Sun God Marvel

Chapter 620

The river of Rhine flooded like never before. The huge river, which was as wide as the sky, suddenly rises with a wave as high as 100 meters. There is a panic of courage entirely to break. And this is not the most intimidating.

The most intimidating thing is the serpent driving this endless flood in the raging waves, and the densely packed, faintly discernible creatures gathered in the flood. Gnomes, giants, Demon also mortals, as long as the creatures that have appeared in this world and stepped into the abyss of Death have appeared in this flood. The flood did not destroy the bodies of these dead, and sent them back to the world of Death. On the contrary, it also shelters these demons and ghosts, escorting them all the way to the land of Asgard.

For countless years, the prisoners of these dead nations have been waiting. Asgard conquered as many enemies, there were as many revenge soldiers here. Asgard’s warriors slaughtered as many Demons, there were as many monsters crawling out of the Abyss of Death.

It can be said that this is enough power to swallow the entire Asgard ten times, and it is enough power to completely turn this kingdom into ashes. And this is not all the Asgardians have to face.

Fenrir stood high on the ship of the dead, Najirfa, its huge stature, like a corner of the bow, with a special feeling of danger. And on the boat he was standing on, a pack of wolves were waiting, and the most elite soldiers of the dead stood there like a statue, seeming to be waiting for his order.

It is true that this fallen evil god has lost most of oneself’s descendants, but with Queen Hela as the backstage, he is not afraid of these meager losses. It only needs to be nodded, and all its lost heirs can return to in this world, and in a more terrifying and cruel attitude.

The combination of the undead and the pack of wolves can already rule the entire land and rivers. And above the sky, they still have their army.

The crowds of battleship obscured the sky, and almost every corner oneself passed by was shrouded in shadow. The king of the dark gnome, surrounded by the tall cursed warriors, stood on the deck and looked down at everything below.

Like those people, he is here for revenge. Asgard once took away everything he treasured. So now, he as it should be by rights wants to ask Asgard for justice. Or, more than just asking for justice.

Thinking of this, Malekis couldn’t help but cast his gaze at the big snake below oneself. The cold expression in his eyes could almost turn into a razor, cutting someone’s throat. And his gaze, which he considered to be hidden, simply did not escape the eyes of the serpent who was watching him at all times.

“What an idiot, do you really think I didn’t notice your little movements?”

Laughed with a grin, Yemengade stirred the wave. Let the flood advance a bit faster. And this appearance made Malekis above him directly as a provocation.

“You lead the assault team first, and I want to be the first to see the shadow of the Golden Palace.”

In the eyes of these cursed warriors who have long been unable to speak, command from the king It is absolute. So as soon as he finished speaking, the group of twelve cursed warriors standing behind him started to move. Except for the two still guards by his side, the others led the elite soldiers and acted as pioneers.

Malkis has regarded Asgard as a Chinese meal with meat on the anvil. Facing such a big cake, he had no intention of sharing it with others.

And when he was greedily and proudly looking at the vanguard battleship that was about to disappear in the distance, a blast of thunder crashed down.

This dazzling thunderbolt tore the sky in an instant, through the defenses of the battleship, and directly attacked Malekis, and in the face of such an attack, Malekis No response yet. The two cursed warriors guarding by his side already stepped forward instantly.

One of the cursed fighters directly used his own chest to block the thunderbolt lightning. The rumbling and dazzling lightning strike hit him. Except for the splendid radiance, it was simply unable to break the thick armor of the cursed warrior.

While this cursed warrior used his body to protect the master of oneself, another cursed warrior stepped forward, swiping his fist and slammed directly behind the electric light. He was not attacking the air, but the killer hiding in the dark.

With a loud noise like Hong Zhong Dalu, a short-handled hammer hidden in the electric light was directly taken away by him. This hammer, which was almost indistinguishable from electric light, couldn’t even make the cursed warrior take a step back. It was regarded as a baseball and shot down fiercely on another battleship.

The huge battleship was swallowed by the fire in an instant. Although the flying hammer was not big, the huge formidable power also smashed the entire battleship through in an instant, and was unfortunately hit. The battleship with the power furnace has no other choice than turning into a torch.

