Sun God Marvel

Chapter 418

“What are they doing?” Looking at the two women standing on the Throne of Blood Crystals, guarded by countless gods. Some of the Avengers who finally took a breath began to gossip.

After the long battle is over, talking about pleasant topics is always the best pastime. At this time, the most interesting topics are undoubtedly the two women above who seem to have a very wrong atmosphere.

A guy who claims to be Goddess, and also a hostess of the business empire who is already on the surface and is known to the world. These two women who are very special in terms of status and power have just been working together to save the city, but in a blink of an eye they began to confront each other, with swords drawn and bows bent. No matter who sees this situation, I’m afraid they will think about it in their hearts.

Women embarrass women, anyway, it is actually those reasons. So for a while, these gossip hobbyists are all speculating about who is the lucky guy. And Ada’s existence directly pointed out the direction for them. As a result, in addition to gossip, these people cursed Zhou Yi, who was so many light years away, over and over again.

Good cabbage makes pigs go! Almost every guy with a smile shows this meaning. Of course, this is just a joke. For women who are so powerful, most people are still insensitive. In any case, most men still hope that oneself can be the stronger one among their partners. Therefore, in their eyes, this kind of woman has become a type that can only be viewed from a distance. I am afraid that only Zhou Yi who is as powerful as a monster can have the development probability with them.

“Don’t think about that many, as long as they don’t fight. But when it comes to this, will anyone be willing to do business with me?” Compared with these unscrupulous guys, Tony this time It becomes a lot more honest. Others don’t know how Ada is, but he knows it all. Pepper and the methods she learned still linger in his heart. He can’t imagine what tragedy would happen to Oneself if Ada knew that oneself had participated in the choreography of her.

So he was very witty to pull oneself out of the trouble, and at the same time to see if he could rescue some lucky guys.

“Business? What business?” Hanging himself upside down, the little spider put his head in front of Tony. “If you don’t mind, you can take me with you. Whether you are hunting for treasures or seeing beautiful alien girls, I feel the most spiritual.”

“Child, has anyone told you that you After putting on this weird headgear, you behave like two people?”

Is Captain really uncomfortable with the disagreeable little spider. Obviously he seems to be such an honest child, why does it look like this in tight clothes.

“Just get used to it, sir. You know, it’s the same as doing some shy things. As long as you learn to close your eyes and enjoy, you will find that I am actually quite funny .” After defending oneself, the little spider still stuck tightly around Tony. “Hey, really. Buddy, take me. I really want to see what it looks like in the spaceship of aliens! If I can, I want to see if I can make a fortune!”

“If you can find something valuable, I can buy it directly and ask for the price as you like!” Rolled the eyes, Tony asked the others. “Also anyone else? If not, I’ll just go with this Little Brat!”

“Are you going to find Loki? Count me!” Thor, who has always been oneself in the audience, inserted in , And he did not forget to remind. “Don’t forget, just now our bet, I made 742, how about you?”

“Sorry, 743, just one more than you!” Tony didn’t blink his eyes directly. The ground burst out a number, and this number obviously couldn’t convince Thor.

“How is this possible, you cunning guy, you are lying!”

“Please, I didn’t doubt you, how could you doubt me?” Seeing his own innocence, Tony continued to bullshit and made some excuses for oneself.

And when he heard him say that, he has been living in a relatively simple environment, or simply said that there is no that many crooked Thor in his head. He directly smashed his own chest, using one is almost like He said in a swearing tone.

“I swear in the name of my father that I defeated 743 spaceships of enemies in this heroic battle. If what I said is a false lie, then let me use the most To die in a miserable and weak manner, even the soul cannot enter the Hall of Valor!”

“Oh. This way of proof is really special, okay! I will also show some evidence. !” Knocked on the own helmet, projecting a holographic image from his eyes. Tony pointed to the data above and said to Thor. “Look at it, Buddy. My hit rate and the number of kills. These are the statistics from the computer’s entire monitoring. They won’t add two more notes to your face. If you don’t believe me, you can find two computers. Try it!”

