Sun God Marvel

Chapter 432

“Ronan the Accuser, I know your Kerry tradition. It is rigid, rigid, and worthless. If you can always bring me victory, maybe I can allow you to have Such a small problem. But now, look at what you gave me?” Before taking a step, Thanos immediately exploded with a force that could be called horror.

The horrible energy soared into the sky, directly changing the top of the entire Kerry battleship into countless dust in an instant. The so-called Interstellar armor was almost like a layer of dust in front of his burst of energy, and could not withstand any agitation at all. And this energy destroyed most of the starship and completely exposed the entire starship’s interior to the sky. There was still no less power, and he rushed directly to the sky.

The sky filled with gunpowder smoke became extraordinarily clean in an instant, almost everything that should have been in the sky was swept clean in this instant. The sky became transparent, as if the entire sky was opened through the middle hole.

This scene shocked people who could still see the sky, and such a shocking scene was nothing but the aftermath of the little power he exposed to Thanos, which he did not deliberately. Because he now focuses all his attention on Ronan the Accuser.

“I handed over my fleet to you, but you let them be destroyed on this little planet. The accuser Ronan the Accuser, the commander of the Cree, I really want to I know that you are also worthless to me. Can I still trust you as I did before, and entrust you with the important task!”

“My lord, the Cree will always be the bravest warrior in this universe We can still fight for you, siege the city for you, and conquer the universe!”

Ronan the Accuser finally found that oneself had angered Thanos, and he quickly remedied it, expressing his own loyalty to him. also role. But for everything he said, Thanos could no longer listen.

He grabbed Ronan the Accuser’s head and referred him directly to in midair. Then he showed a cruel grin in his horrified eyes.

“Enough, I’ve heard enough of your guarantees, and fed up with your incompetence. Ronan the Accuser, it’s over. Don’t worry, your race will be with you soon , Re-learn your traditions in another world. weak are prey to the strong! I will judge you weak to die now as a powerhouse!”

“No, Thanos. You can’t do this Do. We have done so many things, you can’t just do it on us just because of this. Thanos!”

Feel the cruelty revealed by Thanos in the bones, also his almost crazy words. Ronan the Accuser yelled immediately and pleaded at him.

“Without us, you would not have the best warrior. You would have no one to open up territory for you. If you want to vent your anger, come to me. Kill me and let go My clansman. For the sake of everything we have done over the years, let them go!”

This Cree who once fought for Thanos in the South and North is now roaring like a lunatic same. He didn’t even ask Thanos to spare oneself and save oneself from death. And only hope that he can let go of oneself innocent clansman. Kerry is a brilliant cosmic race, he can’t just be destroyed in the hands of a lunatic Thanos.

For his pleading, Thanos frowned, slowly put away the smirk on oneself’s face. His expression became solemn, and even his eyes became deeper and full of inexplicable colors.

This gave Ronan the Accuser a glimmer of hope. He stared at Thanos, waiting for his answer. And Thanos really gave him an answer.

“Your spirit is touching, Ronan the Accuser. You are a fighter, a warrior worthy of respect. You are also a good leader, a faithful and principled guy. This kind of person is very Rare, and they are generally worthy of others respecting them. So, in order to respect you. I promise you!”

As soon as he said this, his face burst into the most Evil Thought smile .

“I promise you, I will let the entire Kerry planet and all the lives on it accompany you into the abyss of Death. Such an amazing life must be dedicated to her That’s it. So I promise you, Ronan the Accuser, I want to give you the most extreme and splendid destruction, the real end and death!”

“No, no, no… .” Hearing what oneself least wanted to hear, Ronan the Accuser immediately let out a scream of horror. And just amid the screams, Thanos laughed and squeezed his palms together.

His power is enough to turn Ronan the Accuser directly into fly ash, but he does not intend to use any supernatural power at all. Instead, he only used his own hand to crush his skull bit by bit with the strength of the hand. This process is naturally extremely painful, because Ronan the Accuser as a victim can completely feel that his entire head was crushed and squashed little by little, and his brain was being destroyed in the most cruel way.

If it is a normal person, the screams at this time have already penetrated the sky. But Ronan the Accuser didn’t say a word, blood had already flowed out of his facial features, and pain had already flooded every inch of his body’s nerves. But he was silent, without making any sound.

This is his last dignity. He will use this method to fight Thanos and his atrocities. Faced with him like this, Thanos immediately lost interest.

