Sun God Marvel

Chapter 403

“What’s that?”

The battleship that only shows a corner is as magnificent as a high-rise building. It’s hard to imagine what his whole thing will be. Kind of state. And looking at this battleship, which embodies the powerful Interstellar civilization and far surpasses the Helicarrier, the largest aircraft he has ever seen, Captain couldn’t help muttering to himself.

“That is the Ronan the Accuser’s car, the flagship of the Cree fleet. It seems that they are ready to attack!”

The Star Lord replied solemnly. Then, he asked the little raccoon beside him.

“Rocket, are our weapons ready?”

“Of course, I have prepared for this day for a long time.” Rocket’s sharp mouth pulled out a little With a ferocious smile, he looked at the huge monster slowly revealing oneself’s complete body above, and it turned out to show an expression as if the hunter saw the prey.

Not only him, but the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy also showed similar looks. This makes Captain feel very strange, because no matter how you look at the Dawn of the Star Lord and the battleship of Ronan the Accuser, there are as different as heaven and earth. But now the Star Lord and the others look like they see the Kerry battleship as fish on a knife.

And soon, he knew why Star Lord would react like this. Because at this moment, under the control of the Star Lord, a huge weapon actually stretched out under the Dawn.

It is a weapon full of deterrence, and its muzzle is as big as the Dawn One Third. And more importantly, just by looking at its appearance and the energy escaping around the muzzle, you can guess that this is definitely not a device for firing gunpowder weapons. It is a more advanced and destructive power weapon. And this weapon has now been aimed at the giant cosmic ship in the sky with half its head out.

Without giving the Cree’s battleship any chance to react, Star Lord pressed the launch button as soon as the energy was full. Suddenly, an orange red radiance sword tore through the gloomy sky, and then in an instant, it shot the battleship in the sky directly through the sky like a hot knife cutting butter.

This kind of sudden attack was carried out completely without any precautions by the Kerry people, so a raging fire was ignited in the battleship, and the explosion sounded one after another. stand up.

Countless wrecks and fragments fell like raindrops. These things fell into the city below, causing considerable damage immediately. But at this time, even the dull people reacted.

Stark, no matter how great generosity is, it is impossible to create this kind of Interstellar. Coupled with this sudden attack, the New Yorkers who had been practicing for so many times immediately realized that they had been invaded by aliens.

This cognition spread in the crowd like a plague, and almost immediately, everyone seemed to be crazy, and they began to rush and run for their lives. The situation deteriorated to such an instant in an instant. This makes Captain immediately turn pale with fright.

“Damn, what the hell are you doing? Don’t you know how much panic this will cause?”

“Panic, don’t crack a joke. Dangke When the battleship of the insider came out, the panic had already begun!” The rocket carried a pile of things and dived under the spaceship without looking back. It is the technician of spaceship and the maker of that cannon. At this time, its most important job is to maintain the stable output of the spaceship and the cannon, not to fight with Captain and the others.

So after he left, Star Lord went on to explain.

“Trust me, Captain. You don’t want to know what kind of formidable power the Cree’s starship cannon will have. Kill their weapon system before they attack. This is where we are now. Is doing. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to the fellow human beings below.”

As he said, he manipulated the Dawn like a Swift in a rainstorm, flexibly Flying up. At this time, from the Kerry’s battleship, I don’t know how many small spaceships came out, and as soon as they came out, they rushed towards the Dawn. The laser flying all over the sky is almost reaching the level of airtightness. And fortunately, it was the old driver, Star Lord, who sailed the boat. Otherwise, the entire group of Captain would soon become a firework in the sky.

However, no matter how flexible the Dawn flies, it has no meaning to the nature of the situation. It is undesirable in this kind of spaceship contest with one enemy and the crowd, and it is necessary to rely on other talents to open the situation.

If you want to open up the situation in this situation, most people really can’t do it.

Star Lord drove the spaceship from left to right, jumping up and down. But it couldn’t escape the encirclement of these Kerry spaceships. And just as he was about to take a little risk, when the breakthrough encircled the circle, countless missiles flew all over the sky and shot precisely to the Kerry spaceship around the Dawn.

Immediately countless fireworks rose up in the sky, one after another big fireballs flashed in the air, and in the sky of fire, Kerry’s spaceship turned into black wreckage and fell straight down. In the city.

“Captain, I’m here to support. I hope you are not scared to pee!”

