Sun God Marvel

Chapter 511

“Mr. Zhou Yi, long time no see. Seriously, I thought a long time ago that we would negotiate a cooperation face to face like this, but to be honest, I never thought It will be in this way!”

Magneto Erik Lanchel was bathed in the morning sun, sitting on a wicker chair like all elderly people relax. This look makes him look very laid-back, and even gives the illusion that he is an ordinary old man enjoying his old age. But if you look closely, you will find that the radiance as bright as a flame is always flashing in his eyes. This kind of radiance is enough to show everyone that this old man is not ordinary, his faith is always burning, and it has never ceased.

He just sat there without saying a word, with his bright and scorching eyes watching Zhou Yi who had just walked in and sat straight in front of oneself. It wasn’t until a moment later that he sent out such emotions.

In just two or three years, Zhou Yi has changed from a fellow who is comparable to him into an existence he needs to look up to. This change gave him a sense of impermanence and change in everything. But he is not someone who gives up lightly, otherwise he would not sit here. So after such an emotional sentence, he went on to say to Zhou Yi who has been looking at oneself and faint smile.

“Since you are here, can I think that you have agreed to my request?”

“Of course!” looked at the stern model The woman held a cup of coffee and put it in front of oneself. Zhou Yi smiled at her, and then turned his attention to Magneto, the Mutant leader who was on par with Charles. “Time has given you the most precious wealth, Mr. Lanschel. Your sharp and wise vision surprised me. I have to admit that I cannot refuse the cooperation agreement you proposed at this time. So, I can give You have the answer you want. I agree to join your so-called organization as Dawn Knight. But before that, I have some questions I want to ask you, Mr. Lanchel!”

Zhou Yi’s promise to own the conditions was what Magneto expected, but he did not expect the existence of these problems. But this is only a small problem, and it is not worth mentioning compared to their big plan. So he was only slightly nodded and replied.

“Please speak up, sir. I came with sincerity, and naturally I will not shrink from a few small questions!”

“Very well! Since Lan Xie Mr. Er is full of sincerity, so I’ll be blunt!” Smiling and narrowing his eyes, Zhou Yi put on a leisurely posture, and asked carelessly at Magneto. “I heard Ida say that Mr. Lanschel is willing to lead a part of Mutant’s elite to join my city and become the first group of radical Mutants to join this city. That’s right!”

“Of course, this city is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life, especially for us Mutant. So, I am happy to be a part of it. Of course, my subordinates Yes!”

For this question, Magneto not even think replied. This is something he has made up his mind for a long time, and it is naturally impossible at this time to have any changes.

And listening to his answer, Zhou Yi’s eyes immediately narrowed.

“Then, I want to ask. How many radical Mutants Mr. Lanschel intends to inject into my city? Is it just you, or is it a number like I requested in the previous agreement? “

When Zhou Yi asked, Magneto fell silent. He looked at Zhou Yi expressionlessly, but his fingers lightly tapped on the armrest of the wicker chair. This means that he is thinking, thinking about what kind of answer he should give to satisfy Zhou Yi. And watching his little movements, Zhou Yi not at all urged him. This is not an easy decision. It is obviously impossible to make up your mind without careful thinking and necessary consciousness. Therefore, he is very patient.

However, Magneto not at all told him to wait too long, because he soon measured the answer in the own mind.

“Your Excellency, I remember that the number you mentioned in the agreement was 10,000, right?”

“Yes, 10,000. This is the bottom of my heart. The minimum requirement of the city. Mr. Lanchel, you should know that if you want to create a world in my mind, the need for the number of Mutants will only be more than this. This city needs the injection of new blood, and you are I’m the best to get the goal!”

These words from Zhou Yi made Magneto’s old cheeks start to twitch irregularly. Obviously, he was not satisfied with what Zhou Yi said. But relative to the value of the matter they are trading, this kind of personal honor and disgrace can be completely discarded. So he quickly got rid of oneself’s complicated feelings and responded to Zhou Yi.

“I can give you 20,000 Mutants, and even call on the entire world to add more Mutants to your city in my name. However, you must provide protection to these people and let them To arrive here safely. This is an inevitable price, you should know.”

