Sun God Marvel

Chapter 409

“My lord, we are ready!”

Wearing a black clothed, even the black clothed person whose appearance is completely hidden under the hood faces a It seemed that the charm still existed, the very enchanting beautiful woman whispered to report, and hearing their report, the beautiful woman waved her hand and ordered to go down.

“I know, do what you should do, otherwise you should know what kind of punishment you will face!”

Suddenly heard the word punishment, the report was black clothed The person trembles all over immediately. He quickly replied respectfully.

“Please rest assured, my lord, we promise that there won’t be any problems.”

“Then don’t hurry up!”

A scolding, immediately Let the black clothed person scared witless disappear from her eyes. And when there was no one else in front of her, the beautiful woman silently walked to the edge of the window sill, staring at this city almost full of aliens, and chanted in a low voice in words that no one could understand. .

As she chanted, many strange conditions began to appear throughout the city. For example, in this place full of gunpowder smoke, a faint smell of blood suddenly began to diffuse, or more and more blood began to appear in the city, making the city look like it was flooded by crimson tides The same.

At first, these natural phenomena were not so obvious, but with the ebbing of time, when blood water began to surge like red tide, almost everyone discovered this weird situation.

Weird and terrifying, chilling. Everyone will have this idea when they see the surge of blood, they instinctively avoid these tides. But they soon discovered that these blood surges that were surging as fast as ten thousand horses seemed to have no intention of harming them.

In the process of surging, they directly avoided all the humans that oneself might come into contact with, and flocked straight to the places where no one stopped.

This special situation makes Captain America dominate the overall situation a bit strange. So he quickly held down the own communicator and said to all his teammates who could hear his voice.

“Don’t attack these bloods casually, they may belong to our side!”

“Sir, are you cracking a joke?” It belongs to the Mutant system, And it is obvious that some Blue Devil ghosts who are sustenance of faith have raised doubts. He looked at the sticky blood surging on the ground, and his eyes showed fear as if he saw a demon. “These things look very evil, are you sure they will be on our side?”

“I don’t care what evil is not evil. Before it endangers human life, I am I will definitely not let you attack it. Take care of your hands and see exactly what these things do.”

Captain’s command is very tough. In this situation where the enemy is unknown, he did not let go of any probability that could become a battle strength. Even as the ghost of Blue Devil said, this thing seemed very disturbing, but he insisted on giving this order.

Facts quickly proved that the decisions he made were indeed correct and correct, at least at this time.

When the scarlet tide filled the entire city, they immediately launched an unexpected attack on the aliens above oneself.

one after another The blood turned into a thorn whip, and the sharp steel gun was suddenly drawn out. Although it was only liquid, at this time these liquids showed extraordinary destructive power. It was just a moment, countless The alien spacecraft was torn into pieces by the blood and water.

Those alien infantry who have already started searching in the city are even more miserable. When they stepped into the realm of blood tide, they were immediately taken away by any sneak attack from nearby. These Sneak attack comes from the corner of the street, under the manhole cover of the sewer, or behind the door and window of the street side store. The flowing blood does not seem to pose any threat, but it always wipes out these alien invaders with no difficulty at the most inadvertent time.

In just ten minutes, all alien ground troops entering the city were completely wiped out. At the same time, about one third flight unit was hit hard. This record surprised everyone!

The Avengers have worked hard for so long, but that’s all. But this guy who doesn’t even show his true face now has this kind of ability, which makes the Avengers and even those who are watching here a little bit incredulous, and at the same time they start to feel unsure.

When did such a powerful guy appear in this world? Why did they not get even a little bit of news? When these questions surfaced, they couldn’t be suppressed anymore.

However, human doubts cannot affect the invaders from other planets. They may also not understand these strange and powerful blood surges, but no matter what they understand or not, when the target is judged When you are the enemy, you should use the most direct violence to destroy it. Until now, the Skuru people did this, and it will no longer be an exception.

In the sky, those alien rare beasts, which are huge in number and still swimming, began to gather in the direction of blood surge, although such a transfer will attract crazy rare beast hunter Hulk , But they still swim over one after another. And when the rare beast densely packed of these aliens almost filled the entire sky, the blood on the ground began to become more restless.

They begin to stir, which means they want to swallow all the rare beasts of aliens circling in the sky. But before they acted, these war weapons from Outland directly launched a fierce attack.

