Sun God Marvel

Chapter 525

“Damn it, damn it. These bastards dare to put so many bombs under oneself’s ass. Are they not afraid of being bombed into the sky by an accident?”

When the raging fire reaches Heavenspan, even the strongest military installations can’t hold on to this violent force. Houses collapsed, roads overturned, not even all kinds of scraps, dropping from the sky accompanied by flames.

Of course, these things can’t hurt Quicksilver and Nick Fury. Quicksilver is a very clever guy. As soon as the explosion sounded, he ran to a place of absolute safety with Nick Fury. Even after the explosion and fire spread, he also complained about the culprit who caused it all.

Nick. Fury doesn’t have his leisure time. He just escaped from the dead and didn’t even have the effort to say thank you to own life saving benefactor. He directly pressed the headset next to his own ear and called to the Avengers who had been eavesdropping on his communications.

“Captain, Tony. Did you hear what happened just now? Tell me now, did you find that damn guy!”

“You are daydreaming, Mr. Secretary. That guy is a data stream. Without any advance preparation, how can you let me catch him. He has now run into the Internet, unless you can close all network ports, otherwise everyone It’s impossible to catch him!”

“Damn!” Cursed angrily, Nick Fury won’t admit that this is all because oneself wants to keep secrets. So he could only report a place name, and then yelled them in a nearly ordered manner.

“Now you go there and control those Helicarriers. Once it lifts off, then things are really out of control. The calculation method developed by Court Academecian Zola will directly control the above autonomy Weapon. Through satellite positioning, he can kill thousands of ordinary persons within one minute. So, you must stop it as soon as possible. Understand?”

Nick.Fury’s words let him hear him The talking avengers hate gnash the teeth. He obviously found a lot of clues and even grasped the location of the enemy’s vital base. But because of conceit, there are even some ulterior reasons in his heart. But he insisted on playing such a scene of going straight to the enemy camp alone.

If this drama is performed well, it’s all. If you can persuade the enemy to surrender, or rely on their trump cards to make a shocking reversal, give all the enemies to catch everything in one net. The Avengers didn’t mind giving Nick Fury some applause, and gave two compliments that he was not old.

But the crux of the problem is that the scene collapsed. Although the previous is based on the script of Nick Fury. But in the end, everything turned into a duck in a pot that was suddenly resurrected, and while slapped Nick Fury in the face, he flew past his eyes with a chuckle and mad laugh.

Nick. Fury’s face was naturally sore. But this is not the focus of the Avengers’ concern, they are concerned with the consequences. Now the consequences are in front of them, and the grim facts force them to take the most urgent action.

“Quicksilver, leave him alone. Set off immediately. We must stop those motherships before they lift off. You are the fastest, so this time is still up to you!”

Captain’s command rang in Quicksilver’s ear, and upon hearing this, Quicksilver waved his hand to Nick Fury clearly, which turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared in a flash of flames in an instant In the night.

Immediately afterwards, Nick Fury heard a beep in his own ear. This is the voice after his communication was unilaterally cut off. Obviously, he is no longer trusted by the Avengers. An agent who cannot control the good situation will only be bad for Captain. Even if he is the director of SHIELD, there will be no other preferential treatment.

His identity has no effect, which is very clear. After knowing this, Nick Fury could only gritted his teeth, suffocating his breath and returned to his own car. Although this step was not entirely his fault, even he himself had to admit that he had to bear a very important part of the responsibility.

This made him annoyed and smashed the steering wheel to vent the depression in oneself’s heart. But it was just like this. After the smash, he quickly controlled his own emotions and regained his own sanity.

After all, he is the director of SHIELD, the most sophisticated agent in the world. One failure was impossible to knock him down. So when he wanted to drive, he immediately found the own state. Start thinking about how to deal with the next problem.

The first problem is Project Insight. There is no doubt that after Zola Court Academecian escapes, this plan will definitely be launched as soon as possible. Because he has been exposed, if not soon. If it takes a minute, his danger will increase. In the end, this plan can only be completely put to waste. Even he and his men will face a devastating blow. So he will definitely start his Project Insight as soon as possible, even immediately.

And this means that the own action must also be as fast as possible. Although the Avengers have already begun to act, but to be honest, Nick Fury does not particularly trust the abilities of these guys. Apart from Captain and Natasha, he has few trusted people in the Avengers. Especially after having a frivolous guy like Tony Stark, he is even less optimistic about them.

