Sun God Marvel

Chapter 597

The sudden change in the situation made Tyr a little stunned. He didn’t expect Fenrir to be so ruthless, nor did he expect his counterattack to return so swiftly. So when the countless wolf-shaped undercurrents bit him, he still didn’t react at all. And this immediately caused him to be hit hard.

Demon wolf’s kiss tore off his armor like pieces of paper. Then he sharpened his teeth and body, and in a few seconds, he tore large pieces of flesh and blood from his body. This made Tyre, the tall man, couldn’t help groaning, but he lost his fighting power because of not at all, but instead broke out with a strong fighting spirit.

At this time, he completely ignored the drenched with blood body, but with a single arm, he violently pulled a demon wolf from oneself who was greedily devouring oneself’s flesh and blood, and then took it in his mouth. They belonged to the own flesh and blood, and they were crushed to pieces.

This immediately caused the demon wolves who were still holding God’s blood on the corners of oneself’s mouth to let out a wailing, and then in a frenzied hurricane, these demon wolves gathered together one after another , And then turned into a huge demon wolf Fenrir again.

At this time, Fenrir’s mouth was full of dripping blood. Obviously, it was the flesh and blood torn from Tyr. However, he was not intact, because of Tyr’s movements just now, there were hideous wounds on his left forelimb and right eye. Although the wound looked much better than Tyr’s body, it was scary enough. And now, demon wolf let out a miserable howl because of such a wound.

“Damn, damn. Tyre, how dare you hurt my eyes, how dare you treat me like that. I will tear you apart, I will eat you. My eyes, mine Eyes!”

The terrifying wound on the left forelimb that almost chopped up the bone not at all makes the demon wolf move. Compared with this wound, it cares more about the injured right eye of oneself. The almost bursting eye sockets made the eyes with shattered crystals look like a glass ball that was stepped on, and the liquid mixed with blood made people look disgusting.

If it is disgusting, Fenrir doesn’t care much. What he cared about was the darkness that appeared before oneself. He was originally a blind and cherished this kind of hard-to-obtain vision, and it was precisely because of this that he was so furious, and even revealed almost terrifying killing intent.

In the face of Fenrir like this, Tyre sneered and wiped the blood from oneself’s wound.

“If you can do it, you can try it. Hoddle, you are not my opponent through childhood. Even if you become such a monster, do you think that oneself can win me? “

“Go to hell, go to hell!”

Fenrir suddenly howled, the next moment he has turned into a dark lightning, and once again You rushed over.

And Tyr faced Fenrir’s raid, but he didn’t even release the radiance giant sword. He just put up the sword in his hand, and then calmly swung the sword violently and flew past its body as if the radiance of Fenrir’s incarnation reached him.

Sword edge wiped Fenrir’s body, and immediately brought a piece of dirty blood from him. Such damage made Fenrir roar immediately. Tyr is coldly smiled, mocking Fenrir who has appeared behind oneself and said with a smile.

“Why, did you lose your mind when you became a monster? Have you forgotten who I am? Use such an obvious attack against me, you want to die in my hands Come on?”


Looking at oneself’s hideous abdomen that can almost see the wound in the intestines, Fenrir grinned open, revealing the forest. Cold teeth and a dripping bright red mouth.

“You are very strong, my brother, I have to admit that. But have you forgotten something? The current situation is not the time for the two of us to resolve our personal grievances. Compared with teaching me , It seems that you should pay more attention to the rise and fall of Asgard! And now, the situation is very dangerous!”

Hearing this, Tyr glanced silently at the surrounding situation. As Fenrir said, the situation of his army is not very optimistic.

Just dealing with the dark gnomes who re-formed the array has made them exhausted, and the wolves that constantly sneak attacks from the side make them impossible to attend to other things. Although Tyre and Fenrir have not played for a long time, they have paid a very heavy price.

And this price is clearly beyond the reach of Tyre.

So immediately, Tyr immediately put aside Fenrir behind him, and the sword cross-cut immediately turned into an overwhelming edge, slashing to the battleship of the dark dwarf.

In an instant, the dwarf’s battleship was cut in half under the sharp edge of the radiance giant sword, and then fell diagonally toward the ground like a mountain overturned. This immediately caused the dark gnomes gathered near the battleship to start covering head and sneaked away like a rat, which naturally gave the Asgard warriors a chance to breathe.

And just when Tyre was about to switch the sword edge and apply the radiance giant sword to the wolves below. The gloomy dark streamer had already rushed towards him again.

