Sun God Marvel

Chapter 474

“Wait, what are you going to do. Stop it!” Looking at Zhou Yi, he ignored his dissuasion at all and started to act. Captain couldn’t help but yelled out in surprise. But it was too late, because at this moment, a terrifying scene had appeared in front of him.

A dazzling and bright flame burst out from the body of the interim president, like a blooming flame flower, stretching the own body, quickly spreading the dazzling brilliance of oneself Into all the spaces.

In this flame, the darkness begins to fade, and likewise, everything touched by this stretch of flame is also dying out as this happens. The flame is like a hungry giant beast, devouring everything that oneself touches. This is true whether it is a living thing or a dead thing. The first to bear the brunt is the interim president who gave birth to this flame.

In this sudden flame and harsh explosion roar, his body was immediately reduced to ashes in all split up and in pieces, and completely disappeared within the realm. Then, to Captain’s surprise, the flames started to spread towards Zhou Yi.

Although you can’t see Zhou Yi’s expression, Captain has already started to be strange. He already had some doubts whether this was what Zhou Yi did. Because if this was his method, what he called revenge, then the flame had no reason to attack himself.

He wanted to question, but it was too late. Because the light of fire had flooded Zhou Yi’s body in this instant, and swept toward the entire court. All the people in this court have become the target of its attack, or that this indiscriminate attack clearly has only one purpose, and that is to destroy everything here.

In front of this sudden explosion of flames, Captain was unable to stop it. He could only curl into a small corner immediately, and then barely shielded his body with his own shield. And as the other two guys with special abilities in the field. Logan immediately stood in front of Charles, shielding him firmly behind oneself, and Charles could only smile helplessly at this.

Logan is the undying body of Steel Muscles Iron Bones, let alone this kind of flame, even if he is thrown into the depths of the earth’s core, it may not be able to kill him. So at this time, he can completely protect Professor Charles regardless of his own safety. But Professor Charles does not have the ability to deal with this danger.

Although he is nominally the most powerful mental Mutant. But his ability is the kind that cannot interfere with reality. He is powerful, but it’s only spiritual. In reality, there is almost no difference between him and an ordinary person. So he could only passively accept Logan’s protection, and then watched those ordinary persons who were also on the scene, being swallowed by the ruthless flame.

He is powerless, and the only person who can save them at this time is completely indifferent.

Zhou Yi, who had already revealed oneself from the flames, stood there, watching the flames sweeping through the entire court without moving, and completely removed the highest court representing the justice of the United States. Turned into a fire sea hell.

The wailing of a mortal death can’t make him move at all, and likewise, the increasing number of deaths and injuries can’t make him move. At this moment, he stands there like a wood-carved stone statue, just like other God-likes in this World. He does nothing except watch.

In the eyes of the entire world, everything that happened at this moment is no different than terrifying a big Ivan directly in a densely populated city. At this moment, they thought that oneself had seen God’s anger, and saw the insignificance of human beings in God’s eyes. I saw the real gap and gap between them and Zhou Yi.

At this moment, what many people insisted on in their hearts has been shattered. Looking at the Supreme Court collapsed in the raging fire, many people felt that a stalwart image collapsed in the owner’s heart. That is the image of god, that is the image of hero. When they attributed all of this to Zhou Yi, it actually meant that the Dawn Knight in their hearts had died with it.

The hero who punishes evil and promotes good, the Savior who saved the world. The God who gifted the world, the giant who saved people from danger. At this moment, they have disappeared in their hearts. Endless disappointment and anger filled their hearts, and now they saw only a dark Knight, an Evil God dedicated to revenge. And this caused fear and hatred to grow in their hearts. Such a guy has become their enemy.

Zhou Yi said that he would rather be an enemy of the world to take revenge and enforce own justice. Now he has done it, after all this happened, he has reached the point where the whole world is the enemy. And all this has nothing to do with him.

The death of the interim president was not caused by him at all. When he was about to do something and give him some punishment, he was already dead. It seems that something has been buried in his body long ago. At this critical time, this early foreshadowing gave everyone here the most fatal blow.

