Sun God Marvel

Chapter 590

Saman Rachael-Grom Ross is the leader of Fire Element Legion and one of the most powerful officers under the command of the Balrog King. He and Mu Ross are best friends and the most suitable partners. Therefore, when Mu Ross issued summon, this guy immediately descended from the world of Fire Element, and, with its descendants, its element Legion appeared on the battlefield.

When the huge and terrifying body of Samara snake appeared on the battlefield, almost everyone stopped their own footsteps and looked at the terrifying giant beast. Its red and blazing body makes people feel oneself as if looking directly at a burning flame. And when the terrifying high temperature on it swept like a storm, every Asgardian present had the illusion of being in anxious hell.

For the Asgard people who are accustomed to Asgard’s icy climate, this is a very torture in itself, not to mention that this scorching heat wave also has terrifying lethality. However, this was not the thing that panicked the Asgardians present the most. What made them panicked was that they appeared with the Sharmanra snake, just like the ants guarding the queen by the queen, the densely packed Fire Element army .

Like huge, upright giant lizards, these Fire Elements have a hideous look similar to Lizard. And when they were all dressed in scales and armor, holding long halberd looming in flames, and appearing neatly on the battlefield, even the experienced heroes felt the fear of a tingling scalp.

Compared with ordinary Flame Giant, these flame Lizards are much stronger. Although they do not have much advantage over ordinary giants in power, the nature of the wild beast makes them more combat effective. And it is not this that makes the heroic spirits most worried, but their characteristics almost equivalent to the undying body.

Fire Lizard and Samanra are the same elemental creatures. For them, as long as there is flame, there is no need to worry about the threat of Death. They will heal their own wounds with flames, and even be reborn in flames.

The heroes are not incapable of destroying this group of shameless troops like oneself, but to destroy them requires the heroic spirits to pay their own magic to extinguish the flames of these elements, and that is equivalent to fate. transaction. For Heroic Spirit, this kind of transaction is definitely not a cost-effective transaction.

But now, they have no other choice. When the Fire Element Legion appeared, when the battle on the battlefield meant Asgard’s future, they had no retreat.

Every hero held the sword in his hand tightly, and every warrior moved his own footsteps. Soldiers move forward, life and death move backwards. At this moment, there is no room for change. It’s life or death, which is no longer in their consideration.

Just when everyone is holding the idea of ​​giving up their lives and forgetting their lives, everyone puts life and death out of their minds. The loud and fierce horn sound suddenly came from outside the battlefield.

That was the sound of the horn of hope, and when the horn sounded, miraculous dawn began to descend on the battlefield. Under the protection of the aurora, the pure white Martial Goddess drove a pure white mount and wielded a god-given weapon into the battlefield.

The white radiance reflected on their armor, setting off the entire battlefield with a bright light. And the sharpness of their weapons also swept the entire battlefield like an aurora that suddenly pierced the sky.

Fire Element Legion was instantly hit by this group of Martial Goddess. Numerous radiance and sword energy bombarded wildly, immediately tearing the entire enemy army into two from the side of Element Legion. half.

The characteristic of Fire Lizard that reborn from the ashes is useless before Martial Goddess’ divine force strikes. Before Mu Ross and Grom Ross had time to react, hundreds of fire Lizard It was achieved the sky full of fire star, completely annihilated to the most original state.

This situation naturally caused Grom Ross, the leader of the flame Legion, to scream, and its nine huge heads also began to shake wildly, spitting out towards the heroes of Asgard Deadly flame.

In the face of Shamanra’s revenge, Brunhild slammed his own mount, turned into the light of a meteor, and greeted him first.

Gudgangong erected an unbreakable barrier of holiness, completely blocking the flames of Shamanla. With Brunhild’s actions, eight dazzling silhouettes rushed out of the Martial Goddess queue. That was Brunnhilde’s sister and comrade-in-arms, and the leader of all Martial Goddess.

These eight silhouettes gathered to Brunhild’s side with the horses that can fly in the sky, and together they faced the incomparable gigantic Shaman Raider. Looking at the reinforcements appearing beside him, Brunhild immediately held up his own sword and let out a loud shout again.

“For Asgard!”

“For Asgard!” Countless responses sounded, voices from the heroic spirits and Martial Goddess one after another, on the battlefield. Converged on top to become the most exciting horn.

