Sun God Marvel

Chapter 514

SHIELD Trident building, SHIELD’s nominal highest command center. Since the relationship between Nick Fury and the Security Council has become more and more rigid, he has rarely been here. Although where he really should stay, his office is in the Trident building. But in fact, that has become a dispensable thing.

Nick. Fury would rather stay in Helicarrier, even the central base is not willing to stay here, so this nominal director’s office has lost its meaning. So, after a period of time, this office has changed to a new owner. And his current master is the target Nick Fury is looking for.

Alexander Pierce, one of the most powerful chairmen of this World Security Council, is also the former director of SHIELD. Now I’m sitting in this office, doing my daily work.

And Nick Fury’s sudden intrusion obviously interrupted his ongoing work. He first glanced with a sullen expression at who actually broke in without knocking at the door. When he saw that the person who came in was actually Nick Fury, there was just a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“Nick, why did you come here?”

As a former comrade in arms, Pierce is obviously qualified to call him this way. As for his name, Nick Fury has no objection. He just sat right across from him, looked at his old friend through a desk, and said to him.

“If we remember correctly, this is my office. Why, am I not even qualified to come back here?”

“Of course not!” Gentlely Laughed, Pierce lifted two cups from the table, poured a cup of black tea from the teapot on the side, and put it in front of Nick Fury. “I just didn’t expect it. If you want to come back, I can move back. Trust me, it won’t take much time!”

“Forget it, I don’t want to stay in this dangerous place .” Squinting his eyes slightly, he let his eyes swept back and forth from Pierce calmly. Nick Fury is so replied.

And hearing him say this, Pierce was visibly stunned. The expression on his face became surprised. Obviously, he didn’t quite understand why Nick Fury said that.

“Nick, did you make a mistake. This is the headquarters of SHIELD, one of the most heavily defended places in this world. Even the defense measures of the Pentagon may not be better than this. If so, If it’s a dangerous place, where is also a safe place?”

“You think it’s safe because you don’t know what I found. Indeed, the equipment here is the most advanced , The personnel are also the most elite. But no matter how advanced the equipment, no matter how the elite personnel can guarantee absolute safety here. Especially…”

Speaking of this, Nick Fury suddenly stopped. Done. Pierce became dissatisfied with his practice of being stuck in the middle of the sudden and unable to get up.

“Especially what, you can tell me clearly. Nick, you must know the importance of this place. For SHIELD, this is one of the places that is absolutely not allowed to be lost. If it appears here If there is a problem, then there will be a problem with the White House not far away. So, if you find something, it’s better to tell it clearly, not as it is now. This is not something that can stun your appetite. “

Looking at Pierce’s performance, Nick Fury was silent. He just sat there, staring at Pierce without blinking. He didn’t speak to him until the expression on his face began to stiffen.

“Do you want to know what I found? Pierce?”

“Stop selling it, Nick Fury. It’s not a trivial matter, if you find something, it’s best now Just say it. Before everything happens, before we can remedy it.”

Pierce, whose appetite was repeatedly raised by Nick Fury, began to increase his own volume. He didn’t want to play this kind of game with Nick Fury. But he had to play this game with him. So this made him very upset, and naturally, his tone became unceremonious.

For his change, Nick Fury’s face has not changed much from beginning to end. As always, the bluntness and indifference were imprinted on his face, making it impossible to see what he was really thinking at the moment.

However, at this time, he didn’t have the idea of ​​continuing to lose Pierce’s appetite, but said directly to him.

“I found some evidence that there are people with Hydra inside SHIELD, and they are the kind of people who can directly interfere with SHIELD’s operations.”

“This is impossible!” Nick Fury Pierce frowned before he was finished. “SHIELD’s operation has always been carried out in accordance with the regulations. Except you, no SHIELD internal staff can do this. Unless you want to say that you yourself are from Hydra, otherwise this kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen.”

“Yes, SHIELD’s internal use must be in accordance with the regulations. But besides me, other people can bypass the regulations and issue orders directly.”

” You mean, there are Hydra people in the Security Council!”

Nick. Fury just mentioned it a little bit, and Pierce reacted. He frowned and looked at Nick Fury, who could see the caution and worry in his eyes.

