Sun God Marvel

Chapter 607

Even guys like Zhou Yi have to admit their personal powerlessness. No matter how strong a person is, they are powerless in the face of a multi-party game. Although you can overturn the table, you cannot win the game. Because this is a multifaceted and comprehensive confrontation of forces, it is not just power that is tested.

The formal alliance with Asgard is undoubtedly a good way to make up for his shortcomings. At least in the region of Earth, Asgard is an ally with decisive power. An existence that can make those fools who have been staring at own have to pay attention to or even fear.

However, although it seems that the prospects are pretty good, there is also a very important issue that has to be resolved in advance.

That is the right to speak!

Zhou Yi has the absolute right to speak of his power, because he himself is the leader, the ruler, and the protector. But Loki does not have this right to speak.

She is neither the king of Asgard nor a pivotal existence. She even said that she was still a sinner, a guy with a lot of history that made Asgard untrustworthy. And it is such an existence, actually boast shamelessly talk about alliances with oneself, and even argue with the courage of one’s convictions about the benefits of their alliances, which makes Zhou Yi feel weird no matter how you look at it.

“Don’t you think it’s too early for you to say this? Don’t forget your identity, it doesn’t make any sense for you to discuss this with me before it changes!”

“I know, so I just negotiated with you verbally, rather than reaching a written agreement that can be made public. In fact, as long as you are nodded, the rest is not a problem at all. At least it is right for you I’m not a problem!”

Zhou Yi’s worry does not have any effect on Loki, she smiled, and her cold and beautiful face showed disdain and full of confidence. But seeing her expression, Zhou Yi’s face sank.

“Do you want to launch a coup now and overthrow your Royal Father’s rule?”

“No, no, no!” shook the head, and the smile on Loki’s face became It became more subtle. “I don’t need to do that, don’t I? Odin is sleeping, after all, he can’t be considered a threatening existence. At this special time, we can change everything in a gentle way.”

“The sleeping king cannot make any changes to Asgard’s status quo. At this special time, Asgard needs a new king, a leader who can lead them out of this predicament. And this candidate Not many are they?”

“Tyr, Thor, Brunnhild! These are all qualified people in Asgard. Among them, Brunnhild is naturally It’s impossible. Although I have too much opinion on her not at all, her female identity is the biggest obstacle. Compared with the other two people, she is inherently at a disadvantage! “

“And Tyre Although this guy has a huge reputation among the fighters, he is not perfect, is he? Especially in this Ragnarök, his previous actions have cast a huge stain on him!”

“Fenrir’s matter made him impossible anyway to clarify the misunderstanding of own. After all, it was he who missed that year that made Hoddle plunge into the arms of our enemies with his own power. It was also because of that mistake that Odin was caught. Such a desperate situation. Therefore, such a person is impossible to become a king, whether he himself or others will not agree. “

“So, the last candidate is only Thor, right? “Saying this, Zhou Yi’s face showed obvious mockery. “It’s an amazing coincidence. Is this what you rely on? The future queen of Asgard?”

“Why, do you find it ridiculous or shameful? Don’t be too naive, Zhou Yi! It is reality, and only in this way is the development that is most in line with our interests.”

Listening to Loki’s answer, Zhou Yi smiled indifferent expression.

“Really? If you say that, I have to ask. Since you are so confident that Thor has the best hope of becoming king, why don’t you recommend him now? In this When Thor just rescued the Golden Palace and rescued the capital from danger, isn’t it your best chance?”

“Chance? Before it becomes a complete reality, it’s just It’s just a conjecture in my mind. I have failed again and again to fully realize how ridiculous the so-called opportunity is before the variables, so I am not sure that I will make this stupid mistake again.”

Loki walked around, came to the throne, then looked at the gold and jade in glorious splendor throne with a sharp sneer. For him, this throne really has too much to do with him. After all, everything she had was destroyed by it and completely subverted by it. So for it, her emotions are too complicated. Even now that she has refocused her idea on it, it is difficult for her to have any good feelings for this throne!

Zhou Yi doesn’t care about Loki’s thoughts and feelings for this throne, all he cares about is her so-called plan.

“Full confidence, can you tell me what full confidence is?”

