Sun God Marvel

Chapter 420

The two Annihilation Lights began to chase me in the universe again, but everything they passed by became the end of Death. Almost nothing survived the aftermath of their fighting. This is true of life, civilization, and even real celestial bodies.

They have become real death messengers at this moment, spreading death and destruction wantonly in this universe.

But there are always exceptions, even in the shadow of Death.

For example, Lola Lolo sisters. As the rarest minority in the universe, the twin sisters have very special abilities. The two of them share a body, and when one of them gains control over the body, the other will live in a special spiritual world.

That is a world that will not be affected by any outside influences. In that world, one of the twin girls has absolute security. Even this kind of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle from the outside world cannot cause any harm to her. And the most important problem lies here.

The twin girls are not so much flesh and blood as they are a special energy materialized information entity. They can live in this world in a normal way, or they can maintain their own life in an abnormal way.

For example, when one of them suffers an inevitable external blow and suffers a devastating wound, the symbiote in the spiritual world can regenerate it in a way similar to file backup and regeneration. Come back to life again. This means that as long as one of them is alive, the other is impossible. They are twins, and they will only live and die together.

So when Thanos’s soul storm swept past the small spaceship that their sisters shared, Lolo, as an external individual, could not escape death. But in an instant, she was immediately resurrected on the spaceship with the help of oneself elder sister. At this time, Thanos and Zhou Yi had long since disappeared at the end of the universe.

“Damn it, can’t these two bastards be gentler? A fight is the same as the demolition of the universe, are they planning to open a universe-wide demolition company?” Once resurrected, they fiddled with own hands and feet , To see if there are any missing parts, Lolo complained dissatisfiedly, and at the same time started an eccentric mimicry performance. “Hey, this is Thanos Demolition Company. Is there anything planet that doesn’t pleasing to your eyes? Feel free to give me some benefits. I will ask someone to go there to do a fight now. I can guarantee that, 2nd day when you wake up in the morning Never see the planet that displeased you again! Of course, if you get too close, I can’t guarantee that you can wake up from your dream.”

“Don’t talk about it It’s useless, Lolo.” Listening to the own younger sister, Lola, who is an elder sister, couldn’t help but interject. “We have to report things here as soon as possible, especially their whereabouts!”

“Please, old sister. Those two guys fly, and they really fly at the speed of light, even Maybe it’s even faster. Do you think that our little spaceship can keep up with them and find out where they are going? Besides, although this spaceship is broken, I haven’t replaced it yet. Anyway, I have a little bit of affection for it. This time it’s good luck. I haven’t been affected by the devastating physical shock. Next time, who can guarantee that we will have such good luck. !”

“This is our duty, Lolo!” Seeing that the own younger sister had no idea of ​​action at all, Laura immediately scolded her righteously. But this trick is of no use to Lolo who doesn’t take his duties seriously.

“Stop making trouble, old sister. What good is it for us to be loyal to our duties. Do you think that those stingy guys from Rising Star will equip us with a better spaceship?”

“Isn’t it a matter of not giving us a new ship? Lolo, they flew towards Thanos’s lair. You must know that Legion is fighting there. If they return there at this time, our Legion It is very possible to fall into the state of consigned to eternal damnation, do you understand?”

Lola began to understand emotions and move them with reason. But Laura still couldn’t get in, she almost shook own’s head into a rattle.

“That’s not my reason, I can only say that they were bad luck. You just killed me, and I don’t want to float in the universe for a few months. Last time it was good luck, I was caught by Kui He was saved. This time Quill is on Earth, I don’t think he can come over and save us again.”

Lola never speaks very well, the only exception is probably It was when talking about Star Lord. That is, when talking about things related to him, she can speak well.

“Are you not worried that Quill will have a bad impression of you because of this incident? You know, he has always felt sorry for those guys who are rising stars!”

Luo Ra is still working hard, this time she chose a roundabout tactic.

“It’s nothing to do with me again, let’s talk about it. As long as you don’t say it, who knows it will have something to do with me. I can deduce that I simply didn’t know where they were going when I was resurrected. And you , My dear old sister, don’t forget. If you make Quill hate me, it will not do you any good. We are one, and he will only hate you together. So this trick is for me , It’s useless!”

Lolo answered with a treacherous smile, showing extraordinary wit.

