Sun God Marvel

Chapter 613

The contented Malekis walked away quietly. He doesn’t want people to know that oneself has met with Queen Hela, especially if he has reached an agreement with Hela. After watching Malkis leave the border of Underworld, Hela immediately turned around and said to the servant who was standing aside.

“Okay, the problem here has been solved. Now let’s go back to Niforheim.”

Niforheim, a world of snow and fog, It is also an uninhabited world. Because it is so close to the underworld of Heim, it has almost been assumed to be the territory of Queen Hela by default. In this World, what is hidden is not a little bit.

The main root of the world tree Uktra Hill is in this World, and in this World, there is also another secret, a secret that can dominate the destiny of the nine kingdoms. Only a few people know this secret, and Odin once wanted to explore the truth of this secret, but unfortunately, he paid a heavy price.

Hela is the insight of this secret, and where she is going now is the biggest secret of this World.

Nagilfa, the ship of the dead, quietly tore through the dense fog, and followed the Netherworld River Giore all the way back. Soon, this big ship, which symbolized death and pain, arrived in the territory of Niforgem. Netherworld River Gior originated from here, and naturally, the ship of the dead also traveled along the river to a strange place.

It is extremely strong, like a tree root. The huge and knotty body is like a series of ferocious dragons and snakes, entrenched in every corner under the sky. They are not mountains, but they are bigger than mountains. The upper part is connected to the endless void above the sky, and the lower part penetrates the vast thick soil under the earth. connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, rooted in the world, this is the root system of Uktra Hill, the tree of the world.

And in this huge root system that almost surpasses anyone’s imagination, the ship of the dead still travels all the way, tracing back to the source of the Netherworld River, until it reaches the depths of the root system.

The light almost lost its meaning here, and in this cold and humid darkness, Najirfa looked for the light flashing in front of him, and slowly fumbled over.

Soon, the light became clearer and clearer, and the scorching temperature assaults the senses, sweeping away the cold and dampness before. This feeling made Hela who was standing on the bow feel a little uncomfortable, but she still ordered the ship of the dead to be closer.

After a few deep corners, the source of the light finally became clear. It was a giant with a blazing flame burning all over, constantly waving the blazing sword in his hand, chopping down tree roots like a mountain wall. Every time it was slashed, the sword lingering in flames suddenly burst out with gushing light, and suddenly all around the dim space became bright.

In these countless repetitions, Utkrashir’s scaly-like skin has long been torn apart by a huge gap, and the texture like rock and metal inside is also covered by a sword. Little by little, the flame on it burned to ashes. Every time it goes deep, there will be a little more color inside the roots of the tree like a mountain wall. It was an incomparably deep darkness, a darkness that even the light of fire could not drive away. And in the darkness, a huge breathing sound that became clearer and clearer gradually delivered.

Listening to the much clearer breathing, Hela standing on the bow showed an indescribable joy. She flew impatiently, came to the giant who was wielding a sword to chop the roots of the tree, and asked him.

“Sulter, how long will it take you to finish your work?”

“Heh!” coldly snorted, his whole body covered in billowing black smoke and scarlet red flame The terrifying giant suddenly stopped the own action, then inserted the own sword in place, and said with a weird smile on Hela. “Why, Queen of Underworld, do you want to see that guy like this impatient?”

“Of course!” Hela answered this question without hesitation. Her gaze fell gently on a weird protrusion in the distance, and then said in a nonsense tone. “I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years I have waited for him to wake up, and now this day is about to come. How can I let him see that oneself is still imprisoned in this boring prison as soon as his eyes opened Where is the middle?”

As soon as she finished speaking, the strange protrusion in the distance twitched. At the same time, the root system of the entire world tree shook. The ancient and sacred giant tree suddenly let out a sour moan, as if something was pulling it, causing it to tremble involuntarily. As it trembled, the entire Niforheim began to undergo terrifying changes.

The earth cracked and the mountains collapsed. The sea and lake were swallowed by the torn ground cracks, and the floating clouds in the sky were stirred and scattered all over the sky. It was almost a scene of apocalyptic natural disasters, but it made the smile on Hela’s face brighter.

“Yes, dear. I know you heard my voice. Wait, wait! Soon we can get together again!”