Tony’s voice appeared in the communication channel at this time, and then Captain they saw something like It was Tony who had flowed like fire into the encirclement of spaceship. Although facing alien technology, Tony’s Iron Man Suit did not show signs of decline at all. Relying on oneself’s agile flying movements, he made a lot of gains just by turning a big circle.

And this made Tony, who was extremely depressed until now, finally had a feeling of exuberance.

“Leave them to me, you guys will find another chance to give the big guy a shot!”

“Count me, anyway, I don’t have any What’s the effect!” Thor greeted him and asked the Star Lord to open the spaceship’s rear door.

As soon as the hatch opened, Thor turned into a thunderbolt lightning and rushed directly into the spaceship of the Cree. With just a flash of lightning, there were fragments of spaceship that turned into a fireball and fell in black smoke. As far as the speed of cleaning these miscellaneous soldiers was concerned, he was not inferior to Tony at all.

“Come and compare, Midgard. In a man’s way!” A lightning bolt suddenly appeared beside Tony, and Thor yelled at him.

“Well, whoever kills a lot can absolutely deal with Loki. How!”

Tony’s open palm of the beam cannon is facing the surrounding spaceship in a circle While sweeping indiscriminately, he also yelled at Thor who was beside him.

“Yes, it’s a deal!” Thor laughed, and immediately raised Mjölnir in his hand.

Mjolnir’s lightning lingered immediately, and lightning shot straight into the sky like a lightning snake. in the sky suddenly rolled up a lightning scattered dark cloud. Then countless thunderbolt swords fell from the clouds, only to clear the entire sky thoroughly in an instant.

This sudden situation made Tony’s face twitch, but he quickly said with a serious face.

“It’s just the beginning now, so the previous ones don’t count!”

“Whatever you want, there are many goals anyway!” Seeing the black pressure flying out of the battleship again In the spaceship, Thor waved Mjölnir and rushed up again.

“It’s really like a fly, it won’t kill you no matter how you kill it!”

Seeing this, Tony also screamed and rushed up.

The two clearing experts dealt with these low-level things cleanly and without sloppiness at all, which created a good output space for the Star Lord.

“Rocket, can that thing still work?” As soon as he rushed out of the encirclement, the Star Lord aimed the Dawn at Kerry’s battleship again.

“Only two more shots at most, I’m serious. The temperature of this thing almost cooked my claws!”

The little raccoon’s voice came from the communicator It came, but it immediately made the Star Lord take a reassurance.

“That’s enough!”

He muttered so, and pressed the launch button again to the battleship.

The orange red beam tore through the sky again, and this time, the Kerry giant ship, which had just stretched out half of its body, let out a steel wailing, and then burst out a huge explosion amidst the loud explosion. wound.

The entire battleship is trembling, countless flames are scattered down the clouds like torrential rain, and the body that can almost block the sky is like a wounded white whale at the moment, being led by spears and guns to the abyss of Death .

But its body is so huge that it is basically impossible to die in a short while, so it can only tremble and continue to act as a weak target.

And Star Lord is like a superb old captain, waiting for its final fatal blow. Everyone is waiting, not just Star Lord, but also Ronan the Accuser.

The moment he was waiting for the battleship to make room for all the cracks, as long as that moment, he would be able to squeeze the small insect that was moving his hands on his car with one hand. However, before that moment, he couldn’t even act blindly without thinking.

And all this is because of the guy standing in front of him, this monster who is endlessly afraid.

As soon as the void rift opened, Zhou Yi had already rushed into this incomparable gigantic Intergalactic Battleship. At that time, Ronan the Accuser and Loki had just returned.

They ran into each other head-on, and this collision made Ronan the Accuser no more probability to make any moves. It can be said that at this time, it was easy for Zhou Yi to want their lives, but he obviously wanted more.

The two attacks of Star Lord have passed, Zhou Yi still smiles like this, watching the two guys in front of oneself. He was waiting for them to answer the own question, but until this time, they remained silent.

“Why, are you not ready to hand over the Infinity Gem you got? If this continues, you won’t have long!”

Ronan the Accuser looks ugly Di and Loki looked at each other, and he said after a long while.

“How did you know that we are also Infinity Gem?”

“Thanks to someone for reporting, otherwise I really don’t know, you actually got another one. You Say, should I thank you, or should I thank you?”

“Thor!” This sentence made Loki complexion ashen, who gritted his teeth and recited the name of the person most likely to inform the news. .

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