For Zhou Yi, it is not easy for Zhou Yi to desperately push up the giant air giant. The Hegemon in the air is not stationary, but is doing high-speed inertial motion. His own weight has reached an astonishing 610,200 pounds (276,800 kg), and it is also full of hundreds of passengers and various cargo. The most important thing is that he is still flying at high speed in an unstable state.

If you want to jack up this giant aircraft, you can do it only if Zhou Yi squeezes out every bit of strength from his body. He himself has no idea whether he can successfully lift the plane up.

He maintained the same speed as the airplane, and slowly pressed his body to the abdomen of the airplane. The unstable swing of the plane caused him a huge disturbance, and this unstable behavior made it difficult for him to stably exert force to hold the plane.

For this, he had to burst out all the Telekinesis to use the Telekinesis field to control the stability of the aircraft. Zhou Yi, who had never used telekinesis to control something of this size, felt the pain for the first time. The pain and convulsions from the deep brain make him gnashing teeth. If he removes the helmet, he will even find that his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

This level of load has approached his limit, and luckily he did it. The plane finally stabilized slowly under the telekinesis of his full strength. Although it is still falling rapidly, Zhou Yi is already good news.

Close to the plane that was not shaking, Zhou Yi desperately used his body to carry the huge monster on his back. He wanted to use his own power to force the plane to a safe place. He looked down very clearly, although it was a vast ocean, it was not far from the land. Just park the plane on the sea. Soon there will be maritime patrols coming to rescue.

Although there is no ground to rely on to explode power, Zhou Yi, who is born with a talent like flying, is obviously favored by the sky, even in the sky without any power point. Next, he was still able to burst out his own power.

The part of the nose that had been sagging slowly lifted up under his top support. Although it was continuously increasing the pressure of sinking, it still remained under the efforts of Zhou Yi. In a state of balance. In this state, Zhou Yi’s whole body has been tested. This is most evident in the armor of dawn.

The Dawn Armor II, which is designed to be lightweight, does not have too strong protection at all. It may not be a problem to defend some individual weapons and so on, but it is obviously not powerful enough to be used as a bearer between two pressures exceeding hundreds of tons.

The huge Airbus also has thick armor and dense skeleton as a support, while the dawn armor only has such a thin layer of Nanominium. Under the pressure of huge pressure, the force-bearing area of ​​dawn armor began to twist and deform. Although they were desperately repairing themselves, the speed of destruction was much faster than the speed of repair. A large amount of Nanominium was severely damaged and began to escape into the air, which looked like a black band of light from a distance.

“Sir, the damage to the back armor exceeds 70%. It is recommended that you stop this behavior immediately.” The scarlet warning has been echoing in the helmet, and Medusa also promptly turned to Zhou Yi suggested. As an artificial intelligence, her choice is always the most beneficial to the owner.

“Medusa, turn off the alarm. Also, contact the United Kingdom Coast Patrol Force and tell them that a civil aviation plane is going to make an emergency landing in the offshore area, so that they can organize rescue as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir.” Medusa, who only knew to respond to the order, immediately executed Zhou Yi’s order. On the other hand, Zhou Yi turned his attention to the smoke-bearing left engine engine. Now he only hopes that the monster can be a little safe at this time.

But things will not develop as he thought. The engine suddenly heard a violent explosion. That was the revenge of the flesh-and-blood monster who had lived in it for what made oneself feel painful. The turbine became its primary goal.

Slices of tentacles rushed towards the turbine of high-speed rotation frantically, and they were naturally shattered. But it also makes all the problems of the engine exceed the limit. There was a loud bang, and a violent explosion occurred in the entire engine. The turbine was blown to pieces, and countless wrecks were shot out. The outer shell of the aircraft simply cannot withstand the impact of these debris. When the blades of a turbine tore the entire casing of the aircraft apart. The accident escalated again.

When the accident just happened, the passengers in the plane made self-rescue actions in accordance with the requirements of the emergency response regulations under the arrangement of the flight attendants. They stayed honestly on the own seat, fastened their seat belts, and put on oxygen inhalers and life jackets. As far as they are concerned, there is only so much they can do. At most, pray to God again.

And the most unreliable person in the world is God, who always pushes events in the direction you least want.

The torn case is too close to the inside of the cabin. So much so that one seat was damaged. Although no passengers were injured, the seat was completely impossible and continued to be firmly grasped on the cabin floor. When the strong wind pressure penetrated the entire cabin and threw the contents of the cabin to the outside. The seat lost its function, and it flew out of the cabin together. Take the passengers on it.

The female screams may not be conspicuous in this environment, but they are still caught by Zhou Yi. He saw a woman doing a free fall, although she was forced to do this by the seat under oneself.

