Sun God Marvel

Chapter 477

The original site of the Supreme Court after the raging fire has undoubtedly become a scorched scorched earth, and on this scorched earth, how many survivors there can be, obviously many people are unwilling To think about the problem. Even if they know that these people have little hope of surviving, there are still people who spontaneously enter this scorched earth to start the so-called search and rescue work.

Do your best and obey the fate. This is the current thinking of many search and rescue people. But these people don’t have much hope for whether they can gain something. In such fires and explosions, even the solemn and solemn Great Court has become ruined, even more how is it the flesh and blood of human beings?

But the situation is always unexpected, just like a surprise, the search and rescuer actually found the innocent who survived this terrifying disaster from this rubble one after another By. Except for some covered in dirt, most of these survivors were intact, which made the entire search and rescue team cried out for miracles.

But is it a miracle? At this point, Professor Charles, who has been watching everything happen, obviously has his own knowledge. However, at this time he could not express this idea. Saying such things at the wrong time and in the wrong place will undoubtedly only make things worse. even more how, he may not be so clean now.

Although the identity of the interim president as a traitor to Hydra has been exposed, this does not mean that the grievances imposed on their Mutant can be thoroughly washed away. In fact, because of his death, it has become more difficult to wash these things. Because when everyone put their sights on Zhou Yi, their Mutant’s grievances will only be delayed by Infinity. And once it drags on for too long, it will become even more trouble for them.

There are only a lot more people who discriminate against Mutant, and now their hearts are full of grievances against Mutant. If this error is not clarified quickly at this time, then afterwards, the error will turn into hatred, and hatred is likely to cause huge danger and disaster.

For this, Charles has almost foreseen it. But, at this time, he can’t do anything. This has to be said to be a very frustrating thing. However, there is still an opportunity to change all of this. Seeing Captain lying on the ground without any movement, as if dead. Professor Charles motioned to Logan behind him a bit, and asked him to push oneself away from the scorched earth.

He is naturally impossible. In this case, he has any connection with Captain, at least on the surface. But secretly, in their hearts, Professor Charles had already quietly contacted Captain.

“After seeing all this, Captain, do you have any other thoughts?”

Captain has long been a mess in my mind, and I still haven’t figured out what happened. And when he watched the rescuers fished out from the ruins one after another embarrassed, but did not suffer any harm to the survivors, he immediately made some incredible sounds.

“How is this possible? How could they be, still alive?”

“Although it is incredible, most of the people in the court survived, and you can say It is basically sound. Except for the gentlemen of the committee. It seems that this seems to be the result of one person. Under the circumstances at the time, it seems that only he can do that.”

“You mean, that guy saved these people. But why, why didn’t he save everyone?”

Charles’ words gave Captain a little hope, and he immediately felt Questioning him, I hope this wise old man can give him an explanation.

“It’s actually very simple. That person is actually venting his own dissatisfaction. However, he controlled the object of oneself’s vent, and did not let the anger of the owner reach more people.”

“You mean?”

“As you think, Captain. His dissatisfaction with this country is only directed at the government of this country, not the civilians in this country. This is a different target, and it proves that the development of things is not at all as bad as you think.”

From an onlooker perspective, Professor Charles can naturally see that many others do not. Something clear. And when he told Captain what oneself saw and what oneself thought of, it actually meant that he had involved own power in their dispute.

In this situation right now, he is the one who can see everything clearly. In his eyes, whether it was a conspiracy against them Mutant, or to instigate the contradiction between humans and Zhou Yi, or even cause chaos in the world. There is actually only one thing to trace back to the source, and that is Hydra, which is hidden behind him, constantly performing oneself conspiracy.

Until now, Mutant is not very popular, so their enemies will not be few. If it is a normal enemy, Professor Charles said that the smile will pass. Mutant has the background of Mutant, and they are not something that any cat or dog can deal with. But Hydra is different, very different!

