Sun God Marvel

Chapter 412

The vast and boundless universe is always so dark, and any light can only stagger forward here in the most rugged and rough way. This is a dark world, and darkness is the color of Eternity here.

But there are always some exceptions, such as the immortal star of Eternity. also Zhou Yi wielding oneself power like a star.

As soon as he entered the universe, Zhou Yi was more comfortable than returning to his own home. Here he can unscrupulously display all of Oneself’s abilities, unscrupulously wield all of Oneself’s power. Nothing can make him restrain the existence of own, and nothing can make him hesitate. He can play 120% of his strength here, or even more.

As his opponent, Thanos is still out there. At this moment, it is like the deep darkness around, disappear without a trace, but it seems everywhere.

He attracted Zhou Yi to this place, but he deliberately avoided his sight, hiding oneself in the endless darkness. It seems that I want to use this method to cause some psychological pressure on Zhou Yi.

But at this time Zhou Yi is confident and high-spirited, and is not affected by any psychological tactics at all. What he thinks now is very simple, since you don’t want to come out, then I will force you out. This is the home court of your Thanos, yes, but if I smashed this home court to you, I don’t believe you can sit still.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi glanced all around. This is a cosmic space with no direction at all, and it is not known how many light years away from Earth. And just in this place not knowing how many light years away, countless giant battleships are like schools of sardines in the sea, densely packed here, and moved towards a goal slowly moving forward. The goal is to open up the space gate with the power of the universe magic cube.

Obviously, this is the huge fleet that Thanos rules the universe. It is also the support he wants to use to deal with oneself and put Earth in his palm. But now, these reliances may not exist anymore soon. Because Zhou Yi has made up his mind to completely end them at this time.

Although compared with those huge Intergalactic Battleship, Zhou Yi’s body is as small as dust. But when he burst out the power in oneself’s body, the contrast between them immediately reversed.

Zhou Yi, who released the power of Sun God, burst out with endless light and fire all over his body. These raging fires entangled and entangled, and in a flash, the size of own was enlarged by tens of thousands of times. It skyrocketed from the size of a dust to a huge existence like a starship, and then it continued to skyrocket its own figure, turning oneself into an incomparable gigantic fireball in a short period of time.

The fireball burning the purest golden flames lies horizontally in this vast space. It spews flames, releases extremely terrifying heat and extremely deadly radiance. Just like a real star, the formidable power is infinite.

Faced with the star that suddenly appeared in front of oneself, almost all starship commanders began to panic.

There are many dangerous places in the universe, which are forbidden areas that no life can set foot in. These places are full of dangerous asteroid belts, there are weird Star Domains full of terrifying life, and there are black holes that represent the true end and complete extinction. They are deadly and secretive, and even when you know they exist, it is already beyond regret.

But there is a danger that is different. It is a visible danger, but it is also a danger that you absolutely do not want to be touched. It is a signpost for cosmic voyages and a symbol of birth and end. That is the star, that is the sun. The most special and meaningful dangerous zone in the universe.

No life can leave the power of the sun, but no life dares to touch the body of the sun. While its flame and light give the soil for the birth of civilization, it is also destroying any creatures that dare to approach them in the most violent way.

So the old captains sailing in the universe know a word, that is, don’t get too close to the light, because too close will only turn you into a Flying Insect that extinguishes the fire, and finally into the morning star ash.

And now, the captains of the Thanos fleet are facing such a danger that they are too close to a star. It was close to the point where they were about to break into pieces and turn to ashes. Although they don’t know why this star suddenly appeared in their course, but under the control of their survival instinct, they immediately issued an order to order their spaceship to escape the star’s envelope at the fastest speed.

But from a certain perspective, it is too late. From the moment Zhou Yi decided to destroy them, they had already stepped into the realm of Death with one foot. Zhou Yi is impossible to let them escape from the palm of their own hands, so what they are doing at the moment is completely useless.

Those battleships haven’t flew far away, an invisible formidable strength drags the battleship’s body, pulling them forcibly toward the direction of the sun in Zhou Yi’s incarnation.

The photon engines on the starships that can sail across galaxies did not play any role. Although these starships have already tried their best to escape, but in the sun incarnation of Zhou Yi Under the power of, they can only fly back at a faster speed.

