Sun God Marvel

Chapter 485

Loki’s answer immediately caused Zhou Yi to squint his eyes, and his eyes began to show dangerous radiance.

“Loki, do you think you also have room for bargaining?”

“I know I don’t have much room for bargaining, but this is my answer. You don’t want to take Thor from me Take it away by your side!”

Loki still insisted on own answer, her stubbornness made Zhou Yi feel incredible. Because she simply has no right to refuse oneself now, and this stubbornness will only bring her harm. And this is not like her style at all.

But seeing Loki grasping Thor cloak’s hand tightly, he knew something. If it is for this reason, he can understand, but he cannot accept it. Oneself’s daughter’s life is more important than everything, and naturally it is also more important than this ulterior feeling between them. He didn’t have any reason to accommodate them, especially when it was only a unilateral will.

In the case of invalid speech negotiation, military force coercion has become an inevitable result. In this situation, Zhou Yi silently gave Jean Gerei a position. Compared with his forced military force, Jean’s mind invasion is obviously more effective in solving the problem here.

Jean’s performance was even more direct. She looked at Loki and Thor who were waiting, and sneered reached out to them.

The power of the invisible mind instantly penetrated into Thor’s deep in one’s heart, and this immediately made Loki, who had made hands and feet with Thor, feel that she turned pale with fright, because of Jean Gerei’s The power of the mind was powerful that she had never felt before, and even to some extent surpassed the power of the Mind Stone. The mechanism she set up in Thor’s heart was almost nothing in front of Jean Grey. And this meant that her most worried thing happened.

“Let her stop, Zhou Yi. You can’t do this!”

She exclaimed, but it was too late. When Jean invaded the power of own mind into Thor deep in one’s heart, he had already hugged own head in pain and fell to his knees. His distorted perception is being corrected by Jean Grey. In other words, Loki’s transformation of his mind has begun to fall apart.

He began to re-recognize the identity of own, his position, and Loki’s position in his heart. And this was enough to cause fear and anxiety in Loki’s heart.

She wants to stop everything where Jean is now, but in time, she is too late. What happened in the spiritual world was only a moment in reality, when she was just preparing to do it. She discovered that one of the own hand had been firmly grasped by Thor, who had just guarded oneself.

And then, everything Thor said to her made her completely frustrated and desperate.

“Enough, Loki. You have done enough mistakes, stop. Come back to Asgard with me!”

“You told me to stop?” Almost looking at Thor with an unbelievable look, Loki couldn’t believe it, and everything oneself had done was in vain in this short moment. But this is the case, Thor is already sober. Moreover, she was firmly controlled.

“Yes, stop. Come back with me to accept the Royal Father’s trial. This is the greatest tolerance I can do for you!”

“Trial? Tolerance To me!”

Loki repeated Thor’s words word by word. For her, these words are like a razor, shaved the inner heart of own, drenched with blood. She began to feel desperate and gave birth to madness. At this time, she has had no desire to improve, and completely left everything behind.

“Don’t think about it, Thor. No one can judge me. Stupid Earth people can’t, neither can Odin. Even if I die, I won’t accept what you call a trial.”

” Don’t persist in your own wrong doings, Loki. Don’t you understand how big a mistake you have committed? Stop and come back with me. This is the only way you can be forgiven.”

Loki’s non-cooperation caused Thor, who had just gotten out of control, to leave the ground immediately angry. He took Loki’s hand fiercely and made her look face to face with oneself’s serious eyes. Then he yelled at her in a tone of hate iron for not becoming steel. However, this kind of persuasion has no effect. Especially for Loki now.

“I don’t need to be forgiven by anyone, I’m not wrong, the fault is this World. It’s this World that abandoned me and took everything from me. I just want to get back what I should have Thing, is this wrong? Tell me, Thor, is this wrong?”

Following Thor with scorching eyes, Loki complained back unceremoniously. Her eyes were like a ball of flames, so dazzling that Thor hardly dared to look at her. Of course he knew what Loki meant, but for him, it was just Loki’s willfulness.

He has long been accustomed to tolerating his willfulness. No matter what he does, he can find oneself a reason to forgive him, because he thinks oneself knows Loki, understands this and lives with him The younger brother of hundreds of years. However, this is not the past. When Loki’s identity suddenly changed from younger brother to younger sister, he discovered that oneself couldn’t see her clearly anymore.

In other words, he has never seen her clearly. The transformation of identity made him discover that oneself’s understanding of Loki has also changed. Although he is under control, this does not mean that he has no memory of that time. In fact, on the contrary, he still remembers that period of time when he was controlled very clearly. It was precisely because of the existence of this memory that he discovered Loki’s secrets and her special feelings for own.

