Sun God Marvel

Chapter 482

“Enough, Loki. I know your little tricks. Your scheming will not be of any use today.” Captain gave an order and immediately had several ‘S silhouette jumped from the Quin fighter.

Among them are the Quicksilver brothers and sisters, and the Vajra wolf Logan who was temporarily conscripted. But the most conspicuous were the pair of huge, green siblings.

If there are only those guys in front, Loki is really not afraid of any head-on conflict with them. Because in terms of manpower, he has a lot here. And maybe it is even more dominant in power. But as soon as he saw the Hulk siblings, Loki’s heart immediately retreated.

For the power Hulk possesses, Loki’s feelings are too deep. That kind of terrifying power that could almost knock down the giant cosmic battleship made her feel a little chilling when she thought of it now. So, at this time she had made up her mind and started to find a way out for oneself.

Of course, it is Loki who looks like a girl who is making such a ghostly idea. And on the surface, the black hair man version of Loki still showed a confident look.

“Wow, what a spectacular scene. Almost all the Avengers can be dispatched. Is it just to catch me? Then should I feel honored?”

Speaking of this, this man version of Loki is coldly smiled, changing into a spear-like weapon in his hand, and then using it to point at a distance surrounding the own Avengers.

“But, have you forgotten one thing? The Avengers, I also have a few here. Moreover, they are on my side now!”

Just after speaking, Thor, who had been standing next to him silently, slammed his hand to the sky. In an instant, the entire sky turned into dark clouds, and there was no bright sunshine that was comfortable and comfortable before. And in this weird weather change, a strong thunderbolt of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, wrapped it on a short-handled hammer, and fell into Thor’s hands in the blink of an eye.

With Mjölnir in hand, Thor suddenly changed his image. Raiden turned his stiff suit into ashes in an instant, and then immediately put on him a majestic God Combat Armor. This change made the ordinary person onlookers shocked dumbstruck, and even the Avengers had such a voice.

“Does this guy swagger like this every time he does it?”

This is the voice of Vajra Wolf Logan. He never has anything to say about things that oneself dislikes. .

“Thor, be sober. You are just controlled by someone. Think about your identity and who you are! We will help you get rid of Loki’s control!”

Seeing Thor transforming, Captain immediately issued such persuasion to him. But Thor didn’t even listen to it, so he shook Mjölnir in oneself’s hand, causing it to fly fiercely towards Hulk with the thunder and lightning.

Electro-optical speed, Mjölnir’s flying speed is not inferior. This fell in Hulk’s eyes, it was a dazzling white light, and before he even had time to react, it hit him fiercely on the chest.

Under such unprepared circumstances, even with Hulk’s power, it is inevitable to suffer a big loss. He was directly smashed into a flying cannonball by the flying hammer. Without any obstacles, he was slammed out of a huge huge parabola, flew from the flat ground to the sky, and then In the sound of a violent wave, he was hit directly below the sea level in the distance.

This can be said to be a direct expulsion of Hulk out of the field. At least he will not be able to come back for a while. In order to ensure that Hulk, the most dangerous guy, could not come back completely, Thor reached out and recalled own Mjölnir, with the help of it, he immediately turned into a thunderbolt, and plunged into the sea.

Obviously, this Thor from Asgard intends to personally block Hulk to prevent him from having any influence on Loki’s escape.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Avengers lost their own member General, which was something they had never thought of before. What they didn’t expect was that in this situation, Loki actually attacked them first.

Like a trick, Loki after Loki appeared next to the black hair man version of Loki. Some of them hold sharp swords, some hold spears, and some hold bows and arrows. At first glance, it looks like a fully armed army of cold weapons.

In addition, they all wore Loki’s golden green armor, which was basically unchanged, and it gave people a feeling of revisiting ancient wars. This situation frightened the passers-by and caused them to flee. And Captain, who faced so many Loki, also felt tremendous pressure.

If only a group of ordinary persons make up this kind of cold weapon force, Captain is confident that oneself can beat ten. If he is not allowed to sit in this Kun-style fighter plane, he even has the confidence to destroy as many as possible.

However, against so many incarnations of Loki, he obviously doesn’t have this confidence. Loki is God after all, although he is only the god of mischief in the legend, Evil God. But this does not mean that he has no combat effectiveness. Although Loki has never taken action against them, except for the first time, Captain believes that this guy is definitely not someone who is easy to deal with.

Even if Loki is not as good as their Avengers in terms of single strength, they are a large group of people, and they have an absolute crushing advantage in number. So Captain can’t help but not worry.

