Sun God Marvel

Chapter 577

The arrival of Odin finally made Zhou Yi feel like he has found a savior. Especially after seeing the group of male gods and samurai who have a dignified appearance behind him, this feeling became more obvious.

As expected, with so many men appearing, this group of troublesome Martial Goddess will no longer focus on oneself. But compared with the unfamiliar guy oneself, aren’t these male Gods who live together in the Golden Palace a better target for molesting?

However, unlike what he thought, these Martial Goddess showed considerable respect for Odin who suddenly walked in, but for the male Goddess and the so-called warriors around him. It was completely ignored. Even some Martial Goddess like Green Jade, don’t even bother to even look at that place. It was like the guys who followed Odin, who were not even qualified to be caught by her.

This situation makes Zhou Yi very strange. The women who have always been very sensitive in this regard have also realized Zhou Yi’s weird mood at this time. So some of them explained to Zhou Yi like this.

“It’s weird, isn’t it? Actually, as long as you want to understand it, it won’t be so strange. These glamorous guys are just a bunch of empty wastes. Except for those who follow Odin. There are some false names behind them, they have no abilities. They are just a group of scavengers who can only clean up the leftovers at the shark’s mouth.”

“Everyone here is killing ominous alone. The records of beast and Demon both have the record of ruling a battlefield alone. Compared with us, these guys simply can’t make it to the table. And if it were you, you would be better than oneself with such a group, and still like it all day long. Is the guy who put his eyes in the sky looking straight ahead?”

“So, it should be No way!” Scratching his own chin, Zhou Yi put himself in and thought for a moment. It seems that oneself will also make this choice. “However, they won’t be everyone like you said, there will always be one or two that are different.”

“People who are really a little bit capable have already come under Tyre. , Fight against the possible fire giant Legion. Or go with Thor to find possible reinforcements. At this time, the only people who will attend this kind of banquet with Odin are those who have little ability.”

These Martial Goddess, once you say a word to me, you immediately devalue the group of guys behind Odin to nothing. In terms of own feeling, Zhou Yi did not feel any powerful guys from those guys. Without ability, they like to scream everywhere. No wonder they will be looked down upon by these powerful women.

shook the head, glanced sympathetically at these guys who feel good about themselves. Zhou Yi stopped speaking. He was afraid that if oneself kept asking, this group of so-called warriors would be worse than Paramecium in the mouth of Martial Goddess. If that were the case, he would be really sinful.

At this time, Odin, who had already arrived at the venue, also noticed the existence of Zhou Yi. He saw Zhou Yi and the Martial Goddess near him at a glance, and this immediately revealed a surprise expression on his face.

“My friend, didn’t expect you to be invited by my daughter. I thought that with my daughter’s consistent arrogance, the banquet at this time will be just like Martial. What about Goddess’ banquet?”

“Seriously, Odin Your Majesty. This time I was really flattered. Strictly speaking, I was a bit surprised!”

Zhou Yi said with a bitter smile, and when he heard what he said, Odin immediately haha ​​laughed.

“Really, my friend. It seems that you have been welcomed by the best women in Asgard, and the most enthusiastic one. Seriously, this makes Countless outstanding warriors admire incomparable things Yo!”

“This kind of envy, I really can’t adapt for a while!”

I glanced at the different expressions around me. Martial Goddess, Zhou Yi cleverly took the opportunity to escape from their encirclement. In front of Odin, these Martial Goddess obviously no longer have the courage to contain Zhou Yi.

So he easily came to Odin’s side, and said with a bitter smile to him again.

“If I knew it would be so embarrassing here, I would definitely be ready to come again, not like I am now.”

“There is no other way, like you A powerful warrior, it is entirely possible for every Martial Goddess present to be tempted. And to be honest, I also very much hope that you can find your own partner in Asgard. If anyone here touches your heart. , I will be very happy to fulfill you.”

On the shoulder of patted Zhou Yi, Odin looks like he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. As for Odin like this, Zhou Yi smiled bitterly.

“Your Majesty, don’t make fun of me. I already have a wife and child. Like this kind of opportunity, let it be given to youngsters who need them more.”