In the face of the safety of one person and the safety of hundreds of people, what will you choose? Hypocrites will choose to give up the safety of the few for the safety of the majority, and they call it justice. However, the real hero should fight for the smallest hope, the guy who will be troubled by choice, but the bastard that’s all in the name of justice.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Yi left the plane and chased up in the direction where the flying passenger fell. The passengers fell quickly, but they were still within the range of being able to catch up. In fact, it is the degree of just leaving the starting line.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yi had already caught up with the passenger. He rushed up, ripped the fragile metal of the seat, and hugged the passenger above.

The passenger is a pretty good blonde beauty. She has long wavy golden hair and deep and charming lake-blue eyes. Even if there is no gorgeous makeup, the delicate face is enough to make most women envy. The slim figure is more capable under the wrapper of a suitable female suit. The most noticeable thing is her temperament, even in the most flustered situation, she still reveals elegance and grace, looking like a noble who was born in Upright Sect. And it is the kind of aristocrat with full of book fragrance.

The playboy who has experienced the trial can be sure that this is an intellectual with no low degree. The elegance and intellectuality revealed in her body is completely similar to Jean Grey.

If there is another time, he will definitely choose to pester such a beauty. But now is indeed not the time. Wrap the beauty in the cloak, if the human body is not protected in such a situation, it is difficult for the human body to withstand the destruction of low temperature.

“Hold me tight!” He said concisely, and then rushed towards the plane that had already lowered his head completely. The plane was completely out of control, spinning and being seduced by gravity.

Zhou Yi slightly protected the woman who was holding oneself’s neck tightly in his arms, and he speeded up when he was too late to provide any comfort. He wants to stop the plane again and control this big guy in the hands of own.

The impulse of the plane is terrifying amazingly, standing in front of it will give you the feeling of facing a fallen mountain. The woman in her arms had already squeezed her body in fright. If her body wasn’t strong enough, Zhou Yi would even worry that her neck would be strangled. But even in the face of this situation, this woman behaved extremely strong. She didn’t make any hysterical behaviors, not even shouts. This has reduced Zhou Yi a lot of trouble.

Different from the woman in his arms, even if there is really a falling mountain in front of him, he has to go up and fight. So when there is only an airplane in front of him, he will not hesitate even more.

Facing the dived airplane, he rushed up. The telekinesis were all turned on, and under his violent temple buff, the plane’s rotation was suppressed. And he faced the plane that was rushing straight forward and opened his hands to greet him.

Such an impossible collision shows the scene of a fire star hitting Earth, because doing so will only make the aircraft completely collapse under the interaction of forces. So Zhou Yi can only play the role of assuming everything. He stretched out his hand and pressed it against the head of the plane. Let the great power vent to him.

The armor of the arm part was suddenly distorted and collapsed. Before such strength, the dawn armor was not much more useful than paper stuff. The subtle Nanominium diffuses like smoke. Although it covers the woman’s eyes, it cannot hide her perception.

She can feel the power bursting from the whole body of the man that oneself is holding. The muscles are ventilating, and there is a sound like ocean tide flowing in the blood vessels. And his heartbeat is more powerful, just like the drum used by God in is legend, every beat is deafening. In front of him, the mountains broke and the earth was overturned. He should be the God in the legend, the hero in the epic. How can such a stalwart male exist in reality! Women want to ask such questions, but she does not have this time. Because God in her eyes let out a loud roar at this moment.

Zhou Yi passively endured the impact, but his chest was filled with unspeakable depression. Hundreds of tons of force hit his body, which made him feel a great pain, the muscles were overwhelmed with pain, the skeleton was suffering, and even the heartbeat seemed to stop for an instant. This is the uncomfortable Zhou Yi has never experienced before, and it also makes his power burst out.

The accumulated depression was ignited by the anger in his heart, and roar shot out from his chest. His power rushed out completely at this moment, grandiose, endless. In the face of this power, everything is convinced. Trifling an airplane is nothing difficult at all.

The huge plane stopped all its movements, and it was forcibly parked in midair. Even if its engine is still working hard, it provides plenty of kinetic energy for its huge body. But it still cannot move forward even the slightest. And this is entirely because of the Titan-like silhouette in front of it.

The sound of metal twisting and deformation came from the wing, and the sudden restrained inertia obviously caused a heavy load on the aircraft, especially the wing. The passengers inside the fuselage were also dizzy by the sudden inertia, but no one dared to complain. Any situation at this time has an inestimable image of their lives, and complaining is really meaningless.

When the captain stammered from the loudspeaker to the ears of all passengers, all the passengers cheered. In the face of all this, no one is rejoicing. There is only one life. Who doesn’t want to cherish it? And for the hero who saved them, who wouldn’t be grateful in his heart? For a time, the voice of the hero filled the sky.

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