Sun God Marvel

Chapter 528

It’s the most ancient strategy, but one of the most useful. No one thought that the three Helicarriers built by the enemy with huge sums of money were just a pretense and were used to attract them. The real implementers of Project Insight, while they were lured into the bait, quietly ascended to the sky outside a big city on the other side of the country, completing all the preparations for oneself.

At this time, Captain didn’t even have time to complain about how wrong the information provided by Nick Fury was. It was too late to complain about how careless oneself was. He didn’t even think of the probability of such screaming. All his mind was put on another big city in this country, Los Angeles.

As a great and famous city of angels, the importance of Los Angeles in this country is of course needless to say. Even if we don’t talk about its economic and political significance, the millions of residents in this city alone are enough to make anyone refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. It is hard to imagine what a scene will be like once this hidden Helicarrier enters the sky above Los Angeles and brings all the residents of the city into its own range.

But Captain can guess that at that time, the commotion just caused will be a terrifying disaster. United States has lost New York and can no longer lose Los Angeles anyway. So, no matter what they do, stopping this Helicarrier is what they must do.

“Natasha, let Bruce go. Get there as fast as you can. Quicksilver, you take Wanda first. You must stop the mothership before it reaches the skies over Los Angeles. Tony, you Also…”

Without Captain’s words, Tony rushed in the direction of Los Angeles, not just him, everyone started to act. No one wants to see Los Angeles repeat the mistakes of New York. So everyone took out oneself the fastest speed.

But is this really too late?

Captain returned to the fighter plane, although his face is still calm, but his heart is already anxious. Helicarrier, which has already launched, wants to enter oneself’s nearest city energy consumption time. Those of them who are far beyond a thousand li want to get there and how much time will it take. This is a question that he can’t even think about, or compare.

Because there is only one answer, and this answer is so heavy that he can hardly think about it.

They can only try to stop it now. And the word endeavor has actually explained that they are really not sure. This reality is too sudden and completely unprepared. Compared with Hydra, which has been planning for decades and has scrutinized the details of the plan countless times, all of their response plans are too simple and too pale.

In this case, apart from being led by the nose by this group of people, they are basically impossible.

This recognition made Captain feel weak and embarrassed. He now has no other way except praying and praying for the occurrence of miracles.

But will miracles happen? From a certain perspective, of course it will.

Ten minutes later, a group of avengers who burned their ass finally arrived in Los Angeles. To their surprise, there is no such thing as a Helicarrier at all. The quietness and harmony here are incredible, let alone Hydra, there are not even many ordinary criminals.

Of course, the Avengers are not in the mood to care about the criminals who can be solved by ordinary police.

They scanned around in various ways, and after they found nothing, they questioned Natasha.

“Natasha, what about the fourth Helicarrier you mentioned? Why can’t we see anything!”

“I investigated satellite imagery!” Natasha, who has the same question, is busy Explained for oneself. “This is the scene 30 minutes ago. At that time, the Helicarrier just took off and was captured by our satellite. From his flight course, it was indeed heading towards Los Angeles. But ten minutes ago, it suddenly disappeared. We all know that this thing must be equipped with a holographic camouflage function, so I suspect it may have discovered our surveillance, temporarily concealing the own form, and creating a disappearing illusion to confuse our sight.”

“Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Even with holographic camouflage, it is impossible!” Tony, who was in charge of technical work, waved his hand and interrupted Natasha’s speech directly. “The radar on the Kun-style fighter has been modified by me. Even the holographic camouflage is impossible to avoid radar scanning. I have now expanded the scanning range to two hundred kilometers around the city, and I still haven’t found its existence. There is only one kind. Explain, that is that it has completely separated from the radar’s monitoring range and reached a place we don’t know.”

“In such a short time, where can it go?”

The situation suddenly became confusing, and the Avengers also became confused. They ran here in a hurry, originally to save the residents of this city, but they did not expect them to come, but the opponent ran away without a trace.

This made all of them feel like punching into the air, and they were all unspeakable.

It’s fine if it’s a normal enemy running away, but this enemy is not normal. A Helicarrier carrying a special autonomous weapon specifically aimed at the innocent is flying around the world. This kind of thing is impossible to ignore and put aside. One day there is no trace of it, and the Avengers have to tighten their spirits one day to prevent unexpected outbreaks.

