Sun God Marvel

Chapter 505

At the headquarters of Corona Group’s Huiyao City, Ida, who just came to the company to deal with problems, entered the own office and saw Zhou Yi sitting on the office chair with an old god. .

“Why are you here, where did you go last night?”

“I chatted with that old friend all night and drank some wine by the way.” Face Ada Zhou Yi naturally impossible to tell her what happened. He just went to the complex and simplified, and said something that could be said.

As for his answer, Ida was rare and didn’t think too much. She just hung the own coat on the hanger very plainly, while speaking to Zhou Yi.

“Since you have seen her, how is she? Did you promise you that.”

“I don’t know yet, I just told her about it It’s over. But she not at all gave me a specific answer, and I don’t even know if she will continue to stay in this city.” shook the head, Zhou Yi’s face showed a tired expression. “Do you have coffee, give me a cup!”

“You look a little wrong!” Pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee and put it in front of Zhou Yi, Ada leaned against him and sniffed vigorously Twice. Then her face immediately appeared unbearable. “Damn it, how much wine did you drink last night? The smell on you is really terrible!”

“Not too much, but you have to know that if you drink bitter wine, it is really It’s hard to swallow.”

Sniffing oneself’s clothes, Zhou Yi, who was uncomfortable with the smell on it, smiled bitterly and turned the topic in another direction.

“Is there anything in the company lately that would make you come here so early?”

“It’s not your baby younger sister yet, she will follow the biochemistry of the return The purge troops will come back to Huiyao City together. So I plan to come here to pick her up and discuss with her by the way, how can we make up a suitable reason to make your mother believe that she is just going on a school trip with a group of classmates !”

“This is really a nerve-wracking problem!” Thinking of Clarice’s request at the time, Zhou Yi’s face immediately showed a helpless expression. “It’s also fortunate that you thought about this problem, otherwise my mother will definitely trouble me because of this matter.”

“It’s not just you, none of us can run away!” With an agitated look Glancing at Zhou Yi, Ada complained immediately. “I really don’t understand why you agreed to her request at the time. The biochemical removal forces faced Umbrella’s remnant forces. Don’t you know how dangerous those monsters are? If there is any accident to her, I see How do you explain to Zhou Lan!”

“If she can obediently and honestly listen to me, she should stay with my mother now!” Mentioned the younger sister who is in the rebellious period, Zhou Yi I also felt a headache for a while. “Do you think I didn’t think about rejecting her at the time? But that didn’t work, Ada. Clarice simply didn’t listen to me. The more you order her and prevent her from participating in these things, the more rebellious and rebellious she is You work against her. Her abilities are there, and you can’t take any coercive measures against her.”

“So you compromised?” Raising her own eyebrows, Ada showed a weird look. The expression. “What you big brother did is really incompetent.”

“I have arranged the best Instructor for her team, the most experienced Captain, who has various special talents, enough Teammates who deal with all problems. Not only humans, but even Mutant is among them. Moreover, I have also greeted the leaders of the biochemical removal unit specifically, and will not hand dangerous missions to them. In addition, I also give them. This is her last safety device. If there is a problem with her life, I will appear by her side as quickly as possible. If this does not guarantee her safety, then I don’t know what else can happen It’s safe!”

“You really took pains, but don’t you think you are a bit too partial? Your concern for Clarice, eh?”

Picked up a cup of coffee and leaned on the desk. Ada used own back to face Zhou Yi and made this sound. Seeing her performance like this, Zhou Yi immediately laughed strangely.

“Ada, you’re not really jealous, right, to Clarice.”

“Jealous? Did you take the wrong medicine, why did you have this idea?” Facing Zhou Yi from the back, Ada gave a haughty sneer from his mouth. But when she saw Zhou Yi, even her face didn’t change much, she still looked at her with that kind of weird smile. She just sighed and became depressed. “Okay, okay. I admit it is a little bit like that.”

“Ada, you are too sensitive. Clarice is just my younger sister. You don’t have to treat my younger sister. Hug is so wary!”

With a wry smile on his face, Zhou Yi plans to go up and hug her to give her some comfort. But as soon as he walked up, Ada pushed him away with a look of disgust.