If it weren’t for the fact that the power of this group of people was beyond ordinary people, he didn’t even think of them as trump cards. So even if the Avengers have already taken over Project Insight, he is still uneasy about preparing to put in a 2nd line of defense.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury picked up the linker on the car and prepared to contact Commander Hill on Helicarrier first. After all, he is not there now, only by handing this matter into the hands of his confidant can he relax.

But when he picked up the communication device and dialed the special number on it, he found only a burst of noise coming from the communicator. Not to mention contacting Helicarrier, even accepting the radio signal has become an impossible thing.

As soon as this situation appeared, Nick Fury’s heart sank. If it is an ordinary person, it will probably only be regarded as the signal here is not good, and the information cannot be received. But Nick Fury knows very well that this special car of own is a specially modified vehicle. In terms of communication, let alone uninhabited wilderness, even if you go deep into the Desert jungle, you can receive SHIELD’s exclusive satellite signals unimpeded. Therefore, the problem of bad signals should be a fundamentally impossible thing for him. If it happens, something worse must have occurred.

I was aware of and so on Nick. Fury immediately reached into the secret compartment in front of the subseat and took out a pistol from inside. Then when I stepped on the accelerator, I drove the vehicle toward the highway.

The situation here is a bit abnormal, so it is natural for him to go first. But as soon as his car started, two dazzling fires flashed from the dense forest not far away. The two rockets flew like a flaming meteor, and flew straight at Nick Fury’s car with a harsh whirr.

Someone is in the dark and wants to kill oneself. As soon as this recognition appeared, Nick Fury immediately turned a huge wave in his heart. However, he still managed to maintain his own composure. At the crucial moment, he violently turned the own steering wheel, causing the owner’s car to crash into the surrounding dense forest.

The steel body and the special bullet-proof armored car cut off a few big trees on the side of the road like a bulldozer, and then roared and started running in the dense forest. Behind it, the two rockets had already hit the tree trunk with one head, and then suddenly erupted with a deafening roar.

The fierce firelight and shock wave erupted in an instant, not only crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, but also engulfing a pile of broken wood and gravel, fiercely. It crashed into Nick Fury’s car.

Even if the tonnage of Nick Fury’s car is not small, but under this violent impact, it is inevitable that it will fly up and down with the billowing air current. However, Nick Fury had an extraordinary experience. At this time, he firmly held the steering wheel in oneself’s hands, and did not let the car under him become a wild beast out of control due to this sudden explosion. The car was still under his control, racing through the trees. Although many obstacles inevitably appeared in the middle, the armor and brute force of the car did not at all cause too many obstacles to Nick Fury’s actions.

He ran fast, although he had already ran a long distance, but he still didn’t relax in his heart. Because he knew very well that someone who dared to intercept him, the director of SHIELD, would certainly not be an ordinary small character. And this kind of person is even more impossible to give up volleying against him because of the failure of an attack. They will definitely do something, and they are crazier and fierce than before.

On this question, Nick Fury guessed right. Because he heard the sound soon. From behind him came the roar of the car, the roar like a monster, only military armored vehicles can make it. And this kind of car can run wild in the forest without any fear.

When the chasing armored vehicle appeared one after another in the eyes of the owner, Nick Fury’s mood was even worse. The enemy has a large number of manpower and there is no shortage of weapons and vehicles. It is no longer a realistic problem to escape from their hands.

Would you like to kill it? Nick Fury, who heard the sound of the helicopter, immediately dismissed the idea. Air and land are flanked, he is impossible to have any chance.

For the current situation, Nick Fury’s heart is almost like a mirror. Can be sent out to intercept oneself, anyway, will be the elite of the enemy. Fortunately, one or two, with the ability that oneself exercises, he still has a little confidence to complete the anti-kill. But in a big scene like this, he didn’t have the slightest confidence.

He is just an agent, at best he is an agent who has lived longer. He has no superpower, let alone a Superhero. One hit ten, giving him sufficient preparation he might be able to do it. But as it is now, it was raided, and it was still raided by a group of well-equipped elites. He had no other choice but to admit it.

Of course, surrender is unrealistic. Judging from the two rockets just now, they had no idea of ​​catching them alive. Rebelling is death, and being caught is death. So the only way to survive is to run out of their hands, but how can you run out of this deadlock?

Nick Fury, who tried hard to remember the surrounding terrain, thought and thought, and finally made up his mind. As soon as the steering wheel was hit, the car rammed back onto the forest road.

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