answer Zhou Yi, but directly opened the weapons on both wings of the fighter. The high-speed aircraft gun fired at Zhou Yi almost without any hesitation.

But the effect is naturally very few. It can be said that it is almost like a breeze blowing on the face, without giving Zhou Yi any feeling.

“Okay, it looks like I know your answer. Then I’m sorry, maybe a little bit of violence will be required!”

With a slight smile, Zhou Yi is about to arrest Patton. But just as he was preparing to move, a light suddenly shot from under his feet.

It was a light beam of purple, not big but with infinite formidable power, and even instantly made Zhou Yi chill in his body and felt a sense of threat that he had never felt before.

He instinctively didn’t want to be hit by the light, so he immediately moved away from his body and let the light pass by his side. And it wasn’t until this light disappeared beside own that the feeling of being threatened in his subconscious began to gradually disappear. At this time, where did Zhou Yi take care of Button? He immediately put his sight on the place where this faint purple beam came. At this look, he saw a guy holding a hammer, standing on the peak of an island and showing a strange smile to him.

The whole body is blue skin, strange armor. It was the guy called Ronan the Accuser. The light radiated from a strange purple gem inlaid on the hammer he was holding.

With the explanation of the previous Star Lord and others, coupled with the kind of intimidation that oneself just felt, Zhou Yi was able to conclude almost immediately that the gem on his hammer is so-called with infinite power Infinity Gem. Although I don’t know why Thanos has such courage, he put this kind of divine object on a subordinate of own. But if you don’t know how to start at this time, Zhou Yi will feel that his own brain must be rusty.

He has made up his mind to take advantage of this opportunity to leave Ronan the Accuser and take away the Infinity Gem from him. But before that, at least Button had to be taken back.

Pause the time directly and enter the river of time controlled by oneself. Zhou Yi broke the window of the fighter plane and fished Patton out of it. There was a box handcuffed in his hand, thinking it was the iridium he had stolen from Tony’s surveillance. Without thinking too much, he caught the traitor directly, Zhou Yi immediately tore the void open, and he threw it in along the void.

At the other end of the void is SHIELD’s Helicarrier. I believe that after Patton, a traitor, returns to it, there will definitely be very enthusiastic guys waiting to entertain him.

After that, things have nothing to do with Zhou Yi, and the problem of traitors is solved. Zhou Yi shot out at Ronan the Accuser below. He is still in the time under his control. During this time, he has plenty of opportunities to repay the revenge he had just shot.

In just an instant, Zhou Yi rushed to Ronan the Accuser’s side, and then hit his face that always kept a strange smile with a heavy blow.

This fist is a show mercy, but it is enough to crush steel and the earth. So under this fist, Ronan the Accuser’s entire face began to be distorted and deformed. He heard the crackle cracking sound from his bones, and his wide mouth began to spray teeth and saliva, and his whole body shot out, directly through the mountain peak under oneself’s feet.

Don’t think it will hurt, but it shouldn’t be fatal. Although Ronan the Accuser is only an alien, Zhou Yi has already felt no less than God’s Life Strength from him. So in theory, such a punch should still be undying him.

You must know that God is not a Supreme life form. Many life forms can evolve their forms to a level that is not inferior to God. As for this fist, Zhou Yi believes that the cunning guy in Loki can bear it, even more how Ronan the Accuser looks stronger than him.

In fact, Ronan the Accuser also not at all disappointed him, because when he was relieved of the time suspended by oneself, he was immediately sent from the belly of the mountain that was penetrated by Ronan the Accuser’s body. An angry roar. This almost shows that not only did he not suffer any serious injuries, but he was full of anger, even full of anger.

Soon, a faint purple light screen made up of flowing fire and electric light spread out along the channel that runs through the belly of the mountain. This light screen has incredible power, and everything that touches it is in a short period of time. Disassemble was shattered by it in the time of Disassemble. It was just a few breaths of time. The cliff on this island was completely wiped out of Zhou Yi’s vision, leaving only a huge half. The round mask, like an inverted bowl, is buckled on the island.

And this obviously has not reached the limit that this mask can destroy, because it is almost visible to naked eye, the entire island is falling apart from the inside out, turning into powder. I believe that it will not be long before this deserted island will completely become history.

I can imagine what kind of apocalyptic scene would be if such a guy were allowed to enter the city. So Zhou Yi has made up his mind and will not let this guy leave here alive anyway.