“Do you want to know what full confidence is? It is actually very simple, you are what I arranged Sure. “He stretched out his hand and clicked Zhou Yi below, and the conspiracy on Loki’s face was immediately revealed. “Maybe at first you did not meet my requirements, but now, after that many people have seen your power, the situation will definitely change.”

“Asgard is a worshiper In the powerhouse country, the more powerful people are, the more they will be respected. Even more how you are their hero, their Savior. With this series of identity bonuses, you can fully respond. And as long as At this time you stand up publicly and declare your support for Thor, and the so-called opportunity is most likely to become a reality. Once Thor becomes the new king, with my influence on him, our alliance will become one The inevitable result!”

When Loki said this, Zhou Yi immediately began to applaud.

“I have to say, Loki, you really have grown a lot, at least you understand the truth that it is not successful until the last step. In addition, you actually plot against from the very beginning I’m making my mind, and all this is just to push Thor to the throne. This is really unexpected, and it’s not even like your pure selfish style. “

” When I was a male Loki, I naturally planned everything for oneself. But now, as a woman, I have to find an existence that I can rely on and is willing to rely on, and then use my power to control him Pushing towards Peak little by little, transforming into a mountain that can shelter me from wind and rain. This is the helplessness of being a woman! Why, is it difficult to understand? “

“Smart choice, in this case If you do, then I’ll tell you something that is good news for you! “Looking at Loki, who was alert and cunning like a fox, Zhou Yi expressionlessly told her that it was impossible to determine whether it was good or bad. . “Tyre is dead. He died in the hands of Fenrir and Yemengade. In this case, I have to congratulate you, your plan is one step closer to becoming a reality, at least Thor’s most threatening opponent It doesn’t exist anymore!”

“This is the good news you said?”

“Why, isn’t it for you?” Facing Loki’s rhetorical question, Zhou Yi also sneered. He thought that the conspirator would cheering excitedly because of the news, but in fact, she was not at all, and even complexion greatly changed because of the news, looking unacceptable.

“You think this is good news, how is it possible. You don’t know what I want! Yes, I want Thor to be a king, but I never thought about making him a widow. I have never thought of making Asgard’s river fall and shattered. What I want is the gathering of heroes and Asgard, a kingdom that can be passed down for generations, not the kind of place you think.”

“Really, that really surprised me. Or so, you finally made me impressed!”

Went to Loki’s side and pressed her shoulder. The huge Life Strength surged in immediately. After the divine force was degraded, the life energy did not have the possibility of confronting the power of the Infinity Gem, but relying on oneself’s more proficient control of power and familiarity with the Power Stone, Zhou Yi still left the Infinity Gem in Loki within the body The power was driven out.

After finishing all this, Zhou Yi immediately turned around and walked outside the great hall. And looking at Zhou Yi who looked like this, Loki immediately asked.

“Zhou Yi, what do you mean?”

“It means, it’s very simple! I support our alliance, but I don’t want it at this time Now, Asgard can’t be messed up, I promised Odin and Brunhild, that Asgard will get through all of this safely, so whether Ragnarök or your plan is good, all cannot be shaken to Asgard. “

“Doing this will make our alliance more difficult. Once Odin wakes up, he will never agree with you with his shrewdness.”

Almost shouting, Loki made the last effort and persuasion, hoping to make Zhou Yi change his own decision. But Zhou Yi’s performance was stronger than she thought.

“You need to know, Loki. I am no longer the original me. Principles are principles. On this basis, there are many things that cannot be accommodated. Even this thing is the same.”

This answer made Loki clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. She thought about many questions, but she didn’t expect that she would fall into the sand in Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi in her impression is clearly a flexible person, a person who knows how to make concessions for interests. Why is he actually talking about principles now!

The changes in the situation make her a little unacceptable, but there are only some. Having changed, she has a stronger acceptance of reality and can stay, and immediately when Zhou Yi said this, she immediately opened her mouth and said.

“The Owner of Power Stone is Malekiss, the king of dark gnomes. I must remind you that the cursed warriors he made with Infinity Gem are very powerful enemies, even better than Thor. Moreover, we don’t even know how many such fighters he has!”

Curse the fighters? Hearing this name, Zhou Yi immediately sneered silently. It’s just clay chickens and pottery dogs!

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