Sun God Marvel

Chapter 400

When Zhou Yi returned to SHIELD, it had been a long time. As soon as he appeared in people’s sight, Commander Hill, who was notified, rushed over immediately, and then shouted at him impatient.

“Where have you been, don’t you know that our situation is very dangerous now? Button is just a cover, and the iridium you got back is simply not the stolen iridium. The real iridium has fallen to Loki They are in their hands. No matter what they are going to do, we are too late!”

“Don’t worry, the situation is not as bad as you think, I have an unexpected gain!”

Soothing Commander Hill’s emotions, Zhou Yi quietly showed her what oneself was holding in the palm of his hand. When the purple radiance started Blink in front of her eyes, Commander Hill immediately became a little dazzled.

“What is this? Is it…Infinity Gem?”

“You guessed it right. This is Infinity Gem, which is known as the most amazing in the universe Treasure. It doesn’t matter for us to lose the iridium, because one of the enemy’s most important things has fallen into my hands. And this is enough to shorten the gap between us.”

Zhou Yi said triumphantly, but Commander Hill at this time did not hear his words at all. The power of the Infinity Gem is also reflected in its charm. Seeing this gem that exudes purple radiance, Commander Hill was a little stunned. She involuntarily stretched out her hand and wanted to touch this extremely beautiful gem. exist. But before her fingers touched, Zhou Yi immediately closed her hands and blocked her sight.

“Be careful! It’s dangerous. When an ordinary person encounters it, it will only be destroyed immediately. You don’t want to know how powerful destructive power it has!”

“Are you sure? But it’s so beautiful, it’s not terrifying as you said!” Commander Hill reluctantly glanced at the purple radiance in Zhou Yi’s fingers, and only turned it around after a long while with his own perseverance. own sight. “Well, since you said that. But what do you plan to do with it?”

“Of course it is in my hands. This thing can only be maximized in my hands. Only it can give me the capital to fight Thanos. Therefore, I will not give it to anyone.”

Zhou Yi unceremoniously announced that oneself has the right to Infinity Gem Sovereignty, that kind of overbearing possessive desire made Commander Hill, who has always been familiar with him, feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Why did you become like this?”

“This way? What is it like?” Upon hearing this, Zhou Yi asked strangely. He didn’t understand what Commander Hill meant, but Commander Hill obviously didn’t mean to help him.

“No, it’s nothing!” She shook the head and changed the subject. “I think we should go to Tony and them now. We should inform them immediately about the Infinity Gem in our hands. Their morale is very low. It is good to have a good news to stimulate them.”

“Of course no problem, they do need good news now!” With a slight smile, Zhou Yi roughly guessed what Commander Hill meant. She wants to use the opinions of most people to shake him up, thereby interfering with the sovereignty issue of Infinity Gem. But this is of no use to him. Infinity Gem is in his hands, no one can take it. He is fearless and does not need to be afraid.

With Zhou Yi’s approval, Commander Hill immediately spread the news. Unsurprisingly, in the shortest time, everyone came to Zhou Yi.

“Where is the Infinity Gem, let me see, let me see!”

Unexpectedly, it was the Rockets who came here first. As soon as he saw Zhou Yi, he sprang up with his hands and feet, grabbed Zhou Yi’s trousers and jumped straight up, while screaming constantly in his mouth.

Faced with his anxious look, Zhou Yi just laughed, shook oneself and held the hand of Infinity Gem. The purple radiance was immediately caught by the sharp-eyed rocket. Seeing this, he immediately opened his mouth and couldn’t help but say.

“Damn it, isn’t this the one we found? Shouldn’t it be in Ronan the Accuser’s hands now?”

“What? Where is Ronan the Accuser?” Drax’s heavy voice rang, but it was immediately interrupted by the Star Lord.

“Enough, Drax. Not Ronan the Accuser, but Infinity Gem.”

While speaking, Star Lord walked in front of Zhou Yi. He glanced at the purple radiance and said strangely.

“It is really the one we found. What happened to Ronan the Accuser? Also, why are you okay?”

As the first person to find this Power Stone , Star Lord has a very clear understanding of it. He remembered with great clarity how a woman turned into a huge bomb of formidable power after holding this gem, almost killing them.

So he is very surprised now, why Zhou Yi will be safe and sound. And it looks a bit more energetic than at first.