But worrying is useless. At the very least, at this time, Loki won’t stop owning offense because he is worried about his opponent.

As soon as the illusion army came out, each of them charged towards the Avengers like hurricane horses. Looking at the illusion army that was coming like a tide, the group of avengers immediately counterattacked.

However, because the Avengers themselves have different qualities and strengths. They immediately made a noticeable difference in dealing with the impact of this fantasy army.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are the easiest to deal with this attack. This pair of Mutants with special abilities only needs to use their own ability to easily benefit the invincible. After all, no matter how many illusions of Loki, it is impossible to catch up with Quicksilver, which can run in time, and even more impossible to have any influence on Scarlet Witch, which can influence reality with oneself Primal Chaos Demon.

The two siblings, one only needs to run, and the other only needs to distort the space around oneself from reality, which is enough to make the attacks of this group of phantoms completely fall into the void. No matter how many attacks, it is of no use to fail to hit people. On the contrary, if these two invincible people start their hands, it will be fatal.

Quicksilver is running in the illusion like a silver lightning. He holds a particle light knife from the high-energy beam condense in his hand, which allows him to harvest easily while running. The opponent’s life. Loki’s visions could not even be touched by a single vellus hair, and they all vanished in his lightning attack.

He is like a silver light representing Death, only a flash of light has taken away life, leaving Death behind. Letting him wander among such dense enemies is simply creating a massacre. Compared with his elder sister Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver’s performance is a bit inferior.

After all, he is only an enemy to destroy, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to compare with large-scale and large-scale weapons of destruction. And Scarlet Witch, it is precisely this kind of large-scale lethality.

Just waving his hands and manipulating the Primal Chaos Demon method, Wanda can completely distort and wipe out tens, hundreds, hundreds of thousands of Loki from reality with no difficulty. Although there were many illusions staring at her, they attacked her specifically. But no one can get close to her within ten steps.

All the illusions that entered this distance have all disappeared. If you want to find their tracks, you can only look on the ground. Because they are already like abstract pictures, printed on the bricks and stones on the ground, from a three-dimensional illusion to a two-dimensional world.

Only these two siblings blocked most of the phantom army. But for the remaining Avengers, even if only a small half of those illusions are left, it is easy for them to do not raise.

Jennifer is a little better, despite the endless harassment attack She was exhausted, but in essence, she was not threatened. After all, her physique was there, and the bloodline of the Hulk basically ignored most of the attacks. And this naturally also includes the attacks of Loki’s illusions.

Those visions can not threaten her safety at all except to harass her with the sting. Of course, it is impossible for Jennifer to clean up these illusions around Oneself by own power.

On the one hand, there are too many illusions. On the other hand, these illusions are all skilled warriors. There is no such overwhelming way. It is really not easy to deal with them. In this regard, Jennifer, who had been avoided by phantoms in several attacks, had a deep understanding, and the most experienced were Logan who temporarily intervened, and Captain who flew a plane in the sky.

Rogan can be said to be the worst in this group. After several fights, he had been beaten by a few Loki’s illusions and couldn’t even find him.

Although he can be regarded as a senior-level fighter, his skills are too shallow for Loki himself who has honed his skills on the cold weapon battlefield for hundreds of years. If it weren’t for Steel Muscles Iron Bones and undying, it would be impossible for him to deal with an illusion. And now, with seven or eight Loki surrounding him, he can only be beaten to death. However, there will always be no mortal danger. Logan’s abilities are there, and Loki has nothing to do with him.

Logan is miserable, and Captain is not better there. He even said that he was in a mortal danger. Sitting in the plane, he can only rely on the various weapons that come with the Kun fighter. Logically speaking, this advanced weapon is enough to allow him to gallop on any modern battlefield. But now, in front of this group of cold weapons, Loki really doesn’t eat it at all.

The machine gun swept over, and some phantoms could predict in advance and avoid it. Others just waved the weapon in oneself’s hand, and flew all the bullets. With missiles, the end is even worse. Before the missile was in place, it was directly exploded by a cold arrow. If it hadn’t been for Captain to dodge fast, maybe he had already said goodbye to that missile.

Just dealing with a Loki, the situation became so bad. This was something Captain hadn’t expected at all, and seeing that the space for oneself to dodge was getting smaller and smaller, it was about to be forced to abandon the aircraft soon. A loud roar came over suddenly.

The situation has suddenly changed at this time.

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