Sun God Marvel

Chapter 519

West Coast of the United States, the new headquarters building opened by Stark Industries. A conspicuous sign stands at the top of the building.

That is not a Stark Industries logo, but a logo belonging to the Avengers. And when this sign was placed in this place, it actually meant that Stark had returned to the ranks of the Avengers.

This is actually something that can be thought of. After all, this World is no longer a singlehanded world. If it is Zhou Yi and the others standing in the Peak powerhouse, maybe also this kind of privilege, but it can only rely on Tony Stark, who is in a technological armor. There is no such ability anymore.

Tony oneself also knows this very well. He knows exactly how much power oneself has, and knows how terrifying the enemy oneself will face. The Russian Ross man named Vanke is still whereabouts unknown, but the Iron Man Armor has already been deployed in Hydra’s troops. Tony can detect how many connections are there without even having to move his mind. Because of this, he decided to return to the ranks of the Avengers.

He needs the power of the Avengers to deal with Vanke’s revenge, which is bound to exist in the future. And Avengers also needs his financial resources to stand on his own feet after leaving SHIELD. This is a hit-and-miss thing, so there are twists and turns in the simply impossible.

What will happen after a group of elites with superpower have strong financial resources? This is a problem that many people at first did not think of. And when all of these reconcile together in a flash, producing unimaginable chemical reactions, everything is too late.

At the very least, whether it is SHIELD or the Security Council, or those who hide in the shadows, all have a feeling of regret and regret. But everything is too late, the powerful Avengers has become a strong fortress, enough to deal with the impact of any situation.

Not only to deal with the impact of hostile forces, it can even be said that they also have the ability to strike any hostile target. And now, their biggest hostile target has been determined, and that is Hydra.

This terrifying terrorist organization has an inexplicable relationship with the Avengers. As the core figure in Avengers, whether it is Captain America Steve Rogers or Iron Man Tony Stark, they have a bit of hatred with this terrorist organization that is difficult to disassemble.

For Captain, Hydra is his enemy from the Second World War to the present. Even in the principle of a soldier, he must defeat this enemy. even more how this enemy once took away oneself’s best friend and oneself’s most precious life.

For Tony Stark, Hydra is the biggest suspect in killing oneself’s parents. On this basis, he has sufficient reasons to oppose this organization. Not to mention, there is also a guy in this organization who is oneself glare like a tiger watching his prey, who wants to kill oneself and get faster.

So, after getting a little bit of news about Hydra, the whole Avengers began to stir.

However, under some action, some caution is still required. Just like now, in order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the action, Captain gathered everyone on a desk, and then asked Natasha who brought the news.

“First of all, I would like to ask. Are you really sure that the source of this information is accurate?”

“Of course!”

In this question Above, Natasha has no place to hesitate. She was nodded directly and replied to Captain.

“Nick. Fury has identified the main messenger behind this plan, but there are also some problems that need to be solved. Now, he is trying to solve this problem, and he is also worried about accidents The situation happened, so he hopes that we can prepare in advance!”

Natasha’s identity within the Avengers is very special. She is not only a member of the Avengers, but also a senior agent of SHIELD. Although her senior authority was withdrawn by SHIELD, she still has the ability to contact SHIELD and obtain information from SHIELD. This actually means that she is a double-faced person serving these two organizations at the same time, and is also a bridge and contact person between the two organizations.

The identity of Natasha is actually somewhat clear to everyone, but there is no who will say it directly. This is a matter of agreement, and since I’m already a teammate, I have to take Natasha’s face into consideration.

After listening to Natasha’s answer, Captain, who has always been a leader, knocked on the table and said to the Avengers who were all around the table.

“This is the unilateral news from Nick Fury. In fact, apart from us, only a few people in the entire SHIELD know this news. And this means that SHIELD It has also been infiltrated by Hydra. So I hope you will be mentally prepared. It is very likely that at the end of this operation, we will face an attack from SHIELD.”

Captain’s words let the Avengers They fell silent one after another. For them, if things develop to this step, then there is no doubt that it will be an extremely bad situation. At least most of them are not mentally prepared for this. Among them, small spiders are the most prominent.