“This is a trivial matter, as it should be by rights. Then, Mr. Lanchel. I also have a question, I think you should know that if you and your radical Mutant join my city, your identities will change as a result.”

“At that time, you can’t No matter what the so-called radicals, you can’t continue to hold your previous stupid idea of ​​destroying mankind, Mutant superior. You can only be residents of this city, enjoying all the rights of this city, and assuming all of this city Obligation. In other words, you must get along with the ordinary person here. You and even the hostile human elements around you must let go of the hostility in oneself. Do you have any opinions on this?”

If you do not need Magneto to speak before changing, the Mutants under him will protest and oppose Zhou Yi’s request. But today is different. Today, when the relationship between humans and Mutant is becoming more and more complicated, when Huiyao City is beginning to evolve towards the Holy Land in Mutant’s heart, this so-called requirement has been met by most Mutants. Accepted it. And this even includes the strong supporters of Magneto.

The general trend of Mutant radicals is gone, this is something that no one can deny. Not to mention that the moderate Mutants under Charles have become more and more prestigious in the human world because of Rogue and their business. The fact that they have reached an alliance with the Avengers can make all those who are still hesitating in oneself camp. Mutant is even more interested in three-pointers.

Together with Zhou Yi, Huiyao City has gradually become a landmark city where humans and Mutant can live in harmony. Many Mutants are no longer optimistic about Magneto’s career.

It is true that many Mutants, especially those Mutants who have been persecuted, can hardly forget the hatred in oneself’s heart. But hatred cannot represent everything, especially when it comes to future choices, hatred can never bring what they want. The Mutant radicals and Magneto have struggled for so many years, but what they got is not an increasingly bad reputation and a bleak future.

With the ebbing of time, Magneto’s ideal world will inevitably be questioned. Especially after all this, even more so. Don’t talk about others, even Magneto oneself, has begun to shake what oneself has done over the years. Otherwise, he would not sit here and discuss this issue with Zhou Yi.

He is pursuing a bright future for Mutant. When all his efforts failed to allow him to foresee that future. Finding another way has become his only choice. And Zhou Yi is the choice he made. So this time, Magneto didn’t even think too much, so he agreed to Zhou Yi.

“Yes, no problem!”

Magneto’s answer simply surpassed Zhou Yi’s imagination, so he couldn’t help reminding him.

“Mr. Lanchel, in the principle of fair cooperation. I think I must explain to you, this is not something you can solve without a problem. This means that once you agree, Then you are tantamount to losing all your rights. These people will no longer be your subordinates. You can even say that your Brotherhood of Mutants will be disappeared because of this, do you understand?”

See you Since Zhou Yi, the expression on Magneto’s face has been dull, even gloomy. But now, when Zhou Yi asked him that, his face showed an indescribable smile.

“Mr. Zhou Yi, do you remember the first time we met. Did I ever resemble what you promised?” This question surprised Zhou Yi As soon as he was nodded, Magneto had already started talking.

“At that time, I promised like you that if you are willing to join my side, then you will become the ruler of the future. You can stand by my side, even after my death, Mutant All of the will be entrusted to your hands. You will be their king and the master of this World. That’s right!”

“Yes, at that time you thought I was also a Mutant, so you In order to win me, promise me what I can understand.”

“It’s not to win, but what I mean. For me, the so-called Mutant’s leadership is actually nothing more than A dispensable thing. Do you think that people like me who have been enemies of the entire world since World War II really care about such a little power? No, I don’t care about this. If they can To achieve my ideals, I can give up all this now. It’s a pity that my ideals are too difficult to realize, so I have to take a compromise. And you are my choice.”

“You are different from Charles, Charles will only compromise, and you will not. Plus I know who you are, everything you do to Mutant is in my eyes. So if it was you , I can accept it, and you will inherit everything from me.”

“In the final analysis, everything has gone back to the original point. It’s just a different way. Zhou Yi, my dream Broken, but you have shown me a new future. Therefore, I am happy to see you accept everything about me.”

Magneto’s words changed Zhou Yi’s expression several times, but in the end He laughed helplessly.

“Mr. Lanchel, I have to admit. I underestimated you, you are a respectable person. I think we should be able to cooperate happily!”

Here, Zhou Yi stretched out his hand to Magneto.

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