In the sound of hong long long and the rolling waves, that unfortunate battleship was quickly submerged by huge floods. Many of the lucky ones escaped the danger of battleship self-destruct, but they just got out of the battleship, they were dragged to pieces by the demons and ghosts hidden in the water, and then they looked like gluttonous hyenas. The same stuffed these minced meat into oneself’s mouth, which had no idea the taste of flesh and blood.

The war has not yet begun, these ghosts have already impatiently reached out to their allies. This behavior caused anger and fear to those who saw it all. In response to this situation, Malekis had a cold face, forcibly diverted his eyes, and turned his attention to the place where the lightning had just struck.

“Asgard’s God of Thunder Thor, is this your ability? Could it be that you don’t even have the courage to fight head-on except for sneak attacks?”

“Does a stray dog ​​who will not have anything other than a sneak attack qualified to say this?” The thunder sounded again, and an electric light slammed out of the already sunk battleship into the air. Then Malekis saw a piece of armor, and the scarlet cloak Thor caught the own divine tool Mjölnir, and stood high in the air looking at him with contempt.

For a self-respecting person like Malekis, what he can’t tolerate most is the contempt of others, especially the contempt of those who are not in his eyes. This made him angry so much that he didn’t think much about it, and pointed at Thor angrily shouted.

“A trifling stray dog ​​is also qualified to bark at me? Come and kill him!”

He tone barely fell, and a cursed warrior stood up to the ground Thor in midair jumped over. Although he can’t fly, the height of several hundred meters makes him almost the same as flying. In the face of this monster who can catch oneself flying hammer empty-handed, Thor simply didn’t want to fight him. Starting from Mjölnir, he directly raised the height of own, and then instantly turned into a thunderbolt, even The man rushed toward the enemy with a hammer. This time his goal is no longer Malekis above, but the battleship on which he is based. Thor knows his own combat goals very well. At this time, delaying the enemy is far more effective than killing the enemy.

When he saw Thor at first, Malekis made a lot of ideas. He thought this was a fool who was dazzled by the vengeance of killing his mother, a fool who only knew how to fight for life. It is precisely because of this contempt that he has no time to make effective defenses.

In an instant, a big hole was cut in the flagship song under his feet. Although this battleship is much larger than other battleships, it began to lose its balance under the destruction of Thor’s violent demolition, and slowly fell downward.

This situation made Malekiss face even more ugly. He jerked away the cursed warrior guarding oneself, and shouted loudly at him.

“Leave me alone, go and kill this little Stinking Insect first. Listen, I don’t care what you use to solve him as soon as possible. Also, don’t let me see that damn one Snake. Even if the people on this ship are dead, I don’t allow anyone to ask for help from that snake, understand?”

nodded, the last cursed warrior continued to blast under him The place rushed over. Malekis was coldly snorted and walked into a hidden room alone. That is his exclusive escape pod. Through this thing, he can quickly transfer to another battleship. Therefore, Thor’s actions didn’t make much sense to him at all, except for making him lose face.

However, what Malekis cares most about is his own face. He has been completely irritated by Thor. At this time, he has made up his mind. No matter what, he must kill the damn Thor first.

While watching the movement in the sky, the huge snake stretched out its head slowly and made a strange sound of emotion.

“Is this the king of the dark dwarf this generation, he is really an understanding guy. And he is also a stupid guy!”

“Why, you are not going to rescue you Is this king yet?”

Fenrir couldn’t help hissing and sneer when he heard it. For this somewhat mocking laughter, Yemengade just shook the head.

“That’s his business, I can’t manage it. And, don’t you think we have something to do?”

His tone barely fell, on both sides of the river bank in front The mountain burst suddenly. The huge mountain peak seemed to be cut off in half by a giant, with rolling rubble and sky full of smoke and dust, it fell directly towards the river channel of the Rhine.

The river was blocked and the monstrous flood was stopped instantly. Countless undead were wrapped and hit on the gravel, and suddenly fell into a crushing end. And looking at all of this, both Yemengade and Fenrir looked completely indifferent.

“It looks like our opponent has already come. Why, are you interested?”

“Of course, I already want to drink blood impatiently!”


The bloodthirsty scarlet appeared in the demon wolf’s eyes, and Yemengade couldn’t help but sneered in the heart of his appearance.

“You are just a fool!”

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