Sun God Marvel

Chapter 488

“Where is she?” Suddenly hearing this news, even Zhou Yi’s city government could not control own’s inner fluctuations. He opened his mouth and asked hoarsely with a trembling voice.

Hearing Zhou Yi’s question, Heimdall glanced at King Own in embarrassment. With his king present, he dared not answer Zhou Yi’s questions casually. This is a manifestation of his loyalty and his wisdom. This is no exception even for God.

“Don’t hesitate, just answer the guest’s questions.” Although he is happy with Heimdall’s loyal performance, Odin still knows what the most important thing is now.

“The girl is not dangerous now. I can see that she is protected by a magical power, just like those heroes in the epic who are loved by fate. She is touching her Mission.”

This sentence made Zhou Yi confused. What does it mean to be loved by fate? His daughter was forced to leave the owner’s house and her father. Can this situation be called being loved by fate? If he didn’t want to rely on Heimdall to find Shirley, Zhou Yi now has the urge to beat him up.

Compared with Zhou Yi’s ups and downs, Odin felt the deepest surprise in his heart. He really knew nothing more about this topic that was loved by fate and destined to become an epic.

In every myth in the world, there will be such a group of people, but they are mortal, but they can be selected by the miracle belonging to God, and then they will shoulder their own mission and become a hero for a time. King. Such as Jason in Greek mythology, Siegfried in Norse mythology, King Arthur of the Celtics, etc., are all such people of choice. What they are burdened by is the choice of fate. Under the guidance of fate, they are almost unmatched, and sometimes the power they burst out is that God also has a strategic withdrawal. It can be said that they are miracles among mortals.

Are there many people like this? Odin knew very well that compared to the huge base of mortals, such people were simply pitiful. Even for hundreds of years, such an existence will appear among mortals. Therefore, when I suddenly heard that Zhou Yi’s missing daughter was such an existence, even Odin, who did not know how many years, was alive, was deeply surprised.

Of course, this is not the only possibility, also one possibility is that Heimdall has misunderstood. But will he be wrong? Odin directly rejected this point without even thinking about it. He would rather not believe his own eyes than what Heimdall saw. For better or worse, he has absolute trust in Heimdall.

However, Odin’s trust in Heimdall does not mean that Zhou Yi will trust him. For Zhou Yi, he doesn’t care about his fate, he only cares about Shirley’s safety. Although Heimdall said that she was safe, Zhou Yi would not be relieved no matter how she could not see Shirley in person and witness her safety.

“Tell me, where is she? Where is my daughter?”

At this time, almost everyone can hear the eagerness and anxiety in Zhou Yi’s words, it’s like Like a flame, accidentally it is possible to burn people into coke. So Heimdall didn’t dare to ask for a big deal at all, but directly said the answer he wanted.

“She is in Msbelheim, the land of fire.”

As soon as this answer was said, Odin and Zhou Yi frowned at the same time. In the Nine Greater World in Norse mythology, Msbelheim is the world at the bottom of World Tree Uktra Hill, and one of the oldest and most mysterious worlds in the nine countries. In mythology, the existence of this World not only represents the origin of the nine kingdoms, but also the end of the nine kingdoms. Ragnarök, who has always been taboo in Norse mythology, is closely related to this country of fire.

Of course, the myth does not represent reality, at least in the myth Loki is a man, and he is not some Odin’s adopted son. But is legend also has a certain reference significance, at least it tells the insider that this country is very unusual.

Although Zhou Yi does not understand why Shirley was sent to Msbelheim, as a father, he must find Shirley back, even if it offends Asgard’s The benefits are also not hesitated.

“Odin Your Majesty, please keep your promise and help me find my daughter. In return, I can promise you one condition, any condition is fine!”

Li was not enough in Msberheim, he had to find a way to that world. However, Zhou Yi is really not sure how long it will take in the process. At this time, it was Asgard who could help him. They must know the way to Msbelheim, and their Bifrost could directly send him to that world. Therefore, Zhou Yi, who was already desperate and could not tolerate any time wasted, directly made a heavy promise and made a promise that Odin could not refuse.

For Odin, Msbelheim is indeed a very special place. Not only because of its uniqueness in mythology, but also because of its threat to Asgard. The fire giant living there has always been Odin’s scourge, or he has been worried that one day Asgard will be completely destroyed by those giants from the kingdom of fire.

Ragnarök is not just empty talk, but a destiny that has been doomed. Odin already knew this very well. In order to meet this terrifying destiny, he has been making preparations for thousands of years. If Zhou Yi just said nothing, asking oneself to help him enter Msbelheim, to provoke Giant Clan that he absolutely does not want to provoke. Odin didn’t even think about it, he would definitely refuse.

He will not crack a joke with Asgard’s fate, especially at this special time when he has a hunch that Ragnarök is approaching. However, after Zhou Yi made this promise, his heart moved involuntarily.

