Sun God Marvel

Chapter 472

Dawn Knight is King Ming, which is something that many people did not expect. In the eyes of an ordinary person, although both are extremely powerful, they are beyond imagination. But no one has ever regarded them as one person, because they are so completely different. In other words, simply no one regards Dawn Knight as God.

The difference between man and god is so obvious. When possible, no one wants to deify a character next to oneself, and then let him essentially distance himself from oneself. This is the same as no one is willing to succumb.

But when everything is said to be done. When Zhou Yi announced his own identity in public, everything changed. Many people suddenly realized it. They suddenly discovered what Dawn Knight and King Ming had in common, and discovered how similar they really were.

So powerful existence, how could there be two in this world. In other words, how could a guy who can match the real God exist in reality.

So, when Zhou Yi completely exposed his own identity. In addition to the astonished of at first, ordinary persons only agree with what they should be. And this recognition made them even more in awe of Zhou Yi, and awe of God.

In this case, even the bailiff who just held a gun at Zhou Yi couldn’t help but put down his hand, for fear of desecrating the True God who walked in the world and saving the world’s Savior.

And Zhou Yi completely ignored them, just interrogating the guy in front of oneself.

“Say it, say it again. Your vow! Let them listen. What is your vow?”

Looking at all around dancing, hiding in the dark The night demon in the sky, where the interim president also has the courage to repeat those vows that oneself just made. For these envoys of King Ming, many people did not believe in evil, but most of them were dragged into the depths of hell. Now, one thing that the entire world knows is not to swear in the name of King Ming, because the price is so heavy that it is not affordable for ordinary people.

The interim president thought that oneself was fully prepared for everything. But when faced with the horror of being dragged to hell, I found that all the preparations at oneself were of no use. He had to admit that oneself had already been counseled. In the face of the threat of being trapped in hell and enjoying endless torture, he completely lost his courage. He had only the cowardice and the most original desire to survive.

So naturally, at this time, how dare he repeat the vow that oneself just said. He can only be silent, awkwardly silent. It’s like most people face threats.

However, Zhou Yi will not allow him to remain silent. Since he has built such a big battle, it is impossible for him to get through it. So he almost sneered and said to him.

“Do you think silence will help you in your current situation? Or do you think that as long as you stay silent, I will have nothing to do with you? I will give you the last ten seconds, If you don’t want to open your mouth. I will let the night demon drag your soul out and ask your soul for the final answer. People can lie, but the soul has no such ability!”

This sentence is almost It forced the interim president into a desperate situation. To tell the truth, he is tantamount to betraying Hydra, and it is tantamount to sentence him to death. Hydra will not tolerate the existence of a traitor. Whether it is him or his family, there is only a dead end.

But if you don’t say, then he is dead too. It may even be worse than death. Although he doesn’t know what hell really looks like, after being exaggerated by human literature and religious studies for so many years, he already has an instinctive fear of hell in his heart. The hell in his eyes is the place where all the horrible things oneself can think of are piled up, and the lower limit is lowered by three points. It is also a place where he would rather die than get involved.

It is definitely not easy to make a decision between the two. Especially when he only has ten seconds. However, in the end he still had a decision.

“If I say everything, can you guarantee that I won’t go to hell? Dear Your Majesty!”

When this word came out, whether it was in court , Or outside the court. It was a tumultuous uproar. The reason for the uproar was not because the interim president who had just been hard-boiled suddenly became a disgusting flattery villain, but because of the words he had revealed. Those words that clearly have traces of conspiracy.

At this moment, almost everyone held their breath, waiting for what he could expose. And he just looked at Zhou Yi, hoping to get a guarantee from his mouth. A guarantee that makes him firm oneself choice.

Looking at the earnest desire in the eyes of this guy, Zhou Yi just wanted to laugh in anger. If this group of people knew that there would be today, how dare to attack their own daughter. It’s too late now. If you don’t destroy these guys with your own hands, you simply can’t calm his deep in one’s heart anger. However, if you want those insidious villains hiding in the dark to reveal their whereabouts, you must get key news from this guy’s mouth.