“Captain, did you think it was Mr. Chief who made a mistake. Maybe SHIELD is not as bad as we thought.” It’s not two days since someone just got the SHIELD agent badge. The newcomer, Little Spider’s heart is undoubtedly very contradictory now. On the one hand, he really couldn’t believe that a tight department like SHIELD would also be infiltrated by the enemy. On the other hand, he didn’t want to see the organization dedicated to oneself’s parents become the most terrifying appearance.

So he can only ask Captain this way with a little luck, hoping to get some not so bad answers.

Captain Rogers understands the little spider’s current mood, and he also knows that such a thing is a bit too heavy for a child of this age. Letting him come into contact with conspiracy and betrayal too early is undoubtedly the failure of adults like them, but when the situation in this country has eroded to such a point, it is already a matter of judging whether the younger spiders are old enough to contact them. Something untimely.

He has the ability, especially the ability that is most in short supply in this special season, so he must bear certain responsibilities. This is a problem that cannot be transferred using his age as an excuse. I’m sorry, but Captain and the rest of the Avengers think so.

This is a special time, and in this special time, they can’t lose even a little bit of strength. So even if everyone has a little guilt in their hearts, no one of them wants to exclude Little Spider, the child who has just passed his ten-eight-year-old birthday, from this conspiracy.

Fortunately, does Little Spider himself care about this problem? So Captain also kept a relatively calm and explained what he just said.

“Peter. I know you may still have some illusions about SHIELD. But you have to know that during the New York war, SHIELD ordered the first nuclear bomb to be launched. If it is SHIELD Without being infiltrated, with Nick Fury’s temperament, how can they give such an order.”

Hearing such an answer, the little spider fell silent. At this moment, he thought of the video left by his own father. The unknown SHIELD agent would not be the guy that Hydra had infiltrated. As soon as this thought appeared, it immediately took root in his mind, and then it could not be erased. For this reason, his feelings for SHIELD immediately became complicated.

While watching the little spider become unexpectedly depressed, Tony beside him immediately patted his shoulder.

“Want to start, kid. This is the world of adults. Although it is not very beautiful, you have to accept him. Just like you don’t want to, one day you will say goodbye to your identity as a virgin. “

“Tony!” Hearing Tony’s more and more excessive rhythm, several women in the Avengers opened their mouths one after another, and gave him a blaming look.

This behavior naturally caused Tony to raise his hand obediently and honestly, making him surrender. And after he had done these weird moves, Captain immediately turned the topic on the right track.

“This operation is mainly to help Nick Fury find the traces of Hydra, so as to prepare for our next powerful strike. Therefore, I suggest dividing into two operations.”

“The first group is mainly Natasha, and Quicksilver also Wanda is responsible for assistance. Your three main missions are to contact Nick Fury, and then find ways to help him obtain the information and clues we want.”

“The second group is composed of me and Stark also Jennifer. The goal is to provide necessary assistance. If the situation changes drastically, we can immediately join the battle and control the development of the situation.”

“As for Dr. Banner, you? Just trouble you and Peter to guard the base together and provide us with information assistance.”

Captain’s plans have always been organized and orderly. He can always propose the most appropriate tactical plan for the current situation, so the Avengers have no objection to his arrangement.

Except for the little spider.

“Captain, can I take a trip home now?”

Weakly asked, the little spider behaved a little sorry. Obviously, he thinks it is very inappropriate for oneself to make this request while working, even though his job is to stay in the headquarters of the Avengers.

As for this request from Little Spider, Captain didn’t mean anything angry. He just glanced at the little spider suspiciously, and then asked.

“Peter, I remember your home is in New York. What was said there is not already…”

Don’t finish his words, everyone understands what he said meaning. New York has now become a City of Death. This city shrouded in the shadow of nuclear radiation is obviously no longer suitable for human habitation. At this time, the little spider actually said that he wanted to go home. How could Captain not be surprised?

In fact, it’s not just him, everyone else in the Avengers is wondering about this problem. So all of them started to look at Little Spider himself, wanting to see how he was going to answer this question.

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