Sun God Marvel

Chapter 581

“Odin Your Majesty, I can use my full strength to help Asgard tide over the difficulties, but in this way, I entrust Asgard’s power to me, even if only temporarily Isn’t that too much of Meng Lang?”

Zhou Yi did not give a definite answer at this time, because no matter how you look at it, he directly agreed to Odin to take over the power of Asgard from him. It is a very inappropriate thing. Once oneself is nodded, it is likely that people will mistakenly believe that he has another attempt on Asgard. And that was something he absolutely didn’t want to see.

“I already thought very clearly when I came here!” Odin’s strength in his hands began to deepen. Although his face became paler, he had no intention of letting go. . “Asgard is in a terrible situation now, even when I am healthy, I can’t guarantee that I can lead it out of this crisis. Now, I’ve become like this, so I’m concerned about what will happen next. I’m even more unsure.”

“After I fell asleep, neither Tyr, Thor nor Brunhild had the ability to fight the enemies that would appear next. The three of them gathered together, but that would only make the situation worse.”

“Tyre and Thor have an important mission, and they cannot be transferred back to Asgard at this time. And Brunhild, she is not able to bear such a heavy burden alone. At this time, only you, and only you, my friend can save all of this.”

“Only you can have this The ability to fight the terrifying enemies, and only you can guide the warriors of Asgard with victory at this time. Asgard’s future lies with you, and only you can lead us out of this dilemma. So, My friend, please, accept this request of mine, my only request.”

After all this, Odin’s situation has gotten worse. He should lie down early and use his deep sleep to repair his own trauma. But he insisted on refusing to lie down, all he wanted was Zhou Yi to give him a definite answer.

At this time, others seemed to have seen Zhou Yi’s scruples. In order to stop him from being scrupulous, Brunhild immediately one-knee kneels down, showing his own attitude .

“I am willing to follow Your Majesty’s orders. Zhou Yi, if Odin Your Majesty says we can only rely on you at this time, then I am willing to believe his words, serve you, and assist you. Until As Until Guardian gets out of this catastrophe!”

As she said, she suddenly raised her head and looked towards Zhou Yi. After seeing the deep plea in her eyes, Zhou Yi could no longer speak any language of rejection.

“Well, Your Majesty. I promised you. With me, I promise not to let anyone touch your kingdom. This is my guarantee!”

“Very good, my friend. Then everything is up to you!”

Finally took a sigh of relief, and Odin completely relaxed after solving the matter. This relaxation immediately made him no longer have any strength to persist, but as soon as his body became soft, he lay down directly on the bed made of pure gold.

The faint golden streamer came out like lake water, completely submerging his body. In the light of the streamer, Odin’s breathing began to become gradually smooth, and even his consciousness began to sink completely.

While looking at Odin like this, Zhou Yi furrowed his own eyebrows deeply. Odin’s situation seemed to be more serious than he had seen, and the cost of this sleep was heavier than he realized.

“This is the method used by the king of Asgard when his life is dying. This is the second time Odin used this. The last time it was just acting, but didn’t expect this time to become Reality. I really didn’t expect that things would turn out like this one day.”

Looking at Odin’s miserable appearance, Frigga couldn’t help but sigh. Facing the queen’s sad expression, Heimdall immediately bent down deeply.

“Please don’t worry, Your Majesty Queen. As long as I am here, there is no violation of Odin the order of His Majesty. We will carry out the will of Odin Your Majesty. In any case, we will not let Anyone hurts Asgard even a bit, no matter who it is!”

This sentence represents Heimdall’s meaning, and his meaning at this time is also very clear. . He will firmly implement Odin’s orders, and he will not allow anyone to disobey Odin’s orders. Whether it comes from forces outside of Asgard, or from within Asgard. Once someone wants to cross this boundary, no matter who it is, he will put up a sword against it.

And hearing this answer, Frigga was also frustrated. She originally wanted to use her right to inquire about Hoddle’s life and death. But when things get to this point, she really has no other way to do it all.

