Sun God Marvel

Chapter 583

Execute prisoners, this is Loki’s first strategy now. As for such a strategy, Brunhild and even Heimdall immediately opposed it. They could not accept this kind of slaughter of unarmed prisoners, just because this kind of behavior tarnished the honor of Asgard’s soldiers in their hearts.

But Zhou Yi doesn’t think so. He has only one goal now, and that is to keep Asgard. On this basis, he can accept anything that is helpful to this matter. The slaughter of prisoners is not unacceptable to Zhou Yi. So soon, he made a decision.

“Just do as you say, and I will let Heimdall cooperate with you.”

“Please forgive me for rejecting, sir. I cannot accept such a thing.”

As soon as Zhou Yi’s arrangement was heard, Heimdall said immediately. For his answer, Zhou Yi was sighed.

This is also really impossible. After all, he is not a justifiable manager, but a commissioned manager, and such an identity makes it difficult for him to really drive these people. Especially like Heimdall, it is completely possible to refuse his request so bluntly.

“If this is the case, then I am going to do it myself.”

“Wait, leave this to me. I said that I would be yours Sword!”

When Zhou Yi wanted to do something like this oneself, Brunnhild suddenly stopped him. Her attitude at this time seemed very contradictory. There is not only the rejection of trampling on honor, but also the determination to implement the oneself promise. No matter how you look at it, she seems to have made a very difficult decision.

“Forget it, Brunhild. This kind of thing is not worth dirtying your hands!” Rejecting Brunhild instead of own’s kindness, Zhou Yi opened up to Heimdall again Mouth.

“Mr. Heimdall, can I ask you to evacuate all the guards here and release all the prisoners to me at the same time?”

Zhou, whose expression has become cold Yi’s face is full of meaning now that he can’t refuse. Seeing his expression, Heimdall hesitated again and again before opening his mouth to ask.

“Sir, can I ask what you want to do? Without the suppression of guards, the prisoners here could charge ahead and cause huge damage to Asgard at any time. If you can’t give me a reason , I really can’t do such a thing as you ordered.”

“Reason, since you need a reason. I can give you a reason!”

This prison lives deep underground and has only one exit. Zhou Yi pulled out a malicious smile.

“I asked you to release them just to wipe them out in one fell swoop. In this place, as long as I stand here, I won’t let any prisoner or go out from here. You transferred the guards ahead of time, just to avoid hurting more innocents. Do you understand what I said?”

“I understand! I will do it!”


Faced with Zhou Yi like this, Heimdall, who could no longer say anything to refuse, hesitated and gave Zhou Yi this answer.

Under Heimdall’s order, the prison guards quickly evacuated from the prison. Losing the control of the guards, the prisons that isolated all the prisoners began to fail one by one.

The prisoner who can be locked here is naturally impossible, what an obedient role is, and when the door of the cell is opened, he will stay inside obediently and honestly. Most of them charged up immediately, and when they saw that no one was supervised by any guards, they immediately ran towards the only exit here.

As for the Zhou Yi who stood in the way before the only one came out, naturally they were not put in the eyes of these vicious criminals. They screamed and screamed, like a group of uncontrolled beast-like rushing straight. In the face of such a guy, Brunhild was already complexion changed, and he directly set up his own shield to stand in front of Zhou Yi.

Although she knew that these thugs might not have any influence on Zhou Yi, she still made such a move subconsciously. Because she feels very clearly, there is no lack of terrifying characters among the prisoners of these riots, and when they gather, they can even threaten oneself.

The danger of urgency made her subconsciously make such a move, and for her, it was actually just part of the oneself promise.

However, Brunhild is like an enemy. But Zhou Yi was quite relaxed. He went straight over the protection of Brunhild’s shield and stood in front of her in her puzzled eyes.

“Don’t worry about this monster. This kind of battle from the very beginning will end very quickly.”

Looking at Brunhild’s puzzlement, standing Loki next to her said this with a slight smile. As a person who has seen Zhou Yi and Thanos fighting, she is fully confident that what will happen next can be resolved in a short time. But Brunhild did not know much.