This is a truly fatal attack, whether it is for the ordinary person who is affected, or for Zhou Yi. It successfully transferred all the hatred to Zhou Yi, causing him to bear the boundless accusation. Although he was unscathed under such an attack, his reputation has completely died out with everything here.

For Hydra who made all this, what they paid was just a traitor and a few insignificant chess pieces. Compared to everything they have obtained, these are completely insignificant.

Under such circumstances, not many people care about what kind of organization Hydra is. Compared with the result of being regarded as a confidant by the people all over the world, now with Zhou Yi sharing so much firepower on their behalf, they will at best enjoy the treatment of a high-level terrorist. Perhaps even in the hearts of some countries and individuals, their status may not be as good as the **** on the other side of Earth.

This will buy them enough time. When they really want this World to show their own minions, no one will be able to stop them in this World. At this point, Hydra has been lurking secretly for a long time, and Hydra, who has accumulated for a long time, has sufficient confidence.

It can be said that everything is proceeding in accordance with Hydra’s plan. Although there are a few episodes, it has no influence on their overall plan. Everything is proceeding step by step, and no one can stop them. Even Zhou Yi is the same.

To be precise, Zhou Yi has no ability to block them now, because he can’t block them. When the flames began to fade, Zhou Yi began to silently stare at his palm. The reputational blow caused by the death of the interim president is of little importance to him. He already doesn’t care about this World, and naturally doesn’t care what kind of slander or abuse oneself will receive.

There is only one he cares about, and that is the clue in his hand. The interim president is the only clue he can control about the head behind Hydra, but now, this clue has been broken. Although he thought about recalling his soul, when he did so, he discovered that in this explosion, he didn’t even have his own soul.

Although the flame from the explosion does not have this ability, the magical power in the core part has already destroyed his soul when he all split up and in pieces. He doesn’t need to worry about going to hell anymore, because he loses his soul and doesn’t even have the qualification to go to hell.

Hydra has done it thoroughly, or they have foreseen everything that will happen today. This makes Zhou Yi very upset. He is not afraid of that powerful enemy, because no matter how strong the enemy is, it is not a problem. He can defeat any powerful enemy and achieve the final victory. What he is afraid of is the guy who hides in the dark and waits for a sneak attack like Viper. Although this insidious cunning guy is impossible to hurt him, it will hurt the people around him. And this has been confirmed.

He can’t tolerate the existence of such a guy, so no matter what idea Hydra plays. He must destroy him, destroy this organization that may threaten the people around oneself. But in this kind of place, in the current situation, he has been impossible to get more useful information.

Stretched out his hand and extinguished the flame around oneself. Zhou Yi raised his head, ready to leave this place full of conspiracies. He didn’t have any thoughts of explanation, and he no longer had any hope for mankind, he didn’t even bother to waste his words on them now. The black shadows swarmed around him, dancing endlessly, and the night demon who was not disturbed by any flames swarmed him like this, and accompanied him to the sky slowly.

Situations like this appeared on this wailing ruin, making him look more like God. The kind of aloof and remote, a ruthless god overlooking personnel. And just when he was about to fly away from the dome of the court and disappear into this place. Suddenly, a shield flew straight towards him with the sound of Ling Ling.

That is Captain America’s star shield, and the appearance of this shield means that Captain America at this time simply cannot agree with his move to leave like this. Just like the meaning of this star shield, when Zhou Yi grabbed it in his hand, he immediately saw Captain America rushing out of the flames lingering ruins, full of indignation.

He just raised his head like this, looking at Zhou Yi surrounded by countless darkness, and then let out a hoarse, furious roar.

“You come down to me, Dawn Knight. I need an explanation, you must give me an explanation!”

“Explanation?” sneered, and threw the shield in his hand. In front of Captain, let this very meaningful shield fiercely embedded in the scorched earth in front of him. Zhou Yi said with a contemptuous attitude. “Why do I want to explain to you, what do you want me to explain to you?”

“Why don’t you save these people, you obviously have the ability to do so, why don’t you save them, why!”

This is the most incomprehensible thing Captain. If Zhou Yi cannot give him a reasonable answer, then he can only list Zhou Yi as his own enemy. It would be a tragedy, but it was a tragedy that he had to do. And how to choose, everything is in Zhou Yi’s body.

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