Sun God Marvel

Chapter 465

“Have you found their location?”

A quarter of an hour ago, Zhou Yi’s mansion was deep underground. A leader asked the Armored Soldiers under his hand. And soon someone gave him the answer.

“The biological detection device has retrieved two life reactions. They are behind this wall. However, sir. This wall seems to be made of metal, and we have no way to penetrate in yet! “

“It’s all metal?”

The officer who asked the question asked curiously, and then he touched the edge of the wall without waiting for someone to answer, and directly faced the wall. Stretched out his own arm. On his arm, a full-foot-long beam of red light diffracted, and then went deep into the wall like cutting mulch.

However, it can only go so far. Even if he pierced the entire beam of own into the wall, he couldn’t completely penetrate the wall hole. The thickness of this metal wall has exceeded his imagination. He could not even be sure how thick this wall was.

“Are you sure that the target is inside?” He took the detection device from his hands in confusion, but the result he saw was no different from the answer just now. Under such circumstances, he can only spread his own thinking and speak to his subordinates. “Look for it, where is the door to open this wall. Such a thick wall, it is impossible to even have an open device. Otherwise, how did the master here get in.”

“But the sir , We have seen through the structure of this wall. This is what is cast from a whole piece of metal, not to mention the door, it is not even a breathable place. There is no electronic device that can be interfered by us. . Moreover, we also found something similar to the structure of a hydraulic mechanical arm, which seems to indicate that this wall is itself a door.”

“This is a door? Am I going to push it? Open him?” Listening to the conclusion of this man, the leader glanced at the wall that was about twelve feet high, seven feet wide, and definitely more than one foot thick, and his entire face was covered with unbelievable expressions. Can anyone think of something like this as a door, a giant or a rare beast? He just wanted to teach this man a few words, but suddenly remembered the identity of the owner of this villa manor. It is indeed the existence of a giant rare beast.

So he can only suppress the unbelievable own, and reluctantly regard it as an established fact. Then continued to ask.

“Well, just treat it as a door. If it can be opened, how do you think it can be opened?”

“I just finished analyzing this The basic model of the door, according to my calculations, we probably need 300 tons of force to open the door. But sir, the maximum output of Iron Man Armor on us is only 10 tons, and we only have Twelve people!”

“That means we can’t walk in through this door, right?” Looking at the steel barrier that stood in front of Oneself like a moat, the leader suddenly became annoyed. He can’t imagine what kind of mentality the owner here built such a thing out of.

Such a damned thing used to guard against theft can completely block 99% of thieves in the world. He even believes that the defensive power of this door alone is enough to surpass the defense system of all banks in this world. It is simply helpless.

“Tell us about your thoughts. Now we are people on the same boat. You know the end of the mission failure. It will not be a good thing for you and me. Now the upper group The bait is buying us valuable time. If we miss this time, we won’t have a chance!”

This is a heart-felt truth. So everyone agrees with what the chief said. No one wants to try Penalty whose mission failed, it would be a terrifying experience than the deepest nightmare. And they all know that there is not much time left for them.

Once they miss this time, their mission will only fail. And that is something they absolutely cannot accept. So at this time, even the most unwilling to use their brains began to think hard, thinking about how to break through this side of the gate.

“Maybe we can give it a try, how about another angle of breakthrough?”

Finally someone opened his mouth, and his words immediately aroused the interest of the leader.

“Tell me, how to change the angle!”

“In fact, think so, sir. Since this door cannot be breakthrough, then we can change the direction, for example, from it The floor of this room is not made of any special material. We can dig out a sufficient tunnel in a short time, so as to bypass the door and penetrate to the other side of the door. Of course, by doing so Maybe there will be trouble on the other side, because I can’t guess what the floor on that side will look like.”

“What do you think?” Listening to this subordinate’s account, the leader immediately Turning his head, he turned his attention to the subordinate who was obviously doing technical work.

“You can try it, the equipment on our body can do this. And even if there is something on that side. With the particle light knife in our hand, we can complete the final breakthrough. We can bet on it. Bet, will there be more than a foot of the floor on the opposite side.”

