Sun God Marvel

Chapter 539

“Gentlemen and ladies. You have already seen the facts before us. Our connivance and concessions cannot maintain this false peace. We are giving in, but they are stepping Press harder. Look now, the most threatening guy has united with the dangerous terrorists. If we remain silent like this, he might put the own armed forces in the next step. In front of White House. At that time, I want to ask everyone here, can you also stop him in any way?”

“General Ross, no, Congressman Ross. You are so sure, Will that person be our enemy? Or, do you think we are capable of confronting the terrifying existence?”

The impassioned Senator Ross thought that oneself could get some formal support, and no matter how bad it was. Some surface solidarity. But in fact, his words “not at all” resonated with too many people. Even when he had just finished saying those words, someone immediately made such a veiled mockery at him.

This guy represents too many harbor ulterior motives in the decision-making level of the federal government. It is really impossible for these people to stand on the side of oneself solely by relying on patriotism. And on this point, Congressman Ross, who has just stepped into Congress and still maintains his military habits, obviously does not have a clear enough understanding.

He just insisted on his own opinion purely and stubbornly, and said to everyone present in an almost high-pitched tone.

“Why is impossible to confront him head-on? We are the most powerful country in the world, and we have the most elite troops in the world. We also have the Avengers, SHIELD and other departments that specialize in fighting against supernatural forces. Just put These forces are concentrated, why we have no possibility of victory? No matter how strong he is, it is just a person and a group of mobs. Can it still fight the will of the entire human race?”

“Congressman Ross. I think there are some things that you may not quite understand. In front of that person, the power of our so-called country is actually not at all as powerful as you think. Even if you integrate all the things you mentioned, it may not be able to control the battle. The strength of him.”

Looking at Senator Ross, who was agitated and looked full of spirit. Pierce put on a peaceful smile on his face.

“We have proved this at the cost of two nuclear bombs. It is precisely because of this proof that we are so indifferent to that person. It is not that we do not want to deal with him, but that we really don’t Ability to deal with him. We are impossible to let the whole country fall in order to deal with him alone. You have to figure it out!”

“Then let him expand his own power unscrupulously, a little bit Cannibalize the body of this country. Please forgive me to speak bluntly, Mr. Alexander, if we remain so silent, then we will be the sinners of this country after several decades. Whether it is the ancestors or our future descendants, they will point to us The tombstone of slammed, it’s what we did that made this great country fall apart, and we made America no longer exist!”

“Congressman Ross, enough. Do you know what you are talking about? You This is spreading rumors and shaking the stability and peace of this country with dangerous remarks!”

Pierce Alexander has not spoken yet, and the other congressman sitting in his seat almost pointed to Congressman Ross’ nose. Screamed at him.

Not everyone is willing to listen to this kind of nonsense, and not everyone can calmly maintain their own style. Like this gentleman, he acted as a pawn for Pierce as impatient, and started to condemn Congressman Ross’s arrogant remarks.

And immediately after him, there was a rush of negative comments.

“This is the White House decision-making meeting, not your combat command room. Don’t put your military suit here.”

“With a little bit of political skill I don’t understand. I really doubt how you got the support of the military to become a member of the council.”

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense. This situation is not your little congressman. It can be controlled. Do you really think of oneself as a person? Want to get the right to speak, and wait until you win the election!”

Congressman Ross turned out to be just a soldier, although he also knows some political issues Dirty things, but knowing and understanding are two different things. At the very least, when he really set foot in it, he only had trouble adapting.

He didn’t understand what made these people turn a blind eye to the immediate danger, let alone why they made such an almost selfless proposal for oneself. He only wanted the future of this country, and he didn’t even think about other things at all. But why do these people must be intrigue, by fair means or foul, leaking such ugly faces?

Thinking of this, Senator Ross suddenly became frustrated. At this time, Pierce began to make a concluding speech.

“Well, everyone. Senator Ross just doesn’t understand the rules in the middle. After all, he just got rid of a jail time, and he doesn’t know the current situation as thoroughly as you know. So, we treat him You should be more patient, more tolerant and understanding. After all, it’s colleagues, and you don’t need to make the relationship so rigid, right?”

