Sun God Marvel

Chapter 415

This remark of the alien girl Lola Lolo immediately made the Star Lord surrounded by perils a little more dangerous. This danger does not come from the enemy, but from Gamola by his side. This woman who claims to be the most dangerous woman in the universe is indeed very dangerous at this moment, especially for Star Lord.

But this is just an expression of jealousy, another way of expressing love. Compared to their current situation, it is nothing but trivial matters.

The real danger they face now is the offensive from the Cree.

The Cree’s starship cannon is brewing terrifying power, waiting to inflict a heavy blow on this World. And those small battle spaceships like schools of sardines didn’t mean to rest at all. While escorting the own mothership, they launched an intensive offensive towards the human camp.

It’s probably because the two Gods, Thor and Lilith, are too eye-catching and violent. Many Kerry combat spaceships prefer not to attack those guys on the ground, but to the seemingly isolated Dawn of the Star Lord group of people.

Persimmons are looking for a soft pinch, even aliens understand this truth. So almost coincidentally, most of the Kerry spaceship began to contain the Star Lord’s Dawn.

This naturally increased the pressure on the Star Lord group for a while, but it also reduced the pressure on the ground in a disguised form. However, this short-term burden reduction is not very meaningful. Because compared with this group of small sardines, the group on the ground is more worried about the main gun strikes from the Kerry Starship.

The main artillery fired by this tonnage Intergalactic Battleship, formidable power is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination. So even the two Gods present were not willing to take such a big move. But if no one can stop this kind of attack, the city they have guarded so far, and even the planet they have survived, will be destroyed.

Someone must come forward. And who can undertake this important task, who has the ability and ability to undertake this important task. This is the problem. Those with a sense of responsibility do not necessarily have this ability, and those with this ability do not necessarily have this mind.

After all, as long as you are smart, you will not be too willing to make this level of self-sacrifice. Because you want to withstand such an attack, it’s hard to say who can guarantee that oneself will survive. And this kind of purely blocking oneself life in order to protect unrelated people is absolutely impossible for a smart person to do.

But fortunately, not many people are smart. And one of them is very special, it is precisely the kind with absolutely problematic IQ.

Hulk, known as the green fatty. Being big and mindless is often his first impression to others. But he is such a brainless, reckless and violent guy, who likes to rely on oneself to solve problems with his extremely developed muscles. At this most critical time, immediately stepped forward.

He made a huge and thick roar at the starship in the sky, and then climbed between the floors like a green hurricane, rushing all the way up crazy.

Obviously, his target is the huge Interstellar cannon full of Infinity formidable power. Although I don’t know what it is for, this huge green fatty does look very angry now. The anger gave him strength and made him extremely powerful.

But the crux of the problem is that although he has come forward. And in the most tyrannical posture, he rushed directly at Kerry’s battleship cannon, but it is a somewhat impractical view to rush to the sky in one breath, or even to the Kerry battleship above the troposphere. .

Can’t fly, at this time is one of the biggest flaws. For Hulk at this time, the only good news is that he has a group of flying teammates, and this group of teammates also saw his intentions.

Although they don’t know where Hulk has such confidence, at this time they can only trust him. Helping Hulk has become the most necessary thing for these Avengers, and has become their last hope.

Captain was the first to act. He looked at Hulk, who was falling straight down because the momentum of the jump was exhausted, and charged his own star shield without the slightest hesitation. Of course, it is impossible for him to catch up with Hulk who jumped from a tall building, but the existence of Quicksilver makes everything too late.

Super Adamantium is extremely strong and absorbs all the physical potential energy of the rebound, allowing him to directly catch the Hulk’s huge body above the tall buildings. Then, the force bounced back by the star shield caused Hulk to rush back at a faster speed.

But still not enough, the difference between them is very far, quite far. It takes at least two jumps to get him into contact with the starship’s huge main gun. And at this time, the scarlet liquid has poured under his feet.

The bloody water, like the head of a wave, suddenly turned into a hard, invisible crystal-like entity under his feet. Just like a road or a jumping platform, it once again gave Hulk a starting point to rush towards oneself’s goal.

