Sun God Marvel

Chapter 594

Standing quietly in the sky above the Rhine, War God Tyr caressed owner’s broken arm. There was a rare melancholy on his face. For him, the things that he least want to see and the things he most hope for have already happened at the same time, and facing what has happened, he has a feeling of not knowing what to do.

The invasion of the dark gnomes is coming as scheduled, which is a good thing. For Tyre, opponents who dare to stand on the surface are not worth fearing. Moreover, in terms of his personality, the opponents in a head-on confrontation are always far easier to deal with than the hidden Xiao Xiao.

However, as the battle started and progressed, the situation was very different. And it has already developed into a worse and worse situation.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, the composition of the forces under the hand. Without bravery and fearlessness, skilled heroic spirits are at the core, it is really difficult for ordinary warriors to open the situation in battle. On the other hand, it was because of the sudden appearance of powerful enemies.

Just when he was fighting against Yemengard, the commander of the dark dwarf, Hoddle, who had been transformed into a Fenrir wolf, appeared on the battlefield and addressed him without the slightest hesitation. Launched an attack.

One against two, Tyre is naturally too weak. The most important thing is that he really didn’t think about how to face Fenrir with an attitude.

Although he had suffered severe hand injury on Hoddle back then, but to be honest, he was not at all and therefore had any resentment towards this tragic younger brother. On the contrary, in that matter, he felt more deeply about own self-blame.

Because after Hoddle accidentally killed Bald, Odin gave an order to deprive Hoddle of the divine force, degrading him as a mortal and exiled him outside Asgard.

From the king’s point of view, this is actually an extra kindness. But for Tyre, this was actually driving the poor little brother to death. Whether a blind person who has lost the divine force can live in the crisis-ridden other world is a question that does not require thinking. But in the face of the king’s order, Tyre had no chance of resisting. Furthermore, Tyre voluntarily acted as the person who carried out Odin’s orders.

In his opinion, it is better to be oneself than to let those who are malicious towards Hoddle drive him out. At the very least, he will arrange for Hoddle a safer environment where he can spend the rest of his life in peace. However, when he arrived in front of Hoddle, Hodder, who had already been nervously disturbed by the wind and grass, asked such a question immediately.

“Are you here to kill me, Tyre! My big brother!” This was a question asked by Hoddle at the time, and it was a helpless and desperate question to the younger brother. , But it was the first time that Tyre said something against his will.

“Don’t worry, Hoddle. This is just an accident. I will take you outside to avoid it for a while. When the Royal Father’s anger is gone, he will let you come back.”

Tyr could not speak out about depriving Hoddle of the divine force and degrading him as a mortal, so he could only vaguely promise him that.

As a guarantee, Hoddle, who was brought up by Tyre since he was a child, easily believed his words. It was just his natural vigilance that made him give oneself an extra layer of insurance. He used the own divine tool Krepnell to firmly tie the own hand and Tyre’s hand together to ensure that oneself would not be abandoned by oneself’s only brother.

For Hoddle at that time, the only brother Tyr I could trust was oneself’s only support. So he tied oneself to Tyre, which is equivalent to putting the trust of own on him. For the sensitive Hoddle, Death is not terrifying, but terrifying is betrayal and abandonment. He won’t accept abandonment. Even with this method, he has to get entangled with Tyre, and even if he is dead, he has to be with oneself’s only big brother.

Till understands Hoddle’s mind, and he is not willing to abandon his younger brother. But the order is absolute, he can only maintain this unlikely lie.

But then, everything was exposed after all. The sensitive Hoddle discovered Tyre’s lie, so he chopped off his arm before depriving him of the own divine force, and embarked on the road of defection with his arm.

Hoddle, who could not accept the betrayal and abandonment, chose to defect, and this was what Tyr felt most guilty of. He felt that Hoddle’s rebellion was entirely because oneself had failed his trust, and because of this, he was shocked by Hodder who suddenly appeared in front of oneself, and almost died.

As a War God, he has the strength to suppress Yemengade, but with the addition of a Fenrir transformed from Hoddle, he is no opponent at all, especially in his mind. The situation has been chaotic.

So, defeat is already an obvious thing. Although not painful, it did make Asgard’s defense system on the edge of the Rhine a heavy blow. And this also makes their next defensive battle even more disadvantaged.

