Sun God Marvel

Chapter 602

Fenrir’s howls continued, and there was no end to it. The endless radiance washed over his body, making every inch of his body and skeleton feel burnt and melted. This will not make him Death, but it will make him more painful than Death.

And looking at such a miserable behavior that can’t even be described in human terms, neither Asgard nor Yemengard meant to discourage.

In the eyes of the Asgardians, such a monster who kills his father and brother is not an exaggeration even if he is treated with cruel punishment. For Yemengard, this was purely asking for trouble. He is not interested in paying for this stupid behavior, and even less willing to offend Zhou Yi because of this stupid terrifying existence.

So Fenrir began to suffer, until Zhou Yi completely lost interest in him, and he was put back on the ground. At this time, he had become a mass of coke-like things. If his chest were not still undulating, I am afraid that many people would think he was dead.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if he is dead and undying now. Yemengjia just glanced at this guy faintly, and then put his own eyes on Zhou Yi again.

“Your Excellency, please ignore this idiot. His actions are entirely his actions alone and have nothing to do with us. Moreover, if you agree to my proposal, I can represent us. Here, leave this guy to you and leave it to you. I don’t know what you want?”

“I want him to be useful, I care more about your life than him. !” I didn’t even bother to look at Fenrir who was lying on the ground, Zhou Yi stepped forward and approached Yemengga step by step. “It can be seen by just looking at it. This evil dog is just a foolish fool. Compared to him, I think you are more threatening. A ghost who can hide for so long and come back from the dead, No matter how you look at it, it deserves my special attention. Isn’t it?”

“It is a great honor for you to say that. But is it a bit too much? I’m just a poor lonely ghost, Wandering helplessly on this World. I finally got a chance to return to the world. Although I took advantage of your Excellency in the case of as a last resort, it was not my intention.”

The giant snake said so, quietly lowered its own body, like an acknowledge allegiance or a tribute, and pressed its lower jaw tightly to the ground.

And for this humble picture, there is even a low level of performance. Martial Goddess, who had been watching, suddenly stepped in and suggested to Zhou Yi.

“Don’t believe this cunning guy, Tyre is still in his stomach. Whether you want to avenge him or protect Asgard, it’s our best choice to destroy it here. .”

Speaking of this, Martial Goddess has driven the own mount, and murderous aura rushed forward. Looking at Zhou Yi, who didn’t mean to stop Martial Goddess from moving forward, the giant snake lying low on the ground gave a long sigh.

“It’s a pity!”

Speaking of this, it shook its own tail abruptly, and with the thunderbolt across the sky and Mount Tai overwhelming, it moved towards Brensea Erd whipped it straight. But this immediately changed Brunhild’s face.

She didn’t expect Yemengard to turn around so fast, and she didn’t expect it to take oneself as a goal. And when the huge tail, which could almost cover the entire sky, fell with strong wind pressure, she had no way to deal with it.

In the face of this sudden attack, even the unicorn with two wings under her crotch couldn’t get away in time. And without her shield, she has no way to withstand a terrifying and powerful attack. Either death or injury, this is the tragic end she faces, even if she has the identity of God, it will be no exception.

But, just when she couldn’t help closing her eyes, ready to accept this reality. A ray of light passed through the gap in her eyes and was felt by her.

This situation made her immediately open her eyes, and as soon as her eyes were opened, she immediately found the silhouette standing in front of oneself. Zhou Yi stood in front of her right now, and naturally, the person facing Yemengard’s raid changed from Brunhild to him.

For Zhou Yi, he is absolutely impossible to hurt Brunhild. This was confirmed when Brunhild swore to protect him. When Brunhild swore in front of Odin that he would be his shield, he had actually established a special relationship between them.

In Brunhild’s view, maybe she is Zhou Yi’s Guardian and the last line of defense in front of Zhou Yi. In Zhou Yi’s view, Brunhild is also someone who needs to be protected by him. He has passed the ridiculous years of treating everyone as the goal of protection. But this does not mean that he is indifferent and no longer willing to help others and protect others.

When someone shows enough kindness to him and gains his approval, he will naturally not mind putting him in the asylum of own.

And Brunhild is an existence that he recognizes and is willing to give shelter. A special existence, because of this, he is willing to stand up at this time and pay for her recklessness.

The impossible tail of the giant snake stopped, and when the target it faced became Zhou Yi, such a surprise attack had become a complete tragedy.