“Nick! You must know what you are talking about. The Security Council is not a casual accusation object. If you don’t have definitive evidence, then you will be the most severe Penalty. On this issue, even if you are the director of SHIELD, you will not be of any help.”

“Of course I have evidence, otherwise you think I will just be so straightforward for no reason. Come over and say this to you? The evidence I hold in my hand is not a little bit. As long as I follow the vine, I will be able to pull out the mouse hiding in SHIELD.”

“But you are not sure yet, are you?” Pierce, who had guessed what he meant from Nick Fury’s words, frowned again. He stared at Nick Fury, who was opposite oneself, and didn’t say this to him until a moment later. “I may be able to help you, but you have to know that this kind of help is not without principles and without a lower limit. There are many things I have to consider. Impossible is like I don’t care about anything.”

” I know, Pierce. The help I want you to give me is very simple. It is definitely the kind you can do.”

It seems that Nick Fury, who has been waiting for Pierce to say this sentence. oneself took out a USB flash drive from his personal pocket and threw it in front of Pierce. Then said to him.

“I need information about this thing. I want to know who bypassed me and passed this plan.”

Pierce did not speak, but directly put oneself in front of The USB flash drive is inserted into the own computer port. When he saw the huge Helicarrier appearing in front of oneself and the extremely conspicuous automatic attack weapon on the aircraft carrier, his pupils would not shrink voluntarily.

This change in expression cannot hide from Nick Fury’s one eye, he asked immediately.

“It looks like you have the answer. Can you tell me what you know?”

Pierce took a deep breath and sat down slowly, looking Looking at Nick Fury across from oneself. It replied to him after a long while.

“This project is called Project Insight and it passed through my hands.”

“What did you say?” Pierce’s answer made Nick Fury squint his eyes immediately. Looking at his appearance, Pierce immediately gave a wry smile.

“I know it’s unbelievable, but this plan was indeed approved by me. To be precise, this special construction mission called Project Insight was used by me as SHIELD more than 20 years ago. It was approved by the secretary. Not only me, but also other principals in SHIELD at that time also agreed to this plan, which actually includes Howard. It’s just that I didn’t expect that this plan has been shelved, why did it appear at this time In your hands!”

“I am also very surprised! Why is there such a plan.”

Nick .Fury’s voice became indifferent, as if cold The machine is the same as narrating an unimportant thing.

“I have been investigating about Hydra recently. Then I discovered that there is a large amount of funds and personnel movement within SHIELD without my permission. This movement has attracted my attention, and when When I followed this clue, I found these things. Can you tell me why a plan that has been shelved will continue after so long? Also, why did you shelve this plan in the first place?”

Nick. Fury’s tone has changed greatly. This change in tone let Pierce know that oneself has become the target he suspects. So he started trying to explain.

“When someone proposed this plan to us, we were really optimistic about the prospects of this plan. Project Insight has a cross-age significance, and it can even kill all possible conflicts from the most embryonic stage. A threat to the world. But soon Howard discovered a problem. That was a fundamental flaw in this plan.”

Seeing the changes in Nick Fury’s face, Pierce quickly continued.

“The original intention of Project Insight is to use Helicarrier for all-weather monitoring and patrols around the world, and to use supercomputers installed on aircraft carriers to monitor all possible criminal behaviors in human society, and then before the crime begins Sanction it.”

“However, Howard believes that this kind of plan is unworkable. The variability of human beings is too great, and simply cannot rely solely on computer monitoring operations to complete this Plan. Unless, humans can invent a calculation method that budgets all possibilities. But obviously, this was impossible at the time. Even today, it is also impossible. Therefore, this plan as it should be by rights was shelved Now.”

“Seriously, I really didn’t expect this plan to really exist. I thought it would have ended long ago!”

, Interrupted Pierce’s intention to continue. Nick Fury frowned and asked.

“You said someone proposed this plan to you? Who proposed it.”

“Zola Court Academecian, who surrendered to us after World War II, was absorbed by SHIELD at the time A **scientist.”

“Where is he now?”

When he heard this, Pierce’s expression immediately became weird.

“You are impossible to find him, he is dead. He died many years ago! Howard and I witnessed his death with our own eyes, I can assure you of this!”

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