The charge began. The heroic spirits rushed from the ground to the remaining Flame Giant, while Martial Goddess launched an attack from the sky to the element Legion below. Cries and kills ceaselessly, and blood rushes to the sky. The entire battlefield instantly turned into a huge meat grinder, mixing all the lives inside and twisting them into fragments.

There are people dying every minute and every second. There are Flame Giants, heroes, Fire Element life, and heroic Martial Goddess. The cruel fighting made everyone in them feel a huge impact on their souls. In the face of this impact, Asgard chose to forget the struggle of life and death, but the Flame Nation has already begun to lose ground.

Everyone can see that this is a trap set against Msbelheim. And Legion, the Naruto giant, who has stepped into the trap, is already getting into real trouble and can’t help himself.

Even with the support of Legion, it is impossible to make things happen again. At this point, Mu Ross felt the most profoundly the moment he saw Martial Goddess Legion appear. He has already lost, completely lost. Not to mention the Flame Giants in his hands, even the Legion with Grom Ross’s element may be a bode ill rather than well end.

Now for him, the best choice is to retreat, as far as possible to ensure that oneself has the strength in his hands. However, Mu Ross was not reconciled to admit this failed outcome.

Obviously, it has temporarily occupied a huge advantage. It is obvious that as long as other forces are assembled, Ragnarök’s dooms can be brought to Asgard. However, at this time, the enemy’s tricks Oneself All efforts were in vain. How could this make him feel reconciled, and how could he fled back, facing his king.

The flame of unwillingness and hatred wanted Viper to bite his heart, making this already arrogant giant more and more irrational. And when he saw Brunhild, who was riding in the sky riding a mount, flying and waiting for Martial Goddess facing Shaman Rasnake, he immediately yelled. With the raging flames, if the rocket soars up into the sky, it will slaughter the Martial Goddess.

“Go die for me, Brunhild. Die for me with your warriors in this land!”

I was still with Shamanra The biggest head in the middle was both offensive and defensive, and Brynhild, who was stalemate with each other, heard this voice and immediately turned his head. Then he saw the Flame Giant, which was pressing straight towards oneself like a meteorite.

Mu Ross’s huge body and the fluctuations of formidable strength all over his body made Brunhild immediately realize his threat, but instead of at all lose one’s head out of fear, she held a shield towards The previous top blocked Mu Ross’ body firmly from the outside.

Although Mu Ross waved his own fist vigorously, making oneself bang on the shield like a siege hammer, ping-pong on the shield, but this still couldn’t break through Gudgan. Tribute defense. On the other side, the battle between the powerful Martial Goddess and Shamanra is almost over.

Samanra is very powerful, even compared to mythical creatures like dragons. But its opponent is even stronger. Each of the nine people in the cream of the crop in Martial Goddess is a famous fighter. And Brunhilde has a record of slaying dragons. In front of them, Shamanra had no other possibility except to rely on the characteristics of reborn from the ashes for a longer period of time.

And now, it has persisted to its limit.

When the other eight Martial Goddess used own swords and spears to cut off or directly nail the head that oneself was dealing with on the ground, Brunhild had already wielded the own sword. Grammer, with the most bursting dragon fire, directly divided the head of Shamanla with the whole body into two halves.

Dragon fire, which is different from elemental flame, cannot make Shamanra a power to resurrect, and it goes even further. The evil dragon’s magic fire directly burned its body, turning its entire body into a huge torch.

When the main head and body were all destroyed, the other eight heads also wailed and turned into dying flames, disappearing into the air together with the main body.

As an elemental spirit, Shamanra has no entity. And this performance already means that it has been taken away from life. And watching the whole process of Grom Ross’s beheading, the helpless Mu Ross went crazy.

Samanra Snake Grom Ross is an elf born with it. For him, they are friends, brothers, and comrades in Life and Death Together. And now, in front of his eyes, Grom Ross was beheaded by Martial Goddess, giving back to between Heaven and Earth. This caused all the emotions in his heart to be detonated in an instant, turning into endless rage and desperate madness.

The angry Mu Ross no longer cared about other things. He tore off his chest, pinched his heart with his hand, and then sent out a malicious roar to Martial Goddess. curse.

“Brownhild, you are impossible to win. Even at the cost of my life, I will let you be buried. Your dream to save Asgard is just an unrealistic Dream, under the conquest of Flame Giant, you can’t do anything. Despair, go to death. Face the endless army of flames. Let you see, my last strength!”

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