Thor also followed Jane to some modern things, so he hasn’t even reached the point where he doesn’t even know a computer. It is precisely because of this that he, who has never come into contact with Jarvis, a self-judgmental artificial intelligence, actually believed Tony’s words at this time.

This of course made him very unwilling, but he has always adhered to the oneself morals, and he still admitted that own failed.

“Well, you won. Although you look a bit slick, but I admit that you are a brave fighter. Your actions will make your father proud!”

“Thank you, but I don’t think my father would want me to do such an adventurous thing.” Pointing at the little spider with harboring malicious intentions laughing beside him, Tony straightened his own face. “Don’t forget what you said, it’s up to me to deal with Loki!”

“I know, I know!” Replied dullly, Thor agreed to Tony in full reluctance Come down. And this immediately made Tony feel inexplicably happy. It was a kind of joy after cheating, and this joy even surpassed the satisfaction he had when he got Loki’s trial right.

Bullying honest people is really a very good experience. Especially this kind of honest person who has light muscles and no brains.

“Very well, then let’s set off. I can’t wait to face that nasty guy as a winner. By the way, you better keep up. If If I find that guy first, I can’t guarantee that he will still see you alive.”

Tugging a little spider who is likely to expose oneself’s lie, Tony immediately flew in the direction where the starship fell. The thick layer of ice above the sky forced him to make a big circle. And watching him fly over the head of own in this way, Thor immediately urged Mjölnir to pursue him.

Loki’s life is at stake, so he is not careful. Seeing that the two big brothers just flew away from oneself, the little spider who was planning a spaceship adventure quickly spit out own spider silk, and followed them closely.

No one has the idea to stop them, in their opinion. The aliens are gone. Since no new starships have entered this planet, they have realized that the guy who entered the universe and started the battle has achieved brilliant results.

Whether he did it, or the so-called revenge of the rising stars against Legion. In short, the alien offensive has completely silenced. And this is almost equivalent to declaring that they have won.

This is a battle using the weak to defeat the strong, enough to make any old fighter feel a sense of airiness. Even a figure like Captain who has experienced countless wars quietly relaxes oneself’s vigilance. At this moment, almost no one is worried that something will happen again.

Because their power has become unprecedentedly powerful. It is so powerful that there is no need to fear the remaining Ronan the Accuser and Loki. Needless to say the two women who still look at each other unpleasantly now, nor the Thor, who has little brains and was played around by Tony. Just punched the Hulk who landed on the Kerry Starship, enough to give them incomparable confidence.

The power of green fatty is beyond everyone’s imagination. These people even began to wonder whether anyone except Zhou Yi could defeat it with pure power.

And most importantly, there are two such guys on their side. Although Jennifer seemed a little weaker, it was only compared to a guy like Hulk. If it were compared with Captain, her arms would still be thicker than their thighs.

There are these two guys, no matter how they look. Loki is impossible to have any chance of comeback. Of course, this also has a very important premise, that is, they will not have other support.

However, it has reached this level now, it is impossible to support and so on. Star Lord they notified all the Avengers of the latest information, and the rising slowly rising star Revenge of Legion undoubtedly gave them the last reassurance. Now they just have to wait, waiting for Zhou Yi’s triumphant return, waiting for the victory in the universe to come.

That will draw the final end to this battle. At the same time, these intruders will be drawn with a terrifying terminator. In any case, waiting for them will be the harshest trial. They have to pay for what the owner does, and pay a heavy enough price for the harm suffered by humans in this World.

This is undoubtedly something, but obviously some people still want Final Struggle.

In the communication device opened inside the Avengers, fierce battles and many deafening roars were heard, mixed with lightning bursts and Hulk angry roars. The enemy seems to resist fiercely, but I believe that under the heaviest violent suppression, this fierceness will only teach them more lessons.

Many people think so, but the situation does not seem to be what they expected. Because Tony’s voice suddenly passed over, it was the most panicked and frightened voice, the most severe warning and notice.

“Be careful, Hulk is crazy. He is attacking us!”

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