They opened their mouths wide, spitting out a substantive plasma beam from the depths of their mouthpieces, and then used these blue and white beams to directly blast towards Manhattan below.

The substantial plasma temperature is almost terrifying. Just touching it will evaporate those buildings and the blood below them to nothing. When groups of aliens rare beast did this together, the entire Manhattan was turned into a ruin almost instantly.

The tall buildings that stood in great numbers and the vast avenues in the past were immediately lost, and there were only fragments of debris left, and a piece of scorched earth in its original form could not be distinguished.

This is the reason why Captain and the surviving humans are not targeted, otherwise just this one can cause them to suffer serious deaths and injuries.

But even under this devastating attack, the blood tide still exists. Although the blood evaporates to nothing at the moment, it has always emerged continuously from unknown places, and it quickly restored its old appearance.

The blood is still surging, but those alien rare beasts no longer have the ability to immediately launch a second salvo. The attack just now was formed after they used the bio-plasma generated by the biological energy inside, and after a blow, it was difficult for them to launch a second attack in a short period of time when they fell into the exhaustion period.

But this does not mean that they have no other means, but they can’t help this strange blood wave. I saw these hovering monsters put their own scale armor, and immediately countless Skuru soldiers came out of their bodies within the body. As soon as these locust-like soldiers came out, they rushed to the top of the blood tide in swarms.

Looking at the snacks delivered to the door, the blood wave below was not polite at all, and directly attacked the Skuru soldiers in the same way. This time, these Skuru soldiers didn’t even dodge, they were directly shot down by these blood surges, and then swallowed by it one by one.

For the blood flow below, these are simply appetizing snacks, but it soon discovered that these snacks are not ordinary grinds.

Because as the first Skuru who was swallowed by it blasted loudly, after numerous waves in the blood, one after another Skuru began to repeat Exactly the same thing. It was almost like lighting a large string of firecrackers, and the sound of the explosion did not stop at all after the sound of the blood surge. And this caused the entire scarlet blood wave to begin to resemble a rare beast that was wounded, rushing restlessly, desperately making countless waves.

It seems to have been deeply damaged, and this makes the circling alien monsters work harder. They sucked their own scales vigorously, spitting out more and more Skuru, and then let these Skuru repeat the work of human flesh bomb.

As miscellaneous soldiers, their significance seems to end here. But wanting to use the miscellaneous soldiers to destroy the sea of ​​blood below is really a daydream.

Looking at the crazily surging bloody tide, the beautiful and alluring woman standing on the tall building smiled disdainfully and muttered to herself.

“It’s a stupid life. How can God’s power be easily blocked by such a rateless method? You are just bringing about one’s own destruction that’s all!”

tone Barely fell, and I saw that one after another vortex, which is bottomless, began to derive from Taotao’s blood. The depth of these vortex seems to have surpassed the depth of the blood tide, and at first glance it seems that they have penetrated deep underground, or even reached an untouchable world.

And when these vortex is getting bigger and bigger, more and more, almost full of blood in every corner, the dark shadows that cannot be seen are suddenly shot from the vortex. After coming out, the black wings spread directly towards the alien warriors in the sky.

They wielded black, fog-like sickles, harvesting the lives of those aliens in the sky in a way that ordinary people cannot imagine.

And this is far from everything that happened, because after the appearance of the silhouettes of these black wings, one by one shining with golden radiance, life like angels also came from the vortex formed by this blood wave Rush out. Compared with those dark shadows, they were quicker, and their movements were more agile, almost in the blink of an eye, they cleared the entire sky.

Then there was nothing to stop, these golden or black-winged creatures rushed towards those huge rare beasts in the sky.

Everyone was stunned by what happened suddenly! Angels, demons, such terms appear one after another in people’s mouths. Some people even started to cry with joy and recited the name of King Ming. The black silhouette has been known for a long time. It is the messenger of the Ming king to judge the villains, while the golden silhouette is also impressive.

Because more than one person has been blessed by the Messenger of Light after the King Ming’s manifestation. So when the two appeared together, many people thought of the existence of God. God, who saved people from suffering, is far more convincing than the stone carvings and wood sculptures in the church, so at this moment more than one person is thinking of King Ming’s greatness.

However, this is clearly not what some people want. So, everything is not over yet!

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