On the other hand, Odin’s heavy wounds and Hoddle’s ruthlessness also made her fall into despair and discouragement. This woman who originally only wanted to protect oneself family has completely lost the ability and confidence to protect her family in this turbulent period. So she could only watch all this, and then put down her own hand weakly.

“Go ahead, Heimdall. Go and follow Odin’s instructions. I can no longer give you any support. Leave it to me here. I will be with Odin here. Yes, until he wakes up. Before that!”

Speaking, Frigga turned his attention to Zhou Yi.

“Asgard’s future is handed over to you. Zhou Yi, our most respected guest. I’m sorry we put such a heavy burden on you. But please believe me, this is as a last resort. My husband has always wanted to fight alongside you. He can engrave the name of Asgard on your glorious side. But I didn’t expect this to happen. However, Brunhild would Instead of her father. She will fight alongside you, as all Asgard’s warriors will do. So, everything is up to you!”

“I will do this, Your Royal Highness. As long as I’m still alive, I will fulfill my guarantee, so that none of that will happen!”

Knocked on own chest, Zhou Yi silently lowered his head. Show own will to this tragic queen. Looking at his reply, Frigga turned his head and looked towards Brunhild.

“I know you may complain to your father and me. But, Brunhild, at this time I hope you can remember your father’s entrustment. Like a real ah Like Scared’s daughter, go to help the man next to you. At this time, he is our only hope. So I also hope that you will be his most reliable arm, the strongest shield and weapon. This is our Asgard woman’s Glory is also our long-standing tradition. Do you understand?”

“I swear as long as I live. As long as this man is still fighting for Asgard. I am his shield, yes His arms. As long as I’m still standing, no one will hurt him. Unless I fall, no one will be able to pass through my defenses!”

Brench Erd took a heavier oath, and this oath made Frigga, a sad woman, finally smiled.

“Then everything is up to you. Now, leave this to me and Your Majesty. I will look at him, and I also have a lot to say to him!”

The hostess issued such an Expulsion Order, Zhou Yi and they naturally have no excuses to stay. Moreover, the current situation does not allow them to delay more time here.

They walked outside, and as Heimdall passed on Odin’s order. One after another warriors faced Zhou Yi who was walking along the way. The three bowed their heads and knelt down their own bodies.

They are paying their own respect to these people who will save Asgard. Regarding the high hopes they placed, Zhou Yi only felt heavy pressure.

“What do you think we should do? Seriously, after taking over this temporary command from Odin, I am still at a loss. I don’t know that Asgard’s hands What kind of power is there, let alone what our enemies are!”

“I can give you some explanations for these things. At present, most of the power in our hands is only three It has always belonged to the Martial Goddess unit under the command of Brunhild, and it is also the most powerful battle strength in our hands. The other is the unit of the heroic spirits. Those heroic spirits from Valhalla are the most Elite warriors and bravest heroes. Their power is not too little inferior to Martial Goddess, and the most important thing is that they can continuously repeat the cycle of life and death. They will die during the day and die at night. Resurrected in Valhalla and continued to rush to the battlefield. Therefore, they are the most important force in our hands.”

When Brunhild said this, he closed his mouth and stopped talking. However, this performance seems to have illustrated a problem. That was the last force that seemed not worthy of her opening her mouth.

Looking at her performance like this, Heimdall added it expressionlessly.

“The last force is the warrior in the Golden Palace. As you can see, they are not a qualified force. Although they are many people, they are compared with Martial Goddess already heroic spirits. Their strength is indeed limited. But this is not a reason for us to abandon them.”

“You are right, at this time we need to unite all the forces to adjust the hope of victory The biggest. And, I think what we need at this time is not these on the surface battle strengths, but secret things. We need brains, guys who can advise us. Especially in this situation where I don’t know the opponent at all. , The most important thing is a guy who understands his opponents and can display strategies.”

“So, what do you mean?”

As I asked, Heimdall’s face There was a strange expression on it.

“I think, with the rights I have now, I should be able to release Odin’s prisoners from the prison!”

With a smile, Zhou Yi said that the own intention Came out. When Hearing this, Heimdall’s face became black immediately.

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