“Then do it!” I glanced at the life feedback device of the decoy team held by oneself, and felt that they could no longer hold on. How long the leader immediately issued such an order. Under his order, a group of Iron Man Soldiers immediately began their own excavation.

You don’t need to dig too wide or deep, you just need to stuff their explosives, and then complete a directional blast. Although the steel gate above blocked their footsteps at first, it also played an unexpected role at this time. Its huge body guarantees the stability of directional blasting, so that they do not need to consider other issues at this time. And this saves their time in disguise.

Time is life. Before the high-efficiency operation, a channel was dug out in a short period of time. After stuffing all the explosives carried by the oneself team into this channel, the leader who could not wait immediately detonated it.

Suddenly, a loud noise resounded through the entire villa from deep underground. He knew that this sound would inevitably alarm the Guardians who were led away, so they must take advantage of the present to complete their mission immediately. Fortunately, everything is as they expected.

A big black hole appeared under the steel gate, and along the big hole that was blasted out, they completely bypassed the gate that blocked them before and broke into behind the gate. The trifling floor can’t stop the group of fully armed Future Warriors. The baby of giant dragon can be said to have been exposed to them, just waiting for them to take it over.

Looking at the two in front of oneself hugging each other tightly, looking at the girls of oneself with a shivering look, the leader lifted the own mask and exposed them to them A smile that he considered to be kind.

“Hello, two Little Princesses. I am instructed to invite you to a palace dance party. I hope you can be obedient and walk with us obediently and honestly, otherwise I can’t guarantee that we will I won’t make you cry anymore!”

“Who are you and what do you want to arrest us for?”

In this moment of crisis, the two girls acted differently. General composure. They didn’t make a big noise like ordinary girls, but barely suppressed the tremor of deep in one’s heart, and asked this leader.

“This is not something you should know. If you insist on asking and so on, you have to blame you for having a special father. In order to deal with him, we have to use this special method Come, this is also the result of being forced and helpless.”

“You are going to use us to threaten my father?” Upon hearing the answer, the girls immediately wanted to understand the nasty thoughts of this group of people. “Don’t think about it, we won’t go with you.”

“That’s up to you, Little Princesses. Do it, we have run out of time!”

Under the command of the leader, several Armored Soldier soldiers immediately walked towards the two girls. Seeing these guys walking towards oneself, the two girls immediately cringed and stepped back towards oneself. They are very scared, but in this place, they have nowhere to go.

Seeing that the girls were about to fall into the hands of the enemy, and at this time, two mechanical arms suddenly stretched out and grabbed the two soldiers approaching the girl. The high-strength robotic arm immediately tore the two soldiers from the protection of layers of armor. Without the protection of armor, the two soldiers faced the robotic arm like an insect.

“The intruder, leave immediately. Otherwise I will take a fatal attack on you!”

“It is AI intelligence, sir!”

Technical direction The subordinate immediately gave the leader the information he wanted, and after knowing the origin of Medusa who was speaking, the leader immediately laughed.

“EMP shock bomb is ready, launch!” With an order, all the soldiers threw a grenade-like thing from the hand of the owner. The powerful electromagnetic pulse immediately burst out from the inside and spread to the entire laboratory in an instant. This makes the entire laboratory paralyzed, and almost all electronic devices are in a state of failure.

Naturally, Medusa’s only means of protection here has also completely disappeared. Unlike Armored Soldiers that are coated with anti-electromagnetic coatings, the equipment here cannot withstand the impact of electromagnetic pulses. Therefore, in the face of this special attack on electronic equipment, they immediately lose their effect.

The last line of defense was defeated. In this underground laboratory where even the lights began to disappear, two timid girls could only instinctively stay away from the bad persons approaching oneself, and toward the only point here. The light source moved closer.

That is a very faint dim yellow radiance. Although faint, it is unusually conspicuous in such a room. It was so conspicuous that the two girls felt rare peace of mind. Although in such a situation, this psychological comfort is not at all very useful. But what else can they do?

The claws are right in front of them, and at this moment they have nothing to rely on.

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