“Stay away from me, I can’t bear the smell of you. Oneself go to the lounge and take a shower. I will ask the secretary to bring you a suit. Hurry up, don’t take this The air in the room is polluted.”

“Okay, okay! If this is your will!” Knowing that oneself has no right to resist Ada in this matter, Zhou Yi only Can walk into the lounge with a wry smile. Seeing him disappearing behind the door of the lounge, Ida felt that he was biting his own lips.

As the closest person to Zhou Yi, Ada is not as confused as Zhou Yi. Although she and Clarice have only seen a few faces, her instinct as a woman made it easy for her to find some strange things in Clarice. She can see clearly that Clarice’s feelings for Zhou Yi are not as simple as ordinary younger sister and elder brother.

For Zhou Yi, her big brother, Clarice has forbidden feelings that she should never have. This feeling made her feel threatened, although her identity restricts the probability between them, making this kind of thing basically equivalent to what happened. But Ada still felt jealous of her.

The feelings between the two siblings were not so deep. Coupled with the lineage blood flowing in their bodies, the stubborn habit of being desperate for something. It really made her worry that the kind of things she least want to see would happen to them.

But worrying is useless, all she can do is prevention. To prevent all of this from happening, but whether there is any use, that is really something that only ghosts can know.

The patter of water passed through the lounge, and the sound made Ada sigh again. But at this time, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly came from outside the office.

“Wang Young Lady, it’s me, Angela!”

“Come in, I’m inside!” Hearing the voice of secretary oneself, Ida picked up her own mood, He replied to her.

On hearing her call, the secretary outside the door cautiously walked in.

“Wang Young Lady, this is the clothes you want. Also, there may be something that needs to be notified to you. A special landing permit is an order from the top of the security department, one from the North Pole The special numbered plane that arrives directly will land on the rooftop in an hour. You may need to pay attention to this matter.”

“Arctic?” Associated from this place name, and so on Aida immediately changed Her face changed, but she quickly reduced it. Putting on a formulaic face, he said to the own secretary. “I see, Angela. Thank you, you can go to own business!”

“Then I won’t disturb you, I’ll go now!” It seems that I heard from the house too With the sound of water, Angela quickly closed the door and left here at the fastest speed.

At this time, Zhou Yi also wiped his own hair and walked out of the rest room with a bath towel.

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

“Put the clothes on first!” Holding down his own forehead, Zhou Yi expressed completeness for the carefree appearance of Zhou Yi Helpless look. Ada directly threw the clothes she had just acquired into Zhou Yi’s arms.

A fairly ordinary standard suit, which looks like an office clerk who works for someone. There is no doubt that Zhou Lan will be scolded if Zhou Lan sees such clothes. But Zhou Yi seems to be not at all other choices in Ada. Ada won’t let him wear that smelly clothes, so this is his only choice.

She put the clothes on her body twice and three times, and Zhou Yi yanked her collar vigorously. This clothes made him feel a little discomfort, after all, it is not something oneself is accustomed to, naturally it will not be too comfortable to wear. However, he had no choice but to adapt. After unbuttoning the two buttons on his shirt and allowing oneself to breathe a little smoother, Zhou Yi asked again.

“Let’s talk about it, what the hell is going on!”

“also an hour! Your younger sister is coming back. Are you going to pick her up?”

While talking, she trimmed Zhou Yi’s sleeves. Let him look more pleasing to the eye.

“Of course, that is my younger sister. As her dearest big brother, it is absolutely necessary to pick her up at this time!”

In this question Above, Zhou Yi nodded without any hesitation. Looking at his performance, Ada couldn’t help sighing again in her heart.

“Well, let’s go together later. But before that, I need to communicate with you about some things!”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s about your younger sister. You also know that she is ten 8 years old now. So I want to arrange for her to take the exam and enter the university after she comes back. With the energy of our current operations, It is not a problem for her to enter a university. Moreover, Huiyao City itself has already started to build a new university. Compared with the dangerous work of the biochemical removal unit, this is more suitable for her and will satisfy your mother. What do you think? ?”

“Of course, this is a good thing!”

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