When the mighty and broad Rhine River flows into the Great Rock Valley area on the border of Asgard, because the channel is divided by the rock valley, it can only be reunited through dozens of winding tributaries.

For Tyre, garrisoning in the Great Rock Valley is obviously more conducive to defense, at least, it will not be too late to support because of the huge Rhine. But now, their defense has been pushed down, pushed to the lower Rhine, which makes their defense difficult.

The huge Rhine River is the most important obstacle, because of this endless river, he can only put oneself’s few troops on both sides to prevent the dark dwarf from invading Asgard. But that also put half of the warriors in a huge danger.

The division and rule of the two armies is itself a taboo for marching. In this situation that is not conducive to command, even if he is a War God, there is no big way. And more importantly, he was worried about the attack by Yemengade and Fenrir. Once one of them specifically drags oneself, it will not take long for the other to completely wipe out the army on the opposite side of the river.

Unless he can solve one of the guys as quickly as possible, and then go to deal with the other guy. But this plan just thinks about it, and it feels unreliable.

That is an ominous beast that can fight against God, and it is a terrifying monster transformed from God. How could it be possible to defeat one in a short period of time! So Tyre can only hope for reinforcements that may appear, such as Thor. Judging from the current situation, this is the only guy he can count on, and only he has the ability to come and help oneself.

Others, like Brunhild who was stationed on the front line for him to resist Flame Giant, he really had no idea at all. In his opinion, the situation there is much worse than here. Because they are facing the Balrog King and his fifty Legion. That kind of power, even if the entire Asgard pounced on it, it was still incapable. Now only relying on the heroic spirits and Martial Goddess to block their footsteps, it is an impossible mission.

At the beginning, he was very reluctant, but that was when the enemy didn’t want to attack. So he didn’t think that Brynhild could create any miracles, at best it would only last for a while.

However, he is not at all opposed to the idea of ​​this plan. Because in his opinion, this plan is indeed feasible. It’s just that the first place to open the gap is not Brunnhild, but oneself. As long as oneself can take the lead in opening up the situation and destroying the resurgent group of dark gnomes, then it can transfer the army in the fastest time, support Brunhild, and re-maintain the stalemate with Flame Giant.

It’s just that the situation is really unexpected.

The River Rhine was still rushing in the hong long long, but Tyr, who was still in contemplation, suddenly noticed that a UFO-like phantom began to appear in the distant forest. It was a tall battleship like dozens of swords, dark and icy, full of cold and severe and ferocious that War Machine has.

That is the battleship of the dark gnomes, a weapon built by the dark gnomes exiled outside the world to avenge Asgard. The battleship that can cross the universe can not only be invisible, but can also conduct a frontal collision in the most violent way. Under the huge size and tonnage of battleship, it can completely do no stronghold one cannot overcome. So in just an instant, they cut through the wide river, smashed countless rocks, and charged to Asgard’s camp in an almost violent posture.

At the same time, countless wolves’ shadows appeared in the forest, and the oily green eyes were like fire like clusters of ghosts, which spread all over the forest in an instant. The stern wolf howled after another, almost without stopping. Soon, the soldiers of Asgard discovered that oneself had been surrounded by countless wolves, and each of them knew very well what it meant.

The enemy’s surprise attack has arrived, and the war has started again.

Although they are not heroes of a hundred battles like the heroes, the warriors present do not mean any cowardice. Without Tier’s instructions, they took up their own weapons and made a defensive posture.

As soon as these warriors are ready to face the battle, the battleship has opened its hatch, and countless dark gnomes in thick armor are holding firearms, and they are lined up and walked out of the battleship. He came out, and immediately launched a fatal attack on the warriors arrayed below.

A rain of bullets erupted from the peculiar firearms in the hands of the dark gnomes. Under this attack, the warriors of Asgard immediately fell into a decline. After all, a shield can block it for a while, but it cannot block a lifetime. Soon, victims appeared in Asgard’s camp.

Looking at this situation, Tyr took action immediately. He can’t allow his own subordinates to be suppressed so much, so before the enemy’s leader has appeared, he can only choose to strike first.

As he swept across the Rhine, while he was left, the Rhine, which was originally only flowing calmly, suddenly burst into extremely turbulent waves, and a huge snake came from Flying away from below the surface of the water, with a huge mouth that could almost swallow the mountain, he bit towards Tyre.

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