But Ronan the Accuser doesn’t know what Zhou Yi has made at this time. After some venting, he obviously controlled his own emotions. Although he is still surrounded by the light mask with terrifying destructive power, he himself seems not at all to fight with Zhou Yi. Even after being beaten up by Zhou Yi, he still tried his best to maintain the basic politeness that he should have towards an equally powerful opponent.

“A powerful warrior, you are the guy that Thanos has been talking about? The opponent he recognizes?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about! But If you say that Thanos wants to deal with the guy, then I’m right!”

Zhou Yi has own pride, even though he is already murderous. But before the war started, he hadn’t gotten to the point where he took advantage of others’ chances to relax a little bit and then went straight to a sneak attack. So he replied very seriously. This can be considered to give Ronan the Accuser some decent dignity in the last time of his life.

“Hello, powerful warrior, I am Ronan the Accuser, the accuser Ronan the Accuser from the Kerry clan!” With the sledge hammer in oneself’s hand, Ronan the Accuser lowered his head slightly. He tapped his own breastplate hard. This seems to be a courtesy. Although Zhou Yi is not very clear, he can clearly understand what he wants to express.

So he immediately replied.

“You don’t need to do so many extra things, the accuser Ronan the Accuser. I know your name, and I know you are the leader of the Cree under Thanos, and even your goals are clear. Chu. So, there is nothing to talk about between us. Rather than talking nonsense, think about what you also want to explain!”

After saying this, Zhou Yi’s body Immediately there were layers of golden light flames, which were shaped like a mask and touched the dark purple mask under the feet. Then suddenly there was a terror wave like a Level 12 hurricane.

Such fluctuations let Ronan the Accuser see eyes shrank immediately. He violently raised the sledgehammer in oneself’s hand, making the light mask around him smaller, but tighter. . This made his defense more rigid, and at the same time showed a disguised retreat to Zhou Yi.

“I’m not at all malice, a soldier of Earth. I think we might have the probability of cooperation!”

Looking at standing in a mask, there is no counterattack at all The accuser of Ronan the Accuser and Zhou Yi suddenly felt that oneself seemed to have discovered some hidden secrets. Maybe the inside of Thanos was not like they thought it was ironic. Just as there will be a traitor like Patton in SHIELD, who can guarantee that Ronan the Accuser will be 100% loyal to Thanos?

So Zhou Yi became interested in an instant. He learned the appearance of Ronan the Accuser to converge the own golden light fire, and then walked to him step by step, maintaining a confrontation but not Infringing on the distance to his domain, asked him.

“I thought Thanos’s subordinates would be absolutely loyal to him? Now it seems that it is not like this!”

“I’m not that guy’s subordinate, I’m Ronan the Accuser, Kerry’s accuser, and I will always be in this identity!” It seemed that some pain point was touched, and Ronan the Accuser immediately yelled out of control. But facing his roar, Zhou Yi is just coldly smiled.

“It’s ridiculous, you have already obeyed Thanos’ orders and flew here with your fleet. Now you still tell me that you have nothing to do with him, do you think I am a fool?”

“You don’t understand, Earth person. You don’t understand at all.” shook the head, Ronan the Accuser gnashing teeth said. “Thanos is a crazy guy without any kindness or compassion. Anyone who disobeys him will pay the most terrifying price. If I reject him, I will die. At the same time, my clansman and my planet will be completely destroyed by him. Destroy. I’m impossible to take them as a bet, so I have no other choice!”

“Then you are willing to obey his orders to invade other planets? You can comfortably let others act as oneself His minions, continue to do evil for him?” Ronan the Accuser’s explanation not at all attracted Zhou Yi’s sympathy, he just said contemptuously. “People always make excuses for oneself, and never want to face the weakness and incompetence of own. Compared with the revengeful Sandals, you are so timid and ridiculous.”

“Don’t take us and Compared with the Shandars, the stupid Shandars are always impossible and the warriors of Kerry mention on equal terms.” As a Kerry who has opposed the Shandars for generations, even after the death of the new star of the Shandars, he They are not willing to recognize the value of the Shandars.

But his refusal to admit has no effect at all, because there is already a difference in the hearts of others.

“Do you know? What you are doing now is the same as the act of spurning the graves of the war dead by wagging your tail and begging for mercy. People will not have any thoughts except to look down on them. “

This sentence made Ronan the Accuser’s cheeks twitch, but he still endured the bad breath. Then he said coldly to Zhou Yi.

“Enough, let’s talk about the transaction.”

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