As the influential figure that controls the fate of most people here, Pierce The words naturally attracted countless flattery. Seeing these people’s various tricks, Congressman Ross almost had an urge to laugh out loud.

Let such a group of guys preside over all affairs of this country, let them decide the future of this country. It is really a ridiculous and sad thing. He has despaired of this, desperate for the fate of this country. If he has a gun in his hand, he really wants to let it go and earn a glimmer of hope for the country at his own sacrifice. But he didn’t, so he watched all this with empty eyes, waiting for the disgusting farce to end.

The performance of Senator Ross all fell into Pierce’s eyes. And he quickly figured out what he was thinking. This is a guy who is out of place here, and his perseverance and fighting spirit are really a very valuable thing for Pierce.

At the very least, compared with most people here, this Senator Ross looks more valuable. He has the capital to be wooed, but how to woo him? Pierce, who was silent, had already figured it out in his mind.

There is no such thing as a disjointed guy like Senator Ross. The so-called decision-making meeting naturally came to an end in a wave of meaningless cold and warm inquiries. As soon as the meeting ended, Congressman Ross left the meeting site as quickly as possible.

For him, breathing a piece of air with this kind of person is already disgusting enough. So he didn’t want to wait for a moment, and left the scene directly, looking for a place where he could breathe freely.

Although he left very quickly, he couldn’t match the speed of some caring people. When he came to the parking lot, opened his own car and prepared to drive away. A black Rolls Royce stopped beside him, and Pierce’s voice came from the back of the car.

“Mr. Ross, can we talk about it?”

“Mr. Alexander, I don’t think we have anything to talk about. We are not the same kind of people, I’m pretty sure about that !”

With a stiff smile on his face, Senator Ross’s answer did not leave a trace of affection. However, this reaction was within Pierce’s expectations. He just shook the head and said to him with a smile.

“Mr. Ross, you are too arbitrary. Some things I cannot do are too obvious, but I can tell you that you and I are in the same camp. Especially against special people who threaten national security Above, we are absolutely the same.”

As soon as this was said, Senator Ross changed his face. He gloomy face, walked to the car window, and asked Pierce who came out of the probe coldly.

“If it is like you said. Then, Mr. Alexander, can you tell me why you are not willing to support me? Don’t think I don’t know that you are the leader of this meeting. Everyone looks at you and acts. If you are willing to support me, today’s situation will be completely different, right?”

“It looks like you have a big misunderstanding of me, Ross Sir.” Faced with the questioning, Pierce frowned, slightly shook the head. “But things are not as simple as you can see. Although on the surface I am indeed one of the most powerful people, in fact I also have a lot of concerns. This trip is deeper than you think. . I’m also impossible to express the meaning of own casually.”

“forgive me to speak bluntly, I don’t understand what you mean.”

I interrupted Pierce coldly, Senator Ross’s words and deeds are full of military rigidity. And this is where Pierce admires him most.

“I think we can talk carefully, Mr. Ross. I will explain everything to you. Of course, the premise is that you are willing to believe me.”

When he got here, Pierce opened the own car door to him and issued an own invitation to him.

This is a temptation. For this kind of temptation, for Pierce’s invitation, Senator Ross hesitated for less than two seconds, and then resolutely sat in.

The car drove away, and Pierce, who was already sitting face to face with Congressman Ross, smiled triumphantly.

“I’m glad you are willing to believe me, Mr. Ross. Seriously, your decisiveness is amazing. You deserve to be the general who has driven Hulk to a dead end.”

“But I still failed!” Not affected by this simple flattery, Senator Ross just stared at Pierce with oneself sharp eyes and asked him. “Now I have sat in front of you as you wished. I think you can also tell me everything you want to say!”

“Of course, this is what I invited you Original intention!” Nodded, Pierce squinted his eyes and covered up all the expressions of owner with a smile. “First of all, what I need to tell you is the reason why I cannot support you in the meeting. Because we are not safe inside. The people of Hydra are lurking by our side, even their minions in Congress. I cannot Feel free to express my position, because it is very likely that my statement will be used by them and become a fuse. And that will also make myself powerless to defend himself. Do you understand?”

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