So he forcibly endured the anger that oneself wanted to tear him to pieces, and faced the interim president nodded.

“Yes, I will give you the guarantee you want!”

“Thank you, thank you Your Majesty!” Hearing this guarantee, the interim president exhaled ecstatically . Being able to die simply and simply is already a happy thing for him. So he stopped making any slurs, but said straightforwardly.

“The army that attacked your daughter was dispatched by my order to find a way to control you. It is convenient for us to cooperate with you, or to manipulate you to a certain extent!”

As soon as this sentence was said, the whole world boiled like an explosion. All the people who saw this and watched him say these words went crazy. They couldn’t believe that the current top leader of the federal government of the United States could say such disgusting words, such unabashedly unacceptable evil deeds.

He completely subverted the image of this government in the minds of his people, completely demonizing oneself and the United States Government he represents. A government planning to murder Savior can be said to have completely stood on the opposite side of the people. Especially in the presence of ordinary persons who have been favored by the King of Ming, they can already be called contemporary Judas, destined to be hated forever.

And this is what people like Tony worry about most. What they are most worried about is that the United States Government will be involved in this matter, because once the relationship is involved, it means that this government will surely usher in extremely terrifying public opinion and public opinion. At this precarious time of wind and rain, when this government makes mistakes again and again, it is very likely to fall apart and become a thing of the past. This is something that no patriot does not want to see, but it has already happened.

The seeds of turbulence have been buried. As for when he will take root and sprout, that is not an issue that Zhou Yi is willing to care about. He only cared about one question, and that was the messenger behind these people, who were the people who planned all this?

He doesn’t believe it, this guy in his hand planned it out. You’re welcome, he doesn’t have this qualification yet. He couldn’t raise the soldiers in steel armor alone. Behind him there must be an organization with amazing strength, and this organization is Zhou Yi’s goal.

“Tell me, who is the messenger behind you? Who do you serve and who planned all this!”

“Your Majesty, this should be another question, right? !” Facing Zhou Yi’s question, the interim president hesitated immediately. He really didn’t want to break with Hydra. But the decision right now is not in his hands at all.

“Tell me the answer, otherwise you know what the result will be!”

Zhou Yi’s toughness was in his expectation. Now that the choice has been made, the interim president has nothing to hide at this time. He opened his mouth and uttered such a name sullenly.

“Hydra, I serve Hydra! It is also the arranger and planner behind all this! I am just an unremarkable little boss inside, responsible for part of the action.”

When Hydra’s name was spoken from his mouth, most people were at a loss, but so few people were shocked in disbelief. This among which is included Nick. Fury, including Captain Rogers. Even compared to others, Captain Rogers is the one who shocked the most.

“This impossible, Hydra has been defeated. Their minds were defeated by my own hands, and they are impossible to come back again!” Mumbling to himself, Captain’s whole person looked like Lost it. And right by his side, Nick. Fury lowered his throat and said solemnly to him.

“Obviously, they have rekindled. Just like their slogan! For them, we have time and a way to find their place and kill them again. But now, our top priority It’s not here, he is the problem we need to solve!”

He said, pointing to Zhou Yi on the screen.

“The guy you see now is trampling on everything in this country with his strength and identity. Its dignity, its laws, and its life. The cornerstone of this country is Shaken, if we can’t stop him in time, then we can only become a homeless wanderer in the future. Just like the Jews before World War II!”

The invincible world in the curtain is like Dawn Knight who rules everything. Captain Rogers gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

“Give me the fastest plane, and I will set off now!”

No matter how selfless people are, they have selfishness. For Captain, the United States he has struggled for half his life is his greatest selfishness. This is his country, his mother. In any case, he couldn’t let her sink in. So at this time, he has already made up his mind.

Even if he is an enemy of the guy who least wants to be an enemy, he must stop everything he is doing now.

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