I just squeezed the divine spear in my hand, and lifted it high up with the falling tail. At the next moment, the endless radiance surged, gathered, and turned into a giant gun-blade front, standing majestically on the surface.

The giant tail fell, and the meet force with force hit the front, and immediately staged a tragedy of an egg hitting a rock.

The sturdy giant tail, which was enclosed by the tall peaks by no less than a few minutes, was completely cut into two sections by this bright and almost dazzling front. The face is smooth and unimaginable, and you can even clearly see the muscle texture and skeleton texture in it. After a while, blood is sprayed from the face, and for an instant it is like a spewing waterfall and river. He dyed the entire sky and the earth a black and red blood.

The giant snake roared, and even its body began to twitch unconsciously because of the severe pain, whether it was the part of the truncated tail or the part that was still controlled by the body. Compared with the part that is still controlled by the body, its truncated tail is almost crazy.

Countless rocks and trees were smashed and twisted into powder by this twisting and twitching tail. With its incomparable gigantic size and tonnage, such uncontrolled movements alone are enough to cause terrifying damage.

While looking at this section of the docked tail that was twisting and spraying dirty blood, Zhou Yi immediately showed an expression of disgust on his face.

Although he doesn’t have a habit of cleanliness, but with his character, seeing such a filthy and crazy existence still makes him feel unacceptable. Driven by this feeling, he immediately waved the divine spear on his hand, and suddenly cut the space near the docking tail, making the golden sacred fire like a rushing river, hiding the sky and covering the earth. Surging towards the docking tail.

In front of this sacred fire, this fragment of Yemengade’s body simply did not hold on to the probability. In an instant, it was violently burned inside and out. In a short period of time, it completely turned into ashes, covering the entire land underneath with a vast piece of gray.

Such a terrifying mighty force naturally stuns everyone. But at this time, Yemengade, who forcibly swallowed the painful roar of own into his stomach, suddenly opened his big mouth, and rushed forward.

At this time, its goal is not Zhou Yi. In fact, unless it is crazy, it will never regard Zhou Yi as its own goal. Because if it does that, I’m afraid it can’t wait for it to close its mouth, and the terrifying radiance and sacred fire will completely burn it to ashes from the inside out.

So it just avoided Zhou Yi from a distance, swallowed Fenrir, who was lying on the ground without knowing his life or death, with a big mouth, and then relied on oneself’s huge body full of The terrifying force, upon hitting the head, plunged the whole body of own into the depths of the earth.

The fragmented surface that has been destroyed by it could not stop its violent movements at all. It was just a blink of an eye, and its huge body was like a ground burr, and it penetrated deeply into the ground. Place. Only about half of his body remained, pushing and wandering on the ground like a giant pillar in the sky. And with the ebbing of time, this half of the body also disappeared section by section above the surface at a very frightening speed.

Watching it act like an earthworm more than a snake, Zhou Yi was taken aback for a moment. It means trying to run! And how could he, who has clearly stood on Asgard’s side, let this guy who played an important role in Asgard’s end just run away like this? So immediately, he slammed the divine spear in oneself’s hand and turned it into a brilliant Light God light, like a lightning bolt piercing through Heavenspan, twisting towards the surface that was still above the ground. Most of the moving body flew past.

The fiery radiance flew onto Yemengade’s body in an instant, and it was like cutting butter with a burning red knife. There was hardly any obstruction. This radiance The body of the giant snake was instantly cut and ignited, and then it slashed on the ground without any loss.

The already fragmented earth can no longer withstand a sudden heavy blow. In a heavy and huge roar, everyone felt the change of the ground under oneself’s feet. The earth is shaking, the earth is sinking. This geological change that should have only appeared in countless years of time has been condensed to an instant at this moment. And the formidable power that burst out at this moment is far more terrifying than the earthquake and tsunami.

The entire land has been overturned and rolled down towards Rhine. The river was pushed by hundreds of millions of tons of mud, and its course was forcibly changed. millions and millions years The unchanging Rhine changed its own river channel for the first time, and its own flow was cut off by man-made forces.

And all this is enough to make anyone or even God stunned.

Looking at Zhou Yi, they seemed to feel that oneself was looking at a completely different creature, an existence that they wanted to look up to. But now, they don’t know that this existence that has been promoted by Infinity in their hearts, their mood at this moment is unusually bad!

The enemy, actually ran away!

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