Zhou Yi’s strength is obvious to all, he is powerful enough to make all the warriors of the Golden Palace embarrassed. Even if it is Odin oneself, there is no certainty that oneself can defeat the new god of Midgart, even if he wears the Destroyer Combat Armor. With this alone, Zhou Yi can be said to be a rare commodity.

And when he was told that the famous overlord in the universe, Thanos, who ruled countless Star Domains with terror, was also defeated by Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi was more than just Odin. Strange goods can be so simple. His value is simply incalculable. If Odin is allowed to come oneself, he is willing to use any means and any benefit to tie Zhou Yi to their Asgard war chariot.

Now, Zhou Yi is actually willing to oneself deliver it to the door, agreeing to exchange Asgard’s help for any possible condition. For Odin, this is almost like a pillow when he is dozing off. It is impossible to refuse. So without any hesitation, he agreed to Zhou Yi.

“I will start Bifrost myself now and send you to Msbelheim!”

“many thanks!” Zhou Yi, who is already in full swing, obviously said no Something beautiful, he pulled up Jean Grey, and followed Odin, who was riding the eight-legged horse, directly in the direction of Bifrost.

While watching these three people disappear into the Golden Palace at the fastest speed, Heimdall, who has been silent since just saying the answer, is sighed, and his calm and composed face is always exposed. A very obvious expression of helplessness. There are some things he can’t say, and it’s hard to say. So he can only bury everything in his heart. Sometimes it is not a good thing to be able to see more, because the more you see, the more confused you are. Heimdall doesn’t know if oneself is right to do this, but as a follower of Odin, he can only follow behind him unswervingly, even if they are in front of a cliff.

Heimdall is still meditating, Heavenspan’s rainbow divine light is already shining in the night sky of Asgard. When this radiance disappeared for a while, Odin had already returned to the Golden Palace with a big laugh.

As the most steadfast follower of Odin, Heimdall has not seen Odin so happy for a long time. He certainly knew what made Odin, who had not smiled since he knew the fate of Ragnarök, laughed again. He didn’t want to spoil Odin’s rare good mood, but at this special time, he must have a special responsibility. Tell Odin something.

“My king, I have something to report to you. It’s about the matter just now!”

Heimdall’s solemn report made Odin realize what, he held back. The guards and Golden Palace warriors, leaving only him and Heimdall in the same palace.

“Let’s talk about it, what is it, and what did you see?”

“My king, everything I see is not clear anymore, everything is Has returned to a chaos. Fate has become blurred, and Asgard’s future can no longer appear in my sight within the realm!”

“Everything?” Odin Asked in amazement, the expression in the one eye was so complicated that Heimdall couldn’t even distinguish it clearly.

“Yes, everything I see, everything about Asgard is the same!”

Heimdall’s answer is still meticulous, but Odin listens to him But he couldn’t help but fell into his own thoughts.

A long time ago, this gatekeeper told him an unfortunate news. He foresaw the dusk of the gods. Asgard will be under siege, and the gods will fall into endless sleep. He will die tragically to his opponents, and the Golden Palace, which has been circulating for countless centuries, will also collapse. Poison Dragon Ned Hogun will eventually eat away the roots of World Tree Uktra Hill, and the fire of Revotine will also completely turn the entire Asgard into ashes. There is only one exception, and that is his son Thor.

He will break free from the womb of the earthly snake Yemengade, get a new life, and re-lead the Asgardians who escaped by chance to rebuild their homes.

This prophecy has always been Odin’s nightmare. For this reason, he even visited the three Goddess, who had long been hidden from the world, and asked them to verify the authenticity of this prophecy. The answer he received made him never smile since that day.

As the king of Asgard, he obviously cannot accept this cruel fate and accept the coming of Ragnarök. But as the god of wisdom of Asgard, he knew very well that oneself had no power to resist in the face of fate, and he could only express obedience to fate. In order for Asgard to continue, he can only establish his own eldest son Odin as his own successor.

To be honest, he knows Thor is not capable of being a ruler. If possible, he prefers to let own’s other son, War God, as his successor. But the prophecy shows that it is clear that Tyr will die under the knife of own and be destroyed in Ragnarök like oneself. So he can only choose Thor, the only existence that can represent hope. This is why he has given Thor time and time again, not just because he is a father.

But now, Diviner actually tells him that his fate has changed, and there have been unpredictable changes. This made him immediately realize that an opportunity to change his destiny had come to him. At this time, he seized this opportunity without the slightest hesitation, just to make Asgard better continue.

But he didn’t notice the worry in Diviner’s eyes. Whether the change of destiny is good or bad, who can say clearly at this time? At the very least, Heimdall oneself could not be sure of this, and he also believed that no one could be sure of this. But he knew that Odin would never let go of this opportunity. No one will surrender oneself to fate, not even God. Humans have to fight with the sky, and Gods are actually the same. This is where fate is fairest.

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