This is a feeling he doesn’t know how to respond, and he wants to refuse. But looking at the younger sister who suddenly became petite but still stubborn, he couldn’t say anything to refuse. He wanted to put down this feeling for the time being and let Loki stand trial and accept his protection. To prevent her from being executed by this World for what the owner did. However, Loki’s refusal interrupted all his plans.

Complex internal and external factors made Thor suddenly become irritable. Especially when he saw Loki’s scorching eyes, this psychological not knowing what to do and irritability made it difficult for him to control his own behavior. He reluctantly suppressed his own mood and asked Loki again.

“I will ask you again, will you follow me back. This is your only chance, don’t you understand?”

“No, I will never go back . I would rather die in the hands of the Midgarts than to go back, and be mocked by those Asgardians who look down on me in front of me.”

Loki’s answer is Thor’s surprise was also in his expectation. He thought about Loki’s rejection, but he didn’t expect Loki to reject it so simply, leaving no room for it. And this immediately ignited all his irritability like gunpowder. At this time, he could no longer control his own emotions, raised his hand, and slapped Loki’s face directly.

“Shut up to me, you are not qualified to refuse my arrangement. You have to go back with me for trial. Even if it is tied, I must take you back to Asgard!”

Thor’s slap directly drew blood from the corner of Loki’s mouth. And feeling the hot pain on oneself’s face, Loki’s eyes gradually became cold. She stared at Thor coldly, and when she saw Thor, she started to panic.

As a fighter, Thor is not afraid of any enemy. But under Loki’s eyes, he felt a panic of nowhere. He wanted to explain, but the current situation did not allow him to explain at all.

What Loki did was too much, and he couldn’t cover the past with ordinary methods. He can only defend Loki by the laws of Asgard and protect her from the execution of the Earth. Although she would be imprisoned by Asgard for thousands of years, it was better than losing her life. This is his painstaking effort as the elder brother, but this painstaking effort cannot be known to outsiders at all, and he cannot even tell anyone.

With this kind of thought, Loki can think of almost without even having to try to guess. But now, when she herself is in the game, when she has been struck by a series of failures and is no longer confident, she has already begun to get lost.

She didn’t guess Thor’s painstaking effort, all she felt was Thor’s determination and ruthlessness. In these days of getting along, she didn’t believe that Thor didn’t have any knowledge of own feelings. And when Thor responded to oneself in this way, her only performance was stubborn resistance and a hollow and indifferent heart.

As a sensitive and fragile person, a proud and stubborn god. Loki will not succumb anyway, especially in this particular situation.

She stood firmly in the footsteps of own, stiffening own arms. Then he stared at Thor with hatred and cold eyes.

“You want me to return to Asgard and be imprisoned forever. I can only tell you, Thor, you are daydreaming. I said that I will not accept any Judgment. No matter who it is, there is no right to judge me. Do you think I don’t have a trump card? Do you think I can only be at your mercy? Then you are underestimating me. I am born Loki. Wang, I will never give in to you, even if it is either the fish dies or the net splits!”

Said this, she removed her eyes and stared at the opposite Those two dangerous existences.

“Zhou Yi, I have thoroughly investigated your details. If you want me to be tried, you must be careful. Will your closest people experience more miserable things than me Things!”

As soon as Loki’s words came out, Thor immediately stood up all the hair on his body. A great fear suddenly overwhelmed him, and all of this was due to Loki’s nonsense. These days, he has been around Loki, how can he not know that she simply doesn’t have any back hand. And she actually provoked Zhou Yi so much at this time. The person who should not be provoked is obviously already holding a death-seeking mentality.

Thor knew what she was thinking from their argument just now. That’s what she wants to anger Zhou Yi, and use his hand to end oneself, making Thor’s judgment completely impossible. And this is something Thor absolutely cannot accept.

He was just about to yell out to stop Loki from talking nonsense. But at this time, Jean Grey had directly moved his hand. Jean Ge Lei, who is centered on Zhou Yi, obviously can’t tolerate any provocation against him, so he naturally didn’t hesitate when he started.

The power of Phoenix of crimson flew in the blink of an eye, and Thor was immediately moved by the terrifying energy fluctuations. He looked at the familiar conspiracy smile on Loki’s face, the smile and relief expression in her eyes. Without hesitation, he hugged her into own’s arms, and used his body to support her with a thick barrier.

Loki must not die, he must not let Loki die in front of the owner. Even if he pays his own life, he has to protect Loki’s thoroughness. This is Thor’s decision in his heart at this moment. Therefore, he didn’t hesitate to put the life and death of own aside.

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