“Wu! How could this happen!” And faced with such a tricky, weird younger sister who played the card completely out of common sense. Laura could no longer maintain the dignity of oneself as an elder sister, and she immediately revealed her own soft sister. And this was obviously what Lolo meant. Immediately, she immediately showed a cunning face like a fox, and said to her own elder sister.

“In fact, there is no other way, my good elder sister. As long as you promise me a small condition, it is not impossible to do what you say?”

“What conditions?”

As an elder sister, Laura obviously didn’t know that oneself had entered the younger sister’s trap. She asked as she expected. And Lolo answered her immediately.

“It is not a big condition, my good elder sister. As long as you promise me, when we marry Quill, let me spend the first day as the subject. Then the next thing , I can let you decide!”

“You are profiting from somebody’s misfortune!” Upon hearing this condition, Laura burst out immediately. This is the big event she expected, how could she be sold out so easily as a condition of the transaction!

“If you don’t want to, then I can’t do anything. Let me say, we’re still waiting here obediently and honestly for news. Anyway, according to the destructive power of those two bastards, we will soon I can receive a notice and prepare to attend the funeral of so and so. Let me explain first, I don’t plan to attend in a formal dress.”

“Wait!” Thinking of the serious consequences, the temperament is conspicuous Laura, who was kind enough to be kind, still couldn’t let this heart down after all. She hurriedly made a sound, and then said to her younger sister in a burst of crying. “Just as you said, I promised you.”

“This is what you said, you can’t go back!” The deal was confirmed directly, and Lolo immediately began to act. When she got up, she didn’t forget to wipe away the tears from oneself’s face, and offered comfort to her own elder sister. “Don’t be so sad, old sister. If you think about it clearly, my condition is actually just adjusting the probability of myself from 50% to 100%. If you are lucky, there is nothing wrong with you!”

“My luck is always better than you!” A sentence hit Lolo’s sore spot. Lola took over the control and began to make an urgent notification to the new star revenge Legion.

“This is the special intelligence liaison officer, Laura Lolo. We have urgent information, please reply immediately if you hear it! Repeat, we have urgent information!”

At this moment , New Star Revenge Legion has already taken advantage of the emptiness and launched a fierce attack on the Almost Thanos ruled by the main fleet to rule the Star Domain. Although Thanos himself possesses an extremely powerful force, in this state of internal air defense and a group of dragons without a leader, they cannot withstand the fierce offensive of the new star Vengeance Legion in a limited way.

For a time, the entire Star Domain ruled by Thanos was full of fierce battles, the intensity of which was far more intense than the small fights that occurred on Earth. To put it bluntly, either of the two sides at war has the ability to instantly disintegrate all the resistance on Earth.

This has nothing to do with the power of a single body, it is just an absolute technological crush and a huge difference in military strength. The fleet consisting of thousands of cosmic battleships is really as easy as blowing off dust to deal with a small backward civilization that has not yet brewed to fly out of the oneself home planet.

But when the target of the war becomes the Great Influence that can be counted in the universe, the war will inevitably show a stalemate state. Although the new star revenge Legion took advantage of the vacancy, even because of revenge itself is already an imposing manner. But they are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of equipment.

Unlike the previous one supported by a great parent star, most of the battleships that the new star Legion can have are old products that are much behind. To be a bit awkward, it is probably something that space pirates only use. It is incomparable with the equipment of the regular army.

This has led to the fact that they cannot destroy the enemy in a spurt of energy. Even if these enemies are just some miscellaneous army.

This kind of thing that is completely inconsistent with the expectations naturally makes the faces of Legion seniors become gray, and it is hard to see the extreme. At this time, the urgent news from Sister Laura made their brows frown even deeper.

In fairness, most people here are not willing to retreat. Because if this kind of extremely rare opportunity is given up, it is really impossible to tell if there is no chance to meet again next time. And maybe as long as they persist for a while, they might defeat these enemies right now.

But if the development of the situation is different from what they expected again. Then the only flame that represents the existence of the new star will also be completely extinguished.

These people don’t dare to gamble, or they simply don’t have the capital to gamble. So even if he didn’t want to, New Star Legion still gave the order to retreat.

As soon as they retreated, Thanos’s forces were reluctant. How can there be such a good thing if you pretend to be forced and want to run. Although the new star Legions retreated very quickly, they completed most of the army’s inter-galactic jump almost instantly. But they want to catch up, and it is not an impossible thing.

And just when they were about to catch up, two lights came in.

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