Torturing a person and letting him die in pain is entirely to please Goddess of Death. In his opinion, only the most painful Death and the most desperate screams are the most delightful gifts for Goddess of Death. Therefore, he never feared such brutal behavior, and even regarded it as his own hobby.

But Ronan the Accuser’s performance obviously spoiled his interest, and without the screams, his actions would be meaningless. So he simply stopped torturing the tough guy, and threw him out with a quick throw.

This doesn’t mean to let him have a way out, but after omitting all the intermediate processes, it directly gave him an end. Before Ronan the Accuser’s body fell to the ground, a ball of flame burned from under his feet. The flame burned so fast, it was all at once, and it shot up from Luffy under Ronan the Accuser’s feet. And all the places that were burned by this flame turned into ashes.

So, in this flame, Ronan the Accuser completely turned into fly ash, from bottom to top, completely. And just before he completely disappeared, he widened his own eyes and threw an inexplicable look at Loki.

After the fire, Ronan the Accuser naturally left nothing. But Loki had already accepted his last things. He dared not make any movements, let alone make any noises. Because of this look, Thanos saw it too.

Laughed with interest, Thanos asked Loki.

“Loki, tell me what exactly does Ronan the Accuser’s last look mean?”

“I think, maybe he wants me to remember all this today, for He takes revenge and prevents you from ruining his race!”

Loki sweats profusely, but still clearly organized. He raised his head to answer, even showing a stiff smile.

“It’s really interesting, why would a dead person ask you for this? This is not something that can be entrusted by who!” Thanos was still smiling, but his hands were already moving. In front of the method that Thanos just used, Loki is not sure that oneself can be as hard as Ronan the Accuser.

So he immediately raised his own hand and made an innocent look.

“I have nothing to do with him, sir. You know, I am the one you inserted in. If it is and so on, I think it is probably the reason why I saved him once . But that’s also because we are all working for you. If I can’t save myself at that time, it’s a problem!”

“You know, Loki!” Listening to Loki’s answer, Thanos grinned. He put his hand on his back, step by step to Loki who was kneeling on the ground, and then lowered his body and spoke to him at close range. “You are a smart person, and I never believe anything smart. But it doesn’t matter if you believe or not, as long as you are still useful to me! Now, tell me the reason for your failure. Why this little one Planet, it’s going to break so much of my manpower!” This question made the fearful Loki breathe out, he knew Thanos would no longer pursue his problems. And just as he was about to give an answer, a hong long long sound came from the corner.

The sound approached very quickly, almost as soon as the sound came, two green silhouettes appeared in their sight.

There is no need to explain, Loki directly pointed to Hulk, who was running towards oneself, and said to Thanos.

“It is because of this guy, a mad dog controlled by anger, but also a monster that can knock this starship down from the sky with his own fist. Without the Mind Stone, we would simply not be this The guy’s opponent, and guys like him, there are also a few on this planet!”

“It’s really interesting, but it’s a small, backward race that hasn’t flown out of the oneself home planet yet. This kind of powerhouse can be born. Very good, this is very good.”

Looking at the Hulk siblings that brought out a violent storm just by running, Thanos laughed and waved at them. fist. Formidable power is infinite, and a punch that distorts reality. With a punch, the violent airflow suddenly turned into a violent storm, and the terrifying energy was like a substantial hand, and it immediately rushed the Hulk siblings away.

While flying in midair, Hulk was caught by an invisible big hand. That was what appeared after illusion became reality, and it was also what appeared under Thanos’s will. He controlled this big hand, put Hulk directly in front of the owner, then stared at his big face full of struggle and anger, and asked with a wicked smile.

“Hello, big man on Earth. Now I have a question to ask you, do you want to acknowledge allegiance me, do things for me?”

Hulk’s power It moved Thanos’ heart. If such a powerful existence becomes his subordinate, it will undoubtedly be an excellent help for rebuilding his destroyed army and expanding his own power. So without the slightest hesitation, he handed the own olive branch and asked Hulk for advice.

But Hulk, who has only one tendon in his mind, never treats anyone who has caused oneself any kind of face. He twitches his own face, rubs his own teeth, and then not even think. Thanos, who was close at hand, let out a wild roar.

The splash of saliva immediately splattered Thanos’s face, which obviously also shows the attitude of Hulk. For the disobedient guy, Thanos has always only one thing.

That is destruction!

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