The power they are showing now makes Charles feel frightened and scared. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of its huge body, you don’t even know how many forces of this mysterious and evil organization are hidden in the dark. If such an organization really launches an offensive against Mutant, Professor Charles even doubts whether the own clansman can stick to it as before.

Charles, who has already predicted something, certainly knows that the answer is a pessimistic and desperate answer. But this does not mean that they really can’t do anything about it. At least judging from the current situation, they are not the only opponent Hydra has to deal with. In addition to their Mutant, many people also stood on the opposite side of Hydra. This is naturally good news for professors, because it means that they are not fighting alone. There are teammates and no teammates at this time, but two completely different things.

And want to ensure that Captain, they can stand on the same line as oneself. It is necessary to let him see everything in front of oneself clearly, and not be obscured by those confused smoke. Only by letting him recognize the threat of Hydra, will he withdraw from Zhou Yi’s big trouble and stand with them to deal with this unprecedented enemy.

“I don’t know what you think about Captain, but in my opinion, all of this has nothing to do with that person, or he just passively bears all of this. One of the people. Just like the explosion and flame just now, do you really think he did it?”

“Why, don’t you think he did it?”

Captain was naturally skeptical about this, otherwise he wouldn’t want to stop him from leaving at that time. And now, when Professor Charles said the same, he immediately asked back. Take a look at this unique Mutant old man’s insights.

“No, of course I don’t believe that he did these things. No one knows his abilities better than me, like the kind of thing just now. If it’s from his hands, it will only make me Just laugh.”

In Captain’s spiritual world, Professor Charles told his own idea in a cracking a joke tone.

“My school kept in this world, which may be the earliest test record of him. At that time, he could control the super flame of thousands of degrees. You think that if these are really If he does, will there be anything else here?”

Captain is not a stupid person. For this matter, what he wants is just an explanation, a reasonable explanation that can convince oneself. . And Charles’ words naturally complemented this link, allowing him to truly strengthen his own judgment, and then saw the so-called truth of the matter.

“You mean, Hydra’s people are doing all this? They are killing people, planting and framing?”

“Everyone has own judgment, Captain. But on this point, my judgment is consistent with yours. And, don’t you think that this organization that has been hidden in the dark is really too terrifying? It has turned into a cloud and overturned the whole country. Hand is rain. You don’t even know whether oneself is loyal to this country or a puppet controlled by that organization in this country. I’m not surprised that that person will react like this, because like he said, He has never owed this country, this World. We have always owed him!”

These words made Captain sigh in his heart. In truth, he certainly knew why Zhou Yi had such a reaction. Anyone who has paid that many and sacrificed that many will get crazy with the rewarding kindness with enmity. Zhou Yi’s performance is considered restraint, at least he did not vent his own anger on the ordinary person.

However, this does not mean that Captain can accept what he did. In the case of different positions, the way to solve the problem is also different. Now that Zhou Yi has made such a move, it is impossible for them to relax. Unless there is something that can make Zhou Yi change, and can wash away Zhou Yi’s grievances, everything is impossible.

But, will Zhou Yi be willing to change it? Recalling Zhou Yi’s determination, Captain felt desperate. That was an impossible person who was pulled back. Impossible anymore.

“Captain, I said so much. I don’t want you to do something to that person? Believe me, he is definitely not the right person to deal with at this time. I tell you These are hopes to establish a cooperative relationship with you!”

“Cooperation, you mean to deal with Hydra?”

“Of course, only in this way can the enemy have Isn’t it a collaboration?”

“But I don’t quite understand, Professor. Why is it me? Wouldn’t it be better for you to contact SHIELD through Quicksilver?”

At this point, Captain expressed his own doubts. In this regard, the professor has an own explanation.

“I’m sorry, Captain. At this time I can only trust you and the Avengers behind you. As for the others, including SHIELD, they are already untrustworthy in my eyes. forgive Me to speak bluntly, that is, Nick, the director of SHIELD. Whether Fury is our enemy or not is still a matter to be determined!”

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