And she quickly understood why Loki this guy had such a strange statement.

Facing the prisoner who rushed around the wolf like a pack of animals. Zhou Yi, who stood in front of them, only stretched out a hand, and then Brunhild saw the terrifying golden Biaoyan like a flood, rushing towards the prisoners.

The surging light of the gods burned the current group of guys to ashes in an instant, and this was just the beginning. The flames are still raging, and no one can make effective defenses before such flames. Whether it is a powerful body or magical magic, all are like a bubble that bursts with a single poke, without a little sustained The ability to go down.

There is not even a wailing, everything has completely returned to nothingness. But behind Zhou Yi, looking at all this happening in front of him, Brunhild looked completely unbelievable.

She thought that Zhou Yi would be strong, but she did not expect him to be so strong. With such a level of power and such a terrifying flame, even the Vulcan in each god system is not as terrifying. In just an instant, she saw the black shadow in the flame rapidly turning into nothingness. Even standing behind him, the scorching high temperature made her unable to help but drive the divine tool in oneself’s hand, using the partitioned space to shield the terrifying temperature.

She almost felt the pain of being unable to breathe at that temperature. But instead of facing that kind of power, she doesn’t think oneself will have any optimistic results.

At this moment, she finally understood why Odin made such a decision, because only the tip of the iceberg, she could see the power possessed by this man. And this is powerful enough to dominate the battle and reverse everything.

Brownhild has begun to be shocked by the power of Zhou Yi. At this moment, Loki smiled triumphantly at the ashes left after the flame faded.

“What a ridiculous life. I clearly wanted to tear all the obstacles in front of me to shreds and rush out of this prison to avenge Asgard’s countless years of imprisonment. . But next moment, everything is in vain. Whether it is a beauty or a hero, only ashes are left. What should I say? Is this the impermanence of fate?”

“Less Nonsense, let’s talk. What do you plan to do next?”

The absolute power gave Zhou Yi absolute confidence. Zhou Yi also believed that a cunning guy like Loki had already figured out what to do next.

And under Zhou Yi’s gaze, Loki tilted his head, just replied.

“I have indeed planned the next step. But before that, I want to ask you a question. How much do you want to achieve, or how far can you achieve it? “

“What does this mean?”

“It’s very simple, if you can fight Thanos like it is, let all the stars die, and the world is If you are trembling, you only need to do three things. First, starting from Asgard, you have been burning the entire Rhine to dry. In that case, even if it has been transformed into Yemengade, the snake will only have a dead end. .Second, you only need to destroy the entire Msbelheim directly, and the threat of the fire giant will naturally become a joke. Finally, you are competing with Sulter, although there is twilight The sword, but I don’t think Surtel is your opponent. This is the easiest way and the fastest way.”

Smiling and talking scary words, Loki’s The strategy is as crazy and horrible as ever. After listening to her plan, Zhou Yi immediately shook his head and rejected it.

“Impossible. War is just war, and what you are talking about is destruction, slaughter. I promised Odin to protect Asgard, but I did not promise him to destroy a world again for this purpose!”

“It’s a ridiculous excuse, what did you just do. Isn’t that a slaughter?”

Faced with Zhou Yi’s excuse, Loki expressed very obvious disdain. And Zhou Yi just shook his head.

“Of course it’s different, don’t forget. They were a large group just now, and we have only three people here. With fewer enemies and more enemies, how can it be called a slaughter?”

“You have changed, Zhou Yi. You couldn’t say such shameless things before. At the very least, you can’t say such words so confidently!”

“You mean me Become shameless!” She glanced at Loki, her cold eyes shivering involuntarily.

“No, of course not. I just think you have become more realistic. You are stronger than the original you!”

For this, Zhou Although Yi did not speak. But it also expressed agreement. People who are all about saving others are completely incomparable with those who are brazen and just barely keep the bottom line. In terms of strength, they do have a gap. Although he hasn’t reached the level of unscrupulousness, he is no longer the original righteous hero.

“Stop talking about this, tell me your other plan. A plan that can really be implemented.”

“Of course, this plan is absolutely feasible!”

On this question, Loki answered solemnly vowed.

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