She The tone was weird and crazy, which made Sirteer standing by feel that oneself is not communicating with a sane person at all. Compared with the arrogant and glamorous queen when facing Malekis, the current Hela is simply a madman, a crazy mad woman.

I really can’t stand the unhappy snorted of the Balrog King like Hela. The pungent gunpowder gushes out along his nasal cavity with a hot stream, at the root of World Tree A ball of sparks exploded on the wall, and Queen Hela, who was out of her mind, recovered.

“also in three days, I will be able to break this last barrier in three days. But I want to know if what you promised me is true. I don’t want to pay so much After the things, you won’t get anything.”

“Why, did you pay a lot?”

Hearing what he said, Hela raised her mouth and showed a hint of sarcasm. . And she tone barely fell, a scorching stream rushed towards her. That was the anger of the King of the Flame Demon, but before the Yan Liu touched Hela’s body, a gloomy icy mist suddenly rose up and stood in front of the Yan Liu.

Icy cold and hot, two completely different forces created countless scorching steam in this dark space, drowning everyone’s silhouette in the thick white mist. And in the white mist, Surtel put down his hand and stopped the oneself attack.

“Don’t provoke me, Hela. Do you want to know what the cost of offending me is? That’s not something you can afford. I have consumed all my soldiers. If you can’t give Let me explain, even if you have him guarding you, you won’t end up doing anything good.”

“Of course, it’s just a joke.”

Slightly smiled, Hela also quietly retreated back to the ship, and at the same time assured Sirter with words.

“Relax, we won’t be unbelievable. It’s like we promised you. As long as you can help me open this damn cage and help us regain what he has lost. We will give you everything you want.”

“Whether it’s the secret of reincarnation as the ancestor giant Ymir, or the Infinity Gem. Even the soul of Goddess you want most, me and He can give it to you. I remember that Goddess is called Brunhild, is it? A beautiful and brave girl. Seriously, even I like her a little bit. Especially after I heard that she rejected you ……”

Speaking of which, Hela laughed again. And looking at her disgusting look, Surtel rarely meant to be angry.

Hela’s conditions are really heart-warming and acknowledge allegiance, especially for him. Regarding the things she said, that little humiliation was completely within his tolerance. Of course, this does not mean that he will forget all the holidays. In fact, he just wrote all this down, and later, after he got what oneself wanted, some time and Hela settled.

Surter thought about this very clearly, and planned to perfectly clear. At this time, he would definitely not fall out with people like Hela. So after getting the answer that oneself wanted, he once again drew out his own sword, and amidst the roar of flames and roars, he restarted oneself’s work of hacking the World Tree.

Looking at the Balrog Lord who had resumed work, Hela showed a trace of disdain and mockery in her eyes. How could she not know Surtel’s little thought, but she didn’t care at all. With her strength, even Surtel may not be able to do anything to her. What’s more, who should be afraid of whom after three days is not necessarily true?

Hela, who also played selfish calculations, returned to the dead man’s ship without a word. For the next three days, she will stay here until Surtel hacks through the cage and releases the prisoners inside. She wants to see oneself the moment the person he loves most wakes up, and she wants him to see oneself first at that moment. This is her obsession as a woman, and it is also the most urgent thought in her heart.

And just as he was thinking about it like this, strange rustling sounds suddenly came from all around. When the sound was first heard, it was not particularly obvious, but in a blink of an eye it was like a sudden rainstorm, densely packed to the point of noisy.

Hearing this sound, Sulter immediately stopped owning and yelled into the darkness.

“Small insect, who allowed you to come here?”

“Small? Lord Wang of the flame demon, are you talking about me?” The head of a huge snake Suddenly poking out from the roots above their heads, it stared at the Balrog King holding the sword with its dim eyes, and while spitting out the own snake letter, it made a hoarse and low voice.

“Hehe, isn’t this the Rhine god Yemengade who just awakened? Why, don’t you lead your own army to attack Asgard, what do you mean by coming here to see my work?”

Sulter grinned when he saw the snake appearing in shape, spitting flames and mocking. But his words made the scales of the snake stand up suddenly.

“I still want to ask you about this? Why don’t you tell us the news that your army has been defeated? Why don’t you tell us that the enemy also exists. What do you want? What are you going to do, Lord of the Balrog—Sulter?”

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