“don’t say this, my friend.” Odin still looks like haha ​​laughing, and the movements on his hands don’t mean to stop. “Just like a male lion will have many female lions, a strong warrior can also have the favor of many outstanding women at the same time. In Asgard, instead of allowing the weak and incompetent to gain the love of women, it is better to let more More warriors get more partners. In this way, the next generation can have more powerhouses, right?”

“It’s really a king-like expression. But Odin Your Majesty, what are you talking about? Have you ever thought about our feelings when I was here?”

As soon as Odin’s words were finished, Brunhild, as the host of this banquet, suddenly stood up. He retorted to Odin in an almost mocking way.

“As women, we don’t want to share a husband with other people. We don’t want to be one of the many partners of those warriors in your mouth. Compared with those you mentioned, I think love is still fundamental Loyalty is the principle. The feelings established by people who come together on this basis are sacred and pure. Like what you said, simply is a blasphemy against love and marriage!”

“Of course, of course. My daughter, love like you said is naturally perfect. But how can there be that many perfect things in the world? If you say that a man who has become a family and other women again If we fall in love, do we have to forcibly abandon this relationship? Isn’t it too unkind?”

As a veteran of them, I can truly keep the red flags at home and colorful flags outside the home. Fluttering Old Fox. Odin naturally has an own explanation on this issue, and although his explanation sounds like that, his daughter has no intention of accepting it at all.

“All are just excuses. If it is a man who has become a family because of love, he will not start another so-called relationship indiscriminately when he is concerned about his wife and child. After all, this It’s just the shameful desire of you men to hunt for beauty.”

As a woman with a special status, this accusation is undoubtedly very sharp. Facing such a Brunhild, whether it was Odin or Zhou Yi, they rubbed their own noses involuntarily, revealing a somewhat guilty appearance.

The two of them are strictly speaking the same type of people. The difference is that Zhou Yi has not officially married, while Odin is already Old Fox with a lot of extramarital affairs. Of course, this is essentially no difference. Both of them are considered bastards who have trampled on the sacred marriage that Brunhild said.

Brownhild has already said this, Zhou Yi naturally closed his mouth in a daze. He is an outsider, so naturally it is not good to say more in this situation, especially when he himself is not clean. Obviously, Odin had been accustomed to this for a long time, and he didn’t even have to think about excuses for dealing with such accusations, he just opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry, Brunhild. The mistakes I committed in my youth caused so much harm to you and your brother sisters. But I’ve tried my best to make up for it, no matter what It’s you or your mother. And, to put it another way, my daughter. If that’s not the case, you might not be here at the moment, do you?”

This sentence sounds already To have no shame immediately made Brunhild feel a little speechless. She suddenly found that she had not seen her for hundreds of years, and her father’s face had become so thick that she was almost impossible to shake. And this immediately made her whole body depressed.

“Unrepentant, I will never accept someone like you!”

“That’s a shame, my daughter. But I think you must There is a day of change of heart. After all, outstanding men are like outstanding women. Once they meet them, they will never let go. Believe me, I am very experienced!”

Odin continues haha Laughing, not so much to solve the own daughter. It would be better to say that he was bickering with the long-lost daughter of oneself. And it can be seen that he is really enjoying it. The more awkward Brunhild was, the more he felt happy and proud.

And just when he was overjoyed, enjoying the long-lost family relationship between father and daughter. A warrior suddenly drove his horse into the palace. As soon as he saw Odin, he just rolled over and got off his horse, and then rushed to Odin’s side amidst the screams of countless maids.

“Your Majesty, there is an emergency. Master Heimdall asked me to inform you immediately!”

“Grand, it’s you. Asgard, the fastest warrior, tell Let me. There is an emergency that Heimdall needs to send you over!”

Looking at the visitor, a trace of bright light flashed in Odin’s eyes. He called out the person’s name, and his face became serious.

“That’s it, Your Majesty. Master Heimdall has found the trail of the wolf, he asked me to inform you immediately. If you want to catch the wolf, now is the best chance! “

The warrior who knelt on the ground answered truthfully. And listening to his words, Odin’s face immediately turned into a deep sea, and there was no longer a trace of happiness or anger.

“Did you finally dare to show up? The wolf that swallowed me and the darkness that swallowed me. This time, I won’t give you any more chances!”

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