“I defeated Ronan the Accuser, but for this Infinity Gem, I did not care about his life and death. So now I don’t know how he is! Besides, why am I okay? I don’t need your relationship anymore!”

“Okay, okay!” Seems to be aware of Zhou Yi’s alert when talking to others about the Infinity Gem in his hand, Star Lord shrugged, indicating Oneself has no meaning what it thinks. “Finally, there is good news! Although the situation is still bad, at least we finally have a little advantage!”

“Then we should take advantage of the victory and expand this hard-to-reach point The advantage is!” Arrive slowly Captain and Dr. Banner walked hand in hand. He first glanced at the Infinity Gem in Zhou Yi’s hand, and then solemnly said. “We found some clues, so I think we have to start acting.”

Hearing this, Tony, who had been bad luck, immediately came to his spirits.

“Hurry up and tell me any clues. I can’t wait to find the bastard Loki to settle the bill.”

“Cough cough, it looks like this.” See Tony like this Anxious, Dr. Banner cleared his throat and stood up. “I studied the characteristics of the cosmic magic cube and found that it always emits a weak gamma ray all the time. Although the amplitude of this ray is small, it is still within the range that can be monitored. “

“I called SHIELD’s resources to search for gamma rays in this band worldwide. After excluding some impossible situations, I found the most likely target!”

Speaking of this, he stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction.

“The most likely place they are now is there, New York! If they want to do and so on, I am afraid they will only be there!”

This The news made most of the people present look bad. Because New York has a special meaning for most of the people present. That is their lair, it is their home. Most of their friends, relatives, and lovers are in that place. If this kind of cosmic war is started in New York, it is very likely that everything they have will be irreparably lost.

And this kind of loss is definitely not acceptable to everyone.

“Are you sure? Dr. Banner?” Tony, who first thought of Pepper, immediately asked solemnly. He had already been threatened with Pepper once, and he never wanted to see Pepper under any threat. Although Pepper is not in New York right now, who knows if she will suddenly go back and be stirred in?

“I’m pretty sure, because I’ve repeated the verification at least ten times. They are in New York now. As for what they are going to do and when they will do it, then I don’t know!”

Dr. Banner said with a smile, if he could, he didn’t want the enemy’s target to be the city of New York. In any case, he owes New York too much, so he really doesn’t want New York to suffer another terrifying disaster.

“We need to act quickly, everyone. Whether it is to evacuate civilians or other and so on, at least do something first!” The little spider was also anxious at this time. As a commoner child who grew up in New York, he has almost everything in this city. Whether it’s his aunt Uncle or his girlfriend and friends. Once the war broke out, he really couldn’t believe what kind of danger these people would face.

After all, their opponents are aliens, and no one knows what kind of methods those aliens will have. He even said that he was not even sure that oneself could get out of his body.

In this case, he can only hope his own teammates.

“It’s time for us to act, this time we can’t be preempted by them in any case. This is our home court, we must take advantage of the home court!”

As the temporary leader of the team, Captain said with a final word. Although Barton’s rebellion has once again cast a shadow on the Avengers, at this critical time, they must still stand up and be on the front line. So he made this decision promptly.

But, with his tone barely fell, Fury got in.

“Wait, you are going to go like this? With Infinity Gem?”

“Why, do you also have any other opinions?” Fury’s words made Zhou Yi coldly smiled, He asked back immediately, wanting to see what tricks he was going to play.

“Of course, I don’t recommend that you bring the Infinity Gem to New York. To be fair, no one knows if you can win. If it goes wrong, you have failed. Then this one The gem is equivalent to returning to Thanos again. So even to be on the safe side, I hope you keep the gem and let us keep it!”

“Then let your spies to take it Give it back?” Zhou Yi smiled, disdainful. “After so many things, Director Fury, don’t think about it. Infinity Gem does not belong to you, it belongs to the real powerhouse.”

This makes Captain frowned, but he Still firmly stood on Zhou Yi’s side.

“He’s right, Director. SHIELD has a lot of weak spots and it’s not suitable to keep this thing. Instead of risking this, it’s better to give it to our highest battle strength and let it play. Play the biggest role.”

“Steve, you!”

Fury didn’t finish speaking, and Tony followed.

“He is right, and I agree. I don’t want to be shackled by the own person again!”

Two people in a row opposed the own opinion, which made Fury’s face It becomes very ugly. And just when he was about to say something and so on, above the sky, the thunder of hong long long suddenly rang.

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