Hulk’s huge body and terrifying power easily smashed this bloody jumping platform, and under the counter-effect of this power, he once again plunged into the sky Huge starship.

This time, he is very close to his own goal. Only a little bit away, or as long as he can break through in the sky and block by those small battle spaceships, he can get close to his own goal and reach his own destination.

And this time, to assist him is the duo of Tony and Thor who are already waiting in the sky. Tony once again entered the life-threatening burst mode, directly relying on the crazy active Nanominium to launch an indiscriminate attack on the alien spaceship in the sky.

Strength, speed, and hard metal surface make him an efficient destructive weapon. Even for these spaceships from aliens, he is dangerous enough. It was like a brilliant fire. He just crossing over and running up and down, so that the spaceship in the air turned into a blossoming flower.

In the fiery red flower, a blue electric light suddenly appeared, and then burst out an extremely powerful radiance. It was Thor who was waving Mjölnir. He rushed over in the flames, and hit the castrated Hulk with a violent swing.

This is not to attack him, but to give him a hand to help him fly this last distance. The incomparable formidable power of Mjölnir made Hulk rise again at a high speed at the moment it burst out. The electric light stimulated his body, making him feel the anger burning while he was in pain, and in this burning anger, his body became larger and larger.

Hulk, who had swelled to a height of almost three stories, rushed to the huge starship cannon. His huge body strictly blocked the muzzle of the starship cannon while it was being stored. Then he roared and smashed his own fist at this Blink cannon with infinite energy.

The hard shell of the starship and the thick tube wall can’t withstand his endless anger attacks. He is like a huge destruction device on a demolition site, destroying everything that appears in front of oneself. Thoroughly.

In the face of this most original and violent way of destruction, the guys who sit high in the stands waiting for everything to continue like this can no longer keep their own calmness.

“Launch, launch now!”

Ronan the Accuser shouted and commanded, and under this order, the violent energy already accumulated was immediately following the stars. The ship’s main gun burst out.

For an instant, the radiance, which is dazzling and makes almost all colors meaningless, burst out. And under the power carried by this radiance, everything fell into the deadliest silence.

Light and shadow, all the changes in description have lost their meaning at this time. Look at the sky with your eyes. At this time, you can’t see anything clearly. Whether it is what you want to see or what you don’t want to see, what’s left at this time is just a blank whiteness.

Whether it is in the sky or underground, this is the case at this time.

Some people think this will be the end, but some people don’t think so. Strictly speaking, their differences are huge. But before everything subsides, they are impossible to get the answer they want.

But at this time, Angry Roar gave them a sign, a sign that the answer was revealed. It was a roar full of anger, the most violent roar that fierce anger brewed in his chest. This roar made the whole city tremble in his anger, and made everything in the sky roll with it.

That is Hulk’s voice, he is still alive. And this means that destruction not at all comes down. He blocked the shelling that almost destroyed the city, using his body, with his endless anger.

Endless light waves bloomed and refracted on his green body. To the sky, to the main body of the huge battleship. The clouds were pierced by light waves in an instant, so Oblivion. And those small spaceships hovering around the battleship were swept down directly, as wrecks.

It is the battleship itself, which at this time has also been devastated by unimaginable. Its body began to be destroyed and destroyed, one after another huge wounds began to emerge one after another on its body. The fierce flame burned even more, as if to completely baptism it again.

But this is not what Hulk wanted. In other words, just this level cannot satisfy his inner desire. The anger raged in his heart, and if he wanted to extinguish his anger, he needed a heavier blow and destruction.

So at this time, he slammed his own fist hard against the strikes of the starship’s main guns toward own up ahead.

Before absolute power, even light was broken by him. The light that was broken by him immediately burst out with terrifying destructive power. This huge destruction directly affected the main body of the battleship. Let it immediately emit a huge roar and explosion from it, and then plunged diagonally downward in the billowing thick smoke and blazing firelight.

Hulk’s roar remained, as always, shocking.

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