Fenrir would not allow Tyr to slaughter his ethnicity like this, and Tyr did not dare to just let Fenrir bite his own. It was definitely a fatal thing, so he immediately turned around and held the terrifying wolf kiss with his own sharp sword.

The demon wolf closed the own sharp teeth forcefully, and the sharper fangs than any sword stuck tightly on the edge of the giant sword in Tyre’s hand, making his sword no longer able to move forward. With the weapons being restrained, Tyre and Fenrir also became a purely power confrontation.

On this, Fenrir has an absolute advantage.

Its huge body allows him with no difficulty to hold the hilt of Tyr and shake it up, and under his movements, Tyr can only be manipulated like a toy , It is difficult to make any resistance.

In this situation, Fenrir couldn’t help but let out a low growl, like a triumphant smile, which sounded extraordinarily oozing. And at this time, the giant sword of radiance suddenly disappeared.

When Fenrir threw Tyr’s body to a high place, Tyr abruptly reduced his own strength. He turned the radiance giant sword into invisible, and at the same time, he used the falling power to burst out with a speed like light, holding up the Divine Sword and the Tyr front pierced directly towards Fenrir.

Although Fenrir turned around in time, his overly huge body dragged him down at this time, making him unable to completely avoid Tyre’s attack.

Sword edge followed his neck and tore an incomparable gigantic wound from the vital side of his throat. Such a wound immediately caused Fenrir to howl and fell to the ground. The blood that flowed out like a fountain poured out continuously along the wound on his neck, and soon turned the land around him into a pool of black blood.

While looking at such Fenrir, Tyr held the giant sword and walked up step by step.

“Hoddle, now you are so stupid that you can’t look straight. Could it be that you have been a wild beast for a long time, have you even forgotten the skill of fighting thoroughly? How dare to talk to me? Sword confrontation, what gives you such confidence?”

“Tyre!” Even at this time, Fenrir’s face is still angry and murderous killing intent, he growls War low God’s name, and then suddenly wailed a sad and almost crazy cry. “I said, I’m Fenrir. It’s not Hoddle. If you have the ability, you kill me. Don’t tell me so much nonsense. At this time, do you still think I will listen to you? Go back That damn place, do you bow your head to those damn bastards? Don’t think about it, I will die, and I won’t do it.”

“I won’t let you die, nor will I let you So act wilfully. Whether you like it or not, I will not let you continue to make mistakes like this.”

Tyer stretched out his sword as he spoke, and handed the blade to Fenrir’s limbs. Past. His meaning is very simple, that is, to completely disable Fenrir Yu’s ability to move at this moment, and then take him back to the Golden Palace.

But this is definitely something that Fenrir can’t accept anyway, so it violently rioted with oneself’s last power and hit Tyre’s body with one head.

Unexpectedly, Fenrir also spared Tyr’s strength and was immediately forcibly lifted out of the ground, and at this time, there was a dull sound of hong long long under the earth. It was not the sound of the battleship, nor was it the sound of other battles. It was more like the sound of something huge moving down the earth.

While everyone was still thinking about what was going on, the earth suddenly broke apart. The huge Yemengada shattered the earth, suddenly came out from below the surface with chaotic water and cracked rocks, opened his huge jaws, and swallowed it forcefully towards Tyre.

This sudden occurrence made Tyre startled. He knew that Yemengard had a terrifying recovery ability, but he didn’t expect it to recover so quickly, even half of it was cut off. The head injury can be recovered in such a short time.

This unexpected thing immediately brought him into absolute danger. However, instead of at all, he chose to give up. Instead, he violently raised the Tyr front, aimed it at the giant snake under Oneself, and exploded all of Oneself’s power.

The huge unimaginable sword suddenly appeared and stretched directly toward the giant snake’s throat. The unmatched sharpness instantly tore apart the muscles on both sides of the giant snake’s mouth, cut off its snake letter, shred its fangs, and went deep down frantically amid the violent friction of bones.

According to this situation, it will not take too much time. This radiance giant sword can split Yemengade’s entire head in half, and at that time, Tyre really I really want to see if this giant snake who has come back from the dead can persist and crawl out of the abyss of Death.

However, at this time, a dark fishy wind flashed past Tyre.

Blood blossoms flashed, blood spilled. The strong arm fell with the sword. The sword of radiance suddenly disappeared, and the serpent of the world also closed its own huge mouth. In an instant, all the situation was completely reversed.

Tyre, life and death are already unknown!

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