Sun God Marvel

Chapter 447

Looking at the panicked president, an imperceptible smile appeared on Pierce’s face. He is leading this sloppy president, leading him to make a decision that only he can make. But at this time, Fury opened his mouth again.

“Your Excellency. I think you have to pay attention to one issue. That is the civilians of New York. Compared with combat, transferring them is the most important thing we should do now!”

“What you said makes sense, Mr. Chief. But what should we do? The National Guard has lost contact across the board, and the army is far from being able to dissolve the fire. How much do you think we can save with the police outside the establishment? Civilian?” Although Pierce did not speak at this time, beside him, another key member of the Security Council expressed his own opinion. “Moreover, how many survivors do you think New York can have in this disaster?”

“Sir, I need to remind you. Our people are still there! Under their protection, Although New York sees that the damage is serious, the citizens there are basically safe now. You can believe me, but you can’t believe Steve Rogers Captain! They worked hard until now, not to give you a shot. All chances to be killed.”

Nick. Fury suddenly increased his own volume, as if he wanted to increase his right to speak here. But given his status, not at all too many people take what he said to heart. Even, also people snort disdainfully to him immediately.

“Mr. Chief, I know you have enough confidence in your special team, but if I remember correctly, how many people are there in your team? Is there ten people? Now New York, Manhattan alone has a population of more than one million. If you want me to believe that they can protect more than one million New York citizens, isn’t it a bit too strong?”

“also, Director Fury Please don’t take a 70-year-old antique as an example! The situation we are now facing is related to the future of this country. One person’s guarantee is nothing at all. The same is true for Captain America!”

Safety Every member of the council can be said to be a powerful figure, so when they say this one by one, even Director Fury has to shut his own mouth. It’s useless to say more. Instead of talking nonsense to those who are fundamentally impossible to listen to you, it’s better to keep silent.

As soon as Nick Fury fell silent, Pierce even more recklessly lobbyed the incompetent president.

“Your Excellency, I know that this decision is not easy. But I think it’s a must to plan ahead. Although the two guys we see now are like those in the arena Gladiators do the same life and death battle, but none of us are sure whether they want to fight forever.”

“Mr. Pierce, what do you mean?”

The president who has been circumvented by the clouds and mists obviously no longer wants to play word games with these scheming guys, and play some profound machine front. He asked Pierce directly.

“It’s very simple, I mean they’re impossible to stay in such a stalemate. It’s like saying that there is also a tie in the arena. If they continue like this, they are likely to become A tie situation. This may be good news for them, but not necessarily for us!”

“Our Guardian God may have made an all-out effort to protect us before, But when he comes into contact with a wider world, will he still do it?”

“Isn’t it?” The president asked blankly, watching his stupid performance , Many people showed sarcasm secretly. But Pierce was very patient. He shook the head and explained to the president in detail.

“Although I really want to say that our God may be very handsome, and will not abandon our innocent people at this time. However, I am not sure. Or no one can be sure that he will What kind of choice to make.”

“Director Fury’s information is very clear. His enemies are rulers from the universe, just like so many scattered ones on Earth The country is the same. The giant opposite is the ruler of countless planets and even Star Domain. If they are willing to shake hands and make peace, for our God, what he can get is not what we can give!”

“Being a planet of God and being a group of planets of God is not a concept, President President.”

“But, however, it seems that there is no harm to us. . That God is the life on this planet, he shouldn’t be abandon us.”

The things described by Pierce made the president feel a little flustered, and he barely found oneself for oneself. A reason for peace of mind. But this reason was quickly knocked to the ground.

“Your Excellency, how much help did you give to your hometown, that small city in California after becoming president? Comparing your heart, do you think that God would be like this?”

Hearing this, the president immediately became embarrassed. His hometown did not receive much care from him. In order to create an image of fairness and integrity, he even holds an impartial and incorruptible attitude towards his hometown most of the time.

This has become a joke in politics. The president, who came up with the support of his hometown people, quickly cast aside his hometown people. This is one of the things that made him lose points most in the election.

Pierce’s point is not necessarily exposing his shortcomings. In the face of such a shortcoming method, the president has almost no other way except to endure his grievances. On the one hand, Pierce’s status is really not low, even the president has no right to yell at him. On the other hand, the president is indeed worried about this.

Compared with alien civilization, Earth at this time is like an aboriginal tribe. If it was him, there would be no reluctance to abandon such a hometown. However, as an aboriginal in this hometown, his mood is not so good.

Become an alien’s slave and let others dominate your own destiny. No matter who it is, will not willingly. On this reluctant basis, Bills began to paint some beautiful scenes for the president.

“Your Excellency, I know what you’re worried about. But everything has a bad side and a good side. The situation in New York has eroded into this way, and breaking the arm of a strong man may not be a good choice. And , Think about the benefits we can get from it, and you’ll find that it’s all worth it.”

“It’s worth it, I don’t think so. You know, Mr. Pierce. If I sign What kind of blow will this order have on the reputation of White House. Since the founding of the United States, there has not been a precedent for a president to throw nuclear weapons on citizens of oneself country!”

In his head, the president showed great distress and hesitation. He really doesn’t have the decisive power to make this kind of decision. But looking at him like this, Pierce is very clear that the heat is enough. As long as he keeps pushing so much, it is enough to let all the dust settle.

And this last push, he decided to come up with something decisive.

Many people don’t know what is the decisive factor that affects a country’s important decision-making, but Pierce, as one of the highest levels of the ruling class, knows very well that interest is the most critical factor. Sometimes you want others to make a decision, as long as you come up with enough attractive benefits.

“Your Excellency, the key thing you need to see is profit. This is the contact we have made with a group of alien forces! As long as we can eliminate the alien, all we can get is how much ahead of our planet. A hundred years of surpassing technology. Human beings will step out of the bondage of this planet and become the master of oneself and the universe. If you look at it this way, why would you hesitate?”

This sentence did hit Weakness in the President’s heart. He glanced at the email from Pierce, thought about it, and clicked it. At one o’clock, the face of Star Lord appeared in front of him.

“Hello, Your Excellency the President. I am Peter Quill, an Earth who wanders in the universe. Now, I can avenge Legion on behalf of the new star and give you a guarantee that if you can bring Thanos If you wipe out your planet, Nova Revenge Legion is willing to share all resources with Earth. Whether it is technology or military power. This is the full authority of Nova Legion, I hope we can cooperate happily! “

Not much words, But it was enough for the president to make up his mind. When he lifts the head and looked all around, all the faces he saw had the same determination as him.

Sacrifice part in exchange for more. This has been agreed in the hearts of most of them.

So at this time, the president made the most decisive oneself in his life. He stretched out his hand, made a strong cross on his chest, and then said the word he most wanted to hear in Pierce’s smile.

“Do you guys also have other opinions?”

“I disagree, sir. My people are still there, doing this is to let them die!”

Director Fury knew that oneself had to make a sound, but his voice was soon drowned out.

“Sacrifice is a must, Mr. Secretary. We provide you with so many resources every year, but it is not for you to cherish own feathers. You are the frontline force, and you should pay back now.”

It is hard to imagine that this is the muddleheaded, who is being played around every day, and the president who plays with his hands will say something. And when he said this sentence, it already meant that he had made up his mind.

“Except for Director Fury, does anyone else have any opinions? Please raise your hands if you don’t have any opinions!”

At the request of this suddenly decisive president, the national defense The ministry, the council, and one leader after another voted in favor. The overall situation is set, Pierce smiled brilliantly. And watching almost everyone approve of oneself, the president patted the table vigorously.

“Everyone, let us pray. God bless United States!”

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