But there has never been a reason for a thousand days to be a thief. There is no such thing as a thousand days against a thief. Having been hung away by this Helicarrier in this way, the entire Avengers may be dragged down. After a long time, the body can’t bear it. Besides, who knows if this is another trick of the enemy?

With this mindset, Captain, who has already begun to have a psychological shadow, began to argue. Want to discuss a practical plan.

“Would you like to mobilize SHIELD’s satellites to see if there are more clues?”

This is the plan proposed by Natasha. But the exit was rejected by Tony.

“Don’t even think about it. Look at that Cyclops, there are Hydra people everywhere. Who knows how many such guys are hidden in SHIELD besides those he found. I don’t want to do it anymore. One or two fake news and seduce all over the world!”

“What do you want?”

“Talk to the government and see if you can get them Support!”

As soon as Tony’s idea came out, it was rejected by Captain. And his reason is simple.

“The government is unlikely to believe what we are saying, and they have no reason to mobilize their own power for a possible threat. Besides, the government’s situation is not much better than SHIELD, and may even be more It’s worse.”

“So what do you want?”

The same problem, the ball was kicked back to Captain’s feet. After thinking for a while, Captain had already made up his mind.

“Find a way to contact Professor Charles to see if we can get some help from him. Since we are an alliance, he will naturally have to put some effort in dealing with Hydra.”

Mutant’s sister and brother nodded agreed with this plan. But Natasha and Jennifer are indifferent expressions, silent. Only Tony curl one’s lip, want to say something. But before he could speak, a voice rang. That was the voice of Bruce acting alone.

“Buddy, I think I found the target. But you guys have to come here, I feel something is wrong!”

Bruce’s words let the Avengers put down all their differences, He rushed in the direction he indicated at the fastest speed. And when they arrived at the open sea off the coast of Los Angeles, they saw a Helicarrier flying towards the depths of the sea at a standard cruising speed. From their position, it can even be seen that a Quinn fighter plane is parked on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and Bruce is standing next to the fighter plane, shaking his hand at them.

The situation is really weird. If it weren’t for the mothership that knew SHIELD, Captain even thought that oneself had found the wrong target. This is Hydra’s carrier, at least has hundreds of enemies on it. Why is Bruce Banner standing on it like standing in front of oneself’s house, freely a little unscientific! What about those Hydra people?

With such doubts, the Avengers of boldness of execution stems from superb skill landed the plane directly next to Bruce. As soon as he saw Bruce, Captain opened his mouth and asked.

“What’s the matter, Bruce. Where is the enemy here?”

“I don’t know very well either, because I didn’t see anyone when I came. I just saw These weird places.” Bruce shook the head with a wry smile, and then reached out to some places.

Following his fingers, the Avengers immediately saw the strange place he said. I saw on the deck, one after another densely packed pits almost all over the entire deck. These potholes are not big, but they are definitely many. Looking around, at least has a hundred and ten. In each pit, there are sections of steel bars, iron pillars and even fragments of armor inserted horizontally. At the same time, there are more or less bloodstains, because the amount is too much, as for the smell of blood that is pervasive.

This situation makes Captain aware of something. He can be sure that the Hydra members here must have been cleansed. But he is still a little uncertain, who will do this kind of thing?

Thinking of this, he put his gaze on Bruce. As if seeing the doubt in his eyes, Bruce waved his hand quickly.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know anything. I just wandered around on the deck, knowing as much as you guys. If you want to know and so on, it’s better to be oneself Look inside, maybe there will be any clues!”

This is a very pertinent suggestion. Captain thought for a while and accepted it.

Unfathomable mystery solved the problem of Project Insight, although Captain sighed in relief. But at the same time it brought up the spirit again. Because he really doesn’t know whether this person who is secretly making hands and feet is an enemy or a friend, and what is his true identity? What will be his motivation?

If you don’t make these things clear, he really has trouble sleeping and eating. So he must find more evidence to confirm the identity of this person. However, when he took the lead to walk into the depths of the aircraft carrier to find more clues. But he didn’t notice that, behind him, Quicksilver and Wanda had been making eye contact with each other for a while, and their eyes were full of inexplicable surprises.

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