At this time, Zhou Yi is no different from a real star. His own powerful mass makes him possess unimaginable terrifying gravity at this moment. This gravitational force is like a huge vortex in the universe, arbitrarily capturing everything around it, and then engulfing all the prey into the own body.

This is the way of the sun, and it is also the basis for stars to survive forever in the universe. And now, when Zhou Yi incarnates as the sun, he is equivalent to incarnate as a Destroyer in the universe. So everything has become his burning nutrient, and has become the foundation for him to become stronger and stronger.

In the end, except for the starships that are quite far away. Most of the fleet was completely engulfed by the blazing, radiant sun releasing its eyes. His huge gravity with no difficulty crushed the hard shells of the starships, and his own terrifying temperature turned everything on the starships to ashes.

Not only the crew, equipment, or the main body of the starship inside, they cannot withstand the terrible temperature. With the addition of the power of Infinity Gem, the sun that Zhou Yi now incarnates has even more powerful power than ordinary stars. The flames burning on his body are more intense, and his own powerful gravity is greater. To some extent, his formidable power is no less inferior to ordinary white dwarfs. Maybe even more powerful.

In the face of such a powerful existence, ordinary means are equivalent to losing meaning. This is no longer something that can be dealt with by the power of a fleet or civilization alone, unless some taboo means are used, otherwise it is equivalent to a natural disaster, irresistible and unstoppable.

Perhaps in terms of strength, Zhou Yi and Thanos are fair. But in terms of power, there is a huge gap between them like Heaven and Earth. Thanos is the overlord of the universe, just like the Star Lord they said, he controls countless planets, the life and death of countless civilizations, and his fleet can make the entire universe tremble.

In contrast, Zhou Yi, who is still on a small planet to go through arduous training or hard work, is really out of the hands of those forces.

This gap can be said to have caused Zhou Yi to suffer. Thanos didn’t even need to show up, and he could let the group of his subordinates hold Zhou Yi firmly, and even said he could make his subordinates stir the wind and rain on Earth and bring him to the planet. The disaster of extinction.

This is the courage of a universe emperor, and his huge power can often solve many problems before he takes action. But this time, the situation is different. When Zhou Yi got rid of the restraints of the group and appeared here, Thanos’s forces were no longer his help, but became his burden.

He is impossible to let Zhou Yi destroy all of his subordinates, and even more impossible to let Zhou Yi be so unscrupulous, flaunting his own Infinity power. So at this time, he had to end his own psychological tactics and walked out of the dark space of the universe.

Of course, when it appears, a greeting is essential.

The invisible terror wave instantly waved in the universe. This invisible and intangible power target clearly penetrated through the layers of defense and directly penetrated into Zhou Yi’s body. Suddenly by such a sneak attack, the entire huge sun burst into flames, bursting out a hundred times more radiance and fire.

This radiance even reflects the body of Thanos that appears from the dark, but it only ends here. Because after this sudden burst of light and heat, the real sun collapses and shrinks toward the center at an unimaginable speed.

Soon, the universe regained its dark color. Even the sun that just showed off one’s military strength has disappeared. If it weren’t for the clear records on the starship, I believe these aliens would definitely think that oneself had a nightmare. But whether it is a nightmare or not, many people know it well.

“Is this your strength? Thanos, really, you didn’t let me down!”

Zhou Yi, who changed into oneself again, suddenly appeared in Thanos’s body. Before, he looked at the burly, purple giant sitting on a throne made of asteroids. Said to him in a slightly excited voice.

“You didn’t let me down, Zhou Yi!” Looking at this human who is only one knee high, Thanos, who is Titan, propped his own knee, leaned forward, facing Zhou Yi seriously Said. “You are not ashamed of paying attention to me, and you are not ashamed of her gift to you. Little Brat, you are qualified to be my opponent.”

“Her?” Hearing this can be hung on by Thanos The title on the lips, Zhou Yi frowned, asked not very clearly. “Who is she you talking about?”

“You are enjoying her such great grace, but you still don’t know who she is?” He stood up suddenly, and Thanos began to have a tone in his tone. Unspeakable dullness. “You don’t know what treasure is, Little Brat. Maybe it’s time for you some Penalty!”

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